
Tuesday, December 1, 2020


She was the last pharaoh of Kemet and last member of the Ptolemy dynasty.  She was a polymath that spoke several languages.  There were political problems during her reign.  Julius Caesar was her boyfriend and she married Mark Anthony.  The Romans killed her or she commited suicide.      
She had access to the Library of Alexandria and scholars were a part of her entourage.  The Greek alphabet was taught to her at a young age.  When she got older she learned several more languages.  They are as follows: Kemetic, Nubian, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin.  She was great at public speaking.  She was taught math and science.  In the Library of Alexandria she wrote books on medicine.   

Ptolemy Dynasty
After Alexander conquered Kemet, he went to an oracle.  She told him his father is Amen.  Amen to the Greeks was Zeus.  The Kemetians saw the Greeks as liberators, because they were oppressed by the Persians.  A fishing village in Lower Egypt became Alexandria.  It was a major center of learning in the ancient world.  There was a huge library there!!!!!    
Ptolemy I Soter was a general in Alexander's army.  He became the pharaoh of Kemet after Alexander died.  Soter stole Alexander's corpse and buried him in Kemet.  He had two wives and they both was from Macedonia.  Both wives had children with him.  But he treated kids from his second wife better than kids from his first.  
There were 17 pharaohs of this dynasty.  It was common for members of this dynasty to marry their each other.  It was also common for members of this family to kill each other, so they could be ruler.  The children of dynasty got a great education, because they had access to books and scholars in the library of Alexandria.  This dynasty ruled for 275 years.         

Some of the Ptolemies were crowned by priests of Ptah.  Those priests were close to the royal family.  They had a lot to do with the cult of Arsinoe II.  The priests of Ptah were known as "The Greatest of the Directors of Craftsmanship."  They lived in Het-Ka-Ptah, which the Greeks called Memphis."
Political Problems
Cleopatra father was Ptolemy XII.  He bribed Pompey and Julius Caesar, so Rome would be an ally to Kemet.  At that time Cyprus was apart of the Kemetic empire.  Rome invaded and Ptolemy XII (PXII) didn't defend it.  Kemetians revolted because of this and PXII was exiled to Rome.  His wife became pharaoh for a year.  Her daughter poisoned her.  Then one of his daughters became pharaoh 4 a year.  PXII had her killed then he became pharaoh again.  Cleopatra became coregent with him after that.  She was only 14 years old at that time.  
Cleopatra became pharaoh after he died and Ptolemy XIII (PXIII) became coregent.  She was the only member of the Ptolemy dynasty to learn Metu Neter.  She was exiled to Syria by Alexandrian officials, because she sent sum Roman soldiers there for trial.  They murdered the son of the Syrian governor.  While she was in Syria her brother became pharaoh.  
Pompey lost to Caesar, so he moved to Kemet.  PXIII advisers killed him by decapitation.  Caesar came Kemet and was handed the head of Pompey.  He was saddened by this, because Pompey was his friend.  Julius wanted Cleopatra to rule with her brother (PXIII).  Cleopatra snuck in Kemet from Syria by being rolled into a carpet.  The carpet was unrolled in front of Caesar.  She was 21 years old then.  
PXIII went war with Cleopatra for the throne of Kemet.  Caesar tried to resolve it, but it didn't work.  He had a naval battle with PXIII forces and the lighthouse was damaged.  Cleopatra won the war and PXIII was killed.  Her 11 year old brother Ptolemy XIV became coregent.  Arsinoe was paraded in Rome in chains.  Then she was executed for being on the losing team.     
Romance with JC
Julius Caesar became Cleopatra significant other.  They had a son named Caesarion, which means little Caesar.  She traveled to Rome and lived in Caesar villa.  The Romans didn't like Cleopatra and they were upset Caesar was dating her.  Cleopatra made a temple of Julius Caesar after he died.  She wanted people to remember her son's father.  
Romance with Mark
Cleopatra threw a big party for him once he got to Kemet.  After that he fell in love with her.  He divorced his wife.  She was Octavius sister (Octavia) and they had children.  He married Cleo in 32 BCE.  They had 2 kids together: they were twins.  A boy and a girl.  Their names were Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene.  Helios is the sun god and Selene is the moon god in Greek mythology.  They are also brother and sister.  There last child was named Ptolemy Philadelphus.

Mark Anthony was going to make Alexandria the second capital of the Roman Empire.  Cleo helped him with a battle, so he gave her territory as a way of saying thank you.  The territories were Judea, Syria, Cyrus, Arabia, Phoenicia, and more.           
After Mark Anthony fought Rome in a sea battle to protect Kemet.  He was killed, then Rome invaded.  Cleopatra was put on house arrest.  She committed suicide, or so it seems.  An investigator said the Romans killed her and made it seem like a suicide.  Caesarion was killed by Roman soldiers.  The 3 other children were given to Octavia.      
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Kemet.  She got a great education and was a member of the Ptolemy dynasty.  She spoke 6 languages and was a polymath.  There was a lot of scandals in that dynasty.  JC was her boyfriend and she married MA.  Both of her significant others were murdered.  She was finally taken out by the Romans and her kids lost their birthright.  The oldest son lost his life.  Her life was like a real life movie!!!!!! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


The Qliphoth is the shadow of the Kabbalah.  Think of it as the dark side in star wars.  It has a rich history and a Tree of Death.   The tree has 10 Qlippah that represent different energies.  It is utilized in Western magick.  
The Qlippah is the husk of the sefirot.  The Tree of Life is connected to the Tree of Death by Da'at.  The 10 Qlippahs are named after demons.  Demons also reside in them.  Each of demons represent different principles.  The Qlippahs are connected together by 22 Tunnels of Set.  The Tree of Death is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden.  This tree deals a lot with our shadow.  Most people are afraid of their shadows.  
Tree of Death
I will explain the 10 Qliphahs and 22 Tunnels of Set in great detail.       
10 Qliphahs
10.  Lilith: This is the lowest Qliphah.  Lilith is the mother of demons and Adam's first wife.  The demon that's rule here is Naamah.  She is the sister or daughter of Lilith.  This Qliphah is seen as a cave or a womb.  It is full of feminine sexual energy.  Her animals are owls, wolves, and snakes.  She is a vampire and a whore.  She is associate with kundalini and root chakra.      
9.  Gamaliel: It is full of lunar magick, witchcraft, and sexual alchemy.  This Qliphah is a gateway to the astral world.  Lilith and Samael live in this Qliphah.  Samael means poison of El.  He can poison any area in your life that is a hindrance to your spiritual evolution.  Vampiric entities will be found here.  Such as incubi and succubi.  Spiritual orgies happen here!!!!    

8.  Samael: This Qliphah is ruled by Adrammelech and energy cause quick manifestation.  It helps you have greater control of emotions.  It helps you embrace the constant changing nature of reality.  This Qliphah show the beauty of irrationality.  

7.  A'arab Zaraq: It is ruled by Tubal Cain.  "He is the brother of Naamah."  He was the first person to create weapons.  You will learn about and experience passion, fear, violence in this Qliphah.  Here you will meet Dark Venus and Bael.  Dark Venus will teach you sexual mysticism.  Bael will teach you how to be a great warrior.         
6.  Thagirion: It is ruled by Belphegor and Sorath.  Belphegor is the lord of death and Sorath is the black sun.  This Qliphah is connected to all other Qliphahs.  It teaches you illumination comes from within.  It helps us transcend polarity; so we can see that the truth that is beyond duality.   

5.  Golachab: This is the most powerful Qliphah and it is ruled by Asmodeus.  He is the demon of lust and the ruler of nine hells.  Which are simply 9 levels of initiation.  This Qliphah deals with lust, pleasure, pain, rejection, attraction, war, and fury.  

4.  Gha'agsheblah: Astaroth is the demon of this Qliphah.  His breath is poisonous and he can reveal the past.  He can also teach math and craftsmanship.  You come face to face with your shadow here.  This Qliphah is right b4 the abyss.  The abyss is called Daath.  It's the portal to the Tree of Life.    
3.  Satariel: Arachne rules this realm.  She is the spider goddess of space.  She connects various realms together with her web.  The spider current exist within us, but it is only otherworldly.  She helps us kill our old selves, so out new selves will be reborn.

2.  Ghagiel: This Qliphah is full of masculine energy.  It is ruled by Beelzebub and Adam Belial.  Beelzebub rules over aerial spirits.  He can make you more psychic, influential, and give you the ability to change the weather.  Belial looks like a reptoid and he's a interdimensional traveler.  He can make you abundant and more independant.  
1.  Thaumiel: This Qliphah is ruled by Satan and Moloch.  It deals with duality.  You know balance by experiencing the extremes.  Satan means adversary; he helps you overcome anything that opposes your spiritual evolution.  Moloch means king; people sacrificed their children to him in Canaan.  Elite men of the United States go to the Bohemian Grove every year and conduct a mock human sacrifice to Moloch.   
22 Tunnels of Set
The names of the tunnels are the names of the demons that rule the tunnels.

11.  Ampordias: It is irrational and it's element is air.  The animals are eagle and man.  Magical energy gets unbalanced here.  That unbalanced energy become air elementals.  It's number is 5 and 11.  Apep and the 5 pointed star is associated with this path.  The Fool tarot card symbolizes this tunnel.  

12  Baratchial: This path is associated with Mercury.  Your speech will evolve or devolve in this path.  The number is 260.  The energy here deals with the Sun and Saturn.  You must balance the polarity or be consumed.  This path will help grow your ego.

13.  Gargophias: It's number 393 and the mysteries of femininity is discovered here.  The High Priestess tarot card symbolizes this path.  Kali and Kronos are related to this path.  This path is full of astral light.  This light is full of potential which can be used to manifest different scenarios.  

14.  Dagdagiel: 55 is it's #, which is the # of Malkuth.  The animals are dove, sparrow, and pig.  This Qliphah is filled with Venusian energy, the scared whore.  It is connected to many different realms.  The spider goddess is present here and she connects the various dimensions with her web. 

15.  Hemethterith: 1054 is the number of this tunnel, which means ark.  The eagle is the animal of this Qliphah.  The 7 pointed star is it's symbol.  Sirusian energy can be found here.  

16.  Uriens: The number is 59, which is the # of wealth.  Samael and Lilith can found here.  Ursa Major is associated with this Qliphah.  Lilith has serpentine energy.  

17.  Zamradiel: Its # is 292 and it's animal is a raven.  This tunnel contains the power of libido.  Which is the most powerful force in the world!!!  It is the mother of all forms of energies.  That's because it is the energy of creation.  

18.  Characith: Its # is 640 and it's animal is the camel.  Papa Loco can be found here.  He is the loa of the forests.  This path has the energy of Cancer (zodiac sign).  

19.  Temphioth: Its # is 610 and it's animal a black cat.  Serpentine loa can be founded here.  Lust is heavy in this tunnel.  This tunnel can help you with sex magick.

20.   Yamatu: Its # is 131 which is the number of Samael.  It has the the energy of Virgo.  The Black Brothers tried to make themselves immoral and they were able to accomplish this somewhat.  They found a way to remain on the astral plane longer than usual.  The idea of immorality is associated with this tunnel.    

21.  Kurgasiax: Jupiter is heavy in this tunnel.  Its # is 315 and it is also connected to Venus and Pluto.  This tunnel can help you ascend to higher levels.  You can reach Da'ath through this tunnel.  

22.  Lafcursiax: Its # is 671 and t is full of Maatian energy.  Libra is a good example of this tunnel.  The energy present in this path helps you create order out of chaos.  The spider is its animal.  

23.  Malkunofat: Its # is 307 and Kali can be experienced here.  The Hanged Man of the tarot corresponds to this tunnel.  You learn to see in the future here.  This is the home of Leviathan.   

24.  Niantial: The energy of Scorpio is present in this tunnel.  Its # is 160 and Mars is heavy here.  Apep and Ayida-Wedo is associated with this path.  The Great Beast of Hell is present here.  You will find the power of the lower chakras here.  Sex and death magic is taught here.  

25.  Shasakasalim: Its #is 300, which is Shin.  The letter of spirit.  Neb-het is associated with this tunnel.  The peacock and serpent is the animals of this path.  

26.  A'ano'nin: Its # is 237 and Capricorn is heavy here.  The animals of this path are donkey, goat, and oyster.  The Devil of the tarot corresponds to this tunnel.  Papa Legba can be found here.  

27.  Parfaxitas: Its # is 450 and it's animal is the dragon!!!!!!!  450 is the # of magick.  This path is full of Marian energy.  The stone of this path is ruby.

28.  Tzuflifu: It's number is 302 and it's connected to Uranus.  Aries rule here and it is associated with Shango and Ogun.  

29.  Qulielfi: This tunnel is ruled by the Moon.  Its # is 266 and you can learn to cast illusions here.  This path is associated with Marassas.  Universe B is the universe of non-being.  

30.  Raflifu: Its # is 406 and the Black Sun can be found here.  Raflifu is androgynous and the animal of this tunnel is leopard.  This tunnel can help you gain large sums of $.  

31.  Shalicu: Its # is 500 and Choronzon reigns here.  This tunnel is full of Mercurian energy.  You can learn invisibility in this path.  Judgement is the tarot card of this tunnel.  It has the elemental powers of fire and spirit.  

32.  Thantifaxath: Its # is 1040 and meditation and death is heavy here.  The Ash, Cypress, Nightshade, Elm, and Yew are the trees of this tunnel.  Sebek is a symbol of this path.  Soul trapping can be learned here.  
Qliphoth use in Western Magick
A magickian can make connect with the demons of the Qliphoth and journey through the tunnels to become better shapers of reality.  Each Qliphah/demon/tunnel can teach you a different spell or ritual.  I will explain some of them.  Lilith can help you raise your their kundalini.  Samael can help you destroy your enemies.  The Dark Tower ritual can empower you and your spells.  Dark Venus can help you get in touch with feminine energy.                                     
The Qliphoth (duality) is the shadow of the Kabbalah (unity).  It has 10 Qliphahs and 22 paths.  The paths are called the Tunnels of Set.  This is because Set is the prototype of Satan.  Each Qliphah and tunnel have a certain attribute/s, idea/s, energy/s, and or spirit/s.  Western magickians have done Qliphothic magick for centuries!!!!!    

Compendium of Beelzebub

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Knights Templar

The Knights Templar protected Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem.  They were created during the crusades and were around for several centuries.  They learned a lot from the Hashshashins.  Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of the Templars.  They were persecuted by King Philip and the Catholic Church.  The knights that escaped persecution became the Order of Christ.  It may have a connection to the Freemasonry.  
There full name is Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of Solomon Temple.  They were a Catholic order of soldiers.  It was founded in 1119 in Jerusalem.  Recognized decades later by the Catholic Church.  It lasted until 1312. The Knights Templar was created to protect Christendom in the (un)Holy Land.  They created a form of banking that stretched from Europe to the Middle East.         
They were started in Iran in 1090 and some of them moved to Syria.  They had its kingdom and lasted until 1275.   They assassinated over 100 of their enemies using a dagger.  The Mongols wiped them out.  They believed they had the true teaching of Islam.  Many Muslims saw they has hertics, others admired them.  Their doctrine was a mix of Greek philosophy, Kabbalistic ideas, and Abrahamic ideas. 

They used hashish for mind control purposes and maybe to commune with Allah.  Hashish was used to get a man high and/or cause him to faint and take to a cave with beautiful women.  He was told this was paradise.  So, by joining them he get to live in paradise after he dies.  Then they would knock them out and take they to where first gave them drug.   

The Hashashins murdered a Frankish politician in Tripoli in 1151.  In response the Knights Templar raided Hashashin territory and made them pay tribute.  The Hashashins assassinated someone else years later and then they were made to pay tribute again.  

Some members of Knights Templar may have been initiated into Hashashin order.  The structure of the Hashashin was copied by Knights Templar.  The structure had 3 levels: teachers, spiritual followers, and killers.  The Templars changed the 3 levels into progressive steps.            
Jacques de Molay
He was the last grandmaster of the Knights Templar.  He was born in the Holy Roman Empire in about 1244.  He joined the Knights Templar when he was 21 and his family was nobility.  Palestine was conquered by the Mamelukes.  In response to that, the Kingdom of Jerusalem moved to Cyprus.  There he became the grandmaster of the order.  There was talks of merging the order with Knights Hospitaller.  Neither grandmaster wanted that.  He went in to Europe to gather allies to reconquer Palestine, but no one was feeling that, at first.  Other Christian forces helped him attack the Mamelukes.  The Mongols were suppose to help, but never did.  Molay was put to death on 3/11/1314.  He was tortured into confessing to crimes he didn't commit.  There is a Freemasonic cult called Demolay International.  Its named are Jacques de Molay.  Bill Clinton joined when he was a teen.  
They loaned the French king (Philip) some money.  He didn't want to to pay them back; so he persecuted them.  The Catholic Church aided him in the persecution.  Also they wanted their own country in southern France.  King Philip was against that.  The knights was tortured into confessing crimes they didn't commit.  They were 'accused of denying Christ, spitting and urinating on the cross, and devil worship.'  Many people believed these accusations.  Some of the knights survived the persecutions.
Order of Christ
The knights that survived joined this order.  It was created on 1319.  The king of Portugal loved the Knights Templar, because they helped Portugal free itself from a Islamic grip.  Queen Maria I made the order secular in 1786.  The order has five grades.         
Knights Templar Relationship to Freemasonry
The blue degrees of the Freemasonry are almost the same as the 3 degrees of Knights Templar.  The last degree of York Rite is Knights Templar.  I read the Templars founded the Scottish Rite.  A freemasonic organization for young men is named after the last grandmaster of Knights Templar.  But, masons may have just made it seem like they are related to Knights Templar.  They also made up stories about originating from architects of Solomon Temple, Ancient Egypt (Kemet), and Atlantis.     
The Knights Templar lasted for about 200 years.  They protected Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem.  They were frenemies with the Hashashins.  Their last grandmaster was Jacques de Molay.  A freemasonic organization is named after him.  They were persecuted by The French king and the Catholic Church, so many of them died.  The ones that survived became the Order of Christ in Portugal.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Niger-Congo language family is very popular!!!  History of this language family is quite long.  It is the biggest language family in the world.  There are more languages spoken in this family then any other.  It is spoken all over Africa.  It has unique features.  Niger-Congo people are my favorite Africans.   
The Niger-Congo language originated in West Africa, or so it seems.  The Bantu left West Africa and spread Niger-Congo languages and technologies to the east and south of Africa.  It is the biggest language family in Africa because Niger-Congo people biggest group of Africans on the continent.  Niger-Congo languages are over 5,000 years old.   
Most Popular Languages
This language family have 8 subfamilies.  The subfamilies are as follows: Atlantic-Congo, Kordofanian, Mande, Bangime, Ijaw, Dogon, Mande, and Siamou.

Wolof: It's a popular language in Senegal and Gambia.  It is related to Metu Neter. 
Kru: Its spoken by most Liberians and in the Ivory Coast.
Yoruba: Its spoken by 40 million Nigerians.  Yoruba people may be the greatest African artists.
Igbo: Its spoken by 24 million Nigerians.  Igbo people may be the kindest Nigerians.
Zulu: It is common in South Africa.  Credo Mutwa was a Zulu shaman and my favorite person!!! 
Kiswahili: It is spoken by more than 100 million Africans.  It is spoken in Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, and Uganda.  Swahili people traded with the Shona, Persians, Indians, Arabs, and Chinese.  They sailed the Indian ocean 4 sum of the trades. 
Twi: Its the language of the Ashanti.  They live in Southern Ghana and are related to the Akwamu.
Unique Features
This language family is mostly tonal.  The word order of most of these languages is subject-verb-object.  Some of these languages  subject-object-verb word order.  Adjectives comes after nouns.  A few letters are added to verbs to extend them.  They have many noun classes.   

Niger-Congo People
These are my favorite Africans, because I love there prehistoric religious ideas.  They believed in a creator, deities, ancestral and nature spirits.  A lot of them still have these beliefs.  But, sadly most of them are Christians or Muslims.  They have great wisdom and they used fishing hooks in prehistoric times.  The Igbos got a sweet religion called Odinani.  The Yorbas got a similar religion called IfaSerer had a sweet religion too.  Akan people came from Bonoman.  All 4 of those tribes lived in Kemet in ancient times!!!!!!  The Ewe started in Lemuria!!!!!!!  They spent time in Kemet too.  Niger-Congo people built many great kingdoms and empires.   
There was a Bentu kingdom that was ruled by lady magicians.  If anyone committed a crime a great curse will befall them.  So, no crimes were committed.  Then 4 sum reason people left that kingdom and went east and south.  They introduced farming an metal technology to different parts of Africa.  A Nubian girl taught them how to herd cattle.  The Hutus battled the Tutsi, and then became friends and family in Rwanda.  The Kikuyu defeated the Arabs, so none of them were enslaved.  They later defeated the British, with the help from other tribes.  The Bakongo have a wonderful religion; where the ancestors are stronger than the deities.  They gave birth to Palo Mayombe and Capoeira.  They also created my favorite creation story.  Which you can read in Indaba My Children.         
The Niger-Congo language family is amazing!!!!  It has a rich history and many popular languages.  It has several unique features.  Niger-Congo people are amazing in Africa, Americas, and Europe!!!!!!  They created many sweet religions.  Most Haitians are descendants of Niger-Congo people.  They are the greatest Caribbean people; because they made Vodou and with it's help freed themselves from tranny.  The only people to do it in the world.       
Indaba My Children
Bantu Religious Ideas
Bantu Migration

Thursday, June 11, 2020


This language family is common in India and surrounding areas.  It has a long rich history.  Linguists  have tried to connect it to different language families, but were unable to.  Dravidian people are wonderful!!!!  They created yoga and many other amazing things.

There are anywhere from 70 languages in this family and 24 subfamilies.  Over 200 million people speak these languages.  Tamil is the oldest written language of the Dravidian language family.  It is almost 2,000 years old!!!  66 million people speak Tamil.  Written Kannada have been around for 1600 years.  Different castes have different dialects.  Telugu is the third most spoken language in India.  The written form of it been around for over 1400 years.  There are several non-literary Dravidian languages.  Some Southern Dravidian languages are spoken by the ancient tribes.   

Dravidian languages are agglutinative.  It word order is subject, object, then verb.  It has nouns, adjectives, verbs, and indeclinables.  It has 4 different genders: male-nonmale, female-nonfemale.  Verbs can be be positive or negative. 

Relationship to Other Languages (Families)
There were linguists that believed Dravidian languages were related to Elamite languages.  Elam and the Indus Valley traded with each other.  Iranian farmers moved in to India millennia ago.  They are the some of the ancestors of the Dravidians.  Dravidians languages have similarities to Korean and Uralic languages, but that may be a happenstance.   

Dravidian Peoples
Dravidians have a African origin they may have originated in Sudan or the Sahara.  I was told they eat African food and speak African languages by a Dravidian man.  There is similar prehistoric artwork in Sudan and the Indus Valley. 

They helped create Hinduism.  A lot of the Hindu deities are Dravidian.  Shakti and Kali are Dravidian deities.  They are prominent deities in Hinduism.  Goddesses worship was popular among the Dravidians because they were matriarchal. The Bhakti movement was created by them.  They created murtis.  Murti is a statue that contains the energy of a entity.  Hero stones are murtis that that contain the energy of great warriors.  Sati stones are murtis of women who are martyrs.  The Tamil have there own religion.  They worship Murugan and Shiva.  The king of the Tamil was seen as divine.  Ancestors of Dravidians created the Indus Valley Civilization and yoga.  They created indoor toilets, sewers, houses, measurements, art, farming, written language, buttons, etc.  The caste system was started or co-oped 2,000 years ago.  Prior to this, people of different tribes and races mixed together in large degree. 

This language family is 4500 years old!!!  It had a written language for close to 2,000 years.  It has 24 sub-families and 70 languages.  These languages have unique features and the have similarities with languages from other families.  Dravidian people have a African origin and they come from Iranian farmers mixing with prehistoric Indians.  They help create Hinduism by adding ideas and deities to it.  They were very technological in prehistoric times.   

Technology of the Indus Valley

Friday, May 29, 2020


This language family has 403 languages and 2 subfamilies.  Over 1.5 billion people speak these languages.   There are various theories on where it started.   Sino-Tibetan people have a great history and even brighter future. 

This language family came in to being over 5,000 years ago in China.  It may have started around the Yellow River.  The languages of this family is spoken by many people.  As people migrated to different parts of Asia they created different languages.   
There are two major branches to this language family.  The first major branch is Chinese (Sino) and the 2nd major branch is Tibetan-Burmese.  There are 14 languages in the 1st major branch.  The 2nd branch has 389 languages.  Mandarin is the most spoken language of the Sino branch.  It has existed 4 over 3,000 years.  I think it is the hardest language to learn.
The 13 other languages have a lot less speakers than Mandarin.  Tibetan languages have the most speakers of the the 2nd major branch.  Vowels don't have separate letters in the Tibetan alphabet.   The Tibetans have their on number symbols.  Word that make up sentences are only separated by a dot.  These languages have been around over 1200 years!!!  Ewoks in Star Wars speak Tibetan backwards.
There are many dialects of these languages.  Most of languages have 7 vowels.  Some of these languages are tonal.  The languages in the Chinese branch are more analytical and is topic prominent.  Chinese languages don't have many foreign words in it.  Languages in the Tibetan-Burmese branch word order is subject-object-verb and they have many foreign words.   

There are @ least 5 alphabets of this language family.  They are as followed: Mandarin script, Myanmar script, Tibetan script, Lepcha script, and Ranjana script.  Written Mandarin started off as pictures and it hasn't changed much for 4,000 years!!!  It may have has many 60,000 symbols, but you only need to know 4,00 of them to be fluent.  There are pictographs and ideographs in this language.  Myanmar script is based on the Mon script.  It is 1,000 years old!  Tibetan script was created by a minister of Tibet 1400 years ago.  It is based on Devanagari and it has 30 constants and 5 vowels.  Lepcha script was created by a Buddhist missionary 400 year ago.  It has it's own number system.  Ranjana script was created 1000 years ago; it is based on the Brahmi script.                 
Sino-Tibetan People
These people are as follows: Chinese, Tibetan, and Burmese.  Chinese people have a grand history!!!  They are technological and philosophical pioneers!!!  They invented the compass, printing press, and gunpowder.  Confucianism, Taoist, Legalism, and Mohism are Chinese philosophies.  They contributed to Buddhist philosophy as well.  Tibetan people have their own religion called Bon and their own medicine.  They fellow a unique form of Buddhism.  Burmese people use to live in China.  They have their own folk religion and they mixed it with Theravada Buddhism. 
The Sino-Tibetan language family is the 2nd biggest language family in the world.  It's history is over 5,000 years old.  It has 2 major branches and 403 languages.  It has unique writing scripts.  The people that speak the languages of this family are amazing!!!!!   


Friday, May 8, 2020


This language family been around for millenia.   It has several alphabets.  2 of the most popular languages in the world are in this family.  These languages are spoken by 3.5 billion people.  The people that spoke this languages have a grand history. 
There are various theories on the origin of Indo-European language family.  I will write about 3 of them.  They are called the Kurgan hypothesis, Armenian hypothesis, and Anatolian (Turkey) hypothesis.  These theories come from archaeology and linguistics.   
Some people believe this language family started in Pontic-Caspian steppe.  Marija Gimbutas proposed this theory.  She was an anthropologist and archaeologist.  She believed the speakers of Proto-Indo-European lived in Southern Russia and Eastern Ukraine.  She believed this because she found burial mounds in those areas.   These Proto-Indo-Europeans moved into Europe and conquered and/or assimilated with the people already there.
Sum linguists believed the creators of the Indo-European language family lived in Armenia.  They believe that Armenian and Germanic languages are the closest to the oldest Indo-European language.  Believers of this theory think that their ancestors invaded Europe about 4,500 years ago.  The Dorians may have invaded Greece @ the same time as the Aryans invaded India.
Some people believe that this language family originated in Turkey.  It is more popular that the Kurgan hypothesis.  DNA studies may have somewhat proven the Kurgan hypothesis though.  Some people don't believe this hypothesis, because there was Caucasians in ancient Turkey that didn't speak Indo-European languages.  Non Indo-European Caucasian farmers moved in Europe long b4 the Indo-Europeans. 
The genetic evidence Kurgan hypothesis looks very strong.  But linguistics make Anatolian hypothesis look strong as well.                   
Popular Indo-European Languages
English is the most spoken language in the world.  This is because 1/5 of the world was the British Empire.  Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world.  This is because the Spanish conquered most of the Americas.  Hindi is the 3rd most popular language in the world.  It is also Indo-European language.       
# of Languages and People
It has 11 subfamilies, 2 of those families are extinct.   They are as follows: Armenian, Albanian, Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Italic, Indo-Iranian, Anatolian (extinct), Tocharian (extinct), and Slavic. There are 800 Indo-European languages.  449 of are still around and 351 are extinct.  Here is a list of some of them: French, Russian, Punjabi, Dutch, Latin, Kurdish, Polish, Persian, etc.  There are 1 million Celtic speakers.  15 million speak Greek and over 1 billion Indo-Iranian speakers!!!  Almost a billion speakers of Romance languages.  This will suffice.
The Greek and Hebrew alphabet comes from the Phoenicians.  The letters are based on the Egyptian hieroglyphs.  Etruscans got the Greek alphabet and made Latin from it.  The Iberian script is based on Greek or Phoenician.  The Latin alphabet became the alphabet for many European languages.  Such as Germanic and Romance languages.  It is also the alphabet for many non-Indo-European languages.  It is the most used script in the world!!!!!!!  Glagolitic is the oldest Slavic language.  It was created by a Christian missionary to aid in the spread of Christianity to the Slavs.  Sum Slavic, Turkic, and Iranic peoples use cyrillic script.  This script started in the First Bulgarian Empire.  Runes were created by the Germanic people.  Each symbol represents a sound and object.  The were often used for magick.  The Aryans created Sanskrit, that's the general idea.  A wise man told me the Dravidians created the language. 
Indo-European Peoples

Tocharian:  They lived in Western China.  Some of them had blue eyez and blond hair.  Their mummies was discovered next to Asian mummies.  They were Buddhists, they may have also been worshipped a Sun goddess, Lunar god, and Earth god.  The ancestors of modern day Chinese people wiped them out.  Some of them my have simply merged with the merged with the Uyghurs and Turkic peoples.
Celtic: They live in Western Europe.  There were Celts in North and Central Italy.  They also lived in Switzerland.  They became the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish.  They lived in England b4 the Anglo-Saxon conquered it.  They had a caste system like Hindus.  The bottom caste were cattle herders and slaves.  The next caste was the warrior, then the priests, judges, doctors, etc.  @ the top was kings and queens.  The priests were called Druids.  They may have started as Egyptian or Phoenician priests.  The Celts were conquered by the Romans, then the Germanic tribes.
Greek: They came from 4 major tribes: Ionian, Dorian, Aeolian, and Achaean.  Ionians came from Western Turkey; Athenians were Ionian.  Dorians lived in the Balkans; they came into Greece later on.  They may have caused the Greek Dark Age.   Spartans were Dorians, they believed they were descendents of Hercules.  Aeolians had to relocate because they their land was taken over by Dorians.  Achaeans colonized southern Italy.  All the tribes spoke their own dialect, expect Achaeans.  They spoke Doric.
Greece is seen as origin of European civilization.  This is not true.  The Greek civilization was very Near EasternEgypt played a massive role in the Greek miracle!!!!!  The Islamic Golden Age is the mother of European civilization!!!  But the Muslims learned a lot from ancient Greeks.  So they helped create the Islamic miracle!!!!!  Muslim philosophy is very similar to Greek philosophy.  Look up the Ancient Model vs Aryan Model. 
Many Greek philosophers went Egypt to learn philosophy and other subjects.  They also went to Phoenicia, Mesopotamia, Persia, and/or India.  They gained knowledge from older civilizations then their's and built upon it.  The Pythagorean Theorem wasn't created by Pythagoras.  It was known in Egypt, Babylonia, and India long b4 he was born.  He was Phoenician, but he was raised in a Greek culture in Samos.  The first Greek philosopher was from Western Turkey.  His name was Theles; he learned geometry in Kemet (Egypt).  He believed water was the mother of all things and predicted a solar eclipse.  He was the first of the 7 Sages.   Plato and Aristotle had a big impact on Islamic and European philosophy.
Indo-Aryan (branch of Indo-Iranian): They were tribes that lived in Central Asia.  They conquered India and Iran.  They became the Persians and created Brahmanism.  Iran means Aryan (noble) land.  Some of the deities in Hinduism are of Aryan origin.  Hinduism come from ancient Indian religions and Brahmanism.  The Persians created their own medical school over 2,000 years ago!!!!  It is said the the brightest Islamic scholars during the Golden Age were Persian.  You can find Aryans in various Central Asian and Middle Eastern nations as well. 
Anatolian: They maybe the first speakers of Indo-European languages.  The Hittites conquered the Hattians after protecting them from other tribes.  So, the 2 people merged.  The Hittites had an empire that lasted 4 over half millennium.  They cared laws and they detested the death penalty.  The Sea People destroyed the Hittite Empire during the Bronze Age Collapse.  There are several over Anatolian peoples, but the Hittites are the most famous.               
Germanic: They may have started in Northern Europe in 750 BCE.  As the population grew, they migrated to different parts of Europe.  They were fierce warriors.  They conquered the Celts and defeated the Romans.  The Vandals moved to Northwestern Africa then they moved back to Iberia and/or France.  Odoacer took over the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century.  Theodoric the Great killed him and became the ruler.  He unified 2 Germanic tribes.  The Viking raided different parts of Europe; they even sailed to Greenland!  They also traveled to Great Britain and merged with the population there.  They had the most libertarian civilization, so I heard.  Men and women were treated as equal, until they became Catholic.  Then men mistreated women.     
Italic: They came to Italy 3,000 years ago.  The Etruscans created Rome.  Then the Latins took over.  They created the Roman Empire.  The government of Rome was copied by Europeans later on.  Etruscans had a big influence on the Latins.  They taught the Latins how to build.  The Latins learned about gladiators from Etruscans.  The Etruscan religion had a big impact on Latins.  They were excellent diviners.  The Etruscans fell off because they were defeated by the Greeks on the sea.  They were also raided a lot by Celts.  There were other Italic tribes.  But the Latin are the most significant.
Indo-European language family maybe 3,000 year old!!!  It is spoken by 40% of the world population.  English and Spanish are the most popular Indo-European languages, because of imperialism.  There are many subfamilies and languages that are Indo-European.  Indo-European people have a grand history.  They have created the modern world.  The people known as white in the States are mostly descendants of Germanic and Celtic tribes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Jinn are spirits from Arabia.  They are a lot like humans, but they have super powers and live in a parallel universe.  There are different tribes of Jinn.  Jinn have different abilities.  They can be either positive and/or negative.  They play a big role in Islamic magic. 
Jinn (plural) are made out of smokeless fire.  They ruled the world b4 the age of man.  They may be based on ancient deities.  The word genie means jinni (singular).  They have had and continue to have many interactions with humans.  They live in a parallel dimension.  They follow the same religions as humans.
Ghoul: They are similar to zombies on movies and they come out @ nite.

Jann: They like humans and live in desert.  They can shapeshift into worldwinds and white camels.  They are @ war with the ghouls.

Nasnas: They look like human animal hybrids.

Marid: They are very powerful giants and they can grant wishes. 

Hinn: They like to look like dogs.

Ifrit: They have wings and live underground.  They are difficult to tame.  They tend to be ruff with humans.

Palis: A vampiric creature that lives in the desert.

Shiqq: Ugly animal looking creatures.

Silat:  They are the smartest Jinn and are excellent shapeshifters!!!!!!!

Shayatans: The hate humans and enjoy temping them.  They are led by Iblis.
They are able to change their appearance and manifest.  Sometimes people get possessed by Jinn.  They kill humans every now and then.  They are used by Islamic magicians quite often, because of their manifestation skills.  They can help people fly.       
Friendly or Meanie
Some Jinn love humans, others hate humans!!!!!!!!  Most are indifferent; they will work with you for a price.  Certain rituals will bring them to you.  If they do something 4 you, they may want a offering.  If you ever bothered by one, get some iron.  It will protect you from them.  Certain verses in the Koran will protect you as well. 

Jinn in Islamic Magik!!!!
Some people believe the demons of the Goetia are really Jinn.  Muslim magickians had a big impact on Western Magick.  Picatrix is a grimoire (magick book) written in Arabic and later translated Latin.  The Jinn can be put in crystals.  Then you take them with you for a certain effect.  When you're done with it, you bury it.   
Jinn are amazing spirits!!!!!!!!!  They are made out of smokeless fire.  They are many different Jinn tribes.  They are very powerful and aid humans sometimes.  Some are friendly, while others are dangerous.  They can be manipulated by magick. 
Nineveh Shadrach
Baal Kadmon

 Arabic Magick A Collection Of Magical Secrets From Various Resource

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Demons are very ancient.  Most of them started off as deities.  They are aggressive spirits that are close to human nature.  Some demons are very popular.  I will list a few.  They have a history of over 2,500 years!!!  They come from different nations.  Demons are removed from a person's body by a shaman.  There are 72 demons in the goetia.  Demons play a big role in the Qliphoth.
The word demon comes from daimon.  Daimons were messengers of Greek deities.  They can be good or evil.  When the bible was translated in Greek, deities of other tribes were called diamons, later demons.  Most demons today are based on ancient non-Hebrew deities. 
The first demons in history come from Zoroastrianism.  They worked 4 Ahriman.  He was the god of evil.  Those demons were called devas.  They represented negative emotions.  Most demons today are based on Canaanite, Mesopotamian, and Kemetic deities.  Now they are a big part of Christianity.  Christians see them as agents of Satan.  They believe they are war with angels.  But the truth is they aren't and they exist independently of Satan.  Most Christians believe demons are fallen angels. They are just remake of ancient spirits, more or less.  They are amoral, not evil. 
Demons in Shamanism
Sometimes when people have aliments, they have a demon in their body.  Demons cause and/or attracted to aliments.  There are 4 types of demons.  I remember 2 of them: time capsule demons and drive by demons.  Time capsule demons may stay with you over lifetimes.  They want you to get rid of a certain problem.  Drive by demons curse people went sent by a sorcerer.  Shamans help remove demons from people's body.  Sometimes the demons give advice to the shaman on how to help the person heal.  They are like another type of angel.       
Popular Demoted Deities
Belial:  Has similarities to Sekhmet.  He is a very powerful demon, that can help people rize politically.
Beelzebub:  The name means Lord of Heaven.  Now days people say it means lord of flies.  Originally a god of Philistines.
Pazuzu:  A mesopotamian demon god.  Great protector and killer.  He's my favorite demon!!!!!!!
Lamashtu:  Demon goddess that killed babies.  Later on people thought Lilith killed babies.  They are mistaken.  Pazuzu protected people from her.  Anu is her father.
Paimon: Giver of knowledge.  Has vast powers.
Asmodeus: Originally a deva of wrath.  Now a demon of lust.
Baalam: He has great divination powers.  He sees into the past, present, and future simultaneously.
Bael: It looks like a crab with 3 heads: cat, european man, and frog.  He has the power to make you invisible (people will not notice you).  It like you become a stranger, even to those who are very fimilar to you.   
Vine: He looks like a lion and rides a black horse.  He has great divination powers as well.
Zagan: He has the power of alchemy.
Beleth: He is great @ making people fall in love or lust.
Purson: He help you find hidden treasure.  He's a lion that rides a bear.
Lucifuge Rofocale: He gives magicians control over other demons after they make a pact with them.  He has the powers of Saturn!!!!!
Bune: He looks like a griffin with 3 heads.  He helps people make $.
Leviathan: Original name is Lotan.  It's a sea serpent in Canaanite mythology.  A demon in Judaism. 
Succubus/Incubus: A female or male demon that drain people life force by having sex. 
Lilith: Originally a Sumerian air spirit.  In Judaism she was the first wife of Adam.  She had sex with him in the cowgirl position.  Yahweh got upset and but her out of the garden.  She plays a part in the Kabbalah/Qliphoth.  She is very sexual and the counterpart of Shekinah.     
Goetic Spirits
There are 72  of these spirits.  Most of the demons I wrote about in the previous section are in the Goetia.  These demons have many different abilities and they have legions (group of spirits).  They can help or hurt a person in every way.  Legend has it Solomon had a magic ring that gave him the ability to control these demons.  They may or may not correspond to Shemhamphorash.   
Qliphothic Demons
The Tree of Death is the opposite of the Tree of Life.  The Qliphoth is the shadow of the Kabbalah.  The qlippas of the Tree of Death have demons in them.  Some of which are in the Goetia.  Lilith and  Samuel are a part of the Qliphoth.  Samuel is the angel of destruction and death.  So, sum people see him as evil.       
Demons been around for over 2500 years!!!!  The first known religion with demons was Zoroastrianism.  The word demon come from the Greek language.  Most demons were created by Jews and Christians.  They are based on ancient deities.  Some demons try to motivate people to see their problems.  Others simply curse people when directed.  There are many popular demons.  There are 72 demons in Goetia.  Demons are involved with the Qliphoth. 