
Monday, December 26, 2016

Red Mafia

The Russian (Red) Mafia is a criminal super-power.  They are international and they commit many different crimes.  They are a collection of sets in the ex-Soviet Union.  Most of these sets have the same structure and intent.  There connected to the Russian government.

The Red Mafia started in the 1700's.  They robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Most peasants were poor in the 1700's.  they became the heroes of the poor, like Robin Hood.  

Lenin tried to snuff them out because they robbed him and tried to rape him.  Stalin sent criminals to the gulags, They formed bonds there.  They got tattoos while in the gulags, which represent their status in the gang.

Some of the members of Red Mafia helped the Soviet Union during WWII.  The rule was not to help the government.  The members that that joined the war were called cyka (bitch).  The members that fought were sent back to jail; even though they were told they would be set free.  The members that went back to jail and the ones that stayed fought each other.

It was known as the Bitch Wars.  Prison guards encouraged it, because they wanted criminals to die. A lot of prisoners died during the Bitch Wars.  After Stalin died there were millions of prisoners released.  They followed their own rules after the Bitch Wars.  They would work with the government if it was beneficial 4 them.

The Red mafia became very powerful in the 1960's.  They came to the U.S. in the 1970's.  After the Afghan War, Soviet soldiers offered their services to crime bosses.  In the 1990's  the Red Mafia joined forces with the Italian Mafia and Colombian drug cartels.  The operation took place in 3 major cities in the U.S.  By 2009 they were in 50 countries.
  • "Pakhan – is the Boss or Krestniy Otets or Vor or Papa or Avtoritet "Godfather" and controls everything. The Pakhan controls four criminal cells in the working unit through an intermediary called a "Brigadier."[35]
  • Two Spies – watch over the action of the brigadiers to ensure loyalty and none become too powerful. Sovietnik (Support Group) and Obshchak (Security Group) Derzhatel obschaka – the bookkeeper, who collects all money from Brigadiers and bribes the government to Obshchak (money mafia intended for use in the interests of the group). Could be Brigadier, Pakhan, Autoritet.
  • Brigadier – or Avtoritet ("Authority"), is like a captain in charge of a small group of men, similar to Caporegime in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. He gives out jobs to Boyeviks ("warriors") and pays tribute to Pakhan. He runs a crew which is called a Brigade (Bratva). A Brigade is made up of 5–6 Pacanov or Brodyag.
  • Bratok or Pacan or Brodyaga– literally "warrior" works for a Brigadier having a special criminal activity to run, similar to soldiers in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. A Boyevik is in charge of finding new guys and paying tribute up to his Brigadier. Boyeviks also make up the main strike force of a brigade (bratva).
  • Shestyorka – is an "associate" to the organization also called the "six", similar to associates in Italian-American Mafia crime families and Sicilian Mafia clans. Is an errand boy for the organization and is the lowest rank in the Russian Mafia. The sixes are assigned to some Avtorityets for support. They also provide an intelligence for the upcoming "dielo" or on a certain target. They usually stay out of the main actions, although there might be exceptions, depending on circumstances. During a "delo" Shestyorkas perform security functions standing on the lookout (Shukher – literally: danger). It is a temporary position and an individual either making it into the Vor-world or being cast aside. As they are earning their respect and trust in Bratva they may be performing roles of the regular Boyeviks or Byki depending on the necessities and patronage of their Brigadier or Avtorityet. The etymology of 'shestyorka' word comes from the lowest rank of 36 playing card deck – sixes."

"Groups based in and around the City of Moscow:
  • Solntsevskaya Bratva: Led by Sergei "Mikhas" Mikhailov, it is Russia's largest criminal group with about 5,000 members, and is named after the Solntsevo District.[38][39]
  • Rodina (Motherland): Moscow based crime syndicate with international influences, millionaire Natasha Suvorova was accused of being an important member in a 2015 trial.
  • Lyuberetskaya Bratva (Russian: Люберецкая Братва) or Lyubery (Russian: Люберы): One of the largest criminal groups in the late 1980s – early-mid-1990s in the USSR. Based in (and originating from) Lyubertsy district of Moscow.
  • The Izmaylovskaya gang: One of Russia's oldest modern gangs, it was started in the mid- to late-1980s by Oleg Ivanov; it has around 200–500 members in Moscow alone and is named after the Izmaylovo District.[40]
  • The Orekhovskaya gang: Founded by Sergei "Sylvester" Timofeyev, this group reached its height in Moscow in the 1990s. When Timofeyev died, Sergei Butorin took his place. However, he was sentenced to jail for life in 2011.[41][42]
Groups based in other parts of Russia and the former Soviet Union:
  • The Dolgoprudnenskaya gang: Russia's second largest criminal group.[39] Originally from the City of Dolgoprudny.
  • The Grekov Gang: Named after Grecoff Bradlik, this group has been known to dominate Saint Petersburg and has branches in MontrealCanada; the man most associated with them is Vladimir Kumarin.[40]
  • The Slonovskaya gang was one of the strongest criminal groups in CIS in the 1990s. It was based in Ryazan. It had a long-term war with other criminal groups of the city (AyrapetovskayaKochetkovskie, etc.)
  • The Uralmash gang of Yekaterinburg.
  • The Chechen mafia is one of the largest ethnic organized crime groups operating in the former Soviet Union next to established Russian mafia groups.
  • The Georgian mafia is regarded as one of the biggest, powerful and influential criminal networks in Europe, which has produced the biggest number of "thieves in law" in all former USSR countries.
  • The Mkhedrioni was a paramilitary group involved in organized crime[citation needed] led by a Thief in law Jaba Ioseliani in Georgia in 1990s.
  • The city of Kazan was known for its gang culture, which later progressed into more organized, mafia-esque groups. This was known as the Kazan phenomenon.
Groups based in and around The United States of America:
  • The Odessa Mafia: The most prominent and dominant Russian criminal group operating in the US; its headquarters is in Brighton Beach.[4][5]
  • Armenian Power, or AP-13, is a California-based crime syndicate tied to Russian and Armenian organized crime.

Groups based in other areas:
  • The Brothers' Circle: Headed by Temuri Mirzoyev, this multi-ethnic transnational group is "composed of leaders and senior members of several Eurasian criminal groups largely based in countries of the former Soviet Union but operating in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America."[43] In 2011, US President Barack Obama and his administration named it one of four transnational organized crime groups that posed the greatest threat to US national security, and sanctioned certain key members and froze their assets.[44][45] A year later, he extended the national emergency against them for another year.[46]
  • The Semion Mogilevich organization: Based in BudapestHungary and headed by the crime boss of the same name, this group numbered approximately 250 members as of 1996. Its business is often connected with that of the Solntsevskaya Bratva and the Vyacheslav Ivankov Organization. Aleksey Anatolyevich Lugovkov is the second-in-command, and Vitaly Borisovich Savalovsky is the "underboss" to Mogilevich.[47]
  • Order of Ronova: An organization with ties to Russian and Italian organized crime, based throughout Salt Lake City, Utah, Carson City, Nevada, Tacoma, Washington, and Phoenix, Arizona. It has an estimate of 100 made members and 400 associates.
  • Gradinaru Bratva: A family started in Cleveland Ohio, it is also known as Оргаруже, which stands for Organized Russian Gentlemen. Founded by the Michalov family and are usually hard to spot, these gentlemen are fierce and have their own hierarchy consisting of three leaders one of which Alexander Michalov was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2006."

The Red Mafia do a lot of kidnapping.  They tried to kidnap Madonna in 2006 when she was touring in Russia.  Some of the members of the Red Mafia have college degrees.  They engage in a lot of bank fraud. The Red Mafia also sells a lot of weapons.  Some of these weapons end up in the hands of Islamic terrorists. They sell young women to brothels.  They become sex slaves.  They brought drugs from South America to Europe.

Red Mafia Connection to Putin
Sometimes the Red Mafia is used by the Russian government to serve its interest.  The government doesn't use every set of the Red Mafia.  They just use the certain sets when the opportunity arises. The Red Mafia is used by the government to do things they can't do.  Such as giving weapons to the Kurds, so they can fight the Turks.  Russia and Turkey are beefing at the moment.
The Red Mafia is the greatest criminal organization in the world!  They have ranks and many sets. They commit a lot of kidnapping, human trafficking, weapon smuggling, bank fraud, drug distribution, etc.  They are somewhat controlled by the Russian government.    

Red Mob
Somebody Got Wet
They Getting Buck Wild!
Red Mafia Prank

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