
Monday, October 31, 2022


Who are they? They have a long history and civilization.  They have their own language. Their culture is sweet and it consists of art, music, medicine, religion, food/cooking, clothes, politics.  They're still living in Mexico.  I wonder how they doing.  
They are a tribe that live southern Mexico.  Farming is big in their society.  They inhabit mountains, valleys, and coastal regions.  Pottery and weaving is popular.  Cloud People is what the elite called themselves because they believed their ancestors came from the sky.  They may have been descendants of aliens.  The commoners believed their ancestors came from caves.       
They moved in Oaxaca 3,600  years ago and traded with the Olmecs.  Their civilization started in southern Mexico 2,600 years ago.  They were imperial so they tookova various city-states.  Monte Alban was the capital of the Zapotec empire.  There was a Zapotec ghetto in Teotihuacan!!!  They were polytheistic and cities had patron deities.  The Zapotec had their own written language and calendar.  The empire fell to the Aztec 520 years ago.     
They speak 50 different languages today.  The languages are related to each other, but they have been influenced by other languages.  There are 4 branches of these languages recognized by the Mexican government.  The branches are as follows: western, northern, southern, and central.  These languages are tonal and they are as old as Romance languages.  The word order is verb-subject-object.          
Art: They made bas-reliefs, ceramics, statues, jewelry, buildings, pyramids, and pottery.  They were great weavers      
Music: They had clay flutes and whistled.  Today they use modern instruments.
Medicine: They were big on herbalism.  Healing energy comes from Mother Earth,  Diseases and herbs are hot or cold.  You heal hot diseases with cold herbs and via a versa.  They practice curanderismo, which is a form of Latin American shamanism.    
Religion: Today they are Roman Catholic; but prior to the Spanish conquest, they were polytheistic animist. So am I.  They had @ least 15 deities and everything is alive.  There was also a priesthood.  Catholic and folk saints replaced the deities they worshiped.       
Food; They ate weasels, deer, badgers, turkeys, dogs, raccoons, and rabbits.  Beans, squash, corn, "plantains, chickpeas, peas, sweet potatoes, garlic and onions" were planted by them.  They also ate "papayas, plums, pitayas, chirimoyas, wild grapes, tamarind, guava, avocados and peanuts."  Tamales and tortillas were created by them as well.   They make the best chocolate in Mexico!!!!   
Clothes: Women wear a short sleeve blouse called huipil.   They also wear a skirt called petticoat.  "Men typical clothing was a blanket ova the torso with hats and huaraches.  Nowadays black dress pants are worn, guayaberas or white philippines, huaraches, handkerchief and hat."
Politics: In the past Zapotec communities had a mayor, nobility, priesthood, and commoners.  The communities traded goods with each other and celebrated weddings and other events together.  These communities may have been or still are matriarchal.  Today people of certain ages are elected to certain positions, it's called Cargos.           
Today they are the largest tribe in Oaxaca.  There are ova 300,000 of them.  There is great diversity in their languages because they been separated from each other 4 a long time because of colonization.  They were involved in the Reform Movement and the Mexican Revolution.    
The Zapotec are ancient tribe(s) that live in southern Mexico.  They created their own magnificent civilization ova 2,600 years ago.  They speak @ least 50 languages and have an amazing culture.  Today they are the largest group of aboriginals in Oaxaca and their communities have Cargos.  They make the best chocolate and they are Catholic.      

Thursday, October 27, 2022


What is it?  It has long history and it has 3 main types.  Different tribes came up with their own forms of wrestling.  How effective is it 4 self defense?  What about it in the MMA?  Professional wrestling is so entertaining!!!!    
It is a sport and martial art.  In a contest the opponent is forced to touch the ground or pinned down.  It involves a lot of grappling and strength.  To become a strong wrestler you must work out often.  To defeat a opponent you must be more technical and/or stronger than them.        
Catch-Hold: They start off in a certain grapple.  You may see this in Greco-Roman wrestling.  

Belt and Jacket: Wrestlers wear clothing, which is used by the opponent to grab them.  Sumo and Judo are good examples of this kind of wrestling.  

Loose: A wrestler can use any grip he wants.  It seems like the the opposite of catch-hold and they are less likely to grab each other clothes.  Professional wrestling is a good example of this.         
It's the oldest sport and martial art on Earth.  In southern Europe there are 15,000 year old cave paintings of wrestling! There was jack and belt wrestling in Egypt and Iraq 5,000 years ago.  There was loose wrestling in India 3,500 years ago.  Chinese and Japanese people been doing it ova 2,000 years.  Modern day belt and jacket wrestling is similar to way the ancient Egyptian did it.  The Greek men wrestled 2,700 years ago and they put wrestling images on coins and vases.  Turkish wrestling became popular after the Ottoman empire was established.     
Tribal Wrestling
Ancient Egyptian: People was wrestling there ova 4,500 years ago!!!  They craved it in the wall during the 5th dynasty and the Middle Kingdom.  There was cravings of Egyptian wrestlers defeating Nubian wrestlers.  This was propaganda inspired by Egyptian conquest of Nubia.    
Pankration: It was created millennia ago.  It was a sport @ the Olympic games in ancient Greece.  It was like an ancient form of MMA.  It consisted of wrestling, boxing, kicking, joint-locks, and chokes.  They even did arm bars!!!!!  It maybe the mother of Greco-Roman Wrestling.  
Nuba: This form of wrestling been around 4 millennia.  It was created by tribes that lived around the Nuba Mountains in South Sudan.  There are different sport clubs.  These different clubs have different styles of wrestling.  A person in the ring will point out the person they want to fight.  Then they will do a dance to challenge them.  The winner of each round is picked up and paraded.  @ the end of the match money is put on the winner's head.    
Lancashire: This form of wrestling is English.  Submissions and groundwork is used in this sport.  It was very violent, so rules were created so people wouldn't get hurt.  It is the ancestor of professional wrestling.

Naban: It is traditional wrestling in Myanmar.  It's popular among 2 Himalayan tribes.  Striking pressure points is a important part of this martial art.  It is so popular it was mixed with other martial arts.  
Bok Cham Bab: This form of wrestling is in Cambodia.  It has been around for 1,234 years!!!!  There was women that wrestled in the past.  B4 the match starts, wrestlers dance to music.  To win you have to put your opponent on their back.  
Luta Livre: It is a Brazilian wrestling form.  It rivaled Brazilian Jui-Jujitsu (BJJ); because it was taught to poor people, while BJJ was taught to rich people.  Striking is a part of this martial art.  BJJ is much more popular then Luta Livre.        
Coreeda: It is a form of wrestling in Australia.  It is based on Aboriginal forms of wrestling.  Aborigines learned to wrestle by watching kangaroos.  It has been around 4 ova 10,000 years.   
Canarian: It was created by the Guanches on the Canary Islands.  A opponent is defeated by making any part of their body touch the ground.  They have various techniques 4 grasping, blocking, and deflecting.  Some techniques were forgotten after the Spanish conquest.          
Gidigbo: It is a form of wrestling created by the Yoruba tribe.  It is also a form of magick and it's related to Ifa.  A master of this martial art can absorb earth energy and use it to incapacitate attackers.  They will also have access to various animal and ancestral spirits.  In a public ritual, the wrestlers stand in a circle and dance.  Someone yells Gidigbo, then they wrestle.         

Huka-huka: This form of wresting is created by the Kamayura tribe.  They live in the Brazilian Amazon.  There are women wrestlers in this sport.  Most of the wrestling is done on their knees.  
Gatta gusthi: This is one of several forms of wrestling in India.  It has 100 techniques; the goal is to pin your opponent.  There aren't any weight classes.  It is similar to mud wrestling in northern India.

Buno: This is a type of Filipino wrestling.  This martial art was created by the Aeta people.  Sometimes weapons are used when performing this sport.  Some of the training includes wrestling buffaloes and climbing trees.    
Sumo: This form of wrestling is popular in Japan.  It is ova 1300 years old!!!  The wrestlers try to push each other out of the ring.  It has Shinto and Buddhist traditions in it.  Sumo wrestlers eat 2 meals a day.  They usually eat a lot of chankonabe.  They eat so much of it, they're obese!  
Judo: It's another form of Japanese wrestling.  It involves a lot of throws.  You want to get your opponent off balance by evading them.  You can also use their momentum against them.  It is popular in Japan and the Olympics.    
Schwingen: This is a form of Swiss wrestling that started 217 years ago.  It seems like this sport started out as herders vs farmers.  Opponents grab the back of each other pants and try to throw each other down.  There are 3 referees @ the tournaments.  They give points 4 every throw.    
Glima: These forms of wrestling are common in northern European countries.  They are forms of jacket and belt wrestling and loose wrestling.  Some techniques are taught 4 self defense.  Other techniques are taught for contests.      
Self Defense
It will helps you control your attacker movements.  It good @ dealing with the unpredictably of a fight.  You become more mentally equipped in violent situations.  You'll learn how to harness your aggression, so you could be a dominant force during physical combat.  Wrestling moves are eazy to perform because they use gross motor skills.  It will help you in a clinch.  There is great conditioning in wrestling, so you won't get tried in prolonged fight.  By adding wrestling to your self defense it will be harder 4 attackers to get you on the ground.
There are some holes in wrestling, so you should learn another martial art as well.  It can't help you if you get attacked by multiple people or weapons.  It also lacks submission defense.  Your body will be unprepared to hit a hard surface because mats are softer than concrete.          
Use in MMA
Wrestling is a big deal in Mixed Martial Arts.  It's the most important skill in the sport.  The greatest MMA fighter of all time Jon "Bones" Jones is a wrestler.  A good wrestler can control the fight.  They can keep their opponent on the defensive, so they'll win.        
Professional Wrestling
2 of these wrestling companies created shows that were popular in the United States.  The WWE still is poplar and it use to to known as the WWF.  The pain is real, but the matches are fake.  They are scripted, like a movie.         
WWE: My eldest brother introduced it to me.  I watched this show from 3-15 years old.  Hulk Hogan was my favorite wrestler @ first.  Later on Stone Cold Steve Austin was my favorite wrestler.  It has been around for 69 years.   The story-lines and actors are great on this show.  But the show has become to sexual; they need to stop that because kids are watching.             
WCW: I watched this in the late 1990's.  I enjoyed this show as well.  Some of the wrestlers on this show were from WWF.  Hulk Hogan was popular on this show, but he was bad guy.  He was a good guy on WWF.  It existed for 12 years and it rivaled WWF in popularity.  WWF bought WCW in 2001.  The wrestlers from WCW would battle WWF wrestlers after the purchased.    
ECW: It lasted for 9 years b4 it was acquired by WWF.  Then it came back on the Syfy channel in 2006 and lasted 4 years.  In total it was on for 13 years.  Some of the wrestlers on this show came from WWF and vis a versa.  A lot of channels around the country wouldn't show ECW.  Because it were so extreme.  They had barb wire matches and wrestlers would bled often.  It had a big impact on WWF.  Table, Ladder, Chair matches on WWF was inspired by ECW.  Jumping off the ropes a lot was also inspired by them.  
From the ashes of ECW the CZW rose as the phoenix.  CZW makes ECW look like kindergarten.  It's not as popular as the other 3.     
Wrestling is a fighting style that focus on gross motor skills.  There is 3 types and many ethnic forms.  It's good 4 self defense, but it has drawbacks.  Professional Wrestling is very entertaining.  WWE is the most popular wrestling show in the U.S.   

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Cop Crews

There are many gangs in law enforcement.  LASD as bunch of gangs in it.  The gangs in CPD are called crews.  You will see cops are criminals in uniforms.  
Los Angeles Sheriff Department
There are ova 18 gangs in this department.  They have 'hand signs, tattoos, and rituals like street gangs.'  They are more likely to harm citizens and resist changes in police policy.  Here is a list of some of them. 

Banditos: It's a Hispanic and they're the youngest gang.  The leaders of the gang are called shot callers.  The newbies are called prospects.  Prospects must do as they're told and buy expansive stuff 4 the veterans.  Female prospects may have to have sex with shot callers. If a person selected chooses not to join the gang, members of the gang will get they fired. They have a tattoo, which is a skeleton with a mustache wearing a sombrero holding a gun.   

Compton Executioners: This gang love the Nazis, which means they're racist as hell!!!!!!  They killed a member of may tribe in 2016.  The names of the other Executioners was suppose to come out, but the family of the victim was given $7 million instead.  Sometimes they attack deputies that upset them.  Shooting someone is their initiation ritual after which the shooter gets the tattoo.  Their tattoo is a skeleton solider wearing a helmet and holding a gun.        

Lynwood Vikings: They are a neo-Nazi gang that target black and Hispanic people.  They throw up gang signs and cover up other gang tags with LVS25.  There book of jokes about my tribe they created.  Ova 75 residents in 1990 were harassed by them.  NAACP filed a class action lawsuit and won $9 million.       
There are many more gangs, but this will suffice.  Sheriffs neva get rid of the gangs because they support them or they're afraid of them.
Chicago Crews
Watts: There was ova 10 members in this crew.  They operated on Chicago South Side.  They protected sum drug dealers and arrested their rivals.  People were framed when they wouldn't help these corrupt officers in illegal activities.  The leaders of the crew got arrested in 2012, but the rest of the members are Scott free.     
Skullcap: There was 5 officers in the early 2000's that physically, sexually, verbally assaulted people in a housing project.  They also planted drugs on people and robbed them.  Ova 100 crimes were committed by them.  Only one of them was fired, the other 4 got awards

Austin 7: They were like the Watts crew, but in the early 1990's.  Internal affairs founded out about them and gave the info to the FBI.  So, FBI agents posed as drug dealers.  The 7 officers were arrested, they had drugs in their locker and one of them was in a street gang.      

There maybe crews operating today.
There are many gangs in the LASD.  There were 3 crews in CPD, there is probably more.  Cops rape, beat, torture, and kill many people.  The only way to end police brutality is to be more brutal to them.  Low-yield warfare, guerrilla warfare and curses would end police, but people ain't ready 4 that.  Neither am I!   

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Narco Cults

What are they?  There are 4 different types.  They have various religious traditions.  Each narco cult has it's own rituals.  Santa Murete is a big deal to these criminals.  Many saints are venerated by Mexican drug cartels.  Can't forget about the Narcosatanists!!!!         
People in the cartels employ witches for protection and destruction of their enemy.
Narco cults are the spiritual, religious, and/or magical aspects of Mexican drug cartels.  These dope dealers "hijack" other religions to help them in the drug trade.  Narco cults do not represent the religion they hijacked.  They are corrupted forms of those religions.  Criminals will use whatever they can to make more money.  But they maybe as devoted as normal members of the religions.    
There are 4 different kinds of narco cults.  They are as follows: individualistic, communal, shamanic, and ecclesiastical.  In individualistic ones people work for themselves.  It all personal, they will interact with spirits on their own.  Examples of this would be someone petitioning Santa Murete or a saint.  Communal cults have the most "elaborate" rituals.  A group of people do rituals on certain holidays.  There are secret societies within the cult as well.  Shamanic cults are ran by one person that has access to the spirit world.  They can heal, divine, hex, and do other spells as well.  When someone in the cartel has a problem they come to them.  This spiritual person also has a day job.  Ecclesiastical cult has a "full-time" clergy.  I assume they are patterned are Catholic priests, because Catholicism is popular in Mexico.  Members of the clergy are appointed or elected.                   
Religious Traditions(include Rituals)
All of the Mexican and African traditional religions have several beliefs/rituals in common.  They are as follows: Supreme being, deities, ancestral spirits, rights of passage, magic, and sacrifice.  Rights of passage are initiation rituals that get you ready for a certain phase of life.  Such as a boy becoming a man or a girl becoming a woman.  Animals are sacrificed to spirits as payment, appeasement or as a way of saying thank you.  Magic is a integral part of every religion worldwide.  It is simply certainty creation and/or probably enhancement.  Ancestral spirits can help you or harm you.  Everybody believe in big mama or big daddy.      
Mexican Folk Religions: Curanderismo is a form of Latin American shamanism that is popular in Mexico.  Members of the cartels go see a curandero/a when they need healing.  Brujeria is a form of magic that is common in Mexico.  Some of the cartels go to a brujero/a to curse their enemies.  Some of clergy of ecclesiastical cults are made of brujeros and brujeras.  Sometimes drug cartels skin and/or behead their victims, which is what the Aztec did.  Sometimes Los Zetas ritualistically kill and eat there victims.  They were inspired by the Aztecs to be so savage.  2 of the leaders of Los Zetas ate hearts of their victims.  One of them felt it made them invincible.
Christianity: The cartels that follow this religion try to improve society.  They protect the community from other drug traffickers.  La Familia Michoacana started off as vigilantes, then became corrupt.  New members of this cartel were brainwashed by having to read a book and mediate.  The 2nd leader of this cartel was like David Koresh and he was an author.  They said they don't kill innocent people; I hope that's true.  Knights Templar is cartel that split of from La Familia Michoacana.  They attacked members of that cartel, killed innocent people and became rapists.  They're behaving like the real Knight Templars!!!!!!  El Chayo is a the patron saint of this cartel.  He was the 2nd leader of La Familia Michoacana b4 becoming the leader of Knight Templars.  Young men join this cartel because they feel hopeless.  New recruits may have had to eat a heart of a child as a initiation ritual.  They have their own bible and they are Marxist.            
Santeria: Cubans brought it to Mexico in 1950.  It got mixed with folk Catholicism, spiritism, New Age, Aztec, Mayan, and Olmec beliefs.  Some of the traffickers work with Eshu because he controls roads; so they won't get caught with drugs in their cars.  He is also my favorite Orisha.  Some of them work with Yemaya to protect drug shipments overseas.  She is the goddess of the ocean.  They work with Ochosi to keep them from getting arrested.  He is a great hunter.  Some of the evil doers hide drugs in the statues of orishas and saints.  Members of Los Zetas had used this religion to help them be successful @ crime.    
Palo Mayombe: This is the most fiery religion used by cartels.  This religion is very necromantic, so it's sweet.  You empower plants by putting graveyard dirt on it.  The dirt contains the power of the spirits of the deceased (nfumbe).  Nganga is the pot that nfumbe live in.  They work 4 the person that owns the pot.  The spirits in the pot are fed blood.   Nature spirits (mpungo) are put in the pot as well.  The spirits are slaves to the practitioner.  Sometimes they use a bullwhip to show them who's boss.  Members of cartels get protection from mpungos and invisibility from police.  Rumor has it one of founders of Los Zetas was into this religion.   
Vodou: There are anywhere from 21-144 nations (categories) of loa (deities) in Haitian Vodou.  There are ova 10,000 loa in that religion!!!!!  The most popular nation is Rada.  Some cartels use elements of Haitian Vodou or 21 Divisions in their brujeria.  21 Division is Dominican Vudu and it came from a particular type of Haitian Vodou.  Some criminals use Voodoo to intimate their rivals.  Some criminals get blessed by hougans or mambos.   
Santa Murete
She is the personification of death; she's also the patron saint of hoes and criminals.  Drug cartels love her and cops do too.  She's may favorite saint, because she can do everything!!!!!!  She has her own church, bible and priesthood.  Her imagery has a lot of meaning.  Cartels sacrifice people to her, but that's so unnecessary.  A car thief would kill babies and virgins once a year for Santa Murete.  He was arrested in 2004.  In 2008 members of the Gulf Cartel sacrificed members of the Sinola Cartel @ one of her shrines.  Some Zetas sacrificed members of the Gulf Cartel to her in 2010.  They craved Zs on their belly and cut their hearts out.  She's the patron saint of Los Zetas!!!  Most of the barbaric murders done by Mexican drug cartels, may simply be sacrifices to our sweet lady.  Remember and neva forget non-criminal worshipers of Holy Death don't do any of this savagery.  "Life is a long wait till death sweet embrace." 
Our Lady of Guadalupe: 'She's the patron saint of Mexico.'  She is a catholic version of Aztec Earth goddess.  She is sista of Santa Murete and cartels use her 4 protection.  
Juan Soldado is a saint 4 illegal immigrants.  The cartels use him 4 healing.  

Santa Marta: She's the patron saint of servants and cooks.  She helps the cartels dominate law enforcement and rivals. 
Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez is a healer.
San Toribio Romo protects migrants, so cartels seek his protection when bring drugs into the states or any other country.  
Saint Nifio de Atocha is baby Jesus, he's used for protection.  
St. Cyprian: There are 2 saints by this name.  The first one is from Carthage and 2nd one from Antioch.  The one from Carthage gave up on being a magician, but the one from Antioch neva did.  So cartels use him 4 protection, hexing, and curse removal.  The is one from Antioch is one my faves too.  
St. Martin de Porres: He can open locked doors and he's the patron saint of my tribe!!!!!!!  He is also one of my faves too.  
Los Tres Grandes: 3 powerful healers and curanderos/as work with them.   

Saint Alexis: Protects you from negativity.  No matter if it's energy or people.  
Juan Minero: He is a intranquil spirit and he can help with love and cursing.  
Don Juan Dinero: "Show me the money."  He helps people become financially successful.
Jesus Malverde: He's popular among most cartels.  He is the Mexican Robinhood; he stole from the rich and gave to the poor.  The cartels use him 4 good luck, protection, and healing.  
Pancho Villa: Cartels use him 4 protection and healing.  
San Simon: I love this saint, because he is a Mayan god wrapped in Catholic clothes.  He can help cartels make greater amounts of money.  Another fave of mine, oh wow hit it.            
They were a drug cartel created by Adolfo Constanzo.  He was raised Catholic, but his mom took him to Haiti where she learned Vodou.  As a teenager he became a sorcerer apprentice.  He was taught Palo Mayombe by his master.  As an adult he moved to Mexico City and met his disciples.  They created a spell casting business and sacrificed many animals.  Most of his clients were sadistic drug traffickers.  They enjoyed the way he sacrificed the animals.  Cops made up some of his clients as well.  They introduced in to the Gulf Cartel and others.  He robbed graveyards 4 bones he could put in his nganga.  His cult sacrificed 20 people.  There last victim was a gringo named Mark Kilroy.  He was U.S. citizen and a pre-med student.  Texas politicians put heat on Mexican police, so they lockup 4 of his disciples and found his headquarters.  Adolfo moved to an apartment outside of Mexico City with some of his 3 of his disciples.  The cops came to his complex 4 another matter.  He thought they was coming for him.  So, he start busting on them.  Then he gave the gun to one of his followers and told him to shoot him and another follower.  The cops arrested the 2 living disciples after that.  Adolfo was only 26 when he had one of his minions put some hot shit in his chest, which painted his shirt red.                  
Narco cults are the religious, spiritual, and/or magical aspects of Mexican drug cartels.  They are 4 different types of narco cults.  They have various Mexican, Christian, and/or African traditions in them.  Santa Murete is the most popular saint to them and the most powerful.  But there are many other wonderful saints as well.  The Narcosatanist were awful, thank God they no longer exist.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon created this cult in France in the 1974.  It has a long history and a certain structure.  They have strange beliefs and practices.  It all ova the world and they have missionaries.  This religion may simply be a money making scheme like Scientology.
Cult Leader
Claude was born in France on 1946.  His mom was an atheist and his dad was Jewish.  He created 6 singles and one of them was a hit.  The singing came to an end when his sponsor committed suicide.  Aliens came visited him in 1973.  The aliens told him human scientists from another planet created all life on Earth.  They are called the Elohim and they sent 40 prophets throughout history.  People misunderstood them because they were unintelligent.  In 1975 a alien took him to another planet to meet Buddha, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.  Yahweh is biological father and he gave him task to spread the good news.  He married 3 times and was a race car driver.  His name is now Rael and he's seriously mentally ill.  Several books was authored by him.  
He created MADECH in 1975.  Some of the leaders of that organization held the same beliefs of other Ufologists.  He purged the organization of those leaders.  Then he retired to the countryside.  Yahweh met him again in a forest.  He took him to a base in the solar system that was a spa.  The next day he was lectured about religion and government for 3 hours.  The he was taken to the Planet of Eternals.  He ate with the prophets and learned about biological robots.  He practiced yoga and did a guided meditation b4 being brought back to Earth.  All of this happened 666 days after his first meeting.

In 1978 the Raelians promoted geniocracy.  Geniuses should run from political office.  The world should be ruled by one government and should be divided in 12 parts.  The French government classified them as a cult and one of their symbols is a swastika.  So, cops went to their houses and stole their documents.
Rael traveled the world from 1982-1990.  One of his books was translated in Japanese.  Then he went to Africa to spread his message.  In Vatican City he said he is the true pope and played a song about aliens.  In 1990 the Raelian message was spread to Australia.  He bought some land in Canada, so he could have seminars.  It became their headquarters.

The Raelians created Operation Condom.  They wanted a condom vending machines in high schools in Canada.  The school commission went against that, so they passed out 10,000 condoms in the Condom Mobile.  They believe the aliens want us to live a life of pleasure.  In the summer of 1993 Rael had masturbation conference.  He believes "self-love" connects people to the universe.

Rael fell in love with race cars @ 9 year old.  Rich Japanese and European men financed him, so he could be a race car driver.  That was because he didn't want any money from tithes.  The person that gave him the race car thought that would bring more attention to the cult.

Clonaid was created in 1997; it was the first cloning company in the world!!!  They created the first cloning lab in 2001.  It is ran by Brigitte Bosisselier.  They may have created baby clone.
In 2006 they wanted a United States of Africa.  They wanted Africans to turn away from Jesus and turn back to their old time religion.  I agree with that because there is Power in the religion of your ancestors.  The religion of the colonizer is dispowering.  Clitoraid was created to help African women that had their clits removed.  They want circumcision banned around the world, so do I.  HQ is now in Las Vegas, NV which is in United States.
Rael is the head of the organization.  He's known as the guide of guides.  Than there's bishops, priests, assistant priests, organizers, assistant organizers, and finally trainees.  There were 2,300 members in 2007.  There are 3 bishops that make up the Council of the Wise.  They punish evil doers; they'll excommunicate them or take away their chances to be cloned.  Members are encouraged to tithe 10% of their income to the organization.  Most of them don't tithe, though.

The Order of Angels are group of women that will be consorts 4 the Elohim.  They are very feminine and their job is to please the Elohim when they get here.  There are 3 types of angels.  They are as follows: white, pink, and gold.  They all wear feathers of the corresponding color.  White angels duty is attract more women into the cult and they can have sex with men.  Pink angels will only have sex with the Elohim.  Gold angels will be the first to greet the Elohim.  Gold angels get demoted when the reach a certain age, because they aren't beautiful anymore.  Then they go find replacements.

Rael Girls are feminists that support women in the adult industry.  They are strippers, street walkers and escorts.  They feel women shouldn't feel shame 4 having sex 4 money, I agree.  Women should be free to do anything they want sexually as only as it's consensual.  Even if it involves money.

They believe the universe is infinite and once humans become peaceful they could create life on other planets.  Elohim created life on Earth; biblical stuff really did happen, but in a scientific way.  The aliens had 40 prophets on Earth, which led to @ least 5 religions.  One day the Elohim will come back.  There is no soul, so reincarnation doesn't exist.
This vid has nothing to do with the Raelians, but it seemed to fit.
New members get baptized on certain days.  It's called transmission of the cellular plan.  The new members DNA gets encoded on the Elohim super computer, so they can get resurrected on the Day of Judgement.  They do sensual meditation, which connects to the Elohim and the universe.  In the summer they have seminars.  Seminars are "daily lectures by Raël, sensual meditation sessions, periods of fasting and feasting, testimonials, and various alternative therapies."  They promote prostitution and GMOs.  They are against war and the Catholic Church.  They feel women should be bare breast if they chose, so do I.

All Ova the Place
There are ova 18,000 members worldwide.  Most of them are in Europe.  There is quite a few in Japan and South Korea.  Perverts and whores are attracted to this cult because of it's sexual liberalism.  After a member of this cult dies a piece of their 4head bone is stored in a Swiss facility.  It's so they could be cloned when the Elohim return.  They sell their books to people in the hope they will join.  They passed out leaflets about French pedophile priests in early 2000.  They protest against war and suppression of women.
Egghead View
A Canadian sociologist Susan J Palmer said most scholars mock this cult.   Someone high up in organization said Rael plagiarized the writing of someone else.  Another ex-member said to much money was given to Rael and senior members.  Some people believe it has similarities to Nazism.

This cult was started by a mentally ill French man in 1974.  It has long history and a complex structure.  They have crazy beliefs and there rituals ain't to bad.  It's in several countries and it reminds me of Scientology.  Most people see it as make believe.  I like it sexual liberalism and they help people world wide.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Superior Universal Alignment (SUA)

This cult was/is located in Brazil.  It was created by Valentina de Andrade in 1981.  They have weird beliefs and committed a bunch of crimes.  There was trial because of these crimes.  Valentina wasn't convicted, but everyone else was.  It may still exist today.  
Valentina de Andrade
Her psychic powers took off in 1981.  She became a fortune teller in a town in the Amazon.  This was the time she created SUA.  She believed aliens gave her message.  The messages were God didn't exist and Jesus was an extraterrestrial.  She authored 2 books, one of them was about god being unreal.  She was 82 years old in Argentina on 2009.  I assume she dead now.             
Weird Beliefs
They believed boys born after 1981 were evil.  They also believed world was going to end 1986.  Valentina de Andrade was believed to have incarnated on Earth to spread light, love, and truth.  Aliens were going come and save them b4 the world ended.  The people that joined had to abandon their children.  Those beliefs are so insane!!!!!

19 boys were kidnapped by members of the cult.  Police discovered 5 corpses of them.  Some of the boys escaped, the ones that didn't were tortured and raped.  They were also castrated and stabbed to death.  There organs harvested and sold on the black market.  Members of the cult believed Valentina had nothing to with the crimes.       
A nine year old boy escaped and told the cops what happened.  He said a policemen, 2 doctors, a son of a land owner, and Valentina kidnapped him.  4 of them were quickly arrested and Valentina left the country.  In 2003 they all they were all put on trial; 4 of them got life sentences.  The cult leader didn't get charged because she had a alibi.       

Valentina was crazy as hell!!!!  She was mentally ill and her followers were even more mentally ill.  They had several strange beliefs.  They committed many heinous crimes and they were punished 4 it.  Don't become a mental slave to anyone.  Always be a critical thinker.  If you have any beliefs that is harmful to innocent people let them go immediately.  We need to put human life b4 any religion.    
