
Thursday, August 18, 2022


This is a cyborg disease, it has been around over a decade.  There are various symptoms and treatments.  What's its relationship to Lyme disease and nanotechnology?  Did chemtrails cause morgellons? There is no prevention or cure.  Or so it seems.  
It is a skin disease that causes rashes and sores.  It effects other parts of the body as it progresses.  It is a cyborg disease, part organic and part mechanical.  Most doctors say it is parasitosis, but they are incorrect.  I've seen the pictures of it, it is not a delusion.  Some doctors think it got something to do with Lyme disease.  I'll look into that later.  Some people think it's caused by chemtrails.  We will see if that's true.   
It has been around 4 @ least 20 years.  Mary Leitao discovered morgellon disease (MD) on her son.  He had sores on his skin.  He told her he felt bugs crawling in him. The sores had fibers in them.  Mary saw them under a microscope.  She took her son to several doctors and they didn't find anything wrong with him.  One doctor told her to see a psychiatrist.  Then they thought she was crazy.  She named the disease Morgellons, because it was similar to a disease in the 1600's. 

She created the Morgellons Research Foundation.  People from all ova the states and 15 other countries got in contact with the foundation because they had the disease.  Ova 10,00 families contacted her.  It closed down in 2012.        

The CDC investigated the cause of MD.  They studied the fibers and said they were made out of cotton.  They didn't know why people felt tingles under their skin.  It was assumed they were crazy.  Most of the people with MD were middle age white women that had health problems.  Most of them had chronic fatigue syndrome.      
MD has several symptoms.  They are has follows: rashes, sores, crawling sensations, fibers growing out of the skin, depression, insomnia, fatigue, joint pain, itching, anxiety, and inability to focus.  The fibers are very resilient; they can with stand heat that would melt most organisms.  The CDC said the fibers growing out of people skin are cotton fibers from clothes.  It has been discovered fibers are made out of keratin.  But there maybe other fibers made out of other substances or keratin could be one component.         
There are several treatments.   The treatments are as follows: getting a health care provider, being patient and keep an open mind.  Antibiotic therapy may help, because people with this disease tend to be infected with bacteria.  This disease has a lot of moving parts. Dr. Hildergarde Straninger may have found a cure for MD.  There maybe certain soaps that can treat MD.           

Lyme Disease Connection
Most people morgellons have Lyme disease.  Some of the symptoms of MD is the same as Lyme disease.  It can cause mental illness and suicide.   It was thought that it was created by the military as WMD, but Lyme disease has been around 4 millennia.  Maybe it was simply weaponized like pathogens of the current pandemic.  It seems like LD is the mother of MD, but there are other factors.         
The itching victims experience may simply be nanobots moving beneath their skin.  MD can cause silicone to be produced in cells.  The nanobots have antennas and they self replicate.  The use the body material of the hosts to make more of themselves, possibly.  Sometimes crystals are formed and generate light.  It seems like nanobots are the father of MD.         
What Chemtrails got 2 do with it?
This is one of the ways it's spread.  It maybe in the food and tap water as well.  I've read people with MD live in the areas that have the most chemtrails.  They contain heavy metals, nanobots, pathogens, etc.  Some clouds are formed out of chemtrails.  People have seen the fibers in water from the sky.  It seems like morgellons gets into any living organism it comes in contact with.          
Morgellons is a cyborg disease that affects the skin and other parts of the body.  It has been around ova 20 years.  It has many symptoms and treatments.  It is related to Lyme disease.  It is partly nanotechnology and one of the ways it's spread is by chemtrails.    