
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Bizzness Types

There are several bizzness types.  They are as followed: sole proprietorship, limited liability company(LLC), cooperative, partnership, c corporation, and s corporation.  They all have pro and cons.  Some have tax benefits.

Types of Bizzness
Sole Proprietorship: This is the easiest form of bizzness.  You are the bizzness; there is no legal separation between you and the bizzness.  Your bizzness doesn't get taxed because it's you legally.  You have complete control over bizzness.  If your bizzness is sued you are sued.  Getting $ for your bizzness can be tough.

LLC: The owner/s of the LLC are called member/s.  The owner is separated from their bizzness legally.  The tax of the bizzness is put on the member/s taxes.

Cooperative: People who own this also get services from it.  It is similar to corporations tax wise.  It has tax benefits, it is democratic, discounted products and services, it easy for members to leave and join, etc.

Partnership: It is a bizzness owned by 2 or more people.  There are 3 types of partnerships.  They are as followed: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and joint ventures.  In a general partnership, everything is shared evenly.  Limited partners invest into the bizzness, but they aren't in control of it.  Joint Ventures are short term general partnerships.  They are easy to form, but a lot taxes.

C Corporation: Is a company owned by shareholders.  This type of bizzness can raise a lot of $ by selling shares.  They have less taxes than a partnership.  It attracts very qualified employees.  It takes a while to start a c corporation.  It has a lot of paperwork.

S Corporation: It is similar to a c corporation, but avoids double taxation.  S Corporation has other tax benefits.  The shareholders are separate from the business.
You should pick the bizzness that's best for you.  I created a single member LLC because I'm the only owner of my company.  The name of my company is D Bizzness, LLC.  You can be a great bizzness owner too!                  


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