
Thursday, December 8, 2016


The term Melanoids in this post simply means Africoid aliens.  There are many species of Melanoids.  They are the Vegans, Sirians, Martians, etc.  They are very advanced and the government made contact with them.  Africans are the descendants of Melanoids.  Certain forces are trying to cover up info regarding melanoids.

Different Types of Melanoids
Vegans: They live around Vega and they are very advanced.  They are about 6.6 feet tall.  They have large eyes and green blood.  They have tough skin because Vega gives off a lot of ultraviolet light.  A quite a few of them have a greenish tinge to their skin.  Some of them look like insects, others look like reptoids.  The Vegans came to earth millions of years ago.  Some humans were Vegans in a past life.  They created the Lyrans.    

Sirians: They come from Vegans and natives of the Sirius star system.  They had a lot to do with the genetic experiment of homo sapien sapien.  They were seen as gods by prehistoric humans, so they worshiped them. They were very influential in the Lemurian, Atlantean, and Kemetic civilizations.  Some of the pharaohs had Sirian blood.   They have helped in the creation of the Anunnaki.

Some Sirians were involved with the Montauk project.  

They are other types of aliens in the Sirus star system.  One of them is called the Nommo.  The Nommo gave the Dogon and other African tribes great knowledge.

Orionites: They are descended from the Vegans.  Some of the Orionite priests can turn their eyes into a unique shade of blue.  Orionites create a large empire and helped create Annunaki.  Some say Star Wars is based on the wars of Orion.  It is also said Orion constellation has the greatest polarity in this galaxy.            
Altairians: They also come from Vegans.  They are very philosophical and humorous.  They get married around 29 years of age.  Their planet has 3 moons.

There are other aliens that are descended Vegans throughout the milky way.

Martians: There are Ethiopians and Nigerians that say their ancestors come from Mars.  One of the UFO Twins was taken to Mars and found out it is a Black Planet!!!!!!!!!!  

There are non-Melanoid species in these star systems as well.
Origins of Africans and the Cover-up
Africans are the direct or indirect descendants of Melanoids.  Info regarding Melanoids is hidden because racism is prevalent.  A lot of African artifacts have been destroyed because of this.  Africans, Americans, and other dark skin people have stories coming from different constellations.
I love Melanoids because I'm one of them.  They have a rich history and they are the first humans. There are many different species.  Some are positive and other are negative.  Learn more about them.    

The Nommo
UFO Twins
Coverup of the Melanoids
Original (Hue)men
More Coverup of Melanoids

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