
Thursday, April 23, 2020


Demons are very ancient.  Most of them started off as deities.  They are aggressive spirits that are close to human nature.  Some demons are very popular.  I will list a few.  They have a history of over 2,500 years!!!  They come from different nations.  Demons are removed from a person's body by a shaman.  There are 72 demons in the goetia.  Demons play a big role in the Qliphoth.
The word demon comes from daimon.  Daimons were messengers of Greek deities.  They can be good or evil.  When the bible was translated in Greek, deities of other tribes were called diamons, later demons.  Most demons today are based on ancient non-Hebrew deities. 
The first demons in history come from Zoroastrianism.  They worked 4 Ahriman.  He was the god of evil.  Those demons were called devas.  They represented negative emotions.  Most demons today are based on Canaanite, Mesopotamian, and Kemetic deities.  Now they are a big part of Christianity.  Christians see them as agents of Satan.  They believe they are war with angels.  But the truth is they aren't and they exist independently of Satan.  Most Christians believe demons are fallen angels. They are just remake of ancient spirits, more or less.  They are amoral, not evil. 
Demons in Shamanism
Sometimes when people have aliments, they have a demon in their body.  Demons cause and/or attracted to aliments.  There are 4 types of demons.  I remember 2 of them: time capsule demons and drive by demons.  Time capsule demons may stay with you over lifetimes.  They want you to get rid of a certain problem.  Drive by demons curse people went sent by a sorcerer.  Shamans help remove demons from people's body.  Sometimes the demons give advice to the shaman on how to help the person heal.  They are like another type of angel.       
Popular Demoted Deities
Belial:  Has similarities to Sekhmet.  He is a very powerful demon, that can help people rize politically.
Beelzebub:  The name means Lord of Heaven.  Now days people say it means lord of flies.  Originally a god of Philistines.
Pazuzu:  A mesopotamian demon god.  Great protector and killer.  He's my favorite demon!!!!!!!
Lamashtu:  Demon goddess that killed babies.  Later on people thought Lilith killed babies.  They are mistaken.  Pazuzu protected people from her.  Anu is her father.
Paimon: Giver of knowledge.  Has vast powers.
Asmodeus: Originally a deva of wrath.  Now a demon of lust.
Baalam: He has great divination powers.  He sees into the past, present, and future simultaneously.
Bael: It looks like a crab with 3 heads: cat, european man, and frog.  He has the power to make you invisible (people will not notice you).  It like you become a stranger, even to those who are very fimilar to you.   
Vine: He looks like a lion and rides a black horse.  He has great divination powers as well.
Zagan: He has the power of alchemy.
Beleth: He is great @ making people fall in love or lust.
Purson: He help you find hidden treasure.  He's a lion that rides a bear.
Lucifuge Rofocale: He gives magicians control over other demons after they make a pact with them.  He has the powers of Saturn!!!!!
Bune: He looks like a griffin with 3 heads.  He helps people make $.
Leviathan: Original name is Lotan.  It's a sea serpent in Canaanite mythology.  A demon in Judaism. 
Succubus/Incubus: A female or male demon that drain people life force by having sex. 
Lilith: Originally a Sumerian air spirit.  In Judaism she was the first wife of Adam.  She had sex with him in the cowgirl position.  Yahweh got upset and but her out of the garden.  She plays a part in the Kabbalah/Qliphoth.  She is very sexual and the counterpart of Shekinah.     
Goetic Spirits
There are 72  of these spirits.  Most of the demons I wrote about in the previous section are in the Goetia.  These demons have many different abilities and they have legions (group of spirits).  They can help or hurt a person in every way.  Legend has it Solomon had a magic ring that gave him the ability to control these demons.  They may or may not correspond to Shemhamphorash.   
Qliphothic Demons
The Tree of Death is the opposite of the Tree of Life.  The Qliphoth is the shadow of the Kabbalah.  The qlippas of the Tree of Death have demons in them.  Some of which are in the Goetia.  Lilith and  Samuel are a part of the Qliphoth.  Samuel is the angel of destruction and death.  So, sum people see him as evil.       
Demons been around for over 2500 years!!!!  The first known religion with demons was Zoroastrianism.  The word demon come from the Greek language.  Most demons were created by Jews and Christians.  They are based on ancient deities.  Some demons try to motivate people to see their problems.  Others simply curse people when directed.  There are many popular demons.  There are 72 demons in Goetia.  Demons are involved with the Qliphoth. 

Friday, April 3, 2020


Angels have been around 4 millennia!!!!!!!  They have a long history.  Some of them are demoted deities.  There are several famous angels.  The fallen angels were angels that were part of rebellion against Yahweh.  There are many different types of angels and them come in different categories.  There are many astrological angels.  They are big in the Kabbalah.
The images of angels come from Kemet.  Check out Ma'at and Aset.  The word angel comes from the Greek language, it means messenger.  The concept of angels comes from Zoroastrianism.  They were emanations of Ahura Mazda.  They are called ahuras.   
Most Important (famous)Angels
  • "Vohu Mano: Good Mind. Presides over cattle.
  • Asha Vahishta: Highest Asha, the Amahraspand presiding over Asha and fire.
  • Khshathra Vairya: 'Desirable Dominion', the Amahraspand presiding over metals.
  • Spenta Armaiti: 'Holy Devotion', the Amahraspand presiding over the earth
  • Haurvatat: 'Perfection or Health'. Presides over water.
  • Ameretat: 'Immortality', the Amahraspand presiding over the Earth"
Michael: Great warrior and protector.  Leader of the angelic host.  Represents the element of fire and East.
Raphael: Great healer.  He represents the element of air and South.
Gabriel: Divine messenger.  He told  John the Baptist mom and Mary they would give birth to 2 nice gentlemen.  He even inspired the Quran!!!!  By giving the revelation to Muhammad.  He is water and West.
Uriel: He gives knowledge and he is the Earth and North.
Raziel: He reveals secrets and author of the Kabbalah.
Melek Taus: He is the peacock angel of the Yazidis.  He was the first angel to have emanated from God.  He watches over the world.
Lucifer: He was the most high angel, then he fell from grace.  He is the serpent in the garden.  Or so it seems.  Originally the Roman god of light and the planet Venus.
Samael:  He is the angel of death and destruction.  He tempts people to sin.  If they do he records it and tells Yahweh, his boss.  The name means the venom of god.  One of his titles was Satan.  Which means adversary.
Azazel: He was a deity that ruled over Se'irim.  They are goat spirits.  He is the master of the occult and herbalism.  The scapegoat was sacrificed to him.  The scapegoat represented the sins of the tribe.  By killing it those sins are forgiven.
Samyaza: He was the leader of the Watchers.  You can read about him in the Book of Enoch and the Book of Giants.  He taught humans magick. 
Metaron: He started off as a human named Enoch.  Once Enoch got to heaven he became Metaron.  He never tasted death.  He is very wise and connected to Akashic records.
Sandalphon: He was Enoch brother.  He never tasted death either.  He's is over music.
Tzaphkiel: He is one of 7 archangels.  He helps people make good decisions.  He can calm someone nerves.
Haniel: His name means grace of god.  He brings joy to our hearts.

Chamuel: He helps relationships be more peaceful.  He is so loving. 
Peace Angels: They bring peace into people's lives when they are under extreme stress.

Healing: They are angels that heal people physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Messenger: These angels bring humanity information from the divine.  They help uplift our consciousness.

Abundance: They bring you opportunities to improve your life.  Such as more positive relationships, jobs, $, love, success, etc. 

Guardian: They keep us safe.  Some people may have many guardian angels.  Others may only have one.

Star:  They help make our dreams come true and connects us to our higher selves.

Flower:  They protect nature and keep it beautiful.

Helper: They can help with any project you take up.

Power: These angels help remind us of how powerful we are.  They help us be defend ourselves.

Archangel: Angel bosses, they rule over the rest of angels.  They are very powerful.

Mercy: These angels help people that feel hopeless.  They help people get of the ground and create their destiny.



Amesha Spentas: Emanations of Ahura Mazda.  

FravashisGuardian Angels

Yazatas: Regular Angels


Chayot Ha Kodesh: These were the angels seen by Ezekiel.  They have 4 faces and maybe the same as or similar to Cherubim. 

Ophanim: They are closest to Yahweh.  They protect his throne.

Erelim: They are courageous angels and they are close to Yahweh.

Chasmallaim: They are angels of electricity. 

Seraphim: They have 6 wings and they are serpentine.  They are in the presence of Yahweh.

Malachim: Similar to the messenger type angels.

Cherubim: Originally from Assyria/Babylonia.  It has 4 faces.  The Garden of of Eden is blocked by a cherubim with a flaming sword.  They are the most popular angel in the bible.  They are the most glorious angels.   

Ishim: They are closet to humanity and they made out of fire and ice. 
Fallen Angels
In the Christian tradition Lucifer rebelled against Yahweh and a 1/3 of angels went with him.  In Islam he wouldn't submit to Adam.  In Judaism there was never a fallen out.  Some angels came to earth  and had sex with women.  The offspring of this union are called Nephilim.  There is a similar story in Sumer about the Annunaki.  Some people believe they artificially inseminated a hominid female.  Given rize to humanity.  Some people believe fallen angels are demons, others don't. 
Astrological Angels
Each zodiac sign, planet, and dates have several angels attached to it.  I will explain several of them.  Michael is rules or the Sun and Sunday.  Metatron and Sandalphon are angels of the Earth.  Sandalphon also rules Pisces.  Cassiel is the angel of Saturn and Saturday.  Gabriel rules over the Moon, Aquarius, and Monday.  Raphael governs Mercury and Wednesday.  Samael is over Mars, Aries, and Tuesday.  The angels have the same energy of the planet and/or sign they rule over.     
Kabbalah Angels
There are 10 sephiroths in the Tree of Life and a hidden one.  Each sephiroth represents an area of existence.  There's an angel in all 10 sephiroths.  The angels carry the energy of the sephiroth.  Yahweh has 72 divine names.  Each name has an angel.  Each angel can help you in different area of your life.
Angels are very ancient, they predate Abrahamic religions.  There are many different angels that can help people in various ways.  There are many types and categories of angels.  Some angels have fallen from grace.  They did by deciding to do something other than duty.  Angels are big in astrology and the Kabbalah.     
Encyclopedia of Spirits