
Sunday, December 4, 2016


They are the fiercest and oldest reptoids (reptilian humanoid) in this galaxy.  They hate humans and eat babies.  They are very aggressive and they like to manipulate the genetics of various species. They feel they are superior to humans because their DNA takes a long time to change.  They may have given us language and gender.  Draconians are evil by human standards.  They may look something like Darth Maul.  They may be the one inspiration of monsters.
They originated in another universe.  They were dropped off in the Draco eons ago.   They made war with the Lyrans.  They believe they were in this universe b4 humans, so they think the universe is their's to own. For over 4 billion years they had space travel.

They may have interbreed with human royalty.  They did this to rule over humans.  It is a lot talk about politicians and higher ups being shapeshifter.  They look human most of the time; but when they engage in satanic ritual sacrifice they shape shift into a reptoid form.

Illuminati may descend from the Draconians or some other kind of reptoid.     
Some of them can grow to 28 feet and live for over 4,000 years!  Most of them are shorter than that and have a shorter life span.  Some of them have wings and tails; most of them do not.  They speak telepathically. They can also make sounds with their vocal chords.  They have claws at the end of their fingers and toes.

They have a caste system similar to the Hindus.  The first caste is royalty.  They are the tallest caste.  The other castes are much shorter.  There is caste for warriors, scientists, priests, etc.

When a mother reptoid has a baby she leaves it to fend for itself.  The warrior caste raises it.  The baby may or may not survive.  It is survival of the fittest in the Draco constellation.

They are humane to each other and terrible to other species.

Other Species of Reptoids
Dinonoids: A non-human species that evolved from dinosaurs on earth.

Orion Lizards: There is a species of reptoids in Orion.  They were ruled by kings and then queens.  They are one of the ancestors to the Annunaki.

Iguanoids: They may be the priest caste of the Draconians.  They wear black hoods, have tails, and use magic for nefarious purposes.

They are many other species of reptoids as well.  Some reptoids are positive and others are negative.
Draconians and/or other reptoids work with humans in secret military bases.  Area 51, Dulce Base, and Pine Gap are good examples of this.

Draconians and/or other reptoids rather eat babies than adults because they have less pollutants in there body.  If they capture an adult they like to scare them, so they'll produce adrenaline.  It gives them a high. Some of this missing children are eaten by reptoids.  

They control the people that run the world.
People in the Know
Credo Mutwa: He knows a lot about reptoids and other entities.  He did an interview with David Icke about it.  It's called Reptilian Agenda.

David Icke: He wrote books about reptoids.  He says European royalty are shape shifters.

Laura Eisenhower: She is the great-granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower.  She knows a lot about aliens.

Draconians have a long history.  They aren't so friendly to humans.  They have a strange physiology and a weird society.  They are reptoids and their are many other species of reptoids.  They are involved with a lot with conspiracies.  A lot of people know about them.  

Snack Attack
A Lizard's Birth
They All Around US
U Can C Them

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