
Wednesday, December 7, 2016


They live in the 5th dimension and have very advanced technology.  'They are one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy."  They connect us to the afterlife.  They have the best starships in the universe. They have made peace with death.  They understand all beings are connected.  Death isn't the end of existence, it's a new beginning.
They have green skin, large almond shaped eyes, 3 fingers, and they are psychic.  They have extrasensory perception.  They can live for 400 years!!!  They have sex mentally and eat energy.  They only sleep once a week.  They eliminated diseases long ago.  A person occupation is determined by the color of their aura.  Their planet is similar to earth but more pristine.

They don't use cash, they have a barter system.  If someone needs something, it will be supplied by someone who can fulfill the need.  Their planet is 36 light years away in Bootes constellation.  This society is ruled by a council of elders.  They are able to time travel.

They are here to help us heal mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  They are helping us ascend to higher dimensions.  Their orientation is service to others.            
The Arcturians are a great inspiration for humanity!!!!!  They are super positive, have advanced technology, don't have diseases, long live span, etc.  They help us in many ways.  Learn more about them.  Amen.

Arcturian Ankh
Master of your own Universe
Arcturian Rap
Eat to Ascend! 

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