
Monday, February 13, 2017

Kingdom of Rwanda

Rwanda as a long history.  3 great tribes were involved in creation and maintenance of the kingdom. The kingdom had a sweet government and religion.  Rwandans were brainwashed by Europeans, which led to them killing each other.  Europeans created or exaggerated tribal strife.  They will rise again.  I love Rwandans because they Black like me.
Pygmies were the first people in Rwanda.  They were hunter-gathers.  Then the Hutus came and they were farmers.  Hutus are a Bantu tribe.  The 2 tribes traded with each other.  The Tutsis tookover Rwanda defeating the Hutus. Tutsis were cattle herders and the were Cushite and/or Nilo-Saharan. All 3 tribes became friends with each other.  After that happened your occupation determined what tribe you were in.  If you were a farmer you were Hutu; if you were a cattle herder you became a Tutsi.  A lot of Hutu men married Tutsi women.

Legend has it Gihanga founded Kingdom of Rwanda (KR).  He had many talents and he introduced pottery metalworking, fire, and cattle to the region.  His great-great-grandfather may have been an alien. The first historical king of KR was Ruganzu I Bwimba.  As centuries past KR expanded by conquering more land and people.  Tutsis were military and cattle chiefs.  Hutus were land chiefs and healers.

The Germans loosely controlled Rwanda in 1890.  After WWII Belgium tookover Rwanda & Burundi. The Belgians measured the height and noses of people in Rwanda & Burundi.  They said the Tutsis were Caucasian and they empowered them at the expense of the Hutu.  Tutsis didn't like being called Caucasian, so they rebelled.  In response to this, the Belgians supported the Hutus at the expense of the Tutsis. The Tutsi king lost his crown and Rwanda became a republic in 1961.

Hutus and Tutsis fell out with each other in the 60's.  In the 1972 Tutsis killed a lot of Hutus in Burundi. In 1994 a Hutu gang (Interahamwe) killed a lot of Tutsis.  The guy that led Interahamwe was raised Tutsi, but he found out or thought he was Hutu.  A Tutsi terrorist group called Rwandan Patriotic Front spot down the plane of the plane of the Rwandan president.  This event sparked the Rwandan Genocide.  Paul Kagame was the commander of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, now he's president of Rwanda.  Maybe he's a good person now.

It's all them damn Belgian fault!!!!!!!!!!11   

Mwami: King

Queen Mother: Mwami mom.  She controlled the household and had a lot of clout.

Abiiru: Hutu advisors to the king.

Nobility: Tutsi and Hutu upper-class
They venerate their ancestors.  Their religion is like many other Traditional African Religions. If you want to learn about the Kemetic Religion click here. To learn about Ifa click here.  If you want to learn about Odinani click here.  If you want to learn about Haitian Vodou click here.  If you want to learn about Hoodoo click here.

This was a great kingdom.  I like the government and history.  I want BaHutus and WaTutsis to be friends again. Maybe they are since they are family after all.  Keep hope alive.

History of Rwanda
Truth about the Rwandan Genocide
Give us, Us Free
Rwanda from back in the day
First People
Origin of Trouble
They friends again!!!  Hooray!!!!!!

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