
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Honorable Mentions

Some of Kemetians ancestors came from Punt.  They called Punt Ta Neter (Land of God).  It was located in modern day Somalia.  Kaemetians started trading with Puntites during the Old Kingdom period.  Punt exported animals, gold, frankincense& myrrh trees, incense, ivory, and other items to Kemet.  Kemetians exported weapons, jewels, and tools to the Punites.
Kaabu Empire
This empire was created by the Lion King's general Tiramakhan Traore.  It was a sector of Mali Empire until it fell (1230-1537).  Then it became independent.  Certain dances were created in Kaabu.  The empire consisted of 32 states.  The ruling clans were Nyancho and Koring.  It lasted for 330 years independently. From 1537-1867.  Nyancho had slave armies and they battled each other with them. Kaabu was taken out during a jihad.    
Buganda is a Kiswahili word for Land of Ganga.  This kingdom was created b4 1370 and its people may have come from modern day Ethiopia  The Kingdom lasted until 1966.  At that time it was conquered by Uganda.  There were 52 clans in the kingdom.  The people of this kingdom believe in a creator, superhuman spirits, and ghosts.  Their religion has priests.  They have a simple style of marriage and their own cuisine. The king and queen are held in high esteem.  Buganda is now a region of Uganda.  There is a great culture in Buganda.          
Sine Kingdom
This kingdom may have started in the 1500's.  It was created by members of the Serer tribe.  The economy was based on fishing and farming.  The kingdom was ruled by a monarchy.  The ruling dynasty was called Guelowar.  All the kings came from this dynasty.  The kings were half Mandinka and half Serer.
Mutapa Empire
This empire started in 1450 and lasted till 1629.  Then it started up again in 1803 till 1902.  A prince named Nyatsimba Mutoa founded the Mutapa kingdom.  He was from a Shona kingdom.  Matope became the king of Mutapa after the prince.  He created an empire by conquering other territories. The Mutapa people believed royal ancestral spirits were important.  Griots were mediums in Mutapa. The creators of this empire were related to the people who built Great Zimbabwe.
Aro Confederacy
This confederacy was created by Aro and Igbo people.  (It was reported people would go to a shrine and say they needed help from a deity.  Once they did that the priest saw them as slaves.  The priests would sell or trade them.)  This confederacy was composed of various city-states.  Powerful kingdoms were created by this confederacy.  The British defeated the Confederacy in the 1800's.

Sine Kingdom
Bunyoro & Buganda
Kaabu Ruins
Jolof Kingdom
Sultante of Bagirimi
Warsangali Sultanate

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