
Monday, August 29, 2016

Celtic Tree Astrology

The Celts believed that the time when a person was born influenced their behavior and personality. Seasons and phases of the moon affects a person's life.  Celtic priests were called Druids.  They were skilled at observing the stars.  They may have originally been Kemetic or Phoenician priests.  They made magic wands out of hollywood.
Birch: December 24-January 20.  Traits: motivation, tolerant, leadership, quick witted, etc. Color: White. Animals: Golden Eagle and White Stag.  Gemstone: Rock Crystal.  Compatibility: Vine and Willow.    

Rowan: 1/21-2/17   Traits: Philosophical, passionate, etc       Color: Gray      
Animals: Crane and Green Dragon       Gemstone: Peridot     Compatibility: Ivy & Hawthorn  

Ash: 2/18-3/17    Traits: Free Thinkers, Imaginative, Intuitive, Artistic, etc.      Color: Green      
Animals: Seal, Seahorse, and Seagull       Gemstone: Coral        Compatibility:  Willow and Reed

Alder: 3/18-4/14    Traits: Charming, Confident, Real, etc.      Color: Dark Orange      
Animals: Bear, Fox, and Hawk       Gemstone: Ruby     Compatibility: Hawthorns, Birch, and Oak

Willow: 4/15-5/12    Traits: Psychic, Intuitive, Intelligent, etc.     Color: Yellow      
Animals: Adder, Hare, Sea Serpent       Gemstone: Moonstone      Compatibility:  Birch and Ivy

Hawthorn: 5/13-6/9    Traits: Adaptable, Fake, etc.     Color: Purple      Animals: Bee and Owl       Gemstone: Topaz     Compatibility: Ash and Rowan

Oak: 6/10-7/7    Traits: Protective, Generous, Nurturing, etc.     Color: Black    
Animals: Wren, Otter, and White Horse   Gemstone: Diamond      Compatibility: Ash, Reed, and Ivy

Holly: 7/8-8/4    Traits: Leadership, Confidence, Strong-Willed     Color: Silver      
Animals: Cat and Unicorn      Gemstone: Carnelian     Compatibility: Ash and Elder

Hazel: 8/5-9/1    Traits: Very Intelligent, Organized, Good Memory, etc.     Color: Brown      
Animals: Crane and Salmon       Gemstone: Amethyst     Compatibility: Hawthorn and Rowan

Vine: 9/2-9/29    Traits:  Indecisive, Changeable, Like Gemini     Color: Pink      
 Animals: Lizard, Hound, and White Swan   Gemstone: Emerald      Compatibility: Willow and Hazel

Ivy: 9/30-10/27    Traits: Loyalty, Intelligent, Compassion, etc.     Color: Blue      
Animals: Boar, Butterfly, and Goose       Gemstone: Opal     Compatibility: Oak and Ash

Reed: 10/28-11/24    Traits: Seek the occult truth, etc.       Color: Light Orange      
Animals: Hound and Owl     Gemstone: Jasper      Compatibility:  Reed, Ash, and Oak

Elder: 11/25-12/23    Traits: Buck Wild, Extorted Tendencies, Helpful, etc.      Color: Gold    
Animals: Baver, Black Horse, and Raven      Gemstone: Jet      Compatibility: Alder and Holly

Each sign corresponds to a letter in Ogham.  This zodiac has 13 signs.  It was said that Draco was the 13th sign of the Western Zodiac.
This astrology is sweet!  It reminds me Western Astrology.  It may be better.  I like that it's nature based.
I'm a Ash tree. The traits of the Ash are my traits.  Sweet!  This type of astrology was created by Robert Graves.

Origin of Celtic Tree Astrology

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