
Friday, December 30, 2016

Oyo Empire

Oyo started in the 1300's.  Oyo became an empire in the 1600s.  They had their own government, military, culture.  They were involved with the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Political Organization
Alaafin: King of the Oyo Empire.
Oyo Mesi: A council that selected the Alaafin and they were the legislature.  They were similar to congress.

Ogboni: They were religious leaders.   They were judges for cases that involved the spilling of blood. They were the judicial branch.

Ajele: Agents that supervised rulers that were under the Alaafin.

Social Structure
Oyo Empire was composed of 4 layers.

Metropolitan Oyo: This was the center of the empire.  It had 6 sections.  Each section was controlled by a governor.

Yorubaland: These were towns close to Oyo.  The towns were ruled by Obas.

Egbado Corridor: Egba and Egbado people lived here.  The people ruled themselves, with Ajele supervision.

Ajaland: Ewe people lived here.  They were allowed to rule themselves as long as they followed the rules. They enslaved people for Oyo.    

Eso: They were the commanders of the military.

Infantry: The men had sword, shields and spears.

Cavalry: Armored horses were used in battles north of Oyo.  They weren't used in the south. Sometimes slaves were used in the cavalry.  

Oyo was founded by Oranmiyan.  Oranmiyan was a great military leader.  Oyo was conquered Nupe Empire in 1550.  Alaafin Orompoto created calvary 4 Oyo.  Oyo became very wealthy because it had control to trade routes.  Oyo traded with Gao, Timbuktu, Jenne, and Hausaland.

In the 1600's Oyo had a strong government and military.  This gave it the ability to become more imperial.  Oyo tried and failed to conquer Benin.  Aja and Ewe nations gave tribute to the Oyo.  In 1748 Oyo defeated Dahomey, so Dahomey was forced to pay tribute.  The Oyo, Akan, and Dahomey militaries defeated the Asante military in 1764.  

The Oyo Empire weakened because there were political disputes.  The Egbado Corridor revolted after this.  Dahomey raided villages in Oyo Empire for slaves.  In response to this, Oyo attacked Dahomey and was defeated.  Dahomey no longer had to pay tribute to Oyo.  The Fulanis jihaded the Oyo Empire.  The Oyo Empire fell a year later.  The British took over whatever was left of the Oyo Empire in 1888.

This empire was created by the Yoruba.  If you want to know more about them click here.

Artists of this empire made great sculptors.  They even sculpted ivory and made beautiful textiles. They made a lot of armlets.  Architects made nice houses.  The Yoruba may be the greatest African artists!  
To learn more about Oyo's religion click here.
The Oyo Empire was amazing!!!!!!  They had a great government with checks and balances.  They had a sweet military.  The people in Egbado Corridor and Ajaland should have been treated better. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar.  The Oyo Empire shouldn't have involved itself with the Trans-Saharan and Trans-Atlantic slave trade.  They should have fought it like Queen Nzinga.  I give the Oyo Empire a B.    
Oyo Empire
Alaafin Celebration
Movie based on Empire
Royal Dance

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