
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Research and Analysis Wing

What is it, really?  What is the mission of this organization?  Where do they get recruits from and is there any training?  Does it have a structure?  Do it have any divisions, if so how many?  Were there operations successful?  How long have it been operating?  
They collect foreign intelligence, counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, and protect nuclear sites.  Their HQ is in New Delhi, India.  They are India's version of the BND.  The prime minister is ova it and RAW is a somewhat effective intelligence agency.    
They monitor other countries political and military developments that would have an effect on India.  They also try to improve India's image internationally.  In the past they tried to stop Pakistan from receiving weapons other countries; and they kept an eye on Communist countries and parties.  Psychological warfare, subversion and sabotage are some of the methods used to collect intelligence.            
They get recruits from armed forces and civil service.  The recruits have to take an IQ test, personality test, mental test, and several interviews.  In the past recruits came from the military, police, and universities.  Linguists and people in other fields are recruited as well.    
First recruits are taught jargon and information classification.  Afterwards they are given case studies from other intelligence agencies.  "Foreign policy determines which country is friend or foe, not intelligence agencies."  They are taught how to infiltrate, exfilitrate, avoid capture, interrogation, marital arts, administrative duties, etc.       

It's based off the CIA.  

Radio Research Center: They communicate with embassies worldwide, send secret codes to agents and get sigint.  

Electronics & Tech. Services: They get imagery intelligence.  

Aviation Research Center: They get intelligence from airplanes.   

They supported a militia in what became Bangladesh in the early 1970's. 

In 1974 Operation Smiling Buddha was a success.  They kept other countries from finding out India tested a nuke.  
Operation Kahuta was unsuccessful.  RAW agents infiltrated "nuclear energy installations" and India's prime minster told Pakistan's president by mistake.  In response those infiltrators were killed.  
A RAW agent became a major in Pakistan's army.  He gave RAW valuable information that 'saved thousands of Indian lives.'  

Information from Operation Meghdoot allowed India to takeova Siachen. 
Tamil rebels invaded Maldives, so the president asked India for help.  1600 soldiers were sent and RAW gave them the intelligence they needed.  The government was restored in several hours.  This incident is known as Operation Cactus.  
RAW discovered Pakistan was involved in the Kargil War.  
Operation Chanakya was a success; the agents infiltrated terrorists organizations in Kashmir.  
"Retired RAW officers" helped train African intelligence agents during apartheid.  

RAW backed the Northern Alliance in 1996 after the Taliban invaded Afghanistan.  Pakistan backed the Taliban.  It's their mother, Pakistan birthed them.    
They helped the CIA during the War on Terror and saved the life of the former president of Pakistan.  

They did several snatch operations; that's catching criminals in other countries, taking them to India and questioning them.  Then arresting them @ a public place.                 
The Intelligence Bureau (IB) was the first agency in India that collected foreign intelligence.  It was created by the British.  IB fell apart when the British left.  There was intelligence failures when India went to war with China and India.  R. N. Kao became the director of IB and created RAW.  Other divisions were added to it in the 1980's and 1990's.  
They are India's version of MI6.  Their mission is collecting intelligence of other countries and improving India's image abroad.  They get recruits from the military and the bureaucracy.  The recruits get a lot of training.  They have a CIA like structure and 3 divisions.  They had many operations and have been successful @ most.  They have been for 55 years.      

Friday, April 14, 2023


What is it?  What is their mission?  Does it have a long history? How many divisions does it have?  What about their operations?  What are they doing today?  
MSS means ministry of state security.  They are the "civilian intelligence, security and and secret police."  They are like the CIA and FBI mixed together.  Their HQ is Beijing and it may be the most secretive intelligence agency in the world.  They real big on Marxism.     
They gather intelligence on other countries and prevent other intelligence agencies from learning China's secrets.  Their main goal is to prevent anyone from toppling the communist government.  If any organization in China opposes the CCP they will crushed!!!!  They'll arrest anyone that jeopardizes state security.             
It started in 1927 under a different name; and it name changed throughout the years.  It became MSS in 1983.  In the beginning they had 4 sections.  The first one would protect HQ and leaders.  The 2nd section gather intelligence and did counterintelligence.  The 3rd section killed traitors and the final section controlled a underground spy network.  The 2nd incarnation had 6 sections: intelligence, counterintelligence, analysis, personal and administration, execution, and security.  The 3rd incarnation supported the Khmer Rogue.  They tried to stop the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, but was unsuccessful.          
1: Confidential Communication-Handle secret information.

2: International Intelligence-Collect strategic information on other countries.

3: Political and Economic Intelligence-Gather scientific, economic, and political information on other countries.    

4: Same as 2 and 3, but it focus on Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau.

5: Report Analysis and Dissemination-Analysis the intelligence gathered and report it to the government.  They teach agents the proper way to collect intelligence.  

6: Operational Guidance-They control MSS offices.

7: Counterintelligence-Learn about other intelligence agencies spying on China.

8: Counterintelligence Investigation-Detect and arrest spies from other agencies that's in China.  

9: Internal Security & Anti-Reconnaissance-Make sure there's no double agents in MSS. 

10: Same as 9, but overseas.  

11: Institutes of Contemporary International Relations-'Influence foreign diplomats and academics.  They also collect open-source intelligence.'

12: Social Investigation-Studies the population of China.

13: Information Technology and Evaluation Center-Research, development and management of science and machines.

14: Technical Reconnaissance-Spy on mail and telecommunication.

15: Taiwan Department

16: Imaging Intelligence-'Collection and analysis of geospatial information.'    

17: Enterprises-'Operates and manages MSS front companies.'

18: United States Operations-Spying in and against the U.S.   
Canada's government computers were hacked in 2011 and Indian government computers as well.  In 2013 hackers stole blueprints of Australia's Security Intelligence HQ.  Gothic Panda (APT3) is a group of hackers working 4 MSS.  They were discovered in 2017.  The following year APT10 was discovered.  2 MSS contractors hacked Moderna in 2020.  RedDelta hacked the computer network of the Vatican.  Those hackers were sponsored by China.  The next year 200 Japanese companies were hacked.  B4 the Russian invasion of Ukraine, MSS hacked Ukraine's government computers.   
It is the biggest intelligence agency in the world!!!!!  That's because China has the biggest population in the world; and they can squeeze Chinese people in other countries.  They recruit people from universities, police departments and military units.  They persecute Christians and people who practice Falun Gong.  They censor the internet, so Chinese people won't know what's going on around the world.  U.S. citizens have been recruited by them and some of those recruits went to prison.  There were 250 MSS spies in Brussels in 2019.  3 spies were expelled from Britain.  They were pertaining to be journalists.  There was an MSS informant working 4 Twitter last year.  
MSS is Chinese civilian intelligence agency and it's huge!!!!!  Their duties is to make sure no one can topple CCP and spying.  They have been around for almost a century and had 3 previous incarnations.  It has 18 bureaus and engage in several operations.  They are very busy today spying on other countries.  