
Monday, August 8, 2016

Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is the most magical form of Buddhism.   Yoga and other elements of Hinduism are in religion; there also elements of Bon (Indigenous Tibetan religion) in it too.   It has a lot of sex and death symbolism.  There 4 types of TB.  Some Tibetan Buddhists supported the Nazi.  The Dali Lama is sinister, even though he's very knowledgeable.

Beliefs and Rituals
TBs (Tibetan Buddhists) believe in various deities.  They mediate with mandalas (representation of the universe).  They believe meditation can lead to nirvana.  Nirvana is freedom from samsara (cycle of birth, death, and rebirth), which is the goal of all forms of Buddhism.  TBs believe in Bodhisattvas (Buddhist saints).  There are many pictures of deities having sex in this religion.  Human bones are used for musical instruments and ritual tools.

They put an offering bowl on the altar.  They keep water, flower, incense, and food in it.  They have a meditation lamp.  Phurpa is a ritual knife, which is used to contain evil spirits.  First, you meditate,  then you say magic words.  Invite a deity to come into the dagger.  Finally, imagine the point of the knife is sucking up evil spirits.  Kapala is a skull cap used for libations.  There is a bell that makes evil spirits flee.  Dorje is a small spectre they hold in their right hand, which eliminates ignorance.  Prayer Wheels and Prayer Flags help get prayers to buddhas and deities.  It also helps bring down blessings quicker.  Tibetan war gods/goddesses help practitioners meditate.  
Tibetan Buddhism was created in Nalanda.  Nalanda was a Buddhist university in India.  A Tibetan King married 2 Buddhist women.  His wives persuaded him to become a Buddhist.  After he converted; he made Buddhism more widespread in Tibet.  Centuries later an Indian Buddhist named Padmasambhava reintroduced Buddhism into Tibet. He was opposed by Tibetan war gods.  Somehow he befriends them and they help promote the way of Buddha.  The Tibetan written language is based on Sanskrit.  Tibetan kings asked Buddhists masters from other countries to translated sutras into Tibetan.  Many TBs went to India to learn more about Buddhism.  Overtime TB diversified into several sects.  
4 types of TB
Nyingma: This is the oldest sect of TB.  It has oral teachings and esoteric teachings.  There are 9 different ways to reach nirvana.  They're called yanas.

Sakya:  Hevajra (a meditation deity) helps practitioners reach nirvana.

Kagyu: They teach the 6 Yogas of Naropa.  These are 6 different ways to reach nirvana  quickly.  

Gelug: It promotes the study of Buddhist scriptures.  It is very rational.  The Dali Lama is over this branch of TB.

Sum TBs support of the Nazi
The swastika means good luck.  It was used by Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists for millennia!  The Nazi used it for evil.  There was a secret society the Nazi were in called the Thule Society.  The persecuted people in other secret societies and religions.  The Nazi got help from the Catholic Church as well as TBs.  A Nazi scientist believed Tibetans were somewhat Aryan.

 Legend has it that a German scholar discovered evil yogis in Tibet.  They wanted to rule the world by using psychic powers.  They feed on human flesh.  When the scholar found this out he ran away.  He told Hitler about what he encountered.  Hitler sent some Nazi to find out about it.  Aleister Crowley may have met those yogis b4 the Nazi.  The OSS went to Tibet looking for them in 1942.  At the end of WW2, there were dead TBs in a German building.  The TBs that supported the Nazi were members of the Gelug.  I've seen pictures of the Dali Lama with ex-Nazis.

The sinister Dali Lama
Dali Lama is a communist and a friend of an ex-Nazi.  He was an asset to the CIA, during the time communists took over Tibet.  That's understandable, he was trying to free his people.  I guess.  He tried to take over the other branches of TB.  He was friends with a Japanese cult leader.  He may have been his master.  That cult released sarin gas on  Japanese subways.  Thousands were injured and 8 died.

Shugden is a protector deity that came into being in the 17th century.  The Dali Lama used to worship Shugden, but they fell out because Shugden didn't keep his promise or so it seems.  The Dali Lama told his followers to beat up Shugden worshipers.   Shugden worshipers may also be corrupt.  Religion and politics are tied together in Tibet.  
Tibetan Buddism is my favorite form of Buddhism because it is so magical!!!!!!!  I like their beliefs and rituals.  I also like the diversity of it too.  The Dali Lama wrote wonderful books, but he needs Iwa Pele(good character).  He reminds me of Apep (evil serpent).  The sun eater.                    


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