
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Nigerian Campus Cults

Wole Soyinka and 6 of his friends started the first confraternity in Nigeria in 1952.  After while some of the members didn't like it and left.  Other confraternities were created after the first one.  They expanded beyond college.  Some of the activities of the confraternities are illegal.      
Pyrate was the name of the first confraternity; it was created by the Magnificat 7.  This confraternity was open to students that got good grades.  Skull and bones is the logo of this organization.  Most other confraternities came into being 20 years after this one.  There have been ova 25,000 members of Pyrates.  They became political in 1997.  They disrupted an election @ that time.  It changed its name to National Association of Seadogs.
List of Cults
Black Axe:  Students @ the University of Benin were attacked by students from other campus; so it was created in 1976 for protection.  The creators of this cult may have come Neo-black Movement of Africa.  "They fought apartheid in South Africa."  B4 they came to Nigeria.      
Buccaneers: It was created by people kicked out of the Pyrate Confraternity.  Some students that couldn't join because there grades weren't good enough, so they created confraternities.   
Supreme Viking: It was created by ex-members of the Buccaneers.  It was founded 1982, 5 years b4 my birth.  Members call themselves adventures and they have 4 phrases: Blood on the high sea, Songs of hojas, neva hang a leg, and even in the face of death.  
De Norseman Kclub: It is open to students of any background.  You must have a high GPA to join and you can't have a criminal record.  This confraternity was founded in 1985 and it's a social charity.    
Air Lords: The focus of this cult is improving its members physical, mental, political, and cultural aspects of being.  "There are no enemies, there are no friends; just a confraternity, and discipline."  That's there motto, I like it.   
Deby Na debt: It is based on a a cult in California, maybe it's Bohemian Grove.  Members (Klansmen) of this confraternity worship a demon named Ogor.  It looks like a human skull.  They see themselves as superior to all other cults.         

Family Fraternity: It was created in 1980 in the holy city Ile-Ife.  It is based on the Italian Mafia.  They have secret parties, gamble, womanize, and crush their enemies.  
Kegite club: This is a sociocultural movement that is close to nature.  It is very positive, unlike the other confraternities.  It sees all tribes as equal.  It's logo is a green palm.
Daughters of Jezebel: It is one of the most popular lady confraternity.  They are very secretive and have coded language.     
There are many more, but this will suffice.

These cults have several international chapters.  Some of these confraternities help humanity, while others are criminal.  The chapters exist in most continents.  They have been around ova a decade.         

The Pyrates have several international chapters.  Those chapters are in Japan, Australia, and Great Britain.  It may be one of the best of the confraternities.  They donated 2 Food Bank of Australia.  They also created a anti-knife campaign in London.

The Buccaneers have a chapter in Great Britain.  They participated a 10k run to support children.  There are several U.S. chapters in major cities.  The chapter in Dallas Texas is called Alpha-Beta Galleon.  There are also chapters in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Canada.
Members of the confraternities have been in Europe 4 ova 20 years.   They supported charities in Asia and Africa and helped with food collection.  They're against slavery in Libya.  They support human rights in Nigeria.         
Unsavory Behavior
Sometimes confraternities terrorize people in Nigeria.  The rob, rape, and murder people.  These cults battle each other @ times and innocent could get hurt.  There was a recent battle between gangs in Benin City.
Black Axe is raising hell Italy.  Some of the members got arrested.  They forced a Nigerian woman into prostitution, so she told the cops.  B4 she was brought to Europe after a juju ritual was done on her.   African migrants are exploited by the confraternities.  Some of the women are forced into prosecution, while others are enslaved. 
These campus cults been around for 70 years.  It started off good, but became corrupted.  There are many of them and they have international chapters.  A lot of these gangs engage in criminal activity.  They also help people around the world.  Confraternities are a cult, gang, and charity put together.      

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


This language family as a certain mechanics; it's present in parts of Central America and Mexico.  This language family has 32 languages in it.  They came from Proto-Mayan.  Mayans created their own written language.  Mayan people were pretty sweet and still are!!!!!
This language family has 3 word orders: VOS, VSO, and SVO.  Most Mayan languages have 5 vowels and lack the sounds of b, d, z, and g.  It also lacks articles as well.  There statives in this language family; they adjectives and verbs.  Mayan languages are full of particles.  This language family has its own vocabulary, but has incorporated words from other languages such as Spanish.       

It was spoken ova 5,000 years ago!!!!!  It is the mother of both Classical Mayan and modern day Mayan languages.  As Maya people moved around their languages changed.  That's how you get the 30 different Mayan languages.  I assume this language family originated in Guatemala.    
There are 4 major subdivisions in the Mayan language family.  They are as follows: Huastecan, Yucatecan, Western, Eastern.  Languages with in the Huastecan branch are spoken in Mexico by 110,000 people.  One of the languages in this branch became extinct in the 1980's.  Languages with the Yucatecan branch are the most popular in Mexico.  They are spoken by about a million people.  The Eastern branch is spoken in Guatemala by ova  a million people.  Languages of the Western branch is spoken in Central America.  One of languages went extinct in El Salvador and another one is on it way out in Honduras.  A lot of Mayans got killed in Guatemala during its civil war.  There would be more speakers of Q'anjob'al if there wasn't a civil war.  
Mayan languages are spoken in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras.  @ least 21 Mayan languages are spoken in Guatemala.  There maybe 8 Mayan languages spoken in Mexico.  3 of them are spoken in Belize.  Ch'orti' is spoken in Honduras and Q'eqchi' is spoken in El Salvador.      
This form of writing is known as Maya glyphs.  It was created ova 2,000 years ago.  It was used till the Spanish conquest 500 years.  It looks like Egyptian hieroglyphics, but they're unrelated.  Scribes used the script to write codices.  The glyphs represented sounds and/or words.  Popol Vuh is a Mayan book of history and mythology; it escaped the Spanish destruction of Mayan books.  It was written by the K'iche people.      
Then and Now
The Mayan civilization was amazing!!!!!  They were good @ creating art, buildings, pyramids, and calendars.  They grew beans, squash, corn, and chill peppers about 4,000 years ago.  They created cities ova 2,000 years ago.  They learned the long count calendar from the Olmecs.  They lived in city-states, they neva unified politically.  Southern Mayans left their cities because of warfare, over population, and drought.  Northern Mayans fared betta.  There was a Mayan city named Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala.  People lived there for 3,700 years!!!!!!!!  There was upper class, middle class, and lower class in Mayan society.  The soldiers went to war to plunder.  There weapons they used was a spear, blowgun, and bow arrow.  
They were great sculptors, they made many statues.  Some of their statues were of deities and rulers.  The artists made stelas, lintels, tablets, columns, altars, thrones, wood cravings, masks, etc.  Some of their art was influenced by the Olmecs.  
There was a lot of trade in Mayan cities.  They traded as far as New Mexico and Columbia.  Cotton, obsidian, salt, slaves, gold discs, turquoise, cacao, ceramics, copper bells, and axes were some of things that was traded.  Some of the trade was done on the ocean.  
The Mayans were great city planners.  Cities were made out of limestone, brick and adobe.  "The great cities of the Maya civilization were composed of pyramid temples, palaces, ballcourts, sacbeob (causeways), patios and plazas."  Some cities had defensive walls.                
They tracked celestial objects and created their own form of divination.  This tracking was done by the priesthood and they used it predict the future.  They associated Venus with destruction and created a calendar based on that planet.  Eclipses were seen as bringer of doom.        
Their religion was like other Mesoamerican people.  They believed their ancestors looked out 4 them in the spirit world.  The priests ingested entheogens so they could interact with spirits.  They believed their were 9 levels in the lower world and 13 levels in the upper world.  Humans were sacrificed to their deities.   
A lot of Mayan people live in southern Mexico.  Most Mayans that live there don't even speak a Mayan language!!  There was a Mayan nation in what today is Mexico that lasted for 54 years.  There are many Mayan politicians in Yucatan Peninsula.   There are 3 different Mayan tribes in Belize.  There's @ least 14 different Mayan tribes in Guatemala.   
The Mayan language family is diverse and it's ancient.  It comes from Guatemala and it's spoken in 4 other countries.  There are 32 languages in 4 subdivisions in that family.  They had their own scripts 4 writing.  The Mayan civilization had farming, buildings, pyramids, trading, religion, art, astronomy, military, and much more.  Today there are 6 million Mayans living in 5 countries.        


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Pyramids Around the World

There are many pyramids around the world.  They are large structures made out of stone or other materials. You can find pyramids in Bosnia, China, Peru, United States, Greece, Niger, Mexico, Indonesia, Russia, Egypt, Central America, Cambodia, Bolivia, Sudan, Australia, Brazil, France, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sardina, Italy, Atlantic & Pacific Oceans, Antarctica, and Mars.  Psychic powers, magick and/or advanced technology may have been involved in the construction of the pyramids.  Aliens may have been involved in pyramid creation.   
A pyramid is a large structure that has a square base and a triangle on the 4 sides.  They are made out granite, limestone, mud brick, rubble, adobe brick, sandstone, concrete, steel, crystal, and/or other substances.  Some of the them have tunnels underneath.   Some pyramids may have been energy generators.  Astrology tie in to some of them.  There are 3 Egyptian pyramids that align with 3 stars of Orion belt.  Other pyramids align with stars as well.  Some these structures are so old they are covered in soil and grass. The ocean is full of pyramids because they were on a continents or islands that sunk in prehistoric times.  
Atlantic: There's a city underwater near Cuba that has pyramids in it.  The city was made sometime between 6,000-50,000 years ago!!!!!!  There are 2 crystal pyramids in the Bermuda triangle, maybe.  There is a pyramid off the coast of Portugal.  
Antarctica: There are pyramids there or pyramid shaped mountains.  
Australia: Some archaeologists believe Egyptians built pyramids in Australia ova 5,000 years ago.  Stewart Morland built a pyramid out of granite rocks in 2006.  It took 8 months to build.  It is called Ballandean Pyramid.     
Bolivia:  There is a underground pyramid there, that maybe 14,000 years old.  The Akapana pyramid is above ground and it was built by Tiwanaku civilization. It was multi-cultural and its empire included parts of Peru and Chile.  This civilization came to an end in 1150 CE.  A civil war may have caused the collapse.  Puma Punku was a city in Bolivia that many stone structures.  It was also built by the Tiwanaku civilization, which predates the Incas.  Sumerians may have traveled to Bolivia millennia ago.  If that's true, they help create civilization there. 
The Inca built ova 100 pyramids!!!!!  They were used for religious and political purposes.  They used mud brick to build them.  Temples were built on top of pyramids they found from older civilizations.  Sometimes people were sacrificed in the them.         
Bosnia: These pyramids were built in prehistoric times.  There are 5 of them: Sun, Moon, Love, Dragon, and Temple of Mother Earth.  They have a system of tunnels.  There are negative ions inside the pyramids, which causes humans to become healthier and kills germs.  It blocks out radiation and gives off a ultrasonic frequency, which keeps animals away.  The Pyramid of the Sun is taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza!!!!!!  These pyramids are ova 24,000 years old.  They seem like the oldest pyramids on Earth!!!!!!!    
Brazil: There have been 1,000 pyramids there and they may have been older than the ones in Egypt!!!!!!  They were made out of seashells and they are located in the southeast.  Most of them were destroyed and used as building material.  
Cambodia:There are several pyramids in this country.  Koh Ker is a city that was created ova 1,000 years ago.  There's a temple pyramid there.  The Hindu god Shiva was worshiped in the city.  
Angkor Wat was built because a brahmin encouraged the king to the build the city.  Temples were created for the Hindu god Vishnu.  Then they became Buddhist temples.  This city became the capital of an empire.  
The Khmer made all of this and more.  Click here if u want to learn about.
Central America: Mayans built all the pyramids in this area.  In Honduras there's a city called Copan it has several step pyramids.  It had many temples and palaces too.  People lived there for 2,000 years. 
El Mirador is located in Guatemala and it has a huge pyramid.  It was occupied for 500 years and then reoccupied.  The city is now covered by forest.  Th people that lived there was great farmers.  They created swamps and grew various crops.  There is pyramid in the city called La Danta it is the widest pyramid in the world!!!!!  
There are 8 pyramids ova 3,000 buildings in Tikal!!!  120,000 people lived in that city b4 it was abandoned. 
China: There are ova 40 pyramids there.  Some of the pyramids are tombs to Chinese emperors, while others align with the North Star.   Most of the pyramids are covered in soil and grass.  People aren't allowed in any of pyramids.  The military is protecting them.  There is an 8,000 year pyramid in China!!!!!!!  Some people think the Turks built pyramids in China.     
Egypt: There are ova 80 pyramids there.  The first one is the Pyramid of Djoser, which is a part of mortuary complex.  It was created by Imhotep 4,650 years ago.  He was a polymath, vizier, wizard, doctor of modern medicine, and Greek god of medicine. 
Pyramid of Djedefre was destroyed by the Romans.  They used the material of the pyramid to build othere structures.  Chambers were underneath the pyramid.  Djedefre was the son of Khufu; he became pharaoh after his father died.
There are 3 major pyramids of Giza.  Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure were the pharaohs that had these pyramids created.  They align with stars in Orion belt.  The pyramids have been looted and most of the limestone has been taken off.  
The Bent Pyramid was created during Sneferu reign.  It has limestone on its exterior.  It has a mortuary temple on its left side.  It has a satellite pyramid, it's called the queen pyramid.   
The Red Pyramid was created during Sneferu reign as well.  It took 17 years to build it.  Tourists can now visit the pyramid.  The capstone was found near it.  
There are many more pyramids, but this will suffice.  The time between the pyramids and Cleopatra is greater than the time between Cleopatra and now.  Priests and priestesses conducted ceremonies in the pyramids.  Legend has Plato was initiated in the Great pyramid.  
Energy may have been generated from these structures.  The Sphinx is older 10,000 years!!!!  Maybe the pyramids are older than we think.  Egyptologists found the city of the people that built the pyramids.  They were skilled workers, not Hebrew slaves, aliens, or Atlaneans.         
France: Louvre Pyramid was made in 1988 and it's made out of glass and metal.  It is located in Paris, which is the capital of France.  There is also a inverted pyramid in the ceiling of the underground mall.  It was made in 1993 by the same architect.  All of that is connected to the Louvre Museum.   
Greece: There were 4 pyramids there, but only 2 remain.  They have/had rooms in them of pieces of art from different time periods.  The pyramids are made out of limestone.  It has a corridor that aligned with Orion Belt millennia ago.  A pyramid like structure was found in 2018 in Keros; it's 4,000 years old.    
Indonesia: European scientists discovered a pyramid in a mountain on Java.  It is ova 10,000 years old and it has 4 layers.     
Iran: Elamites created a ziggurat Southwest Iran.  One of them was built 3,272 years ago.  A king had it built in honor of a god.  The Elamites mimic Babylonian art, so they probably got the idea of a ziggurat from them.        
Iraq: Ziggurats were build there, they are similar to pyramids.  They were temples and it protected priests from floods.  Sumerians were the first people to build ziggurats.  Then the Akkadians, Babylonians and finally Assyrians.  ISIS destroyed one of the Assyrian ziggurats.       
Italy: The Romans built pyramids after they conquered Egypt.  They were inspired by all the pyramids they saw.  The Pyramid of Cestius is a tomb 4 Caius Cestius.  It is made out of concrete covered in marble.  There are some pyramids in Italy that's underground.        
Mars: There are pyramids there that look like the ones in Egypt.  Legend has it there was an advanced civilization on Mars.  They got into it with people on Maldek.  The Maldekians messed up Mars atmosphere and the Marians destroyed Maldek.  It became the asteroid belt.  These people came to Earth after all that destruction and caused a bunch a hell 4 us Earthers.  
Mexico: Olmecs, Mayans, Toltecs, and Aztecs built pyramids in the area.  They all learned from each other.  Elder brother taught younger brother.  They had a lot in common and significant differences.  Olmec civilization was the first civilization in Mexico.  What is known as the Mayan calendar was created by them and they had the concept of zero.  A certain type of ball game was popular among them.  It was like football (soccer) and basketball mixed together.  The winner or loser of the game was cut and then they bleed to death.  They made a lot of sculptures.  Most of which look Asian.  They also built colossal heads, which look African.  Mexicans said the first people in Mexico were blacks and giants.  Read Lost Colonies of Ancient America, if you want to learn about the various groups of people that came to the Americas from elsewhere.  The Mayans, Toltecs, and Aztec worshiped the same serpent god and all practiced human sacrifice.  The Aztecs looked up to the Toltecs.   Mayan deities were peaceful and the Toltec had warlike deities.  Both the Aztec and Toltec had military units based on animals.  The Aztecs liked thinking they were their descendants of the Toltecs.       
The Olmec built a pyramid in La Venta.  This Great Pyramid is made out of clay.  It was a rectangular pyramid, but it isn't so rectangular because erosion.  Now it's shape more like a cone.  They built a bunch of stone heads.  Mexico gave one to Ethiopia.    
Calakmul means City of the 2 Adjacent Pyramids.  It was the capital of the Kingdom of the Snake.  50,000 people lived there.  There are ova 6,000 structures in the city.  One of the tallest Mayan pyramids are in this city.   
The Pyramid of the Magician is in Uxmal.  It was built by the Mayans.  It is a tall 5 step pyramid; built about 1500 years.  The Maya would sometimes build structures on top of each other.  This pyramid is a 5 in 1.  Each level of the pyramid have different art.  It is believed by some that the city was rebuilt twice.  The inhabitants believed a dwarf king created the city using magick in one night.  It is believed the dwarf hatched from an egg found by a witch.           
El Castillo is the city that contains Chichen Itza.  It is dedicated to Kukulkan, he is the feathered serpent.  It was created centuries ago and it has 365 steps.  That's the number of days in a solar year!!!!!!  There is a smaller pyramid inside Chichen Itza.  The Cult of Cenote (sinkhole) sacrificed people in the city to the rain god.  The pyramid is inbetween 4 cenotes.  
The pyramid of Comalcalo is odd because it is made out of brick.  The way it was built was similar to Roman construction.  There are inscriptions on the bricks that look Roman.  There are many other buildings in Comalcalo that are made out of bricks.        
Teotihuacan was a multi-ethnic city built ova 2,000 years ago.  It has the Pyramid of the Sun, Moon, and Feathered Serpent.  A written language was developed in this city as well.  There was a lot of trading in this city.
Pyramid of the Sun is the tallest pyramid in Mesoamerica!!!!  It was built 1800 years ago.  After it was built, centuries later some men made it bigger.  It's a big tourist attraction.          
Pyramid of the Moon has 7 layers.  Animal and human sacrifice was done in this pyramid.  There may have been sacrifices in the rest of them as well.  Archaeologists found bones here. 
Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent has many remains of human sacrifices.  It may have been dedicated to the god of rain.  Kings are buried @ the bottom of the pyramid.  They called the Feathered Serpent Kukulcan.  
The Toltecs built the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl and another pyramid.  On top of the first pyramid are statues of stone warriors.  These pyramids were build in Tula, which was the capital of the Toltec empire.  
The Aztec built several pyramids.  They used they for religious rituals.  They would kidnap someone from another tribe, take them to the top of the pyramid and cut their heart out.  Or they would do that to a slave.  They did it so the Sun can keep shining.  They thought if they didn't do it the sun would get stuck in the underworld.  They conquered many tribes, but they couldn't conquer the Tarascans.  I met a wonderful woman from this tribe.  The tribes that was ruled by the Aztec helped the Spanish defeat them; because they didn't want to get sacrificed any more.  
The Feathered Serpent had @ least 3 pyramids from 3 different peoples: Mayans, Toltecs, and Aztec.  The Feathered Serpent may have really been a reptoid.  The Mayans called him Kukulkan and Toltecs and Aztecs called Quetzalcoatl.  
Niger: There's pyramids and a sphinx that might be older than the ones in Egypt!!!!  The pyramid may have been full of gold and the Hausa language may have been spoken by ancient Egyptians!!!!!  The Egyptian civilization may have started there.   
Nigeria: Nsude pyramids were built out of clay and mud.  They are created by the Igbo and they are similar to the Step pyramid of Egypt.  They are cone shaped.  Groundnut pyramids were created in northern Nigeria last century.  They came to end in the 70's, because the economy changed.  Buildings replaced the those pyramids.    
Pacific: There's a underwater city of the coast of Japan.  It may be ova 10,000 years old!!!!  It has something like a pyramid in it.  "The structures include the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, five temples, and at least one large stadium, all of which are connected by roads and water channels and are partly shielded by what could be huge retaining walls.  In total the ruins cover an area spanning 984 feet by 492 feet (300 meters by 150 meters). Also found were a triangular bath-pool structure, two post-holes, structure similar to a dance platform  inscription, castle entrance gate, ditches, staircases, a turtle-shaped relief rock, terraces and a rock inscription that appears to belong to the ancient Kaida script." There are pyramids in Tonga, which is a island/s in the Pacific Ocean.  I think they are tombs for royalty.  A pyramid was spotted on Google Earth by Marcelo Igazusta.  It was on the Pacific Ocean floor.  
Peru:  There are @ least 6 pyramids in Peru about 4,500 years old.  It in the oldest known city in South America!!!!!!!  The people that lived in that city may have been the first to use quipu.  Huaca Huallamarca was occupied 3 different times.  The Lima culture lived there 4 half a millennium.  Ishma moved in 5 centuries later, finally the Incas took ova the area.  The Lima culture built the pyramid there out of adobe bricks for their religion.  Later on there was elaborate burials there.  After Inca tookova, people started to living there.  Inca pyramids where created as residence 4 their deities.  Nazca Lines were created ova 2,000-1,500 years ago by the Nasca and Palpa tribes.  They are drawing of animals on the ground.  You can only appreciate its beauty above ground.  Who were they drawn for?      
Russia: The pyramids there may be ova 6,500 years old.  Rooms were discovered in 2007 expedition.  The Lapps showed the scientists how to get to the pyramids.   
Sardina: Pyramid of Monte D' Accoddi looks like a ziggurat.  It is ova 5,000 years old.  It may be older than pyramids in Egypt!!!  Legend has it, it was built by a Sumerian prince.     
Sudan: There are ova 200 pyramids in that country.  They are smaller than Egypt's, but better looking.  They are tombs for royalty.  The ancient people that lived here are/were called Nubians, Kushites, and Ethiopians.  There were several civilizations in Sudan @ different times.  Some of the Egyptian deities and the idea of pharaoh came from this area.  They lived with, married, traded with, fought, was conquered by, and conquered ancient Egyptians.  Sudan is one of the origins of the Gift of the Nile.       
Syria: There was an ancient city called Elba.  It became an empire and controlled 17 city-states.  They traded with Egyptians, Sumerians, Cyprus, Kish, Afghanistan, etc.  All of that trade made the city very wealthy.  @ least one ziggurat was built there.  They were inspired by the Sumerians.  The Sumerians were like their big bother.  They learned a lot from the.  Sum students from Elba would travel to Sumeria; while sum teachers from Sumeria would travel Elba.  Some of their documents were written in Sumerian.  They had the same religion as the Canaanites.  The city was destroyed several times.  The final destruction was by the Hittites.   
United States: The Washitaw and Choctaw built pyramids long a go in the states.  North America may have ova 1,000 pyramids.  There was a pyramid city in Missouri or Illinois.  I read aliens destroyed the city.  Many mounds were built in the country of my birth.  They were used for burying people and maybe as way to avoid floods.  There are mounds in @ least 9 states.  There are several modern day pyramids in the U.S. too.
Tools Used To Build It     
Magick: Spells and rituals may have been used to help create pyramids.  The world was a much more magickal place back then.  The people that did ceremonies in the pyramids were doing magick.  People  were more psychic, because they lived in a betta environment.  Psychic Powers come from the mind and magick is all around us.  Everyone is psychic and magickal @ different degrees.     
Technology: Sum people believe sonic machines were used to build pyramids.  Others feel lasers were used to cut the stones so precisely.  They may have been able to lift tons of material with sonic technology.  Herodotus said the Egyptians used machines to build the pyramids.  He was told that by the priests.          

Where Aliens Involved?
Humans have interacted with aliens since prehistoric times.  Africans call them Sky Gods, North Americans call them Star Nations, South Americans call them Space Bothers, and Muslims call them Jinn.  It's unlikely they built any of the pyramids on this planet.  I read the knowledge aliens gave humans help them create pyramids.  The humans were the ones that made them though.  The idea that alien created massive structures comes from European archaeologists.  They didn't want to accept that non-Europeans were bright enough to create massive structures.  They neva said aliens created Stonehenge, which is in England.
There were many pyramids around the world.  They were built by different materials.  Magick and/ or psychic powers may have been used to construct them.  Of course magick was practiced inside of pyramids.  Advanced technology may have been used in building them.  Most if not all pyramids were made by humans.  Even though E.T. knowledge may have been used to help build them.  There maybe ova a million pyramids worldwide.  I only wrote about a few.     