
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Birth Chart

The birth chart tells you where all the planets were when you was born.  It has an affect on your personality, behavior, and destiny.  It is at least 70% accurate.
The Sun sign explains your personality, essence, and destiny.  Sun in Aries: Athletes that are bold and honest.   Taurus: Hard workers and very sensual.   Gemini: Adaptable and social.  Cancer: Compassionate, protective and emotional.   Leo: Feel like royalty; loyal and humble.  Virgo: Very responsible and love nature.  Libra: They seek Maat.  Like to compare and contrast.  Scorpio: Strong willpower and into the Darkside.  Sagittarius: Disdain routine.  Free spirited, optimistic, and faithful. Capricorn: Very pragmatic and organized.  Don't take any risk.  Aquarius: Witty, and independent thinkers.  Pisces: Contains traits of all signs.  Artistic, intellectual, romantic, hypersensitive, and indecisive.
The Moon sign explains the affect memories have on you.  It is the unconscious.  Moon in Aries: Perseverance and a good sense of humor.  Taurus: Likes fashion and full of inner wisdom.  Gemini: Great listeners and love music.  Cancer: Psychic and a great helper.  Leo: Demands respect and is highly intelligent. Virgo: Very intuitive.  Libra: Seeks Maat in all things.  Loves fashion and art. Scorpio: In touch with other people emotions.  Sagittarius: Love adventure, philosophical, and tutoring.  Capricorn: Great planner; excellent at accomplishing goals.  Aquarius: Loves to help people and knows what people are thinking or feeling.  Pisces: Very psychic and creative.
Rising sign is the way the world sees you.  Rising in Aries: Act without thinking.  Energetic and honest. Taurus: Loyal, responsible, stubborn,  and monogamous.  Gemini: Curious, clever, social, and analytical. Cancer: Hypersensitive, sentimental, and likes structure.  Leo: Very attractive, anger issues, prideful, impulsive, and romantic.  Virgo: They are intelligent, pragmatic, and adaptable. Libra: Romantic, seeks Ma'at, and social.  Scorpio: Very determined, creative, and emotional. Sagittarius: Loves to travel.  Curious about spirituality and philosophy.  Capricorn: Very serious, works hard, and rational.  Aquarius: Intellectual and likes science.  Pisces: Change a lot. Disorganized, psychic, creative, and sensitive.  

Mercury sign explains how you perceive the world and how you'll relate to people.  Mercury in Aries: Very direct and likes to start new things.  Taurus: Stubborn, funny, and good with $.  Gemini: Jack of all trade, logical, and hypersensitive.  Cancer: Shy, great memory, emotional, good speakers, good writing, and loyal. Leo: Idealistic, creative, and loves to be in the spotlight.  Virgo: Organized, pragmatic, and flexible.  Libra: Peacemakers, indecisive, rational, and great performers.  Scorpio: Truthseekers, smart, instinctive, and semi- psychic.  Sagittarius: Optimistic, open-minded, sometimes rude.  Capricorn: Compartmentalized, pragmatic, strong faith, self-control, and loves history.  Aquarius: Great debaters, versatile, and funny.  Pisces: Poetic, conversationalists, openminded, indecisive, compassionate, and very dreamy.    
Venus sign explains what you are passionate about.  Venus in Aries: Romantic, spontaneous, impulsive, Alpha, confident, and affectionate.  Taurus: Instant gratification, dependable, resistant to change, and pragmatic.  Gemini: Knowledgeable, social, attractive, and flexible.  Cancer: Sensitive, intuitive, creative, and affectionate.  Leo: Very loyal, romantic, imaginative, and outgoing.  Virgo: Great listeners, happy, selective, and honest.  Libra: Friendly, gentle, sensitive, and romantic. Scorpio: Very loving, jealous, suspicious, loves novelty.  Sagittarius: Friendly, open-minded, enjoys novelty.  Capricorn: Responsible, controlling, conservative, and pragmatic.  Aquarius: Rebels, intellectual, and curious.  Pisces: Romantic, flexible, great actors, and love the occult.  
Mars sign explains how you'll fulfill your Venusian desires.  Mars in Aries: Impulsive, forgiving, passionate, competitive, massive libidos, likes flings.  Taurus: Great anger in when pushed to the limit, patient, reliable, honest, loves 4play.  Gemini: Great speakers, busy, adaptable, creative, and want to be seen.  Cancer: Indifferent, hypersensitive, ultra-emotional, very loving and sexual.  Leo: Pragmatic, determined, romantic, seeks happiness.  Virgo: Pragmatic, intolerant, and drama free. Libra: Charming, peacemakers, romantic, cheater.  Scorpio: Likes to be challenged, strong desires and emotions, likes BDSM, and passionate. Sagittarius: Impatient, ADHD, pervasive, not so bright, and likes to cheat.  Capricorn: Orderly, ambitious, materialistic, reliable, massive libido.  Aquarius: Independent, bright, reformer, imaginative, and like diversity. Pisces: Gentle, romantic, likes gentle sex, passive.            
Jupiter sign explains your life path.  Jupiter in Aries: Good luck, tolerant, travelers, and great learners. Taurus: Good luck, hard workers, compassionate, financially secure, and likes to laugh.  Gemini: Curious, witty, versatile, great communicators and multitaskers.  Cancer: Intuitive, compassionate, healers, and friendly.  Leo: Generous, inspirational, honest, courageous, and self-reliant.  Virgo: Honest, pragmatic, routine, realist, and likes science.  Libra: Interpersonal, diplomatic, greedy, humorous, and likes novelty. Scorpio: Into the occult, good at bizzness, and clever.  Sagittarius: Inspirational, outgoing, likes sports and travel.  Capricorn: Optimistic, good with $, ambitious, and conservative.  Aquarius: Cooperative, understanding, and innovative.  Pisces: Empathic, wants to help people, and semi-psychic.  
Saturn sign is the rules you impose on yourself.  Saturn in Aries: Rational, suspicious, likes to exercises. Taurus: Political, bizzness-minded, loyal and jealous.  Gemini: Scientific, may be mentally delayed, very serious, good at bizzness.  Cancer: Fearful, depressed, and insecure.  Leo: Natural born leader, jealous, determined, may have heart problems.  Virgo: Pragmatic, shy, may have intestinal problems.  Libra: Uphold Ma'at, artistic, may have kidney problems.  Scorpio: Determined, secretive, fears rejection, into the occult, may have bowel problems.  Sagittarius: Big on education, religion, and philosophy, etc.  Capricorn: Power hungry, self-disciplined, persistent, may have skeletal problems.  Aquarius: Conservative, scientific, may have problems with the nervous system.  Pisces: Sensitive, patient, may have a weak body.        
Uranus sign is learning from obstacles.  Uranus in Aries: Independent, good with bizzness and $. Taurus: Intuitive, pragmatic, stubborn, jealous, and good at real estate.  Gemini: Versatile, logical, and restless. Cancer: Psychic, emotional, and impatient.  Leo: determined, impatient, and rebellious. Virgo: Intuition, good with $, into natural healing.  Libra: Into the occult, logical, and likes to cheat. Scorpio: Determined, rebellious, and envious.  Sagittarius: Very intuitive, scientific, philosophical, and can become great diviner. Capricorn:  Ambitious, responsible, impulsive, and conservative.  Aquarius: Intuition, social, and technological.  Pisces: Into the occult, mystic, and very imaginative.  
Neptune is mysterious, psychic, illusion, and divine love.  Neptune in Aries: Very religious, warriors, work on projects from the imagination.  Taurus: Materialistic, pragmatic, and not good with $. Gemini: Versatile, psychic powers, into the paranormal.  Cancer: Patriotic, family, and self-sacrifice. Leo: Creative, social, and loves kids.  Virgo: Loves family and nutrition.  Have psychic powers.  Libra: Seeks Ma'at in their relationships and the world.  Scorpio: passionate about the occult and entheogens.  Sagittarius: Intuitive and have psychic powers.  Capricorn: Serious and $ hungry. Aquarius: Altruistic, independent, merge science with spiritually.  Pisces: Have psychic powers, very emotional, and selfless.
Pluto is your personal evolution and self-empowerment.  Pluto in Aries: Passionate and impatience. Taurus: Persistent and greedy.  Gemini: Versatile, creative, into the occult.  Cancer: Very emotional, possessive, and caring.  Leo: Optimistic, romantic, and rebellious.  Virgo: Organized, analytical, and modest.  Libra: Love Ma'at, compulsive, and compromise.  Scorpio: Emotional, strong will, and into the dark side.  Sagittarius: Friendly, foolish, and adventurous.  Capricorn: Ambitious and organized. Aquarius: Nonconformist and into Ma'at.  Pisces: Semi-psychic, into spiritually, like to keep secrets.
The outer planets are generational because they take a long time to go around the sun.  There are more celestial objects, but this will suffice.      

The birth chart is amazing!  I did it and it was mostly right.  If you want to know your birth chart click here. There is something new to learn every day.  If you want to learn about the 13th sign click here.
Birth Chart
13 Signs Chart

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

13th Sign

The 13th sign is Ophiuchus(serpent bearer); its constellation is Draco.  The serpent is a symbol of wisdom and immortality.  This sign has traits of Scorpio and Sagittarius.  This sign has great feminine energy. Ophiuchus is associated with Imhotep and Asclepius.  Imhotep was a polymath, magician, philosopher, doctor, and architect.  He is the father of modern medicine.  Asclepius is a Greek God of healing based on Imhotep.  People of this sign have great healing energy.  The element of this sign is ether, which is the spirit.

Planets in Ophiuchus
Sun (11/30-12/17)-You is a very determined person and unique.  Some people may see you as crazy because you are a nonconformist.  You don't care for labels.  You are beyond definition.            
Moon-It is life and death.  It has great feminine power and mind control power.  Sexually liberal.     

Venus-This is a person that is very inverted or everted.  They shift between the 2.  They are very manipulative.

Mercury-It wants anarchy because it hates authority.  Thinking is very non-linear.  

Mars-Annihilate enemies.  Don't get on this Mars bad side.  Very sexually liberal.  

Jupiter-You can predict the future.  You can control people's mind by showing them a reality of your own choosing.

Saturn (2/86-12/87)-Strong psychic powers.  You may experience persecution because society may fear you.  

Uranus (3/83-12/87)-Great magical power.  Will transform society.  May get persecuted for the same reasons as Saturn.

Neptune (10/74-10/83)-You will bring in a newer consciousness.  You are a great transformer.  

Pluto (2/98-12/06)-The death and resurrection of feminine energy.
This sign is amazing!  It is very maternal and magical.  I love women, so feminine energy is sweet.  I will be a greater lady lover! 
13th Sign
NASA Update 
Healing Lady
Story of the Great Serpent  

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chronology of Ethiopia

0. Human fossils close to 200,000 years old have been found in Ethiopia.  Kemetians went to regions around present day Ethiopia for trade.  Predynastic Kemetians got volcanic glass from present day Ethiopia.  The word Ethiopia is a Greek word, which means land of the sunburnt face.  Any kingdom full of dark skin people was called Ethiopia by the Greeks.  India and Arabia were known as Ethiopia because they are full of dark skin people.  Modern day Sudan was called Ethiopia by the Greeks as well.  They knew the Kemetic civilization came from Sudan.  Present day Ethiopia is east of Sudan (ancient Ethiopia) and south of Eritrea. Present day Ethiopia used to be known as Abyssinia.  This chronology is about present day Ethiopia. Ethiopia or somewhere close by is the birthplace of the Afro-Asian language family.               
1. The first known kingdom in Ethiopia is DMT.  It was created in the 800's BCE.  It lasted for several centuries.  DMT was influenced by the Sabaeans.  The Sabaeans are ancestors of the Habesha (Ethiopian Semites); they are the biggest minority in Ethiopia.  They run the government.
2. Aksum (Ethiopia) started around 300 BCE and lasted 4 more than a millennium.  It minted its own coins and was a superpower in the ancient world.  Aksum had an empire that encompassed Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt!  It became a Christian kingdom in the 4th century CE.  B4 it was a Christian kingdom it was a Jewish kingdom.  The Aksumites put the cross on their coin.
A Jewish king named Dhu Nuwas was persecuting Christians in his kingdom called Himyar (Yemen). Aksumite King Kaleb sent troops to stop the persecution.  Abraha was a general of Kaleb.  He led an army of 100,00 troops and many elephants to fight the forces of the Jewish king.  They got help from Byzantine's navy.  Dhu Nuwas committed suicide and a Christian named Sumuafa Ashawa became the king of Himyar. Abraha with the help of his troops' did a coup d'etat in defiance to Kaleb.  He ruled Himyar for 26 years. He had a church built in Himyar and he may have wanted to destroy the Kaaba in Arabia.  He kept Christians safe from Jews and pagans.  After he died the Persians conquered Himyar.  The Persians were in cahoots with the Jews, so they murdered a lot of Christians.  All of this happened around the time of Muhammad birth.  Aksum became a safe haven for Muslims when they were persecuted in Arabia.  Umar (caliph) sent a Muslim navy to attack Aksum but was unsuccessful.  Aksumite pirates occupied a city in Arabia in 702.  In response to this, Sulayman conquered the Dahlak Archipelago (chain of islands east of Eritrea).  The people that lived there were the first people in the Horn of Africa to convert to Islam.
Once Islam became popular Aksum fell off.  Arabs became more powerful and Aksum began to shrink in size.  There were some issues with rainfall for a century or 2, which contributed to the downfall of Aksum.

Mara Takla Haymanot became the Emperor of Aksum in 1137.  He founded the Zagwe dynasty.  The dynasty lasted about 300 years.  Rock-hewn churches were built at this time.  Aksum was very religious and peaceful.  The Ethiopians went Europe and spoke to the Pope and other Christians at the end of the Crusades.  The Christians were supposed to come with a way to defeat Muslims but never did.
Legend has the Queen of Sheba and Solomon had a child, which became a king of Ethiopia.  The dynasty after the Zagwe dynasty was the Solomonic dynasty.  Great art and texts were created at this time.  The Portuguese came to Ethiopia in 1490.  The Ethiopian Emperor sent a messenger to the King of Portugal to get help to defeat the Muslims.
Haile Selassie became Emperor in 1930.  He ruled until 1974.  Italians invaded in 1935.  The King of Italy became the King of Ethiopia.  During WWII the British defeated the Italians and Ethiopia became independent again.  In 1974 Communists tookover the country.  During the Red Terror, 500,000 people were killed.  Most of them were starved to death.  Militias came together and defeated the Communists.  In 1995 Ethiopia had their first elections.  It has been democratic ever since.                       
3. There was a Jewish kingdom in Ethiopia; it started in 4th century CE.  It was called Semien.  There was a Queen of Semien named Judith.  She destroyed Axum.  A lot of churches were burnt down.  She ruled Axum for 40 years.  Her descendants ruled after her.  They were overthrown by Mara Takla Haymanot. The tribe in this kingdom are called Beta Israel.  Beta Israel had several wars with Aksum and Adal Sultanate.   In 1627 the Jewish Kingdom was destroyed by Aksum. 
4. Adal Sultanate was a Muslim kingdom in the Horn of Africa.  They went to war with the Jewish and Christian kingdoms of Ethiopia.  Adal Sultanate was created by Somalis.   It was founded in 1415 and lasted till 1577.  Several languages were spoken there.  Arabic was the most popular language. Adal Sultanate traded with many countries in 3 continents!  There were splendid buildings in the land.  The military consisted of swordsmen, archers, lancers, and gunmen.  Soldiers were helmets and armor.  Adal Sultanate conquered the highlands of Ethiopia in 1529 because they got canons from Ottomans.  Aksum defeated Adal Sultanate in 1541 because they got guns from Portugal.                                                                        
5. The Ethiopian government has a legislative branch, executive branch, and judicial branch.  The government punishes people that oppose them.  Protesters have been murdered in 2015-2016. Ethiopia has 9 states. The police are very brutal.  They killed 193 people in 2005.
6. The biggest religion in Ethiopia is the Ethiopian Orthodox.  It is a form of Christianity that is very Jewish. The Ark of the covenant is in Ethiopia.  Ethiopia has been a Christian kingdom for 1700 years! Muslims have been in Ethiopia for 1400 years!  Most Ethiopians are Christian followed by Muslims. There were Jews in Ethiopia, but now they live in Israel. Over 2% of Ethiopians follow an African traditional religion.  A few members of the Oromo tribe worship a god called Waaq.  He is a part of their monotheistic religion.  This religion was followed by Somalis b4 they became Muslims. Complementary pairs are important to this religion.  Similar to yin-yang. The practitioners of the religion must find a balance between the pairs.  The Kemetians called this Ma'at.
7. There are many tribes in Ethiopia.  I will list and describe some.

Aari: They are farmers and they number over 200,000.                      
Afar: They herd cattle, goats, and sheep.  They look like Kemetians.
Agaw: There Cushites that live in Northern Ethiopia.  The Zagwe dynasty came from them.
Amhara: The most powerful Semitic tribe in Ethiopia.  They help create Aksum and the Solomonic dynasty. They lived in Yemen over 2,000 years ago.  Their language is the most popular language in Ethiopia.  Haile Selassie was part of this tribe.
Anuak: They are a  part of the Luo people.  Obama's father was a member of the Luo tribe. They are farmers and herders.
Beta Israel: They lived in Ethiopia until the 80's.  They may be the tribe of Dan.  They lived in Yemen b4 they moved to Ethiopia.  They have been Jews longer than Ashkenazim.  They existed b4 the Pharisees because their form of Judaism is non-Rabbinic.  I think they had to convert to the new form of Judaism to live in Israel.  They donated some blood in Israel but it was thrown away.  Women of this tribe were given birth control but it made them infertile.  They are victims of racism.   
Gurage: They are the descendants of the Aksumite military.  They are farmers and Haile Selassie was part of this tribe. 
Hamar: They like to play a cattle jumping game.  The Minoans did something similar.  The Hamar tribe like to herd cattle and farm.  For a man to get married he has to pay a bride price.  
Oromo: They were Kemetians and Nubians.  They are the biggest tribe in Ethiopia.  They may be the ancestors of all Cushite people.  I read the Somalis come from them.  Haile Selassie was part of this tribe too.  They are my favorite Ethiopian tribe because they remind me of African Americans.  They had their own country called Oromia.  It was conquered by Ethiopia.  They created their own lunar-stellar calendar 2300 years ago!  They created their own religion.  They created an age system called Gadaa.  People changed occupations every 8 years.  I wrote about this tribe on my blog.
Tigrayans: They are closely related to the Amhara.  They have their own language, which comes from Ge'ez. Many Ethiopian Emperors were from this tribe.       
There are many other tribes, but this will suffice.
History of Ethiopia
Hamar Wives
Habesha Beauty
Oromo Music
Amhara Music
Gurage Music
Tigrinya Wedding Dance
Anauk Youth Dance
Pretty Aari babies
Real Jews Traveling

Chronology of Israel

0. Isreali archeologists discovered 400,000-year-old human fossils.  The land known today as Israel was called Canaan in ancient times.  The people that lived there was called the Canaanites.  Jericho has been inhabited for over 10,000 years.  It is one of the oldest cities in the world!  Ancient Canaan consisted of modern day Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.    

1. Most Canaanites in ancient times were Semites.  Semites were originally African, but over time they became more Caucasian.  Semites are people whose first language is Semitic.  Arabs, the biggest minority in Ethiopia, Jewish, Lebanese, and Syrian people are Semitic.  Semites created a proto-alphabet when they were working for the Khemetians.  The proto-alphabet is based on the hieroglyphics.  The Phoenician alphabet is the descendant of the proto-alphabet.  This was the first alphabet.  Hebrew and Greek written languages come from the Phoenician alphabet.
2.  There was a Kemetic colony in Southern Canaan 3500 BCE.  The Kemetians and the Canaanites were great friends.  They traded a little.  The Sea People invaded Canaan during the bronze age collapse and they destroyed the Hittite Empire (Turkey).  The Philistines lived in the Greek Isles, they were part of the Sea people. They attacked the Kemetians, then they settled in Canaan.  They had a Minoan language.

3. Phoenicians (purple people) lived on the coast of Canaan.  They did a lot of sea trade. They have gone to the Americas!  The Phoenicians lived in several city-states.  Byblos exported cedar wood and papyrus. Papyruses were used for paper.  The Greek word for book comes from Byblos.  People have lived in Byblos for over 7,000 years.  Tyre manufactured a purple dye and Europa and Queen Dido came from that city.  Europe is named after Europa.  She was the first queen of Crete and she had 3 sons by Zeus.  Queen Dido founded Carthage.  Sidon was the greatest city-state of the Phoenicians.  They were excellent at making glass.  Artifacts from Sidon have been in Kemet, Mesopotamia, Rome, and the British Isles.  People from this city helped Kemetians with glass making.      
4. Amorites were a Caucasian tribe that conquered Babylonia; they also lived in Canaan.  They were later displaced or absorbed by Aramaeans.  Aramaic became popular in the Middle East because it became the language of the Assyrian Empire.  The Aramaic script influenced the Hebrew script.  Canaan was part of Kemetic empire during certain centuries.  Sometimes Canaanites would go to Kemet to eat because it had a lot of food.  There were Canaanite kings that ruled parts of Lower Egypt.              
5. Canaanites were polytheistic and they believed in the afterlife.  Their top god was El.  He was known as the father of the clan.  He had a wife named Astarte.  Yahweh incorporated the traits of El. Leviathan comes from Lotan the sea serpent.  Lucifer is based on Attar because he is the morning star (Venus).  A lot of biblical stuff came from Canaan.
6. Hebrews were originally a Kemetic tribe that immigrated to Canaan.  They mixed with a lot of different people and became less Kemetic.  Africans Who Wrote the Bible explained this in great detail.  Greek historian Diodorus said they got circumcision from the Kemetians.  It is hard to separate fact from fiction in the bible because it is full of both.  There were 2 Hebrew kingdoms in Canaan.  The northern kingdom was called Israel and the southern kingdom was called Judea.  Israel was conquered by Babylonia.  The Hebrews were forced to leave Israel.  This is how 10 tribes got lost.
7. Babylonia had a big influence on Northern Canaan.  Kemet had a big influence on Southern Canaan. Israel used to be called Palestine.  The Romans named it that after the Palestinians.  At different times Canaan was ruled by Kemet, Assyria, Babylonia, Greeks, Rome, Turkey, and Zionists.          

8. The Greeks tookover Canaan during Alexander conquest.  Israel became a part of the Seleucid Empire. The Greeks put a statue of Zeus in a Jewish temple.  Jews (Judeans) got upset and fought the Greeks.
9. The Romans tookover Judea after the Greeks.  The Jews didn't like being ruled by Romans.  There was a Jewish cult called Zealots.  They fought the Romans and later committed mass suicide.   There were 3 other cults.  The Sadducees did religious services for rich people.  The Essences were hippies.  They started in Kemet, they were called Physicians of the Soul. They were influenced by Buddhists and Pythagoreans.  The Pharisees did religious services for the common people.  People had to pay to get into the temple.  Jesus went against this, that's why he was crucified.  Rabbinic Judaism comes from the Pharisees.  The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 CE.  There were several revolts after this.  Jews spread to various areas after the revolts.  It is called Jewish Diaspora.  Judaism is Saturn worship.
10. Byzantine tookover this region after the Romans.  The Persians conquered Palestine with the help of Jews.  Then the Jews helped Byzantine defeat the Persians.  Byzantine told the Jews they would be given rights for helping them; but once Byzantine tookover they persecuted the Jews.
11. Arabs conquered Palestine after they became Islamic.  They ruled Palestine for over 400 years!  Islam later became the religion of Palestine.  Jewish scribes created the final version of the bible during this period.

12.  The Crusades started in 1099.  A Catholic kingdom was created in Jerusalem.  Christians killed many Jews and Muslims at this time.  Some Jews and Muslims were sold in slavery.  Muslims retook Jerusalem in 1187.  The Mongols and the Mamluks (Turkish rulers of Egypt) fought each other in Palestine.  The Mongols were allied to the Christian invaders.  The Mamluks defeated the Mongols in 1291, then they kicked the Crusaders out.
13. The Mamluks became the new rulers of Palestine.  They mistreated the Jews.  Jews were also mistreated by Christians in Europe.  There was a lot of Jewish hatred in Europe at this time.  After Christians tookover Iberia they kicked Jews out unless they converted to Christianity.  A lot of Sephardic Jews moved to Central and South America.  They also moved to North Africa., Poland, and Ottoman Empire.
14. The Ottomans tookover Palestine in 1517.  Jews immigrated to Palestine when they were persecuted in other countries.  Most of them lived in Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed.  The Kabbalah was studied in Safed.  2 Jewish cities were destroyed when the Druzes revolted against Ottoman rule.  Sabbatai Zevi went to Jerusalem and said he was the Messiah.  A lot of people believed him.  He went to Istanbul and became a Muslim, but he secretly remained a Jew.  He only became a Muslim so he wouldn't be put in prison.  Napoleon conquered Palestine and he was going to allow the Jews have their own country, but he lost a battle.

15. The British tookover Palestine after WWI.  They created the Balfour Declaration, which allowed a lot of European Jews to move to Palestine.  Zionists were in cahoots with Nazis during WWII.   Religious Jews were sacrificed for the State of Israel.  Holocaust means burnt offering.  After WWII a lot more European Jews moved to Palestine.  The Zionists fought the British in Palestine, so they could get the land.
16. The Zionists became the rulers of Palestine in 1948.  They terrorized the Palestinians and stole their villages.  Then they pretended to be Arabs and attacked Middle Eastern Jews.  In response to that, Middle Eastern Jews left Muslim countries because they thought Arabs were attacking them.  When they came to Israel they were mistreated.  Decades later Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel.  They were also mistreated.  No ethnic groups should ever be mistreated.  All human life is valuable.  Check out Jews against Zionists and Jews against circumcision.            
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times Donald B Redford
Original Canaanites
Beautiful Blackness of the Holy Land
Origins of Judaism
Yahweh is El

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Chronology of Japan

0. In prehistoric times Japan was connected to Asia by various land bridges.  People have been in Japan for over 35,000 years!  The Ainu people are the descendants of the first people in Japan.  They are hairy and they look like Australian (Aboriginal) people.  They are close to nature and they like to hunt and fish.  Bears play a big role in their religion.  They are greatest basketball players in Japan. Legend has it the Ainu people lived in Japan 100,000 years b4 the Children of the Sun (Japanese people).
1. The first known culture in Japan was the Jomon.  The culture began over 12,000 years ago.  This culture has 6 phases.  Most of the phases lasted for over 1,000 years.  The Jomon people made pottery at in the first phase.  The fished, hunted with stone tools, and set reps for prey.  They may have come to the west coast of the North America in prehistoric times.  In the next phase, sea levels rose and islands broke apart.  Food became more plentiful as the temperature rose.  In the early phase, people wrote poetry that had a lot in common with Korean poetry.  This suggests there was intercourse between Jomon people and Koreans. In the middle phase, a lot of handicrafts were made. Religion became very important at this time.  In the late phase, people left the mountains and moved to the coast.  In the final phase, food became less abundant and Koreans took over Japan.
2. The Koreans that took over Japan were known as the Yayoi.  They were more technologically advanced than the Jomon people.  They introduced rice to Japan and created pottery.  Yayoi society was more stratified than Jomon society.
3. Yamato period lasted for 460 years! There was a lot of cultural diffusion during this period because a lot of Chinese and Korean people moved into Japan at this time.  There was a kingdom in Korea that was called Baekje.  That kingdom was attacked by Silla (Korean Kingdom) and China.  Some of the ruling class of Baekje went to Japan.

There were over 1,000 clans in Japan at this time!  Each clan was headed by a patriarch.  The patriarch did rituals for the clan's kami (spirits) for blessings.  Burial mounds were built for royalty. They were called Kofun.  Shinto was the most popular religion in Japan at this time.
Confucianism and Buddhism became the state religions of Japan around 600 CE, but Japanese people kept following Shinto as well.  Japanese people became more political and artistic.  The Japanese written language and constitution was created during this period.  Both were based on the Chinese script and law.

4. The Nara period only lasted for 84 years.  Nara was Japan's first city.  Most people were farmers living in villages.  Nara was the capital of Japan.  It was based on the capital of China.  The first Japanese poetry was written at this time(excluding the poetry written in the Jomon period).
Buddhism was heavily promoted by the Emperor Shomu.  Many Buddhist temples and statues were built. Buddhism and Shinto got mixed together.  A Buddhist monk named Dokyo healed the Empress Koken. The empress elevated Dokyo politically for healing her.  He became the chief priest and judge.
Japan had diplomatic relationships China and several Korean Kingdoms.  Many Japanese students went to Chinese schools to study.  Abe no Nakamaro passed the civil-service exam.  He later became the governor of Vietnam. Vietnam was ruled by China at that time.  He tried on several occasions to go back to Japan but was unable too.  He was a great poet.
The second oldest hotel in the world was created during this period.  The name of the hotel is Hoshi Ryokan. It is operated by a family that has been running it for 46 generations!  The oldest hotel was also created in Japan 12 years b4 Hoshi Ryokan.
5. The Heian period lasted for almost 400 years and it was very peaceful.  It was the greatest period in the history of Japan!  Kyoto was the capital at this time.   The Japanese lost respect for the Chinese once Buddhist monks were persecuted.  They became more isolationist after this.  2 new forms of writing was created at this time.  One of which is completely Japanese!  Fujiwara clan became more powerful than the emperor.  They had the power to dethrone an emperor.
The Japanese government didn't have a military at this time; so they depend on local warriors.  These local warriors became the Samurai.  They were used by the emperor to squash rebellions and conqueror new land. The Samurai became friends with nobility, which gave them political clout.
There were 2 schools of Buddhism in Japan.  It was Tendai and Shingon.  Both were imports from China. Tendai stressed the importance of the Lotus Sutra.  Shingon is esoteric.  Poetry was popular among the upper class.  A book of medicinal herbs was created at this time.  Japanese medicine is called Kempo.  They learned it from the Chinese.  The nobility thought beauty was a part of being a good person.  Men and women doctored themselves up so they could be beautiful.  Rice became currency because the government forgot how to issue $.  Police were disorganized, so a lot of people got robbed when they were traveling.

6. The Kamakura period lasted 148 years.  This is the time the samurai ruled.  Minamoto Yoritomo was the first shogun of this period.  He copied the government of the Fujiwara clan.  His son ruled after he died.  A member of the Hojo clan became regent of the shogun.
There were still other rulers at this time, but they were less powerful.  The emperor forces fought the troops of the regent and lost.  After that, the emperor became a figurehead.  A member of the Hojo clan created a legal code that was used for 635 years.

There were several new Buddhist sects created during this period.  Jodo-shu and Zen.  Jodo-shu is a branch of Pure Land Buddhism.  The pure land is something like heaven.  Zen comes from China.  It is known as Chan in China.  The focus of Zen is meditation.  Nichiren was a Buddhist priest that created his on form of Buddhism.  People that follow this set believe you can become enlightened by studying the Lotus Sutra.

The Mongols took over China and demanded the Japanese pay tribute.  The Japanese refused.  The Mongols sent 600 ships of soldiers to conquer Japan.  The samurai defended Japan against the Mongols; then a typhoon wiped out the Mongol force and/or simply block them from invading.  The typhoon is called Kamikaze (divine wind).  There was a second invasion and the same thing happened again.
A member of the Hojo clan allowed 2 royal families to exist. The Northern Court and Southern Court was what they were called.  They would alternate on the who was emperor.  A person from the southern court disobeyed and attacked the shogun.  He was able to defeat the shogun because he had some help.

7. Kenmu Restoration period: a emperor attempted to restore civilian rule to Japan it lasted for 3 years.  Landowners didn't pay taxes when the shogun ruled; so Emperor Go-Diago made they pay taxes.  He didn't reward most of the samurai that helped him and he didn't give civilians control of the provinces.  He increased the taxes on the samurai so he could have a palace built.  He gave most of the land to the nobility.
8. In the Muromachi period, the shogun took over again.  Ashikaga Takauji was the first shogun of this period.  He was able to defeat Emperor Go-Diago because he had the support of the samurai. China asked Japan for some help in defeating pirates.  Japan obliged, then they did a lot of trading. Shinto became more popular during this period.  There was a civil wars in Japan at this time.  Peasants fought the landlords and the samurai fought the government.
At the end of this period, the Japanese came in contact with Europeans.  They were fascinated by their gadgets and gizmos.  The Jesuits came to Japan and promoted Christianity.  150,000 people converted. Later on, Christianity was suppressed.
9.  Azuchi-Momyama period lasted for less than century.  The military government still controlled Japan (somewhat), but there was still civil wars.  Hideyoshi unified all of Japan after winning a war. He created a new governmental structure and divided the land based on rice cultivation.  Class distinctions became less pronounce because people were no longer forced to only live with people of the same socioeconomic status. Hideyoshi created checks and balances in the government.
Hideyoshi wanted to conquer China.  He wanted to attack China from Korea.  The Korean government wouldn't give the Japanese a military base.  In response to this, the Japanese invaded Korea.  The King of Korea asked the Chinese Emperor for help.  Chinese troops pushed the Japanese out of Northern Korea. Chinese and Japanese troops battled each other for about 4 years until they decided to squash the beef.  The Japanese invade again, but it was very tough this time.  It was hell (civil wars) in Japan at that time, so they left Korea.

10. In the Edo period, shoguns ruled again.  It lasted for 268 years.  250 of those years was peaceful.  The shogun was over the national government and daimyos was over the regional governments. Daimyos were governors and they owned a lot of land.  The Japanese built ships for the ocean in this period.  They used these ships to visit Europe, US, and various parts of Asia.
The shogun wanted to control the Christian daimyo and his trade with Europeans.  Christianity and trade were being suppressed at this time.  No one was allowed to leave Japan if someone somehow escaped they wouldn't be allowed back in. The Portuguese were expelled from Japan.  During this time if any European came to Japan they were put to death swiftly.

The land owned by the samurai was given to the daimyos.  Every daimyo had to live in the capital every other year.  Laws were based on Confucian ideas.  There were no individual rights, but there were family rights.  The Japanese people loved studying Western science.  They even made a clock. The Children of the Sun made great political and leisure advancements in this period.

11. In the Meiji period, the emperor is in control again.  The government was reorganized.  New land and tax laws were created.  Different people wanted to establish a more democratic government during this period.  Nobility was broken up into 5 ranks.
The industrial revolution started in Japan at this time.  There were 3,000 European teachers in Japan to help them modernize.  They embraced European culture while retaining their own.  A lot of buildings were built at this time.  A modern military was created and they studied European military tactics.  Japan became a great military power.  They defeated China and Russia in less than 4 years!
12. In the Taisho period, Japan became more powerful after WWI.  They helped the allies fight the Bolsheviks in Russia.  Japan got a permanent seat on the League of Nations because they helped create it.  A communist party was created in Japan in 1922.  A communist tried to assassinate a Japanese prince.
13. In the Showa period Japan was in WWII.  Japan became very nationalistic and militaristic.  Japan was conquering Asia during WWII.  They attacked Pearl Harbor, which "awoken a sleeping dragon."  After Japan lost the war it was occupied.  It was stripped of its military power.  I think its history books were rewritten to make Japanese people more docile.  The emperor's political power was taken away.  After the 50's the Japanese economy became very strong.

14.  The Heisei period is the current period Japan is in now.  The emperor died on 1989.  Now his son is the emperor.  The Japanese economy went downhill in 1991.  In 2007 an earthquake caused Fukushima to fall into the ocean and spill radiation.  Today Japanese people have low birth rates, high suicide rates, low levels of pair bonding, and a radiation problem.    They will rise again!  They are highly intelligent and make sweet cartoons.  They created Ninjutsu and Karate.  Long live Japan!!!!!!!!!              
Japanese DNA
Empire of Japan
Heian Period
Japanese economy after WWII
Prehistoric Japan

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Master Limited Partnerships (MLP) are partnerships that are traded like stocks.  The investor (unitholder) is the limited partner and the general partners are the managers.  You get paid from distributions, which are like dividends.  Most MLPs are from utility companies.  There are different kinds of MLPs.  There is some risk involved in having an MLP.  It has been around 35 years and they have their own Electronic Exchange Fund (ETFs)!
  • MLPs are taxed as a partnership and liquid like stock.  
  • No corporate income tax.
  • The unitholder gets quarterly or monthly distributions.
  • The general partner determines the amount of $ a unitholder gets in their distributions.                                                      
Different Types of MLPs
Upstream: This deals with finding and digging crude oil and natural gas.
Midstream: This deals with containing and moving crude oil and natural gas.  

Downstream: This deals with selling the crude and gas to customers.  

Risk of MLP
  • IF there is a surplus of oil and gas the unitholder may get a smaller distribution.
  • If the general partners stop growing the companies the distributions will probably shrink.   
  • MLPs have a lot of debt.  Raising interest rates may cut into the distributions.
  • Lower oil prices may lead to lower distributions.
  • Regulations may decrease distributions.
  • The contracts are very complex.
  • Tax code changes may minimize distributions.  
MLP ETFs are a collection of Master Limited Partnerships.  Alerian EFT is taxed like a c-corporation. The more you made the higher the taxes.  The fund is $7.4 billion; it is the largest ETF of MLPs.  It has a yield of 12%.  The North American Energy Infrastructure Fund is $1 billion!  This fund has more than just MLPs in it.  Royalty trusts and c-corporations are part of it too.  Its yield is 5%.  There are many other MLP ETFs, but this will suffice.
History of MLPs
MLPs was started in 1981 by the Apache Corporation.  The Apache Corporation created an MLP so investors of limited capital can make money.  Apache Corporation was successful with its MLP, so other companies created their own MLPs.  The first MLP mutual fund was created in 2010.  It was created to protect income from inflation.  There are over 100 MLPs in the US!

An MLP is like stock, but the investor becomes a partner.  They have tax benefits.  There 3 primary types of MLPs.  They involve some risk and have their own ETFs.  They have been around for 3 decades.  I think it's a good idea for you to get some MLPs.   Due diligence is very important.    
What is an MLP?
MLP Portfolio 
MLP Taxes
Risks and Rewards of MLPs

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Financial Notes

A financial note is a document for 'repayment of a loan at a certain interest rate' over a certain period of time. Some notes are secured while others aren't.  There are many different kinds of notes.  They are treasury, mortgage, convertible, bank,  and municipal notes.  There is also peer to peer lending.  You can make $ by buying or selling notes.

Note Security
Secured Note: The note is backed by collateral if the borrower defaults.  Mortgages and auto loans is an example of this.  If you don't pay your house note the bank will take your house.  If you don't pay your car note your car will be repossessed.

Unsecured Note: The note is note backed by collateral.  They have higher interest because of higher risk.

Different Kinds of Notes
Treasury-It is the debt of the US government.  It has a fixed interest rate and it matures in in 10 years or less. Interest is paid semiannually and they are less than 5%.  You only have to pay federal taxes on this.

Morgage-It is payment on a house loan.  The note determines the interest rate and when the borrower has to pay.  You can make a lot of money from this note.  You can buy them from a bank.  A real estate agent can give a buyer a loan for one of their house.  The buyer must pay them back in monthly installments.  This is called a real estate note.  The seller can hold or sell the note.  If the note is sold that buyer of the note will receive the monthly installments, and seller will get a large lump sum.      

Convertible-They are notes used by angel investors.  The angel investor gives a startup company a loan, which becomes equity after they get more funding.  Then th investor can buy shares at a discount.

Bank-These notes are $.  In the past, you were able to trade them for gold or silver in the bank.

Municipal-This is state or local debt.  It matures in a year or less.  It is free of most taxes.

Peer to Peer Leaning
This is crowdfunding loans.  Investors buy notes that are parts of loans.  The key here is diversification.  Peer to peer lending as been around since 2007.  There is a site; they have almost 100 % success rate.  You are most likely to get a 5-8% return.

Notes vs Bonds
Similarities: They are both debt.  Financially they are the same.
Differences: Sometimes notes aren't securities.  Bonds always are securities.  Notes have shorter terms than bonds.

Notes are loan payments.  You make $ from the interest.  You get the principal on the maturity date for some them.  If you create a note you can sell it to someone.  Secured notes have collateral.  Unsecured notes don't, so they have higher interest.  They are many different kinds of notes.  Some are more profitable than others.  Peer to peer leaning is buying portions of a loan, and receiving portions of the payments.  Notes and bonds are same unless you're technical.  Now get into it and make some $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note Security + IRA
Government Debt
Why buy mortgage notes?
Real Estate Note


Monday, September 19, 2016


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own and/or manage real estate.  They are like stocks.  They have different securities in them like a mutual fund.  There are 3 kinds of REITs: equity, mortgage, and hybrid.  REITs have been in the US for over 50 years.  REITs are in many other countries as well.   REITs have there on Electronic Traded Funds (ETFs).
'Shopping malls, healthcare facilities, apartments, warehouses, office buildings, and hotels make up REITs.'   Other buildings are in its portfolio as well. Different REITs own different types of properties.  I assume REITs that own commercial buildings make the most $ because the rent is higher on the commerial property than residential property.  REIT all together are worth $3 trillion!

REITs are a must have if you want to diversify your portfolio. Having REITs in your portfolio reduces risk. They have great dividends and capital appreciation.  They have great inflation protection because rents and other real estate payments go up if inflation goes up.  REITs have better returns than stocks and bonds.

Types of REITs
Mortgage REITs:  A company purchases a mortgage, which helps the landlords buy property. The returns come from the interest on the mortgage.

Equity REITs: A company owns property 'income-producing' real estate.  The returns come from rent and similar payments.

Hybrid REITs: A combination of the 2.
REITs were created in 1960 by President Eisenhower when he signed the Cigar Excise Tax Extension into law.  They give investors the ability to invest in real estate the same way they invest in other assets.  They expanded in the 1970's because of construction.  The Tax Reform Act of 1976 gave REITs the ability to become corporations or business trusts.  Modern-day REITs were created in 1992 by Reatil REIT Taubman Centers, Inc.  REITs fell off in 2007 because the housing bubble burst.  In response to this REITs paid off some debt and sold some stock.  From 2009-2014 REITs made more $ than the stock market.

REITs in Other Countries
Australia: It has the most REITs outside the US.  Their market capitalization is about $100 billion!  Most of the $ of the REITs come from rent.  The REIT in Australia is known as A-REIT.  They have great diversity. A-REITs have properties in the US, UK, and New Zealand.
Belgium:  REITs are very limited.  'They can invest in hotels, but they can't mange them.'  They can have no more than 20% of assets in a particular property.  A company must have 1.25 million Euros to become a REIT.  80% of the money made from REITs must be given to investors.  REITs have to pay a 39.9% corporate tax.

Hong Kong: HK-REITs are worth more than $15 billion as of 2012.  Some HK-REITs own property in mainland China.
Pakistan: REITs must give 90% of its profit to shareholders.  The REITs here get its money from development and rent.          

There are many other countries with REITs, but this will suffice.

This is a collection of real estate investment trusts.  You can purchase them from the US and/or other countries.  They have higher than average dividend yields.  I assume you will make more $ from this than just a single REIT.
REITs are real estate stock and they have their own EFTs.  There are 3 different types of REITs.  They were created in the US over 50 years ago. Now it is in many other countries.  I will buy some in the future.
Investing in REITs
Singapore REITs
REIT Intro
REIT vs Owning Property