
Friday, May 26, 2017


Libertarianism is a political ideology.  It has 7 principles.  There are 3 main types of libertarians; some libertarians are conservative and others are liberal.  There were many famous libertarians.  There are several libertarian organizations.  There are many criticisms of libertarianism.  
Lao Tzu was the first libertarian.  In the 17th century, some English people developed libertarian ideas.  In the 18th century,  liberal ideas became popular in North America and Europe.  Liberals created the Whigs party, which opposed the royal family.  John Locke had a big influence on libertarianism.
7 Principles
Self-Ownership: Everyone owns their own body.

Non-Aggression: "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."  Don't attack people, but if they attack you, destroy them.

Decentralization: Citizens should have more power and government should have less.

Free Exchange: People should be able to exchange goods, services, and ideas with each other without government interference.

Individualism: Every person is responsible 4 themselves.  Everyone has equal rights, no matter what group they are in.

Property Rights: Everyone has rights to their own property.

Voluntarism: People have the freedom to join any organization they want; if they don't want to join any they shouldn't be coerced into joining.
3 Main Types
Lite Libertarian: They believe in libertarian principles, but don't want a major change in government structure.

Minarchist: They want the federal to only be over national defense and legal matters.

Anarcho-Capitalist: They feel society would be better off without any government.
Left and Right Libertarianism
Left Libertarianism: They are against public property rights.  They feel natural resources should be shared with everyone in the community.  They believe in private property rights.  Some of them want a weak central government.  Some of them don't want one at all.  

Conservative Libertarianism- They believe people obligated to follow their contractual agreements.  They like free markets and property rights; they are religious and they want lassez-faire capitalism.
Famous Libertarians
Ayn Rand: She was a speaker and author.  She created her own philosophy called objectivism.  She was never a libertarian.  But her ideas gave birth to a form of libertarianism.
Gary Johnson: He is in the Libertarian Party.  He ran in the presidential campaign against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  He is socially liberal and a fiscally conservative.  He opposes the war.    
Milton Friedman: He was a famous economist.  He promoted free-market capitalism.
Client Eastwood: He is a famous actor.

Penn Jillette: He is a great magician that performs in Las Vagas.
Kurt Russell: He has been acting for 54 years!
There are many other famous libertarians.

Libertarian Organizations
Advocates 4 Self-Government: They promote libertarian ideas to influence people to become libertarian.  

Cato Institute:  They believe in individual liberty, free markets, and small government.

Independent Institute: They publish libertarian books.

Lew Rockwell: They promote ideas of free markets, anarchy, and they are against war.

ISB: They lobby the government to create certain policies.

There are many other libertarian organizations.

Criticisms of Libertarianism
Free market capitalism is not the best economy.  Economies that had government involvement have been more successful than economies without it.  Tax cuts don't improve the economy. Most companies keep the surplus $ for themselves.  Norway has the highest standard of living and it's a socialist country.  The U.S. government helps the rich economically, but not the poor and the middle class.  
Libertarianism has a rich history.  It has 7 important concepts.  Libertarianism has 3 main types.  Some libertarians are conservative, others are liberal.  There are many famous libertarians and organizations.  There are major criticisms of libertarianism.  I am a Libertarian!!!!!!!!!!!!  

7 Principles
Types of Libertarians
Conservatives vs Liberals
Noam Chomsky on Libertarianism
Penn Jillette on Libertarianism
Critique of Libertarianism
Danger of Libertarism
Libertarian vs Socialist

Monday, May 15, 2017

Master P

Master P (Percy Robert Miller) is one of my favorite people!  He goes by the name P. Miller now.  He became a salesman at 16.  He was in college 4 two years.  He created a label called No Limit after he became a rapper.  He also opened a record store which had the same name.  He was an NBA player for a spell.  He is an author, actor, filmmaker, philanthropist, and investor.  He has a big family.

Early Days
He was born in 1970.  His parents divorced when he was young. He was raised by his pops with the rest of his siblings.  They were very poor, so "the refrigerator stayed empty."  When he was a senior in high school he sold cell phones throughout the neighborhood.  He went to the University of Houston and played for the basketball team there.  He dropped out when he was a freshman.  Then he went to Merritt Junior College in California.  He studied business there for 2 years.  His grandfather died and he got a $10,000 from a malpractice settlement.  He used the $ to open a record store called No Limit.  Then he created his own record label called No Limit.  His label became very famous in the late 90's.  Snoop Dogg joined the label after he left Death Row.
Master P & the NBA
He played for the Charlotte Hornets in 1999. Over 15,000 people came to see him play.  He was fired because he was a gangsta rapper.  He may have played one game with the Toronto Raptors.  He was good at playing basketball, but he wasn't NBA material.  He lacked the fundamentals.  If he had the fundamentals he would have been a great NBA player.

Master P's Greatness
No Limit Records: Master P produced 14 albums.  Some of the rappers that were on the label: Mystical, Mia X, C-Murder, Silk the Shocker, Kane & Able.
Author: Guaranteed Success in 2007 was his first book.
No Limit Sports: This company managed athletes.

Films/TV: He been in many movies and TV shows.  He produced some the movie he was in.  His first movie was I'm Bout it.
P. Miller Enterprises: A conglomerate that has its hands in many different industries.

Philanthropy: He created Team Hope N.O.L.A. This organization helps young men have a successful life.
He has received many awards.  He is one of the greatest rappers of all time!

Master P has 1 sister and 3 brothers.  2 of those brothers became rappers on No Limit Records. His brother Kevin Miller was murdered by a drug addict in an attempted robbery.  He married Sonya C in 1989.  They divorced recently.  They had 9 children together.  Romeo is his oldest child.  He was a successful rapper, now he's an actor. His son Vercy is a singer and acted in a show called The Team. Veno is Master P nephew.  His father is Kevin Miller.  Master P rasied him after Kevin died.  Veno is only 9 days older than Vercy.  His oldest daughter is named Tytyana.  Intylyana is an actress.  Cymphonique is a singer, songwriter, and actress.  Hercy is one of the greatest basketball players at his school.  Italy is his youngest daughter.  Mercy is his youngest son. He is good at basketball.              
Master P life was rough in the beginning.  He is very ambitious and was able to overcome the obstacles of poverty, crime, and depression.  He created his own record store & label.  He was a rapper and NBA player.  He wrote a book or two.  He produced and acted in in several movies and tv shows.  His children are very successful.  His bizzness is very successful.  He helps his community.  He is one of my favorite people because he is eclectic and successful just like me.  He is a great inspiration!!!        

Friday, May 5, 2017

United States Educational System

Education has a long history in the U.S.  The Prussian educational system had a big impact on the U.S. educational system.  The U.S. has public, private, charter and home schools.  Affirmative Action was created to remedy systemic racism in education and employment.  There are several problems in the U.S. educational system.
The first school in what became the U.S. was started in 1635.  It was in Boston, Massachusetts.  It is the first public school in the U.S.  This school was the prototype of high schools.  Other public schools were created in New England.  They were replaced by private schools in 1780's.

In Virginia, Jesuits created Catholic schools in 1600's.  Rich folk got private tutors to teach their kids.  They also sent their kids to England & Scotland to get educated.  George Thorpe created a school 4 Americans. He got killed 1622.  Schools were segregated in the South until 1954.  Democrats caused African-American schools to be underfunded during segregation.

There is a Catholic girl school in New Orleans.  It is called Ursuline Academy.  It was created in 1727.  It was the first schools to teach underprivileged women.

Americans were forced into European schools so they could forget themselves.

During Reconstruction, African-American colleges were created.  Hampton University was the most important African-American college during this time.  It's my home by the sea.  Booker T. Washington graduated from Hampton University.  After that, he created Tuskegee University.

The rest is history.
Prussian Influence
Prussia created a 3 tier educational system.  Upper-class children got the best education.  Middle-class children got a good education.  Lower class got an education that caused them to become obedient workers and soldiers.  PhDs were created in Prussia.  European men from the U.S. went to Prussia and got PhDs. They like its educational system, so they brought it back to the U.S.
Different Types of School
Home: Rural areas were the first place in the U.S. to have home schools.  Parents teach their kids at home for religious reasons; and because public schools are failing to give their children an adequate education. I believe home schools are better than public and private.  This is because parents care more about their child education than anyone else.
Public: Public schools consist of elementary, middle, high schools.  Taxes pay for public education.  School broads govern public schools.  The Department of Education regulates public schools.  The second public school in the U.S. was in Hampton, Virginia in 1638.
Private: Most private schools are Catholic.  These types of school don't receive funding from the government.  Their funding comes from tuition.  The federal government doesn't regulate private schools so much.  Catholic private schools have a theology class.  It teaches students about Christianity.  It was one of my favorite classes in high school.
Charter: Some of these schools are for-profit and others are non-profit.  For-profit charter schools get their money from tuition.  They are big bizzness.  I went to a 4-profit charter high school and had a ball.  Non-profit charter schools get donations from individuals and organizations.  Charter schools aren't controlled by the government as much as public school.
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action was created to remedy disenfranchisement of African Americans in education and employment.  It was created in 1964.  Minorities get are more likely to get hired and get into college because of Affirmative Action.  Affirmative Action is race and gender-based.  It should be based on a person socio-economic status.  If someone has a high socio-economic status they have no need of Affirmative Action, regardless of race or gender.
Problems in U.S. Educational System
There are many problems in U.S. schools.  Teachers should be paid more.  If they were, they would take teaching more seriously.  Bloom's Taxonomy should be applied to public schools.  This will help students learn with their mind, emotions, and their hands.  Some schools are violent and have metal detectors.  The teachers should find a way to de-escalate conflicts, so metal detectors are taken out of school.  Schools shouldn't be a war zone.  They should be a place students learn by having fun. There should be a lot of learning games in the classroom 4 lower grades.  There should be fewer games for higher grades.  Lessons should be taught in a way that relates to the children's lives.  Then they will be more interested.  Many students come from dysfunctional homes, which impairs their ability to learn.  Some parents need help raising their children.  Schools should help these parents.        
The U.S. educational system is over 300 years old.  It was negatively impacted by the Prussian educational system.  The U.S. has home, public, private, and charter schools.  Affirmative Action was created to help African Americans; now it helps almost everybody!  Schools in the U.S. have problems.  The solution to these problems is higher pay for teachers, Bloom's Taxonomy, conflict resolution, more games and fun, lessons tailored to the lives of students, and parenting classes.      
Disruption of U.S. Education
It is Falling Apart
Prussia Again
History of U.S. Educational System
Prussian Influence
Private vs Public
Gender Schools
Affirmative Action the Right Way
U.S. School System
90 Seconds of Education
Bad Science Classes
It is so Broken!
Bloom Taxonomy
Conflict Resolution