
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kong Empire

This empire lasted for 188 years!!!!!!  It was founded by Dyula people.  This empire was based on trade and it was center of Islamic learning.  The government was decentralized, which is sweet.  The society was heterogeneous.  The empire became less powerful and was destroyed.

Kong became a trading center in the Mali empire.  In 1710 it was invaded by Seku Ouattara.  He turned the city-state into an empire.  Tyefo and Senufo people lived in Kong.  They were farmers and followed a Traditional African Religion.  A lot people from the Dyula tribe moved in; they were Muslim.  They helped Seku become take over Kong.  Kong started out as the capital of Senufo tribe in 1000 CE.

Seku got into it with his uncle Lasiri, because his uncle surpassed Islam.  Lasiri kicked a Muslim cleric out of Kong.  He was in the Nya cult and wanted it to grow stronger. Seku went to war with his uncle and defeated him.  Then Lasiri was decapitated.

People under Seku authority took over surrounding towns that were part of trade routes.  The people under Seku had war houses.  A warhouse was a group of warriors and slaves that fought 4 their master.  The sons of the Seku became chiefs of major towns.  The Kong Empire went up against the Ashanti Kingdom and lost.

After Seku died his empire was less cohesive.  His brother wouldn't recognize his son as king.  Those 2 were rivals, but when it came to conquering other regions they joined forces.  They took over several trading cities.  When they tried to take over Djenne-Djennothey were stopped by the Bambara Empire.  Kong Empire took over the sum of the gold from the Lobi Kingdom in 1840.  

The empire was ruled by merchants that lived in the Kong the capital city.  The merchants' controlled trade routes with their warhouses.  They would almost raid towns with their warhouses.  Islam was popular in this empire, but the merchants nor their warhouses were Islamic.  Islam was just the religion of the masses.  The merchants and warhouses followed African Traditional Religions.  But there was a lot of Islamic learning in this empire.  The merchants traded a lot of gold and kola nutz.

The empire weakened in the late 1800's.  In 1888 leaders in the empire made deals with the French.  This upset Samori Ture because he was @ war with the French.  In 1897 Samori had Kong burned down.  The royal family of Seku ran to the north.  The created different kingdoms, but they didn't last long.  Then the French took over the Kong Empire.  Kong was rebuilt by the French, but it wasn't as prosperous as it was b4.


Thursday, December 28, 2017


Sanse has a rich history and it was created in Purto Rico.  It has sweet beliefs, spirits, and rituals.  It is very diverse, this is because it has been influenced by Tainos, Africans, Dominicans, Haitians, French, Chinese, Irish, Gypsies, etc. Ancestors and spirit guides play a big role in Sanse.  Each person has their own special spirit guide. Initiation is paramount!  But it is not required.  Sanse is a religion and a form of magick.
A Papa Bokor from the Dominican Republic moved to Purto Rico.  2 or 3 other practitioners of 21 Divisions came with him as well.  @ this time Puro Ricans were practicing Espiritismo.  Papa Bokor became friends with the spirits of the Island. Sanse is a mixture of Tanio practices, 21 Divisions, Espiritismo, and Brujeria.

There is a supreme being and spirits exist.  Humans are spirits in the flesh.  We can communicate with spirits. Spirits have the power to influence the matrial plane.  There are good spirits and evil spirits.  Good spirits help and evil spirits harm.  The law of causation is universal.  We all have spiritual gifts, so we should make them stronger. We all have a spiritual court (Cuadro).  They are a group of spirits and abilities that help us. We can make this court stronger which will improve our lives.  Karma isn't real.  This religious-magickal system deals with many types of spirits.  Such as Taino, Lwas, Angels, Saints, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, etc. Sanse is open to all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, etc.  Everyone is @ a different spiritual level.  People with great spiritual ability should help those with little spiritual ability.
Spiritual Mass: All spirits are welcomed in this ceremony.  People get healed, messages from spirits, and removal of negativity during this mass.
Fiesta Espiritual: Similar to the ritual above, but it includes music.
Velacion: This is a public prayer.  Candles are lit which helps spirits connect with people.  
The focus of these rituals is spiritual empowerment.  They help people improve their lives.  

Animal sacrifice is rare in Sanse.   
7 Divisions (Families)
A division is a group of spirits.  They may have come from the same tribe and/or have similar traits.

1st: It called Baron's Division, Ghede Division, and Black Divison.  It is led by Baron Del Cementerio.  They can assist you getting a husband or wife, obtaining wealth, protection, hexes, etc.  The color of this division is black and white.
2nd: It is called Division of Doors, Open Path Division, and Papa Legba Division. Papa Legba is the leader of this division.  The spirits of this family and connect the spiritual world to the physical world and they give people opportunities.  They can help someone find a job.  They can cause great blessings!!!  The color of this division is brown.
3rd: This is the sun division.   The leader is Gran Soley.  The spirits of this division deal with wealth, wisdom, spiritual abilities, etc.  They help with initiation.  The colors of this division are yellow, orange, and white.

4th: This is the water division.   The leader of this family is Archangel Raphael.  The spirits in this division are Taino and rule over water.  Tainos were the natives of Purto Rico.   They have the power to cleanse, heal, luck, love, etc.  The color of this division is green.

5th: This is the female division.  Metresii is the leader.  They resolve many different problems, reverse hexes, help people obtain wealth, etc.  The color of this division is pink.

6th: This is the fire division.  It is called Candelo Division.  Candelo Cedife is the leader.  The spirits of this division can help improve your bizzness, justice, protection, etc.  The color of this division is red.
7th: This is Air (Justice) Division.  The leader is Archangel Michael.  The spirits of this division deal with justice and war.  Oguns are in this division and/or the 6th.  The color of is Dark Blue.

Ancestors & Spirit Guides
Our ancestors can have a big impact on our lives.  They can help us grow as tall an oak tree!!!!!!!  There are many spirit guides.  They come from all over the world.   Spirit guides evolve by helping humans.  Most of these spirits are human, sum are not. There are groups of spirit guides called commissions.  I will list sum of them.
1. This commission is composed of shamans, healers, witches, and other people that did magick.  They help you heal and with magick.

2. This is the Gypsy commission.  They help with divination.
3. This commission is composed of African slaves that were servants.  They help heal, children, spells, cleansing, etc.
4. This commission is full of pirates.

5. This is the (native) American commission.  They can help in every way.
6. This is the Asian commission.  They help with luck and spiritual development.
7. Arabic commission.  They know Muslim magick and how to work with Jinn.

8. Healing commission.  These spirits were doctors and nurses.

9. Congo commission.  Bakongo spirits that are very magickal.

10. Saints

11. Hindu deities

12. Angels

13. Spirits of people who were enslaved

There are many other commissions.
We all have a principal guide.  They help us evolve spiritually, give messages, and connects us to other spirits.  Our personal spirit guide is closer to us than any other spirits.  It takes more energy to connect with other spirits than our guides.  Our guides can give messages to the other spirits 4 us.  This saves us energy.

Bautizo is what initiation is called in Sanse.  B4 you get initiated you must get a spiritual consultation.  During this consultation, you will learn Cuadro.  The consultant will divine the spirits in your Cuadro.  B4 initiation the person must fast and follow other rules.  The Centinela will be baptized into the initiate head.  They will be spiritually empowered.
Sanse is religio-magickal system open to people from all walks of life.  It has a sweet history, beliefs, deities, angels, saints, spirit guides, rituals, initiation, etc.  It's my favorite religio-magickal system @ the moment because I love its diversity.  It like a big gumbo with everything thrown in.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dominican Vudu

Dominican Vudu (DV) is called 21 Divisions (nations) because it has 21 groups of spirits in it.  It is several centuries old and has 3 main groups of spirits.  Each spirit has a Veve.  It was influenced by Catholicism.  It is different from Haitian Vodou even though they have a lot in common.  There are various rituals in DV.
3 Main Groups
The 1st group is very sunny.  They are docile, sweet, benevolent, ancient, and calm. The sun is their symbol because they are good-natured.  This group of Loa same as the Rada nation of Haitian Vodou.  These spirits have European imagery.
The 2nd group is lunar.  They are represented by the moon.  They are the Petro and Ghede nation of Haitian Vodou.  Petro Loa are aggressive and hot-tempered.  They are upset with how Americans & Africans were mistreated by Europeans during slavery.

The 3rd group deals with the earth.  These Loa are Taino spirits.  Some of the Loa in this group are in other groups.
21 Nations in DV
The 21 nations in DV come from 21 African tribes.  Some of the tribes are Hausa, Bakongo, Igbo, Yoruba, Bambara, Ewe, and Fon.  Each tribe had their own deities. They shared ideas with each other the Tainos and the Spanish.  DV was heavily influenced by Catholicism because the Spanish promoted it.  Spain ruled the Dominican Republic until the Haitians set it free.
The first nation is full of Legbas.  They connect the spirit world to the physical world. They are great communicators.  Their color is brown, but each Legba has their own color as while.  The Legbas are more omnipresent than other Loa.  They get the first offering and prayer in every ritual.
The 2nd nation is full Oguns.  They love Legba and they clear paths and heal.  The Oguns rule over technology, war, and healing.  Their colors are blue and green.
The 3rd nation Loa are very airy.  Damballah created the earth in service of the Most High.  His reflection on water became a rainbow; which became Aida Wedo, his wife.

The 4th nation has many different American spirits in it.  The Loa Yucaju killed his son because he rebelled against him.  He put his bones in a goard.  The Loa of the Sea wanted to see her son.  She was Yucaju wife. He took her where he thought his bones would be.  They found water and fishes in the gourd instead of their son's bones. They poured the goard out on earth.  This created the rivers and the ocean.  Then they ate some of the fishes.

The 5th nation are the Ghede.  They live inside the stomach of Baron Samedi.  His stomach is the graveyard and his father is Papa Ghede Limbo.  His wife is Madame Brigitte.  The entrance of the graveyard is her birth canal.  The colors of this nation are black and purple.  Each Ghede has their own color as well.  The Ghede are spirits of the deceased, but they are not the ancestors.  They are very vulgar and sexual.  The Rada Loa don't like them because they like purity.
The 6th nation are full of Petro spirits.  It is lead Ti-Jean Petro.  He was a great Papa Bokor.  There are many Taino spirits in this nation.  The color of this nation is Red. These spirits were African and American people that fought 4 freedom.  These Loa are uber powerful.

It seems like the rest of nations same to have only 1 or a few deities, but they properly got more.
DV vs HV
Same: They have the most of same deities.  They have the common origin.  They both influenced by Catholicism.
Differences: Haitian Vodou (HV) has 101 nations.  DV seems more complex and Catholic.  I assume some of the deities are different.
Catholic Influence
The images of the Loa are the images of saints.  This can be seen in the Rada nation. This imagery in other nations as well.  Catholicism is the biggest religion in the Dominican Republic. Some Catholic ideas infected Vudu.  Some of the rituals were influenced by Catholicism.
Sometimes rituals are done @ the altars.  Images of saints are on the altar.  They represent the Loa. Candles of different colors are present.  On some altars, there are beads, herbs, rum, flowers, bible, crucifix, etc.  The altar is a battery of spiritual energy.
There are many different ceremonies.  They involve drumming.  Each Loa have their own rhythm.   Each priest do whatever ritual they see fit in their house.  In each house (temple) you may find different rituals. Baptism is part of initiation and so is a head wash.  People say prayers and sing songs during certain ceremonies.  Sometimes people get mounted.  Veves are drawn during certain rituals.  Veves are portals to the Loa.
DV is amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It has 3 main groups of spirits and 21 smaller groups.  It is an African religion that was influenced by Americans and Europeans.  It incorporates Taino spirits in the nations.  It has a lot similarities and differences to HV.  There are many sweet rituals in DV.              

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Quantum Touch

Quantum Touch (QT) is a healing modality that is very effective.  It is similar to Reiki, but it uses vibration in conjunction with the lifeforce of the practitioner to heal.  It has been around for over 20 years.  There have been several books written about it.  It can help many different parts of the body.  Richard Gordon created QT and wrote most of the books about it.
QT in Action
To do Quantum Touch all you have to do is a body scan and a breathing exercise.  Then you place your hand on the person's body part that is in pain or diseased.  It so simple to learn even kids can do it!  It can help get rid of arthritis.  If bones are misaligned QT can put them in their proper place.  QT can reduce stress and relax muscles.  It can improve emotions and it can help animals heal.      
Quantum Touch the Power to Heal (1999): It is an introduction to QT.  It explains exercises for body awareness.  This book explains how QT can make the body whole again.

Your Healing Hands (2004): This book is about Polarity Therapy.

Quantum Touch the Power to Heal 3rd Edition  (2006): An updated version of the first book.

Super-Charging QT (2007): This book teaches you sum of best techniques of QT.

Quantum Touch Core Transformation (2009):  This book teaches exercises and techniques of QT.

QT 2.0 New Human: This book teaches you distance healing and how to heal multiple people without touching them.

The Secret Nature of Matter (2017): The nature of consciousness and matter are explored in this book.  Our awareness has the power to shape the objective reality.        


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Classical Chinese Medicine

Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) has been around for millennia!!!!  It is very Daoist, philosophical, and spiritual.  Its literature is ancient Chinese texts.  It has several branches and various ideas.  It has been corrupted by europeanization. Traditional Chinese Medicine is europeanized Classical Chinese Medicine.
CCM is over 4,000 years old.  Most of it comes from Taoism.  Taoism was suppressed about a millennium ago.  The suppression occurred during the rise of  Confusism.  A lot of Daoist texts were destroyed.  Some texts made it to Vietnam and were translated into ancient Vietnamese.  Later on, it translated to French, then English.  Once China became a republic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was created.  It is europeanized Chinese medicine.  It downplays emotional and spiritual aspects of Classical Chinese Medicine.  CCM is becoming popular again.
Master Hua's Classic of the Central Viscera: This book is about organs and how they are affected by yin-yang.  It explains pulse diagnosis.

AB Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: This was the first Chinese book on acupuncture and moxibustion.  It explains meridians and acupoints.  

Pulse Cannon: It explains different types of pulses in detail.

Essential Formulas for Emergencies a Thousand Pieces of Gold: This book explains how to make 5,300 forms of medicine.

There are 1,000's of CCM texts!!!!!

Breakdown and Branches
Qi: Lifeforce

Jing: Sexual Energy

Shen: Spiritual energy

Qi can become Jing.  Jing can become Shen.

Yin: Female

Yang: Male
Wuxing: Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood, Water
Each phase has a certain amount of yin or yang.  Earth has equal amounts of both.

Jingluo (Meridians): Energy channels in the body.  They are like veins.
 There are 8 branches of CCM.

Acupuncture: Needles are put in acupoints, which causes healing.  It helps the chi flow better.
Herbs: Plants are used together to help cure illnesses.
Massage: Tui Na: Theraputic massage.  Anmo: Relaxing massage.
Feng Shui: Putting objects in there proper place.  That will lead more positive energy.
Harmony (Maat): Your diet and activities should be intuned with the seasons.

Exercise: Do Tai Chi.  It improves chi flow.
Diet: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food."  Eat foods that resonate with you.

Mind: It can heal or kill you, the choice is yours.  The mind is of the utmost importance.

Mantak Chia

Monday, December 11, 2017

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been around for over 5,000 years!!!!  This therapy has many benefits.  People with contraindications shouldn't receive massage therapy.  There are many different types of massages.  There are several massage organizations.  If you want to be a massage therapist you have to get a license.  I am a great Masseur!!!!!!! 
Massage: Sophisticated rubbing.  Therapy: Treatment to alleviate or relieve a disorder.  Massage Therapy: A massage treatment to alleviate or relieve a disorder.  A massage therapist can cure many illnesses.
The earliest known writing on massage therapy is The Yellow Emperor Book of Internal Medicine.  It was written in 2700 BCE!!!!  Other medical subjects were written about in that book as well.

Kemetians were doing massage therapy over 4,500 years ago!!!!  They invented reflexology.  They had a big impact on Greco-Roman culture.

Massage therapy (MT) was written about in India @ 1500 BCE.  MT is apart of Ayurveda.

Athletes received massages in ancient Greece.  Herbs and oils were used in the massages.  That started in 800BCE.

Romans started receiving massages around 150 BCE.  Rich people received them in their homes.  Poor people received them @  public baths.  Oils were used in the massages.

Shiatzu was created in Japan.  It is based on a Chinese massage called Tui na.  It focuses on acupoints and gives the client more energy.  It is one of the most popular forms of massage in the West.

2 European doctors created the Swedish massage.  It is also one of the most popular forms of massage in the West.
Massage therapy can help reduce stress and pain.  It can help improve emotions, sleep, strains, sprains, circulation, and immune system.  Arthritis is reduced with MT.  This is because MT reduces inflammation.  It reduces blood pressure and headaches.
Massages can be harmful to people with certain disorders.  Someone on blood thinners should not receive a massage.  Wounds, cuts, skin infections, fractures, and weak bones should never be massaged.  Nor people with a vein, nerve, or muscle problem.  Unless they are with a with a massage therapist that know how to work with those illnesses.
Different types of massages
Reflexology: It is a foot massage.  Different parts of the foot are connected to different parts of the body.  By stimulating different parts of the foot, you heal the corresponding parts of the body.
Acupressure:  It is placing finger or thumb pressure on acupoints.  Certain areas of the body are rubbed, so meridians are stimulated.  This massage is based on acupuncture and it was created in China.
Thai- It is similar to yoga.  It involves a lot of stretching.  It was done on a mat.
Shiatsu: It's somewhat similar to acupressure.
Loomi-Loomi- This was created in Hawaii.  It is spiritual and involves 4 elements.  It reminds me of the Swedish massage.
Swedish Massage: It is very relaxing.  There are 5 main strokes: brushing, percussion, friction, vibration, and petrissage.
Deep Tissue- This involves heavy pressure.  The elbows and fists are used a lot in this massage.  It helps the muscles.
Sports: This form of massage helps athletes recover from injuries and it enhances their performance.
Hot Stone- Warm stones are placed on different points on the body.  The client is also massage with a warm stone.
Pijit: It is the popular type of Indonesian massages.  It relaxes the body and tones the muscles.
 I do these massages and much more, expect 4 Pijit and Sports Massage.

There are many MT organizations.  The American Massage Therapy Association offer online classes.  It's great resource 4 anyone in the U.S. that's a massage therapist.
The Institute for Therapeutic Massage has various massage programs.  They can help you find a job as a massage therapist.
The Swedish Institute College of Health Science is a great school to learn massage therapy from.  They also teach other medical programs as well.

The Soma Institute can teach you how to massage different parts of the body.  They are great @ that.
Massage Therapy License
To get your license you have to go to an accredited college that offers an MT program. Then you have to do so many hours of massages.  After that, you have to take a test to get your license.  Different states have different requirements.
D Bizzness, LLC
I am the greatest Masseur I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't do the therapy.  I just do the massage.  I would massage any woman that doesn't have any contraindications.  It's $100 an hour any massage you like.  I can make women orgasm without touching them.  If you would like that ask 4 a happy ending.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

His parents were followed Garveyism.  He had a big family and a rough childhood.  As a young man, he committed crimes; which landed him in prison. While in prison he met a member of the Nation of Islam. Once he got out of prison he joined the NOI and became upright.  He spoke on issues in the African American community.  He married Betty Shabazz and they had 6 daughters.  I had the pleasure of meeting IIyasah Shabazz.  She is the third daughter of Malcolm and Betty.  She is a wonderful lady.  Malcolm went on the Hajj and when he came back he changed his name and left the NOI.  He became a Sunni and start his own organization.  His organization was infuriated by cops and/or FBI agents.  The Fruit of Islam gunned him down in 1965.  He is my favorite civil rights leader!!!!!!!!
His father name was Rev. Earl Little.  He was a Baptist minister.  He was from Georgia.  His mother name was Louise Little.  She was from Grenada.  She was gray.  Both of his parents agreed with the teachings of Marcus Garvey.  Rev. Earl was a leader of UNIA and his wife was the secretary.  His house was burned down by the black legion; so he found a place 4 him & his family to relocate.  He was murdered by the black legion.  The black legion was like the KKK.  Malcolm X was only 3 when this happened.  3 of Malcolm's uncles were killed by white men.  White people thought Louise was a white woman, so she got a white job.  When her kids came to her job 4 her help she was fired. The government sent Louise to the crazy house so they could take her land.  Malcolm and his siblings were sent to an orphanage.


Malcolm has 6 brothers and 4 sisters.  Their names are as followed: Ella Little Collins, Earl Little Jr., Wilfred X, Abdul Aziz Omar, Yvonne Little Woodward, Mary Little,  Hida Florice Little, and Reginald Little, Wesley Little,  Robert Little.  They were put in foster care.  His family was broken up the evil government.  I think Malcolm was the 4th or 5th child of Earl and Louise Little.  Louise had more kids from another after her husband died.    

Young Years

He was successful in school, but he dropped out because a teacher told him he couldn't be a lawyer.  She made him fill bad, she was an evil racist.  He thought black men couldn't have a career working 4 white folks.  He became a criminal and was known as Detroit Red.  He became friends with Chicago Red (Redd Foxx).   
His Growth in Justice
He was put in prison for crimes he committed.  Reginald Little told Malcolm X about the Nation of Islam. He like the teachings.  He wrote a letter to the president saying the Korean War is unjust.  He replaced his last name with X because he didn't want the name of an enslaver.  When Malcolm got out prison he joined the NOI.    
In the NOI
He met Betty in the NOI.  They went to a lot of museums and libraries together.  They got married 3 years after meeting each other.  His daughters were named after famous people. 
4 men from the NOI told cops to stop beating a black man.  They were beaten and arrested.  Malcolm X went to the police station and he got an ambulance 4 one of the members suffering from a head injury.  He brought members of NOI to the station with him.  He gave the signal to the members to leave and they left. Cops were afraid of him.  In response, the cops infiltrate the NOI.  
Malcolm X met African leaders and Fidel Castro.  Castro invited Malcolm to Cuba after they had a meeting. Malcolm and Fidel went to a political meeting with African leaders.  Malcolm X understood European imperialism.  

He promoted the teachings of NOI and gave many speeches.  Black people are the original people of the earth.  White people are devils.  These are some of the beliefs of NOI.  NOI want blacks to separate from whites completely, which I agree with.  Abraham Lincoln said Blacks and whites can't be equal in same society.  History shows me he is right.

He opposed civil rights leaders because they promoted integration.  He was against nonviolence.  He promoted self-sufficiency and self-defense.  He had issues with Martin Luther King because he promoted weakness.  Later they became friends.  Malcolm X became more like MLK b4 he died.  MLK became more like X b4 he died.  
Malcolm increased the membership of NOI.  He encouraged Muhammad Ali to join the NOI.  Muhammad Ali broke ties with Malcolm after he converted to Sunni Islam.  Ali biggest regret was breaking ties with X. Louis Farrakhan was Malcolm X disciple.
Members of NOI were attacked by the police.  Malcolm X went to attack the cops in response, but Elijah went against it.  Malcolm wanted NOI to work with black politicians and civil rights leaders.  Elijah went against it.  

He found out Elijah was stiffing teenagers and got them pregnant.  Wallace Muhammad told X.  The rumors were true.  Elijah later admitted it.

After Kennedy died X said chickens coming home to roost.  He was saying you reap what sow.  The U.S. government toppled many governments around the world.  It was bound to happen in the U.S.  Elijah didn't like Malcolm saying that, so X couldn't speak publicly for 90 days.

Life After NOI
Malcolm left the NOI in 1964.  He created his own Sunni organization called Muslim Mosque, Inc.  He created Organization of Afro-American Unity.  He was going to work with civil rights leaders.  He was unable to do that in NOI.  X and MLK met each other in Washington D.C. during the civil rights bill. Malcolm made a speech called Ballet or the Bullet.  He encouraged Black people to vote.  If they are prevented they should take up arms.
Malcolm went on the Hajj and saw Muslims of different races getting along.  After seeing this, he thought Islam would get rid of racism.  He met with African leaders at an Organization of African Unity meeting.  He gave speeches in France and UK.  
College campus around the U.S. wanted Malcolm X to speak.  He spoke @ Socialist Worker Party meetings.  He was interviewed about segregation and NOI.  The interviewer was Robert Penn Wilson.  
He received death threats from members of NOI.  His house was firebombed.  I think it was done by members of the nation.  The FBI spied on him.  


He was giving a speech to the Organization of Afro-American Unity when he was assassinated.  He was killed by members of the NOI.  He was shot 21 times.  10,000 people went to his funeral.  
He had a big impact on the Black Power Movement.  A lot of Black people became Muslims because of Malcolm X.  Black Panthers and Public Enemy were positively impacted by X.  X in X-men inspired by Malcolm X and Magneto.
X a Novel by Ilyasah Shabazz
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley

Friday, October 13, 2017

Astral Projection

You can make your astral body come out of your physical body.  There are different techniques to do this. Certain herbs can do this too.  The Astral body is one of our subtle bodies.  People have done since 4 millennia and a lot of people still are.  When you are in your astral body you can travel to a lot of different places.  The astral realm is like a dream, but it is very real.  This where the afterlife takes places.

Meditation can help someone astral project and so could self-hypnosis.  Lucid dreaming can help you astral project.  You can think of a dream as your very own are astral realm.  Visualization can help you astral project. Certain sounds can help you astral project.  I assume it easiest to do this when you are in a theta brainwave.

Earthquake: Lay down in complete darkness.  Visualize your aura.  Focus energy on your temples and see the energy back and forth.  Shake the energy until you are conscious of your astral body.
Astral Herbs
Mugwort:  This herb helps have more vivid dreams and it helps get to the astral realm.

Ayahuasca: Taking can open portals to different dimensions.

Mexican Dream Herb: Has a similar effect as mugwort.

Tobacco: This herb is an astral portal.  Fire and water are al

Salvia: It is like Mexican Dream Herb.  When taking have someone there to watch you.

There are many other herbs you can use.  Make sure you research b4 using a herb, because they may have side effects.  You can an herbal tea and you can use herbal pills.
Astral Body
This is the body most people call soul.  It is very mutable.  It can shape-shift.  It can become a spider, dragon, or anything you can imagine.  It isn't as limited as the physical body.  It can do all that stuff you see on tv.  It is the blueprint of the etheric body, which is the blueprint for the psychical body.  You travel to different planets in your astral body.  You can explore the universe.
Astral Realm
This realm is shaped by our collective imagination.  Ancestral spirits live there.  Many versions of heaven and hell exist there; there are many other places as well.  You can find angels and demons here.  Gods, goddesses, and alien spirits live there too.  Anything humanity believed in strongly exist there.  Check out South Park Imagination Land.  Those episodes show you what the astral plane is like to a degree.

If you want to know what the afterlife is like you should astral project.  If you want meet spirits you should astral project.  If you want to have fun you should ap.  It is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you practice long enough you can do it.  People have been doing this 4 a long time, but it may have been secret until recently. It is known around the world.    


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Norse Religion

This religion was practiced by the Viking and other Germanic tribes.  It has a rich mythology, cosmology, and symbols.  Runes were used by practitioners of this religion.  This religion had shamans that practiced different forms of magick. Christianization of Northern Europe caused the Norse Religion to die. Asatru is its rebirth.

Mythology & Cosmology
Yggdrasil: This is the world tree.  It has 9 worlds on it.  They are Midgard, Asgard, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, Nifheim, Muspelheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, and Helheim.

Niflheim: Ice world.  Similar to Helhiem.

Vanaheim: It has a very natural look.

Asgard: This was a very civilized place with splendid buildings.  it is connected to earth by a rainbow bridge.

Midgard: Earth: It wasn't as civilized as Asgard, but not as chaotic as Jotunheim.

Jotunheim: The environment and people blend together in this land.  This is the most chaotic world.

Alfheim: Beautiful forest.

Svartalfheim: The underground world of dwarves.

Helheim: It existed under Midgard.  This where most people went when they died.

Muspellheim: World of fire.

Valhalla: Warriors that died in battle lived here.  They were able to dine with deities.

Ymir: He was the 1st person to exist.  He was a giant.  The universe was made out of his body.

War of Tribes: The Vanir and Aesir went to war.  Vanir used magick and Assir used weapons.  They made a truce and exchanged deities.

Vanir: A tribe of sex, nature, and magick deities.  They lived in Vanaheim.

Aesir: A tribe of deities that lived in Asgard.

Giants: They very powerful beings of destruction and chaos.

Elves: Very playful beautiful creatures.  They are closely related to the Vanir.  They could make humans sick and they could cure them.  Sometimes elves and humans can produce offspring together.  That offspring was very magical.

Dwarves: They were great blacksmiths.  They created Thor's hammer, Odin's spear, Freyr ship, etc.  They would turn to stone when exposed to sunlight.  They weren't midgets.

Land Spirits: They protect the land.  They can bless or curse anyone that touches the land.

Ancestors: Spirits of the deceased that bless the land and their relatives.  

Odin: Leader of the Aesir.  He is the god of the sky and rode a slide.  He has two ravens and 2 wolves. He is one of the inspirations of Santa Claus.  He took out his right eye and hung on Yggdrasil 4 wisdom.  He created runes.

Freya: She was a Vani and the sister of Freyr.  She is the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty.  She moved to Asgard and did magic 4 people.  They got upset with her because they became obsessed with her magic. They killed her several times.  This led to theWar of Tribes.

Freyr: He was Vanir.  He was the most famous deity among Germanic tribes.  He may have ruled Alfheim.

Thor: Son of Odin.  He was a war god.  He had a mighty hammer(phallic symbol). One time he lost his hammer and he was put in a dress.  A king was going to marry him.  He got his hammer back rip off the dress and kicked ass.

Njord: He was Vanir.  He was the father of Freya and Freyr.  He was the god of the sea, fertility, and wealth.  He married a giant, but it didn't last long because they lived in conflicting environments.

Loki: He was a trickster god.  He was a god in Asgard.  He was half-giant.  Hel is his daughter.  Baldur was killed by his trickery.

Baldur: Son of Odin and Freya.  He was the most handsome deity, because of that a giantess wanted to marry him.  She married Njord by mistake.  Baldur had a dream he was attacked by something.  Freya made it so no object can hurt him.  Loki found out mistle was able to hurt him.  He got a Hodr to throw a mistle spear @ Baldur.  That killed Baldur.

Hel: She was the ruler of Helheim.

Jormungard: Serpent that surrounds the world.  He is Loki's son.

Fenrir: A giant wolf.  He is Loki's son.

Ragnarok: This is the end of the world.  Loki and Fenrir lead an attack on the Aesir. They made Yggdrasil tremble.  Loki was in command of a giant army that attacked Asgard.  Thor and Jormungard killed each other.  Fenrir killed Odin and Tyr.  Vidar killed Fenrir.  Surt and Freyr killed each other.  Heimdall and Loki killed each other. Baldur resurrected after Ragnarok.  He was glorious.  

Thor's Hammer: Protection
Swastika: Luck, power, wealth, etc.
Valknut: Odin's and death's symbol.
The Helm of Awe: Protection
Svefnthorn: Puts people to sleep.

This was the written language of Germanic tribes.  Each rune represents an idea, sound, and energy.  There are 3 types of runes.  They are Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc.  The runes may be based on a southern European script.  Words help shape our reality.  Runes can help humans communicate with spirits.

Norse Shamanism
Female shamans were called Volva.  They practiced 3 forms of magic.  They were seior, spa, and galdr. They were diviners, sex magic, etc.  The Romans saw these shamans and wrote about them.  They engaged in ritual human sacrifice.  They like dancing to drum beats. The Catholic Church wiped out the Volvas.  

The Vikings hung people from trees as a sacrifice 4 Thor.  Once a chief died a slave girl was raped by all the men in the village while intoxicated.  Then she was stabbed by the oldest woman in the village.  Her course and the chief was burned on a ship. People were sacrificed on the Yule.  Yule is the mother of Christmas. Sometimes they would sacrifice an animal to deities.  They would collect the blood in a cup and drink it. Viking men would bleach their hair so it could be blond.  The bleaching killed lice.

Christianization of Northern Europe
Denmark: The Vikings brought Christian slaves there.  These slaves introduced Christianity to the Vikings. The King of Denmark had diplomatic relationship with England.  This made it easy for the Vikings to accept Christianity.

Sweden: A monk came there to spread the word.  It wasn't received well.  Later on, a Christian king came to power.  He made Christianity more popular.

Norway: A Christian king allowed people to practice the Norse Religion; while he had Christian churches built.  The king after him destroyed all the churches he built and persecuted the Christians.  Then a Christian king came to power and spread Christianity all over Norway.  He persecuted non-Christians and destroyed their temples.      

This religion is a recreation of the Norse Religion.  The word Asatru means beliefs in gods.  This religion is 4 all European people.  This religion is polytheistic and it doesn't believe in original sin.  The deities are real. Courage, strength, joy, honor, freedom, loyalty, realism, and honoring ancestors are virtues of this religion. Nature is scared in this religion.  A universal religion is a terrible idea because every ethnic and racial group has their own way of seeing the world.  Because of this certain religions are better 4 certain groups of people than others.    

This was the religion of Germanic tribes.  It has a rich mythology, cosmology, and symbols.  Runes and Norse Shamanism are sweet.  It had weird rituals.  Christians made it go extinct.  Asatru is its resurrection.    


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chronology of Iran

Iran has a rich history.  It had several ancient civilizations.  Such as Elam, Medes, and Persia.  There was even an ancient medical school in Iran!  Zoroastrianism became the religion of Iran b4 Islam.  Alexander the Great destroyed the Persian Empire.  An Islamic dynasty came to power in Iran and persecuted people of other religions.  The invasion of the Mongols had a big impact on Iran.  Iran was once ruled by a Shah. Then there was an Islamic Revolution.  Now it's ruled by Islamic fundamentalism.
This kingdom started over 5,000 years ago.  It was created when several states in southwestern Iran came together.  Susa was the capital of Elam.   Elam had its own language called Linear Emite.  They later used cuneiform to write with.  The Elamites liked Babylonian art, so they imitated it.   Sometimes a Mesopotamian state would conquer Elam and rule 4 several centuries.  Elam controlled parts of Sumer sometime during the 3rd millennium BCE.  Kassites invaded Elam.  Elam may have experienced a dark age at this time.

Elamites were polytheistic and they had deities and beliefs similar to the Mesopotamians.  Temples and ziggurats were created 4 deities.   Kiririsha and Pinikir were the most powerful goddesses in Elam.  The most high god was Khumban. Inshushinak was the patron deity of Susa.
This kingdom was located in northwestern Iran.  This kingdom started around 750 BCE.  The Medians were composed of at least 6 tribes.  One of those tribes were the Magi.  The Magi were similar to the Brahmins in India.  They later became the priests of Zoroastrianism.  Medians had their own language.  They worshipped their deities at fire temples.  Medes was ruled by Assyria from time to time.  Later on, it was absorbed into Perian Empire.
This kingdom was a vassal of Medes till 550 BCE.  Cyrus the Great was the 1st king of the Persian empire.  He conquered Medes, Lydia, Ionia, and Babylonia.  His son Cambyses II incorporated Kemet into the empire.  Cambyses cousin Darius became the next Persian emperor.  Darius ruled an empire that stretched from the Balkans to India.  Aramaic was the language of this empire.  There were many different ethnic groups in this empire.
This religion became the state religion of Persia.  Its beliefs were spread throughout the empire.  This religion was created by a prophet Zoroaster.  B4 this religion took off, people were polytheistic.  He taught Persians to only worship Ahura Mazda.  Ahura Mazda was supremely good.  There is an evil god named Angra Mainyu.  Ahura and Angra will battle each other until the end of time.
Greek Destruction
Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire.  The Greeks destroyed temples and the capital of Persia.  This was because a Greek city was destroyed by the Persians.  Cyprus the Great tomb was also destroyed.  Alexander regretted the destruction.  Greeks looked up to the Persians because they were so civilized.  The Persians funded the Spartans when they were at war with Athens.

Academy of Gondishapur
The lessons at this school were philosophy, medicine, science, and theology.  When Byzatinian emperors closed educational centers the scholars went to the academy.  A lot of Greek, Syriac, Indian, and Chinese intellectual texts were translated in the academy. Professors created hospitals around this academy.
Islamization of Iran
Arabs were able to conquer Persia because it was weakened after warring with Byzantine.  Arabs conquered Iraq and the later they conquered Iran.  Over time the Iranians became Muslims.  People who practiced Zoroastrianism were persecuted. They had to pay a tax; if they didn't they were killed, imprisoned, or enslaved.  There were similarities between Zoroastrianism and Islam.  This made it easier 4 Zoroastrianists to covert.  Persians had a big effect on the Islamic Golden Age.  They may have been the greatest Islamic scholars.

Mongol Invasion of Iran
The Mongols invaded Iran in 1219 CE.  They tried to be diplomatic with Iran, but their efforts failed. Ghengis Khan sent 2 ambassadors to Iran and they were murdered. They used Chinese catapults to destroy cities.  The Mongols killed over 50% of the Iranians and they destroyed partially or totality the Islamic Golden Age.  Mongols ruled Iran 4 a century.
There were 2 kings from the Pahlavi dynasty.  They were called Shah (King of Kings). The 1st Shah was Reza Shah Pahlavi.  He overthrew the Qajar dynasty in 1921.  He was a general in the army and he was backed by the British.  He modernized Iran by having railways and trains & factories created, increased the length of the highway, supported women rights, etc.  He was friendly with Iranian Jews.  He changed Persia name into Iran.  He made it law to wear European clothes.  He clashed with religious leaders.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was the last king of this dynasty.  He was the son of Reza Shah Pahlavi.  He became king in 1941.  The U.S. and British supported a certain prime minister and Mohammad was scared he would be overthrown.  He removed the European backed prime minister from office.  He westernized Iran like his father b4 him.  He also persecuted followers of Baha'i.  Women had rights during his reign.
Islamic Revolution
The Shah ran away during the revolution because he was afraid of being murdered. Ruhollah Khomeini was the leader of the Islamic Revolution.  He became the Supreme Leader of Iran.  He turned Iran into a theocracy.  Some Iranians didn't like the Shah because they saw him as a puppet as the U.S.  Women played a big role in this revolution.  Iraq attacked Iran to stop the revolution on behavest of the U.S. Khomeini wanted all Islamic countries to become Islamic Republics.  Most of them are monarchies.  The creation of Hezbollah was inspired by the Islamic Revolution.
Iran Now!!!
Government- The Islamic Republic of Iran is theocratic.  The chief of state is the Supreme Leader.  The president is the head of the government.  It has 3 branches of government.  There are 19 political parties in Iran.

Military- Iran has an army, navy, air force, and law enforcement.

Economy- Most of its $ come from Oil and Natural Gas.

Demographics: There are over 80 million people in Iran.  There are 7 major ethnic groups in Iran.  They are as followed: Persians, Kurds, Arabs, Turks, Lur, Azeri, and Baloch.  Farsi is the most popular languages in Iran.  Arabic is popular too.
Iran is a great country!!!!  It has several great ancient civilizations.  It was destroyed by the Greeks and Mongols.  It was able to recover both times.  It had a great medical school and hospitals.  Arabs brought Islam to Iran.  B4 Iran was Islamic its state religion was Zoroastrianism.  Persians had had a huge impact on the Islamic Golden Age.  Kings of Persia were known as Shah.  Now it is an Islamic theocracy because of the revolution.        
