
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Murder Incorporated

Murder Inc was a gang of hitmen.  They operated between 1930-40's.  They worked 4 the various Mafia families.  The Bugs and Meyer Mob was the precursor to Murder Inc.  They had over 400 contracts.  Some of the members of Murder Inc were terrifying.  There is a record label name after Murder Inc.
The Bugs and Meyer Mob was a Jewish gang founded Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Seigal in 1923.  It was in New York.  It was created, so Jews can defend themselves against Italian and Irish gangs. Lucky Luciano and Frank Costello joined the gang later on.  Then it became Murder Inc.

Lucky and Meyer created the National Crime Syndicate (NCS) in 1929.  Murder Inc worked for them. NCS was a multi-ethnic collaboration of organized criminal gangs.  They were Jewish, Italian, and Irish gangs that made up the NCS.  It went out of business in 1960's.

The hitman made $1,000+ for every contract.  Their families were taken care of financially.  If in of them was arrested the Mafia got bought the best lawyers.

A member of Murder Inc snitched.  That's why they went out bizzness.

Terrifying Members of Murder Inc.
Louis Buchalter: He was the boss of Murder Inc.  He would get a contract from The Commission and give it to a hitter.  Hitters never were in the Mafia.  J. Edgar Hoover caught him and sent him to prison.  He got the electric chair.
Jacob Shapiro: He mentored Louis when they were young.  Jacob was a thug.  He was known as a gorilla in a suit.  When someone displeased him he would say "get out of here."  He recruited hitters for Murder Inc. He was sent to prison and died.

Frank Abbadando: He was a violent hitter in Murder Inc.  He liked killing people with an ice pick. He was also a rapist.  One of the women he raped became his wife.

Abe Twist: He was a hitter in Murder Inc.  He like killing with an ice pick too.  He was a violent sociopath. He became snitch and brought the whole organization down.  Then he fell out a window. The fall killed him.

Murder Inc. were a gang of contract killers that worked for the NCS.  They murdered over 400 people. They were around for at least a decade.  It was composed of Jews and Italians.  Some of the members of Murder Inc. were terrifying.  Murder Inc record label was created by Irv Gotti.  Gotti named it Murder Inc after seeing a documentary about Murder Incorporated.  Ja Rule, Jay-z, and DMX was on this label.  

Murder Inc
Enforcement Arm
Record Label

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