
Saturday, December 30, 2023


SSP is an abbreviation that means Secret Space Program.  Matthew Bevan and Gary Mckinnon hacked into the U.S. government, military and NASA computers.  Germany was the first country to flying saucers in modern history.  U.S. government officials had a meeting with aliens.  There are different organizations and aircrafts involved in SSP.  There was or is a Nazi base in Antarctica.  Bases on the Moon and Mars are occupied by various people.  There are sum mercenaries groups involved as well.  There are some people who have been in these programs and told the public.  Different alien species are involved in this.  What's are breakaway civilizations?  Face peelers are killing tribal people in South America.  Milabs are awful!!!!   
Matthew & Gary's Discovery
Matthew Bevan lived in Great Britain and hacked into to the computers of The Department of Defense, NASA and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  All of that was done in 1994!!!!  He discovered a saucer shape anti- gravity flying machine.  2 years later he was arrested by Scotland Yards.  They asked if he learned about Hanger 118 @ Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  He told them he didn't.  Then he went to trial, but the government dropped the case.  

Gary Mckinnon also lived in the UK.  In the early 2000's, he hacked the Pentagon and NASA computers.  He discovered the U.S. Navy's space fleet, which is called Solar Warden.  He learned the names of sum of the alien officers and space stations.  There was pictures of advanced spacecrafts he saw too.  The U.S. government tried to extradite him 4 a decade.  But Britain wasn't having it.  Now he has his own bizzness.   
Foo Fighters         
These were Nazi flying saucers.  The allies called them Foo Fighters.  Victor Schauberger invented engines called Replusine A and Replusine B; it was empowered by implosion.  He also invented a submarine that had that engine in it.  After WWII, he was interrogated by the U.S. military and they told him not work on flying saucers anymore.         
Secret Meetings
President Eisenhower had a meeting with Nordics @ an air force base in 1952.  They had white hair and blue eyez.  The deal was they would help humans improve spiritually if the U.S. destroy its nuclear weapons.  Eisenhower was 4 it, but the establishment was against it.  The Nordics wanted humans to stop murdering each other and polluting.  The deal was rejected, because the establishment felt like they need nuclear weapons 2 fight aliens and the Soviets.  The following year Eisenhower made a deal with the Tall Grays.  The deal was the aliens would abduct humans 4 experiments in exchange 4 technology.  They weren't suppose 2 harm them, erase their memories, return them to the place of origin, give a list of all the humans they abducted 2 the government, and mutilate cattle.  This contract was called the Grenada Treaty.             
Classified Airplanes
B-2 Spirit: It is the first stealth bomber created in the U.S. and it looks like the Nazi's Horton Wing.  I read it has anti-gravity.  Stealth technology may have even been inspired by alien tech.      
F-117: First ever stealth plane made.  It's was a fighter plane and it was made by the U.S. government.  It may be based on otherworldly tech.
TR-3B: This plane flew ova my house in 1997 when I was 10.  I thought it was an alien aircraft.  11 years later a solider told me that was a classified military plane.  Its engine is a nuclear reactor and it's silent.  
Dark Fleet-Space Nazi that help Draconians conquer other civilizations throughout the Milky Way.  The use of slave labor as well.
Navy-Their space fleet is called Solar Warden and it started in 1984 or earlier.  Nordics helped the Navy in engineering space ships.  Gary Mckinnon founded out about SW after he hacked the pentagon computers.    
Air Force-Their space fleet is less advanced than Solar Warden.  They have reversed engineered alien spacecrafts.  Such as the TR-3B.   
Space Force-It grew out of the Air Force.  It was created when Trump was president; but the idea goes all the back to 2001.   Anti-gravity aircrafts from the Air Force was giving 2 them.  Then they took ova the Air Force secret space program.       
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate(ICC)-I read they own most of the bases on Mars and this space program was created by the Nazis.  This organization is a mixture of U.S. and German corporations.  They control 11 cities on Mars.  Powerful cyborgs that are supersoldiers are created in the Cybernetics Laboratory.  Scientists in that laboratory are able to remove the soul and put it in another body or a container.  They can also download someone's memories on a computer chip.  They traffic humans 2 aliens 4 $ or goods.   
Red Dragon-Dr. Qian Xuesen stared the SSP in China.  He was part of the U.S. SSP, but got kicked out the U.S. because the government thought he was a communist.  While he was working with the U.S. government, he studied the foo fighters in Germany after WW2.  He helped revere engineer alien spacecraft in the U.S. and China.        
Solaris-The U.S., Britain and France were working on a SSP together in the 90's.  France built  flying saucers after that organization was created.  

Time Cops-An organization in Norway, they stop people from messing up the timeline.  

Ashtar Command-They based in clouds of Jupiter and it's a military.  People from this organization neva interact with humans on Earth.  
Antarctica Nazi Base
Dark Fleet started there b4 it went into outer space.  A German Navy Admiral said there was a fortress near the South Pole.  Admiral Byrd went down there and he said there were flying machines that can travel pole to pole @ incredible speed.  He was afraid those machines would attack the U.S.      
Lunar Bases
Lunar Operation Command: There was or is a Nazi base on the dark side of the Moon.  They got to the moon by 1942.  It has @ least 11 levels and it shaped like a swastika.  The Moon is a neutral zone 4 different nations and aliens.  It's sorta like the U.N.; organizations aren't hostile to each while on the Moon. 
Dark Fleet Complex: It is 5 interconnected bases; each base is unique.  The first base is a spaceport and crafts are repaired there.  On the 2nd base abductees are debriefed, implanted and memories erased.  The third base is 4 entertainment.  Such as: sports, movies, walking, and contests.  The 4th base is restricted 2 humans and it's the control room.  If a human sum how end up there, they're leaving in a body bag.  The final base is the power station.  Humans aren't allowed there either.  NASA moon landing was fake though.  
Marian Bases
There are 2 native species on Mars.  They are reptiods and insectoids.  They are peaceful, but they killas if you push them.   The Nazis have many bases there, but  they have 3 main ones.  The first is 4 food storage.  The 2nd one is 4 intelligence gathering.  the final one is 4 education and training.  There's a Marian Defense Force, which consists of marines.  The MDF is controlled by them.  The U.S. and the Soviets created a jointed base there in 1964.  Randy Cramer talked about this.  Andrew Basiago was transported 2 Red Planet by the U.S. government when he was a kid.  He was a part of Project Pegasus.  One of the UFO twins seen melanated beings living there.  Ethiopians and Nigerians say their ancestors came from Mars!!!!!         
Corporation involved in SSP
Monarch: They have been around 4 ova 6,000 years!!!!  They want to rule the world by manipulating the timeline  It's similar 2 the Montauk Project.  But they have lost this ability.   
Kruger: It started in Europe in 1815.  They enhance soldiers  abilities so they can "steal intelligence."  There soldiers are very acrobatic.  They got big in 1946.  
Shoreline: They extract information from any source.  Be it man, computer, animal, etc.  This is done by going to astral plane and integrating the info.  They have been around for ova 5,000!!!!!!
Shadow Group: They are special ops from various nations.  They plan on taking ova the world, via deception.  The war in Ukraine was caused by them.  Genetics, WMDs, and "medical research" is their specialty.  The Great Depression, Watergate, Montauk Project, smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia and many other historical catastrophes may been caused or exacerbated by them.  They have time traveling capabilities. 
Alien Involvement
Draconians-They are the most terrible reptoids in this galaxy.  A lot species are afraid of them.  Sum of the small Grays work 4 them.  Them came from another universe and they are service 2 self.   
Grays-There are many different types of this alien.  Some of them live in Orion and are 7 ft and highly intelligent.  Sum grays are mutated humans from the future(parallel universe).  Their DNA is messed up so they abducted us to create hybrid races.  Some grays are robots and others are soldiers that wear gray suits.   
Nordics-Sum of them help the Navy with their secret space program.  They are very psychic and reptoids love 2 get there hands on them, because they are so psychic.  
These 3 groups interact the most with the U.S. government.  But there are many other species of aliens interacting with governments as well.     
Breakaway Civilization
This is a civilization that was started by Earth humans in outer space.  Many breakaway civilizations was created by the Nazis.  In sum of these civilizations there are 5 castes.  They are as follows: bizzness owners, white collar workers, blue collar workers, merchants, and slaves.   The soldiers are given black goo, which makes them stronger and emotionless.  Sum humans have sex with aliens in these civilizations.    I've read there was or is human colonies of Ceres, Titan, and Phobos.  There's an estimated 9.6 trillion humans in this galaxy alone!!!!    
People in the Know
Laura Eisenhower: She is President Dwight D. Eisenhower great granddaughter; and a author, researcher and astrologer.  She knows a lot about aliens, psychic powers, Earth, health, magick, and the military-industrial complex.  You can find videos of her on YouTube and Rumble.  She is trying to free us from the matrix.    
William Tompkins: He was in navel intelligence and worked on alien aircraft.  He stole Nazi technology after WWII 4 the U.S. government.  The Nazis was working with the Draconians.  Most of their tech came from those aliens.       
Bob Lazar: He used to work on reverse engineering alien crafts @ Groom Lake.  It's near Area 51; that was where the F-117 and the B-2 was built.  The FBI raided his company 4 alien fuel.  All of academic records are missing.        
Apollymi Mandylion:  She is part dragon, Pleiadean and fairy.  She also a mercenary and was created by The Darkfleet and trained by them as well.  Many abuses was committed against her 2 break her mind.  That may have caused to become more psychic as well.      
IIeana The Star Traveler: Healing with different modalities is her specialty.  They are as follows: crystal, healing, Reiki, shamanic healing, and sound healing.  She can remove blockages in our energy bodies and improve our chakras.  She is also a channeler and was involved in the SSP.        
John Whitberg: He lived in breakaway civilization.  Mk Ultra was used against him and he was in the Darkfleet.  Dr. Green programmed children; he was very kind when he wasn't torturing kids.    
Ra Cloud: He had many experiences with aliens and SSP.  He's very psychic and he wants 2 help people ascend. The Law of One is very important 2 him.  That law was explained by the Ra collective.  There are many videos of him on YouTube.  
Jimmy Paine: He was in M.I.B. for 37 years.  He was a pilot of a spaceship 4 Tall Whites and was involved in time travel missions @ Montuak.  He was stationed on 2 moons and Mars.  Henry Kissinger may have been his handler.     
These are military abductions, sometimes in conjunction with aliens.  When the military abduct people they wear alien customs.  They abduct them for various reasons, such as: to find out about someone's psychic powers, mind control, to get information about alien technology, experiments, specific genetics, etc.  There are milabs in multiple countries.  
Dreaded Face Peelers
In Peru, Venezuela and Brazil Tall Grays in body armor abducts young people and take their faces off.  When people shoot them the bullets bounce off the amour.  They look like Green Goblin from the Spiderman movie.  The people they abduct live in rural areas.  They only abduct people @ night.  They do it in pair.s  A 15 year woman escaped them.  She heard them speak Spanish.  One of them sounded like a gringo.  They may really be Nazis in disguise.  Her neck was bleeding because they tried to 2 take her face of with a laser.  
People have hacked into classified computers and founded out about SSP.  The Nazis got a lot of tech from aliens and are deeply involved with them.  President Eisenhower had a meeting with aliens.  There are military planes based off of their technology.  There are many organizations involved in SSP.  There is or was a Nazi base in Antarctica, the Moon and Mars.   There are several SSP corporations.  Aliens of different species are involved.  There are sum breakaway civilizations.  There are many people that know about this kind of stuff.  Milabs are terrible places sum abductees are taken too.  Aliens in Peru are ripping people faces off!!!!!!  But maybe they're Nazis.         