
Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Astronomy is the study of celestial objects.  Astronomers study galaxies, stars, planets, moons, asteroids, meteors, comets, etc.  They use many tools to study the objects of outer space.  There are a lot of astronomical organizations in the world.  The most popular is NASA. There is a sweet organization in Russia that is similar to NASA.  The Europeans, Chinese, and Japanese have sweet ones too.
Astronomy grew out of astrology.  People were very subjective and religious in the past.  Later on, they became more objective and scientific.  In ancient times many people made calendars based on the movement of celestial objects.  The Kemetians built pyramids that aligned with Orion's Belt.  The Babylonians, Indians, and Chinese had star catalogs.  Indians, Chinese, and Mayan astronomers were able to predict eclipses. The ancient Greeks contributed a lot to astronomy.  Mayans were able to track the stars of the Pleiades.  Muslims contributed a lot to astronomy.  Europeans learned astronomy from the Muslims kept improving it. Some people knew the earth went around the sun.  Other people thought the sun went around the earth.
Celestial Objects
Galaxies are islands of dust and gas.  They contain solar systems (planets orbiting stars), black holes, asteroids, moons, dark matter, dark energy, and so much more.  The galaxy our solar system is in is called the Milky Way.  Galaxies come from alpha blobs.  Galaxies change shape as they get older.  Irregular galaxies are young, spiral galaxies are middle age, and elliptical galaxies are old.  You tell the age of a galaxy by the age of its stars.  Irregular galaxies have more hot blue stars (young); elliptical galaxies have more cold red stars (old).  There are billions of galaxies, maybe more than we can count.  Stars are light emitters. They are made out of plasma (ionic gas).  The shape of a star is a sphere.  Stars come from nebulas.  A nebula is created when a supermassive star explodes.  An explosion of a supermassive star is called a supernova. The hottest stars are blue and the coldest stars are red.  There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on a beach.  Our sun is 4.5 billion years old!  It is middle age. Billions of years from now the sun will become 100 times its size and consume the earth.  Then it will shrink and cool off.  The sun is a main sequence star, and so are many others.  There are also a lot of stars that aren't the main sequence.  Black holes are stars that collapsed on themselves.  It's like digging hole going inside and pulling it out.  Black holes may be green!!!!  If anything gets past the event horizon than it gets sucked up by the black hole.  Planets are star babies.  All the planets in our solar system came from the sun.  Venus may have come from somewhere else.  Planets have atmospheres.  Planets orbit the sun.  Astronomers discovered almost 2000 exoplanets.  That is so amazing.  A lot of them are like earth.  Moons are mostly spherical objects that orbit the planets.  Some moons are a lot like planets.  Titan is a good example.  It is one of Saturn's moons, but it has an atmosphere like earth.  It even has methane lakes!  Asteroids are giant space rocks.  They may have been parts of a planet that blow up.  Meteors are pieces of asteroids.  Comets are dirty snowballs (sort of).
Astronomers use telescopes to see celestial objects.  Some people can see stars with their naked eye (Dogon), but most people can't.  Satellites and radio dishes are used to see space stuff as while. Astronomers have tools that can detect EM waves our eyes can't even see!
Astronomical Organization
NASA studies celestial objects for the US.  Some people that work at NASA are astronauts.  Astronauts go into space shuttles that fly into outer space.  Outer space has no gravity, so when you get there you will be floating around.  There is a space station out there.  Astronauts from around the world go to the space station and do experiments.  It was discovered that waterbears are the only animals that can survive in outer space.  Russian astronauts are known as cosmonauts.  The Russians know a lot about astronomy and many other sciences.  The Europeans, Chinese, and Japanese know a bunch too.
Astronomy is my other favorite science.  It may be even better than physics!!!  I loved astronomy since I was 7.  Everyone should learn Astronomy because it's wonderful!!!!!  Oh yeah, aliens are real.  I'm one of them.                        

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Freemasonry started centuries ago in England.  It then spread to France and Germany. Stonemasons formed guilds which became the basis of Freemasonry.   There were 2 kinds of masons.  They are operative masons (OMs) and speculative masons (SMs).  There is a certain way to become a free mason.  You will get many benefits from being a mason.  The ones at the bottom are hoodwinked.  They have their own beliefs, rituals and symbols.  There are lodges, grand lodges and Ur lodges.  There are many masonic rites and afflicted organizations.  Most masons are regular, but sum are irregular.  They have great influence on government and law enforcement.   The rank and file Masons are similar to everyone else, but a lot of the ones at the top are pure evil.   If a mason reveals the secrets that may get murdered like George G.M. James.  
They were stone builders that built castle and cathedrals in Europe.  Eventually, they created guilds.  The guilds were created to help stonemasons that were injured on the job.  These guilds became lodges and attracted lay men.  Those lay men became speculative masons.   
These men weren't stonemasons, but they used the ideas and tools of them.  They took knowledge from the OMs and made it metaphorical.  That help them improve their morality and intellect.  Most free-masons today are speculative.      
Freemasonry ancient origins are the Kemetic mystery schools.  These mystery schools (spiritual colleges) were temples called the House of Life.  People were taught magic, science, geometry, math, history, 7 liberal arts, etc.  Most people that went there became priests.  Mystery schools existed around the world and some still do.  The original purpose of these cults was to help a person be all they can be.  You learn a bunch then apply it correctly. You use what you learn to improve yourself and society.  Mystery schools were wonderful, but some of them became corrupt.  Some of the priests use their knowledge to manipulate people.  The word freemason comes from phre messen which mean child of light. The Moors had a lot to do with the creation of modern-day Freemasonry.  Knights Templars influenced Freemasonry.  The founding fathers were freemasons. Freemasons have instigated certain revolutions worldwide.  Freemasonry may have been infected by the Bavarian Illuminati. Look at Albert Churchward to learn about the ancient origins of the Freemasonry. Freemasonry has a big influence in the rap industry and gangs.            
Becoming a Freemason
You go 2 the lodge you want 2 join and ask 4 a petition.  After you fill it out, it is read to the members @ the next meeting.  Then a committee meets you and reports their finds @ the next meeting.  They may do a background check on you to see if you're criminal.  If so, they'll probably boot you. Once you pass the petition, committee and the background check; they'll vote on you.  White cubes 4 yes and black balls 4 no.  If you get one black ball, you booted.  Joining the freemasonry can help you in many ways.  But the downside is, it may be watered down Satanism.  Try it out and let me know what you find.  
They take care of a members orphans and elderly masons as well.  Sick members get visits from their brothers(masons).  Sometimes, family of deceased members receive $ from the brothers.  They give blood to blood banks, periodically.  There is a relief board that helps masons and their relatives when they are in need.  There is a lot of friendship within the lodge.  You get a higher position when you join the military or police, if you a Freemason.          
The word means to blindfold and deceive.  Masons @ the lower degrees are lied too.  They found out more of the truth of freemasonry as they level up.  After a mason is hoodwinked, they have to take an oath that they would rather kill themselves than divulge the secrets.  Most masons are in the dark and they think they've seen the light.  
This vid as a Christian bend, which I don't support.  But it's still informative.  

They believe in the grand architect of the universe.  That's Ptah, he's a Kemetic creator deity. There is a Masonic demon called Jabulon.  It is a combination of Jehovah, Baal, and Osiris. Lucifer is the god of Freemasonry, so says Albert Pike. You can follow any religion and be a Mason as long as you believe in a supreme being.  The G in the compass stands for generation.  Freemasonry is a sex cult among other things. There are many good freemasons. I believe the majority are good people.  People in the blue degrees are taught good character, honesty, etc.  Men learn how to be better men in the freemasonry.  That's only the beginning. As you progress in the Freemasonry, you may become more sinister.  A lot of the leadership of the freemasonry is evil.  There are many rapists, pedophiles, and murders in the freemasonry.  In certain lodges, you can feel that energy.  By being in certain lodges you may become corrupt.  The inverse is probably true as well.  Freemasonry has a lot of Kemetic and Jewish symbolism.  They call commoners profane.  They think they are better than non-masons.  I am superior to this cult and any other.  Boaz and Jachin are the Yin and Yang of the Freemasonry.  Solomon Temple represents the human body. They believe Hiram Abiff was the architect of Solomon Temple.  Masons believe in magic rings.              
When someone joins the blue lodge they go through a ritual, where they pretend to Hiram Abiff.  Someone hits the neophyte in the head with a gavel.  They die, put in a coffin, then they resurrect.  The first degree you will say my tongue will be cut out if I divulge the secrets.  2nd-degree throat slit.  3rd-degree disembowel. This is just the beginning.  You may have to dress up like a woman and act like one to be a Shriner.  Shaq did this and I saw men do this on Utube. Some lodges may have homosexual rituals.  Skull and Bones which is based on German freemasonry are one of them.  When some people reach the 33rd degree (Scottish Rite) they sell their soul to Lucifer.  A white light enters their brain and they get superpowers.  Their lives become controlled by Lucifer.  Sometimes they may sacrifice people or animals. Some lodges are connected to satanic cults and other sinister groups. There are many other rituals.  Sometimes some of them spit on a cross. 
All Seeing Eye: God sees all thoughts, emotions and actions of humans and everything else.
Square & Compass: It comes from the stonemason guilds.  The square represents the golden rule.  "Treat others how you want to be treated."  The compass represents self control.  
Cable Tow: This also come from stonemason guilds.  It was used 4 pulling heavy objects.  It represents how far a mason will go to fulfill their duties.   
Gavel: It was used by OMs to shape stone.  For SMs it means to be free of vices and of a pure heart.
Apron: It made out of lambskin and it represents cleanliness.    
Shoe: It's called the blue slipper and it has more than one meaning.  In the 1st degree it represents agreeing 2 a contract.  In the 3rd degree represents being in a holy place.   
Beehive: It represents cohesion for a common cause and Masonic work. 
Coffin: It symbolizes death; a Mason must die to their old life, so they can be reborn in the new one.   
Double Headed Eagle: It comes from Sumeria.  It is a symbol of that represents 33rd degree of Scottish rite freemasonry.   It represents matter and spirit in harmony. 
They represent different degrees and the members commitment 2 the order.  Most masons wear them on their right hand.  Expect the Knights Templars, they wear it on the left.  That because they take oaths with their left hand.  
The lodge is the place where Masons meet.  Each lodge is different, but they have a lot in common.  They vote for who joins.  Lodges are ruled by grand lodges.  They make rules for lodges.  Some lodges have different teaching, but they all follow the same script at least for the most part.  The blue lodges are the lodges men in the blue degrees go too.  The blue degrees are the first 3 degrees.  You have to be a master mason, b4 you can join most rites.  
Grand Lodges
They rule over regular lodges in a certain area.  There are grand lodges on most continents.  Each state in the U.S. has it own grand lodge.  The 1st grand lodge was created in England in 1717.  The blue lodges are ruled by them, not the rites beyond that.  Most masons neva get past the blue degrees.       
Ur Lodges
There are 36 of those lodges.  Some of them are democratic and others are elitist.  A few of them are neither or both.  The elitist ones see humans as garbage.  They believe a small group of people should rule over the rest.  Humans are unfit 2 rule themselves, they believe.  The democratic faction believe in human rights and agency.  They are more into a democratic(voting) republican(no monarchy) form of government.  While the elitists are more into monarchies and/or communism.  Both factions are evil though, because they rule the world secretly and they're mass murderers.  Many politicians and terrorists around the globe are in in these lodges.    
Grand lodges(gl) determine which lodges are regular.  If a lodge is regular it will be able to interact with the grand lodge.  Each gl has it own rules when it comes to regularity, which means a lodge could be regular to one gl and irregular 2 another.  There are two major types of freemasonry: Continental and Anglo.  The Anglo is led by the United Grand Lodge of England.  The Continental is led by the Grand Orient of France.  The split happened in 1877, because atheists were accepted in French lodges.  You have to believe in a god to join a Anglo lodge.  A lodge is irregular/clandestine if it not accepted by a gl.  Continental lodges are irregular to Anglo lodges.  The P2 lodge in Italy became irregular and committed crimes last century.                              
Prince Hall:  Black men couldn't join the Freemasonry in the U.S. because of segregation.  Prince Hall created his own rite 4 black men.  @ 1st it was irregular, now it's regular.  
Masonic Order of Liberia: This was the rite of the ruling class.  They were descendants of ex-slaves from the US.  After the civil war in Liberia, this rite kind of faded out.  It may be rebuilt.  
The National Mexican Rite:  It was created in 1834.  It has 6 degrees beyond Master Mason.  Their rituals are based on the Scottish Rite.  
French: It was created in 1786 by British exiles.  Most of lodges are under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France.  It has 7 degrees and it's open to non-religious people.   
Swish: This is a Christian rite.  You must be Christian to join.  It has 10 degrees. You don't have to be a master mason to join though.  It is popular in Northern Europe.  It's structured differently than other rites.  
York:  It's one of the most popular rites in the U.S.  It is also Christian and you can't get in unless you a Jesus lover.  It is composed of 3 parts.  One of which is the Holy Royal Arch.  Cryptic Masons and Knights Templar are the other 2 parts.  
Scottish: It was created in France.  This is the most popular rite in the U.S. Most people in this rite are Christians, but you don't have to be Christian to join. There may be a satanic undercurrent in this rite.  I heard the Scottish Rite was trying to take over the whole freemasonry!!!!!
Shriners: They use Islamic symbolism and wear red fezzes.  They created a lot of children hospitals.  They like to dress tiny cars.  They worship Allah.
Royal Order of Jesters:  You have to be a Shriner to join.  They like orgy parties.  They rape women and engage in homosexual activity.  They are very pedophilic.    
Rites of Memphis -Misraim: It is a irregular rite, so regular masons can't join.  It has 97 degrees and it comes from 2 rites put together.  The Grand Orient of France do not accept 94 of their degrees.  They beefed with the Scottish Rite in 19th century.  The creators of this rite added rituals and degrees from other rites of freemasonry.  This rite is very biblical; they big on the flood.  Crowley added sum of their rituals and degrees to OTO.  
Holy Royal Arch: Members of this order learn more about morality.  It is based on Israelites return from there Babylonian captivity.  The masons have to rebuild Solomon Temple metaphorically.  The members are taught to help humanity.           
Eastern Star: It was created in 1850 and both sexes can join.  Women must be 18 and have a close relationship with a Masons.  Men must be Master Masons to join.  There are half a million members in Eastern Star.  There is a Prince Hall version of this rite as well.  They do a lot of charity and they're based on the bible. 
Daughters of Job: Females between ages 10-20 can join.  To join you have believe in a supreme being and be related to a Master Mason.  Girls learn to be more righteous, study the bible and patriotism.        
DeMolay: It was created in 1919.  Males between 12 and 21 can join.  They believe in 7 virtues and 3 freedoms.  They are big on ethics, they have 15 statements in their code.  Females are allowed to help out.  They are called sweetheart, princess, duchess, and little sis.  They big on sports and social events.  
There are many other rites.  Some rites are very political others are very magical.
Famous Persons
Jack the Ripper: He committed many Masonic murders.
George Washington: He was the first constitutional president
Thomas Jefferson: He was a smart politician and the 3rd president.
Ben Franklin: Smart politician.  He was in the Hellfire Club.
Arnold Palmer: Golfer.
KFC Colonel
Steve Wozniak: Co-founder of Apple
John Glen: Astronaut
Harry Truman: 33rd president of US and Shriner.
King Edward VII: A king of England
Bob Dole: Politician and veteran.
King Goerge VI: King of England
Beethoven: Great musician maybe moor
Mozart: Great musician maybe moor
John Hancock: Patriot of US.  Fought British 4 independence.
Wright Brothers: 2nd people to make flying vehicle.
Andrew Jackson: 7th president of US.
James Monroe: 5th president of the US.
James Polk: 11th president of US
Andrew Johnson: 17th president of US
Theodore Roosevelt: 26th president of US
Warren Harding: 29th president of US
Lyndon Johnson: 36th president of US
Gerald Ford: 38th president of US
Duke Ellington: Painter, Composer, and much moor
Paul Revere: Patriot. Fought brits for independence
Winston Churchill: Prime minister of Britain
William Basie: Jazz and much moor
Nat King Cole: Singer and much moor
J.C. Penny: Created J.C. Penny store.
Mark Twain: Famous author
Booker T. Washington: Hampton Univerity graduate (me 2), Founder of Tuskegee Institute, author, leader of working-class African Americans (my tribe, sweet!!!!!!!), and so much moor
Gutzon Borglum: Sculpted Mount Rushmore
James Hoban: Designer of White House in Washington D.C.
Harry Houdini: Famous magician
Ringling Brothers: Cirus creators
Jack Warner: Co-founder of Warner Bros.
Thomas Lipton: Creator of Lipton Ice Tea
Walter Chrysler: Created Chrysler Corporation
Dave Thomas: Creator of Wendy's
Sugar Ray Robinson: Great boxer and so much moor
Carroll O'Connor: Sheriff on Heat of the Night tv series.
Stalin: Probably freemason.  Did Masonic gestures
Aleister Crowley: Famous powerful evil magickian.
Manly P. Hall: Wrote sweet books.  He had a lot of knowledge.
H.G. Wells: Famous author.  Wrote the time machine.
Tony Blair: P.M. of Great Britain
John Wilkes Booth: Killed Lincoln.
Senator Byrd: Member of the KKK (masonic originally), mentored Hilary in the Senate.
There were other presidents, prime ministers, royalty, actors, astronauts, artists, musicians, athletes, and other people with deep pockets that were freemasons. It's a worldwide organization.
I heard most leaders of nations are freemasons or in a organization affiliated with them.  There are many mason in the U.S. political landscape.  About 20 U.S. presidents were Masons. Most of the government in the 3rd Republic of France was freemasons.  There is the Fraternal Order of Police, which is freemasonry 4 cops.  That creates a conflict of interest because they suppose protect society, yet sworn a oath to a cult!  Firefighters have the Templar cross as a symbol.  Knights Templar are a rite of freemasonry.  Sum ideas in hip hop are freemasonic.  Rappers were called MCs, which means master of ceremony.  Several rappers are masons.  Such as Jay-Z and Rick Ross.  There are checkerboard floors in a lot of rap videos.  Many gang symbols are freemasonic.  You think it's a coincidence?            
Strange, but true 
The star Sirius is important to the Freemasons.  They are somehow connected to reptoids (demons/aliens). Catholic Church and Freemasonry joined forces last century.  High-level masons see Lucifer (Roman god of light) as good and Yahweh as evil.  It is true that Yahweh is evil, just read the old testament.  It's still not a good idea to worship Lucifer.  When you worship something you give your energy to it.  Be careful what you worship. In my opinion, you shouldn't worship anything because it makes you inferior.  You create your destiny with free will.  
George GM James
He was a historian and author from Guyana.  Stolen Legacy was a book he wrote about Greek philosophy being stolen from Egypt.  The information in the book came from Masonic sources.  Then he died a violent death; I believe a mason killed him.  
This is the age of Aquarius; so I'm doing away with all things that are Piscean and Arian.  Abrahamic religions have to go because they are outdated.  Then the world will be a lot better.  My advice is to stay away from Freemasonry.  Some lodges are good and some are evil.  You don't know which is which until you join. So just stay away, you don't need them.  They are remnants of an old age.  We are in new age, so be sovereign.      
Albert Pike

An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kung Fu

Kung Fu was created in the Shaolin Temple.  A Buddhist monk came to the temple in 464 CE.  2 of his Chinese disciples created Kung Fu.  Since they were Buddhists, they incorporated Buddhism in Kung Fu. Chan Buddhism is the religion of the monks at the Shaolin Temple.  The history of kung fu is over 2,000 tears old.  They have many styles, exercises, and techniques.
When Bodhidharma came to the Shaolin Temple, he taught his monks' martial arts.  During the Tang dynasty, the emperor son was kidnapped by rebels.  13 monks from the Shaolin Temple retrieved the son and returned him to the emperor.  After that the Shaolin Temple became popular.  Soldiers would go there to become better warriors.  The leader of the Qing dynasty had the temple burned to the ground.  It was because people that opposed him lived there.  A lot of knowledge was lost.  Some of the monks survived by running away.  It was rebuilt later.  Kung Fu influenced many other martial arts such as Karate.
18 hands of the Arhat: This is the oldest style of Kung Fu.  It has 18 movements.  It is largely based on Chi Kung.
Long Fist: This is an aggressive style that uses long punches and kicks.  It involves a lot of movement.  This style will make you a gymnast.  It remains me of form 4 of Star Wars.
Through the Back Fist: It is an internal style and it is based on Taoism.  This style makes your punches stronger.  This style as 5 elements.
6 Harmonies Boxing: This style incorporates qigong.  It has empty hands and weapon forms.
There are many other styles.
Kung Fu exercises help you become more flexible.  Some people even learn to fight without seeing.  There are exercises that strengthen your fists and feet and other body parts.  There are many stances, a lot of which are based on animals.  They do a lot of meditation.
Iron Body: You make your body not feel pain.
Eagle Claw: "Lock opponent so they can't move."  Break bones and rip muscles.  Block attacks.  Dodge. 'Keep enemy off balance.'
Tiger Tail Kick: Low right kick, while on your left knee.
Tiger Front Sweep: Quick low right kick.  You would place your hands on the ground when you do it.  It will cause your opponent to fall.
Squeeze Neck:  Squeeze enemy throat and break windpipe
Kung Fu is awesome!!!!!!!!  It is my second favorite martial art.  It has great styles, exercises, and techniques.  It was very influential to Asian Martial Arts.  It is also spiritual.  By learning Kung Fu, you become very fit and develop hetep.      

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Mohism is based on the teaching of Mozi.  It has many wonderful ideas.  Mohism has its own ethics, epistemology, logic, political theory, religious beliefs.  This philosophy is very pragmatic. The Mohists wrote books called Mohist Canons.
Mozi was born 470 BCE.  His parents didn't give him much affection.  He was taught Confucianism, but he didn't like it so much.  He was a great carpenter and an expert at defensive technology.  He promoted spontaneity and discipline.  He went against Confucianism and Taoism because they promoted obedience and ritual. He created a school for government officials and commoners.  Mozi taught philosophy and carpentry in his school.  He believed in social evolution.  He thought people should be innovative.  Confucians believed people should behave like ancient people.  Mozi disagreed with this.  He wanted people to be less clannish and more universal.  He promoted love for all people.  He believed we should have the same compassion for all people.  He said love starts in the home but in other words.  Before you can love a stranger you have to love a relative.  If you can't love the people near you; it is impossible to love people far away.  He was very pragmatic.  Your actions should lead to the greatest good.  Mozi or his followers knew the first law of motion.  He believed people were inherently good.
Universal love and helping others are most important ethics in Mohism.  Everyone actions should lead to greater social harmony.  We have a greater responsibility to people we know compared to strangers.  Even though we should all love each other; we will have greater concern for our family and friends.                                                              
There are different kinds of knowledge.  Mohists dealt with 4 kinds of knowledge.  They are knowledgeable of names, things, the relationship between the 2, and how to behave.  People are able to comprehend because we all have cai (consciousness).  To truly know something you have to see its opposite.  Discretion is very important.  Before we act we should figure out if the action is beneficial or detrimental.  Mohist knew that some of what we know comes from sensory perception.
Fa was important in Mohism.  Fa is anything that helps us make a judgment.  Laws and role models are examples of Fa.  Illustrating, adducing, the inference was important parts of logic to followers of Master Mo. They used inductive reasoning as well

10 Doctrines
Identifying Upward- Modeling your behavior after good role models in society.
Promoting the Worthy- People should get government jobs by merit alone.
Inclusive Care- People should be as concerned about others as they are their own family.  Universal Love.
Condemning Aggression- War and crime are terrible ideas.
Moderation in Use- Use what you need nothing more.
Moderation in Burial- $ should be spent on the living not the dead.
Heaven Intent- Be righteous or suffer.
Understanding Ghosts- If individuals believe ghosts reward and punish people based on their actions; they are more likely to act accordingly
Condemning Music- Take care of your responsibilities b4 you listen to music.
Condemning Fatalism- We are not slaves to destiny.  We create our own lives with free will.
Political Theory
Mohists thought violence comes from people having different values.  They wanted a king to create a "unified moral code."  This would lead to less internal conflict in society.  People should be educated on morality. They believed if the emperor was corrupt he will lose the Mandate of Heaven.  Once this happens he would be overthrown.  The leaders of society don't create morality, but they are living examples of it.  If the emperor doesn't rule justly the people will rebel.          

Religious Beliefs
Mohists believed in Tian (heaven), ghosts, ancestors, and other spirits.  They didn't believe in heaven and hell.  Salvation is non-existent because there is no original sin.  A god named di from the Shang dynasty was important to Mohists.  When people die they become ghosts.

Mohist Texts
The text explains Mohism have similarities to utilitarianism.ain Mohist beliefs, Mozi, debates, discussions, economics, and many other topics.  These texts were written at different times by different people.  They remind me of the bible.  You should read them.  
Mozi is amazing!!!  He didn't receive love from his parents, yet he promotes universal love.  That is why he wasn't so clannish.  I like almost everything about this philosophy.  It one of my favorites and so is Mozi.   Learning this philosophy can help you become a better person.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bantu Philosophy

The Bantu are Niger-Congo people that left West Africa millennia ago and spread all over the continent. They interacted with many other groups of Africans and the created a wonderful philosophy.  Various disciplines are interconnected in Bantu thought.  Reason and intuition support each other.  There are 4 categories in Bantu philosophy.  They are Muntu (human being), Kintu (thing), Hantu (place and time), and Kuntu (modality).  The 4 categories are related that's why they all end in NTU.  NTU is the universal spirit that enlivens all things.  It is something like Oludumare, Tao, and Brahman.  It is the universal force that all things are a part of.  Ontology, cosmology, and ethics are parts of Bantu Philosophy.
4 Categories of NTU
Muntu: Men, women, spirits, aliens, any beings that are self-aware.

Kintu: Objects, animals, plants, planets, anything that is unconscious or has little self-awareness.

Hantu: Dates, time, directions, anything spatial or temporal.

Kuntu: Abstract ideas.  Examples: laughter, truth, justice, etc.

NTU: the master force all the categories are a part of.

Branches of Philosophy
Ontology is the study of being.  Humans are connected to nature.  The self comes from knowing other. The universe is symmetrical.

Cosmology is the origin and nature of the universe.  Time is cyclical.  It is both infinite and finite. Finite time is broken up into events.  Examples of this are birth, puberty, marriage, eldership, and death.

Ethics are rules for behaving.  Bantu ethics are very pragmatic.  People should act in a way that helps others. No one should ever harm people.

Bantu philosophy is amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It is complex and well thought out.  There is much to learn from Bantu philosophy.  Get into it.    
Muntu by Janheinz Jahn
Bantu Philosophy
African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo
Dr. Fu-Kiau Bunseki author of book abov
I am because we are!
Kemet-Kongo Connection
African Cosmology 


Taoism is a Chinese religion that was created over 2300 years ago.  Laozi founded Taoism and it is believed he wrote the Tao Te Ching.  Taoism has its own ethics, cosmology, deities, rituals, symbols, alchemy, sex practices, etc.  It had a big impact on Buddhism in China.  
Some of the ideas and rituals of Taoism are prehistoric.  Legend has it that the yellow emperor is the creator of Taoism.  Taoism became the state religion of the Han Dynasty and philosophical Taoism was created at this time as well. Taoism was the state religion of other dynasties as well.  Later on, 2 sects of Taoism were created. Taoism fell out of favor and then it had revival.   

Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching may have been written by several people over the centuries. Scholars are unsure if Laozi (Old Master) ever existed. Tao means the way.  It is the substance from which all phenomenon arises.  It is a similar concept to Brahman.  Te means integrity. Ching means great book.  There are 81 chapters in the Tao Te Ching.  The chapters are full of paradoxes and it's poetic.  
The 3 Jewel of Taoism is compassion, moderation, and humility. Selflessness is important.  We are all connected, so we shouldn't be egoistic.  We should be curious because life has many wonders. Yin and Yang are the complementary nature of reality.  Male complements female, there is no night without day, and we need fire and ice.  What we think of as opposites are simply compliments. We should detach ourselves from yin and yang; because they are always alternating.  We should always be happy no matter what happens in the external world.  We should be engaged in the world, but don't let it determine our emotional state.                              
The Tao (everything) comes from Wu Chi (nothingness).  Yin and Yang emanated from the Tao.  The 5 elements come from Yin and Yang.  The elements are 'wood (lesser yang), fire (greater yang), earth (neutral), metal (lesser yin), water (greater yin)'.  Every object has a vibration. The vibration determines how much of a polarity the object contains.         
There are 3 Pure Gods they rule over the 3 celestial heavens. Pangu created the earth.  Fuxi and Nuwa were the only people to survive the flood.  They gave birth to everyone else.  The Dragon King rules the ocean and can shapeshift to human form.  The 8 Immortals are saints that have the power of life and death. Erlang Shen was able to see the truth with his third eye.  There are many more characters, but this was just a sampling to get your fingers wet.  
Some Taoists wear a talisman for protection.  Meditation is important for Taoists.  Some of them even do Tai Chi.  Taoists making offerings to deities. There are Taoist festivals and holidays.  
The 8 trigrams make up the hexagrams of the I-Ching.  The turtle represents immortality.  The Dragon represents yang.  The Chou represents long life.  
Neidan (Inner Alchemy) are physical, mental, spiritual exercises that increase the lifespan and it helps consciousness survive death. The practitioner of Neidan increases Chi (lifeforce), Jing (sexual energy), and Shen (spiritual energy). Waidan (Outer Alchemy) are elixirs made from plant, animal, and other substances.  These elixirs were supposed to improve the body in some kind of way. Some elixirs were dangerous because they contained toxic substances.  
Sex Practices
These practices were known as bedroom arts.  Men were supposed to conserve their semen unless they want the woman pregnant.  The more often a man conserved his semen the healthier he would be. This is somewhat true.  Women don't have to conserve anything because they are sexually unlimited. Sex was seen as a spiritual tool that can lead to better health and longer life. When men and women have sex they exchange Jing.  Men have more Yang and women have Yin. Sex can be seen as the softening of men and hardening of women.  Taoist men wrote sex manuals detailing on how to please women.  Mantak Chia wrote many books about Taoists sex practices.  They are very enlightening.  
Taoism mixed with Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism got mixed with Taoism in China.  It is known as Chan Buddhism in China.  It is called Zen Buddhism in Japan. Chinese people saw Buddhism as a lesser form of Taoism.  This made it easy for them to accept it.  Koans resemble verses in the Tao Te Ching.     

As you can see Taoism is a wonderful religion.  It is one of my faves.  Taoism has great philosophy, cosmology, mythology, rituals, symbols, alchemy, and sex practices.  You can learn a lot from studying this religion.                                    
Mantak Chia

Thursday, June 23, 2016


The Illuminati was started by Adam Weispht, but it may be much older.  There are 13 families that made up the Illuminati.  I heard it's only 7 families now.  The Illuminati rule the world by controlling secret societies, governments, economies, corporations, entertainment, media, etc.
The Bavarian Illuminati was created on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weispht.  His teacher was a Jesuit.  Years later the Jesuits were outlawed by the pope.  In my opinion, the Bavarian Illuminati were created to promote the Jesuits agenda.  The goal of BI was to destroy all religions and governments and take over the world.   The BI infiltrated the freemasonry and took over.  I don't know how the BI is related to the 13 families but they are somehow I guess.  The 13 families are Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freemen, Kennedy, Li, Rockerfella, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, Onassis, and Merovingian families.  They use magick for nefarious purposes.          
Complete in future
The Illuminati would never bother you directly.  They will try to influence you by social institutions.  Don't be hoodwinked.  Always remember you create your own reality.  You are the most powerful being when comes to your life.  


Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Nihilism is the belief that everything is meanless.  That is so true.  Nothing has inherent meaning.  It only has the meaning you give it.  Friedrich Nietzsche created the best version of this concept.  He thought Europeans should create a new value system since they were becoming scientific.  There are different types of nihilism. There is epistemological nihilism, moral nihilism, political nihilism, and existential nihilism.
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi was the first person to use the word nihilism.  He thought rationalism becomes absurd and should be replaced with faith.  Soren Kierkegaard came up leveling.  Leveling is when all individual uniqueness is reduced to nothing by giving all aspirations the same value.  Friedrich Nietzsche created the best form of nihilism.  He thought Europeans will become nihilistic because they were turning their back on Christianity.  The value system of Europeans was based on Christianity; so he wanted them to create a new value system.

Epistemological Nihilism questions if it's possible to gain true knowledge.
Moral Nihilism is the belief morals are baseless.
Political Nihilism is the beliefs governments are groundless.
Existential Nihilism is the belief that life is meaningless.
Nihilism is a very sweet concept.  The meaning of something comes from what you give it.  Nihilism developed over the centuries.  It has several types.  I would get braingasms when I read about existential nihilism.  When I was 15.




Ninjutsu was created in 12th century CE.  It consists of 18 skills.  It involves many different weapons   It is more than martial arts, it's a way of life.  They fought and worked for the samurai.  They did a lot of spying and assassination. People thought they were magical.  This was because they knew a lot about the human mind.  They knew how to manipulate people senses.        
Ninjutsu was created as a way for commoners to against samurai.  It was created Iga and Koga.  The ninjas weren't bound by the code of Bushido; so they were very creative.  The samurai stab in the front, the ninja stab in the back.  They have many techniques.
18 Skills
  1. Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
  2. Bōryaku – tactics
  3. Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
  4. Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
  5. Kenjutsu – sword techniques
  6. Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama (chain-sickle) techniques
  7. Naginatajutsu – naginata (polearm) techniques
  8. Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
  9. Shinobi-iri – stealth and infiltration
  10. Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
  11. Sōjutsu – spear techniques
  12. Sui-ren – water training
  13. Taijutsu – unarmed combat
"Composite and articulated weapons
  • Kusarigama - kama linked to a weight, either by a long rope or chain.
  • Kyoketsu-shoge - hooked rope-dart, featuring a metal ring on the opposite end.
  •  - 3' (Han Bō), 4', 5' (Jō) and 6' (Rokushakubō) wooden pole techniques.
  • Kusari-fundo, also known as manriki or manriki-gusari - a chain and weight weapon.
Fistload weapons
  • Kakute - rings resembling modern wedding bands with concealed, often poison-tipped spines, typically worn by kunoichi and enabling ninja to quietly strangle enemies with the pointed ends against the neck or throat.
  • Shobo - a jabbing or piercing weapon, similar in shape to kubotan and yawara, but often featuring a center grip ring.
  • Shuriken - various small hand held weapons including throwing stars, darts and blades that could be used to stab, slash or they could be thrown.
  • Kubotan - or "hand stick". Used mainly for pressure points, subduing opponents.
  • Tekko - an earlier version of brass knuckles.
  • Tessen - a folding fan with an iron frame. It could be used to club or cut and slash the enemy.
  • Jitte - A weapon similar to the sai.
Modified tool weapons
  • Kunai - multi-purpose tool.
  • Shikoro - used as a tool for opening doors and stabbing or slashing.
Projectile weapons
  • Fukiya - Japanese blowgun, typically firing poison darts.
  • Makibishi/tetsubishi - the Japanese type of caltrop.
  • Shuriken - various small hand held weapons including throwing stars, darts and blades that could be used to stab, slash or thrown at the enemy.
  • Yumi and Ya - traditional Japanese bow and arrow.
  • Bo-hiya - fire arrow.
  • Tekagi-shuko and Neko-te - hand "claw" weapons.
  • Chakrams - disk like projectiles like boomerangs.
Staffs and polearms
  • Hanbō, and Tambō - various sized staff weapons.
  • Yari - traditional Japanese spear that's similar to the naginata.
  • Nagamaki - pole arm with roughly equal length blade and handle.
  • Naginata - traditional Japanese pole-arm used by women and samurai.
  • Katana - a long curved and single-edged sword, more commonly used by samurai or ninja who disguised themselves as a samurai.
  • Wakizashi - a short sword that can be hidden on the ninja's body, also a backup weapon.
  • Ninjatō - an edged weapon used by ninja as swords. Ninjato can be stolen katana from samurai or forged by ninja themselves with varying lengths. There's some doubt as to whether or not ninja actually used such swords.
  • Tantō - dagger.
  • Kaiken - Similar to the tantō.
  • Bokken - traditional wooden sword used in Japanese martial arts typically modeled off of katanas.
  • Shinai - bamboo sword used in kendo.
Stealth tools
Death Touch- They put poison on their fingertips and touch someone.  The poison went to the bloodstream.  
Memory Implant- They would put false memories into their enemies mind.  
Lie Detector- They knew if someone was lying by looking at their and listening to the tone of voice.  
Hand Signs and Code Words
Breathing Exercises
Tamieshiwara- Chi punch
Dragon Claw: Ripping something apart with ur barehanded.
Sleight of Hand
Ninpo is my favorite martial art.  It is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It is full of techniques, weapons, and skills.  It is so heavy.  Get into it.