
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Merina Kingdom

The Merina Kingdom started in 1540 and lasted to 1897.  It was in Madagascar.  This kingdom was ran by a monarchy.  The military used iron weapons.  There was 12 sacred hills.  It it had its own caste system, religion, and laws.
The Vazimba were the first people to inhibit Madagascar.  They were pygmies and they came from Indonesia.  Red is the color of royalty to the Vazimba.  Queens would made their hair red; they used a mushrooms for this.   They were eliminated or assimilated with the surrounding people.   The Bantu came after they arrived.  They taught the Vazimba how to herd cattle.  Vazimba didn't eat the beef.

Andriamanelo was the first king of Merina.  His mother was a Vazimba queen and his father was from another ethnic group.  He conquered the Vazimba territory.  He married his cousin (princess) and her mom, so he could control the land after her father died.  People believed the mom was a water goddess.  He had 7 children, the first 6 were miscarriages the last one survived.  He is seen as a great civiler.

Ralambo became the king after Andriamanelo died.  He was Andriamanelo last child.  He was the only one that survived.  He may have been a shaman.  He created the sub-castes of nobility and introduced beef to Merina.  He also introduced circumcision and polygamy.  Ralambo had 4 wives; one of them was a princess.  He had 12 son and 3 daughters.  The military got firearms during his reign.  There were units of silversmiths and blacksmiths in the army.  They created firearms.

Andrianjaka became king after Ralambo.  He was one of Ralambo sons.  He married a princess and had a son and daughter with her.  He burned down a Vazimba city when he was in the military.  He assigned the 12 sacred hills.  He saved his nation from warriors.  He set a booby trap and they fell for it.  

Radama I ruled all of Madagascar.  

There were many other great kings.

They used iron tipped spears, stones, and firearms.  This army was so strong it was able to take over the whole island.  There was at least 20,000 soldiers in the military.
12 Sacred Hills
Hill of Alasora-The oldest villages of Merina are there.  It was originally a Vazimba village.                      
Hill of Ambohidrabiby:Capital of Merina when Ralambo was king.  Ralambo and his grandfather was buried there.

Hill of Ambohidratrimo-Named after a 12th century king.  It became a part of Merina because a king married a princess.

Hill of Ambohimanga:It was the highest hill in the capital.

Hill of Analamanga-This town was built by King Andrianjaka.

Hill of Antsahadinta:Houses were created here.  Royal tombs are there that was 700 years old.

Hill of Ikaloy-Birthplace of a king.  

Hill of IIafy:First place guns were manufactured.

Hill of Imerimanjaka-2 tombs of Vazimba queens is there.  The first king of Merina was probably born here.

Hill of Imerimandroso:Important town of the Vazimba.

Hill of Namehana-The Merina military battled the French military here.

Caste System
The castes were nobility(4 sub-castes), peasants, and slaves.  The nobility was called andriana. Ralambo created the 4 sub-castes of nobility.  The peasants were called Hova at first.  Later they were called Merina. They were like the middle-class people today.  Slaves were called andevo.  

They believed kings had spiritual powers.  They had talismans and amulets.  Every family had their own amulet or talisman.  They had a orgy holiday.   They loved and venerated their ancestors.  The nobility became Christian after Protestantism was promoted by a queen.      

If someone was on trial they were given poison to see if they are guilty.  If they survived they were innocent. This was done to a rooster at first.  If it survived the person was innocent.

This was a great civilization.  It great kings and queens.  It had a rich history, military, religion and laws.  I give this civilization a B.  

Lost People Magic
Merina Monarchy
Ranavalona I
Ranavalona III
Merina Kingdom 

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