
Monday, November 18, 2019

Weekend @ the End of the Sea

I went 2 Erotic Poetry.  I ate a walfe and BBQ chicken wings.  The name of one the poems was tongue technician.  One of the poets was a teacher.  She talked about swallowing in one of her poem.  I enjoyed that.  A poet said he wanted to spread her checks and tongue fuck her asshole.  I'll buy that 4 dollar.  When I see women with big asses, I wanted to lick their shitters.  Last year there was a lady poet that was almost naked!!!!!  I wanted to penetrate her.  She wasn't there this time.  There was a couple there that got married the year I was born!!!  The host is my cousin.  He is allowing me to perform @ the next poetry event.  I talked to sum of the vendors @ the end.
I went to a masquerade party.  I got the mask I wore last minute.  The mask I bought from Etsy never came.   It was the birthday party of a lady I use to dig.  I wanted to give her a gift.  She texted me not 2, because her boyfriend would be there.  The gift I was going to give her was $.

I ate sum weed cookies, it kicked in hours later.  I ate chicken wings, fries, and I drank Cherry Pepsi.  I was the first person to dance.  Then the lady I use to dig and her friend danced with me.  Than other people danced.  Then I got high and danced.  I told people I was high.  I was happy, until may heartbeat increased exponentially.  So ate banana pudding and called the 9-1-1.  A lady told me I will be alright.  Someone offered me alcohol, someone else offered me water.

Then I was told to get sum air.  I went outside.  I was scared of getting robbed.  There was a man and woman there; they said they wanted to be as high as I was.  When I got in the ambulance I was paranoid.  There were 2 paramedics.  A white man and a white woman.  I seemed like they were trying to confuse me.  They told me we were going to Providence.  So I called my mama and told her.  They asked if I wanted to go to Beaumont because its quicker.  I said go to Providence.  I thought I was going to die, then I wanted to die, because my blood pressure was super high.  I worried about my organs being harvested.

Once I got to Providence I was thirty.  A white cop racially profiled me.  He asked if I had weapons and he asked if I had pocket knife.  He scanned my coat and I told him I got keys in my coat pocket.  I asked the nurse 4 something to drink.  She said I got to wait 4 the doctor to c me.  That seemed like an eternity.  The nurse was wearing blue.  I touched her side, then I went to a universe where we were having sex.  I was seeing parallel realities @ the time.  I would move my head back and forth and yellow/red boxes would come out of them.  I forgot who I was and traveled in my memories and I saw my body in the hospital room.  Maybe I experienced ego death.  Then I stuck in time loop(breaking the universe).  I thought it was hell and the final reality.  The same thing kept happening over and over again.  I thought I cracked the code on universe or something incoherent.  I was rubbing my dick when a nurse told me to hold on.  I imagined I put my dick in her face.  I was given water later.  My mom and brother was there than.  I did silly stuff and my brother said they gone put you in the psych ward.  My mama's friend came to c me.  She told them she was her cousin.  I thought they told me I had diabetes.  But, someone asked me because my blood sugar was high.  Then I slept at my mama's house.  They never gave me back my ID and insurance cards.  I thought they was keeping it so I could be a part of realities exploring team.

I was bothered by the lady I use to dig not being concern about me, but it was her birthday party.  But now I just won't go to any of her events.  I was digging her a bunch!!!!  I wanted to tell her: (I know we can never be, but I wish we was.)   
I went to the Hampton Brunch.  I ate link sausages, beacon, eggs, patty sausage, salad, omelette, chicken wings, potatoes, danish, cupcake, and drunk lemonade.  I thought it was free, but it wasn't.  It was $33.  We had a meeting @ the table and I founded out about a party.  I wanted my dad to come, but he was baby sitting.  I should have told him to bring the baby.  I was still high, so I did something strange and a lady saw me.  Then I acted normal.  

My dad picked me up and took me to Aunt Pat house.  My cousin was over there and the helper.  3 of my cousin kids came over.  One of them is pregnant.  Another one of them has a girlfriend.  The youngest one came by himself.  I told about what happen with the edibles.  I'm high as I type.        
