
Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Process Church of Final Judgement

    This cult started in 1966.  It has a twisted history and it may have been criminal.  They had beliefs and rituals that were based on psychology, Scientology and Christianity.  There were several famous people in this cult.  It became Best Friends Animal Society in 1993.  
    Mary Ann MacLean and Robert Moore were members of the Church of Scientology in London.  They left the church in 1962 and got married a year later.  They created Compulsions Analysis, which later became The Process Church of Final Judgement.  They used methods of Scientology and ideas from Alfred Adler in the cult.    
    The church started in London, then moved to the Bahamas.  From there to Mexico City.  The natives didn't like them and parents of the cult members tried to get their children out.  A hurricane hit the compound, the leaders and some of the followers moved back to London. 
    The church opened a coffee shop and library called Satan's Cavern.  It also created it's own magazine, books, tv and radio shows.  Chapters of process was created in United States, Canada, and Europe.  The members that stayed behind in Mexico City joined the New Orleans chapter.  
    Members of the church were attacked in public because of their association with Manson.  Some people stopped donating because of this.  In response the church became less satanic. One of the reasons people believe Manson was connected to the church was the fact he lived down the street from them in 1967!!!!  The church interviewed him when he was prison in 71.    
    In 1974 MacLean and Moore split, because MacLean felt the Satanic phase is ova and the Christian phase is beginning.  Moore left with a minority of followers.  He started a new cult that lasted for 5 years.  The Process Church became a Christian church.  In 1993 it became Best Friends Animal Society and no-religious.        
    The founders of PC wanted to bring good and evil together.  They thought that would create a better world.  The bible was important to them, especially the book of Matthew.  Moore essays were important as well.  The church believed in a supreme being; humanity was opposed to this supreme being.  They called humanity Satan.  The purpose of their rituals was to get evil out of humanity so they could be closer to God.  They believed there are 4 forces in our psyche: Jehova, Jesus, Satan, and Lucifer.  These 4 forces are parts of the supreme being.

    "Each god was representative of certain personality traits. Jehovah was “the wrathful god of vengeance and retribution” who demanded discipline, courage, and dedication to duty and purity. Lucifer, also called the Light Bearer, was fun loving and kind. He valued success and peace. Satan instilled in his followers two very distinct qualities; the first being the desire to rise above the human realm, to be free of its needs, and to become “all soul and no body”. The other quality is a desire to sink below the human realm and become absorbed in violence and other forms of excessive physical indulgence. Christ is the god’s link to human beings and provides humans with all the skills they need to overcome problems and difficulties in life. Each person had a particular god with whom they shared the most characteristics."  Eventually Jehovah and Lucifer will merge, as well as Jesus and Satan.    
    Baptisms, marriages, Sabbath Assembly are some of their rituals.  Members were baptised when they leveled up and they said a special chant.  They had hetero and homo marriages.  The Sabbath Assembly was on Saturday night.  @ this assembly a sermon was given and they all chanted together.     

    The main therapy session was Telepathy Developing Circle.  It was thought it helped them become more telepathic.  They had midnight meditations on the weekend.  They meditate on a positive and a negative idea, then they synthesised it.  People were processed by with a P-Scope.  It was based on the E-meter in Scientology.  The scope discovered someone's subconscious thoughts and emotions.  It was like a lie detector test. 

    They may have engaged in animal and/or human sacrifice.  Someone claimed they sacrificed dogs, but no evidence was found.  If any serial killers were connected to the church, some of their killings may have been sacrifices.  If the PC committed sacrifices, they wore black robes while doing it.              

Criminal Activity
    The Son of Sam murders was committed by a cult.  People in the cult did drugs and studied the occult.  That cult was infiltrated by the Process Church (PC).  Because of that, members of the cult made snuff films and trafficked children.  David Berkowitz was arrested 4 the murders, he only committed some them.  All the other murders got away.  It looks like Charles Manson was a member of the PC before he became a cult leader.  The Zodiac Killer may have been connected to the PC.  Some people believe there is no connection between the PC and serial killers.       
Famous Members
    The beatles hired an astrologer after they opened a shop.  That astrologer joined the PC after she was fired.  Members of Rolling Stones joined the PC.  Marianne Faithfull is an actress and was Mike Jagger girlfriend.  She was a member of the PC.
Best Friends Animal Society
    Their headquarters is in Utah and they help animals get adopted.  It started in 1993 after the loony toons broke up.  They helped animals during Hurricane Katrina.  There was 800 cats in Nevada that were saved by them.  Animals were saved by them in Peru after an earthquake in 2007.  They saved 22 of the dogs that Michael Vick used 4 dog fighting.  They neuter homeless cats around the country.    
    This cult started in the 60's and they had exotic beliefs.  It had chapters in the U.S., Canada and Europe.  They may have been connected to serial killers and Satanic cults.  There were several famous people in that cult.  Finally it became Best Friends Animal Society.     

Monday, October 11, 2021

York and his Disciples

Malachi Z York was a cult leader; his cult is called Nuwaubians.  He dropped a lot of knowledge, which he copied from other people.  He inspired many New Yorkers, especially rappers.  But he is a terrible person.  This cult has a lot of crazy beliefs.  They have their own language.  They had a compound in Georgia, until cops arrested York.  The most famous Nuwaubian today is Bro Polte.  It looks like he's going to jail for following the ways of his master.  
Malachi Z York
His legal name is Dwight York.  He was born in 1945 and he founded the precursor to Nuwaubians in 60's; his alias were Dr. York, Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, and 11 other ones.  His most famous alias is Malachi Z. York.  His cult started in 1967 in Brooklyn, New York.  First he started out as a Muslim, then a Jew and finally a alien that was big on egyptology.  He also claimed to be a (native) American, a descendant of Sudanese royalty and a freemason.  In the 80's he became a musician.

In 1970 he went to Egypt and Sudan.  After getting back to New York City, Ansaaru Allah Community was created.  It was a U.S. chapter of Umma Party.  This cult engaged in criminal activity.  The women in this group learned Arabic and memorized the Quran.  The $ 4 the cult came from women receiving welfare from the government and from men selling jewelry and hustling.
He had a bookstore in Coney Island in the 70's.  His followers started out as Orthodox Muslims, then Jews, Christians, and finally egyptologists.  For a while they practiced Islam mixed with Judaism.  There was 300 people in the cult and it owned 9 apartments.  

He was a singer in several bands in the 80's.  He started his own record label in 85.  The label dealt with rap, R&B, and gospel.  He released sum of his own songs on his label.  Stetsasonic and Fredro Starr were some of the rappers that recorded on the label.  
He created his own freemasonic rite and/or lodge.  He wrote at least 2 books about Freemasonry.  He gave lectures on it.  Many freemasons believed there cult started in Egypt, so do he.  You can learn more about it on google.         
Egyptology and aliens was promoted by him b4 he got lock up for wickedness.  He claimed to be from another planet in another galaxy.  He was so delusional.  Where was the aliens when he went to prison?  

He wrote many books about many different subjects.  There was was a lot of plagiarism in those books.  Science of Breath, Power of Concentration, Pyramid Energy, The Book of Knowledge and many other books were the basis of what he wrote.       
Who was Inspired
Jay-Z:  He was a follower of York in the 90's.  There is a picture of York in a video he did with Jaz O.  
Afrika Bambaataa: He was a pioneer of Hip Hop and a child rapist.  People in the community knew he was rapping boys, but they didn't do anything about it.  A youtuber named Hassan Campbell claimed he was raped by him.  He said in a interview that Afrika feed off the blood of baby boys.   Afrika believed in York teachings and went 2 his compound.  
Prodigy: He learned from Malachi.  He believed Jay-Z is working with the illuminati.  
He also influenced other rappers.     

Wesley Snipes: Some people believe he was attacked by the government, because they believed he was a nuwaubian.  

They believe in black supremacy, aliens, conspiracy theories, revisionist history, Freemasonry, Egyptology and Abrahamic religions.  They have crazy sex magic rituals as well.  There symbols are masonic, Egyptian, and moorish.  They believe Africans was cursed by the spell of Leviathan.  They support LGBTQPIAAA community.    
It is a mixture of various languages.  Arabic, Hebrew, possibly Nubian and Metu Neter are the languages that it comes from.  @ first they spoke Arabic, then Hebrew and finally Nuwaupic.  The languages they spoke changed as the cult changed their names and religions.  
B4 York was locked up for child rape he had a spot in Georgia.  Famous people would visit him there.  Not knowing or caring he was a child rapists.  The swat team invade the compound @ night and arrested him.  Some of the followers knew he was a child rapists, but were afraid to tell on him.  He impregnated a 17 year old, but it was consensual.  Some people believed his son framed him.  But he's a savage child rapist regardless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro Polite
He was a lecturer in NYC.  Once he got rich he moved to Hollywood, turning his back on his followers.  He was accused in the past of molesting a girl.  But the case was dropped, because the witness wouldn't take the stand.  Recently he molested his girlfriend daughter.  He talked about it on Utube, but he neva said he was innocent.  He is a disciple of Dr. York and he is okay with him being a child rapist.   
York dropped a lot of knowledge, but he was a pagarizer and child rapist.  He changed his name and cult several times.  He influenced a lot of people.  The knowledge he dropped may be somewhat true, but he is a terrible person.  He's worse than the Dalai Lama.  The cult is alive and well.  