
Saturday, January 28, 2017


This kingdom was the successor of Meroe.  It lasted for a millennium.  It was located in modern-day Nothern Sudan and Southern Egypt.  It had strong government and economy.  They followed a religion similar to the Kemetians and then became Christian.  Makuria had a great culture.
The Makurians were the first to defeat the Arabs during their jihads.  The Arabs conquered Egypt but were unable to conquer Makuria.  The Makurians made a deal with the Arabs.  The deal was Egypt would give Makuria manufactured goods and Arabs got special trading privileges and slaves.

Makuria incorporated nearby kingdoms in its fold.  Makuria protected Christians in Upper Egypt. After Fatimid dynasty came to power Egypt, Makuria became close friends with it.  Makuria exported ivory, ostrich feathers, cattle, and slaves to Egypt.  Egypt exported linen, wheat, and wine to Makuria.

When Ayyubid dynasty came to power in Egypt, Makuria turned away from it.  Makuria invaded Egypt but got pushed back.  Then Egypt invaded Makuria and ruled a part of it 4 several years.  After that Egypt left Makuria alone.

Makuria was constantly attacked by Bedouins and a large number of Arabic men moved in.  Makuria went to war with Egypt when the Mamelukes tookover.  Long story short the Egypt conquered this kingdom around 1517.

The king ruled from Dongola.  He was a priest and performed mass.  The king consulted with a council of bishops b4 he made decisions.  There was a viceroy to Nobatia after Makuria conquered it. He controlled trade with Egypt and was a diplomat.  At first, viceroys were select by the king.  Later on, it was by bloodline.  

The economy was based on farming.  Pottery was produced and there was a lot of weaving. Metalworking and leatherworking were common.  Gold was mined.  Makuria didn't have any currency. People from other parts of Africa were sold as slaves from Makuria to Egypt.  Makuria had a diplomatic relationship with Axum.

Makuria followed the Christianity of Byzantine at first.  Then it became Coptic.  The pope of the Copic Church appointed Nubian bishops in Makuria.  Christianity died out in the 1500's and Islam became the dominant religion.

They should have held on to their ancestral religions.  It's power in the ways of the ancestors.  African Traditional Religions are far superior to Christianity and Islam.  It is the mother of both.  The Hebrews originally were African and were greatly influenced by them.
They made a lot of Christan paintings.  Their artistic style was influenced by Byzantine and Egypt. They made some exquisite pottery and they also imported some.  Most of the people in Makuria spoke Nubian, but the upper-class spoke and wrote Greek.  Now Arabic is popular in Egypt & Sudan.

Makuria has a long and eventful history.  It was a Christian nation with sweet culture.  It had an efficient government and a nice economy.  I give it a B.

Polish Discovery of Makuria
History of Makuria

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