
Thursday, September 1, 2016


Capoeira is a martial art created by Africans in Brazil.   It has a rich history and sweet techniques.  Capoeira has it own unique exercises.  It looks like dancing and the practitioners attack with their legs mostly.  It is also a game and has its own style of music and instruments.  Fighters sometimes used hidden weapons in the past.  It has been in several movies and video games.   It is even used by fighters in the MMA!
The ancestor of Capoeira was created in Angola.  That martial art is call Engolo.  The Portuguese brought enslaved Africans to Brazil to work on sugarcane farms.  They came From West and Central Africa.  The Central Africans created Capoeira.  A lot of the West Africans were Muslim.
Capoeira has a violent history.  It was suppressed by the Brazilian government in the 1800's.  Police would attack people that did this martial art.  Some practitioners would hide razors in their hat or pocket.

The music of Capoeira tells a story about history, society, struggle, etc. The musical instruments are based on the ones in Angola.  The practitioners move to the music.        
Esquiva: Move side to side with one leg behind you.  That is the most basic exercise.  A variation of this is stepping back after you move to the side.

Role:  Turning to the other side by placing your hands on the ground.

Bencao: A front kick from the back leg.

Meia Lua de Frente:  A partial roundhouse kick.

Martelo: A kick after you turn your leg to the side.

Queixada: A full roundhouse kick.

Armada: A turning roundhouse kick.

There are many more exercises and techniques on Youtube.  They're so sweet!            
Capoeira in Entertainment
TV: Stargate SG1, American Dad!, TMNT, Pokemon, Avatar the Last Airbender, etc.

Movies: Kickboxer 4, The Quest, Mortal Kombat, Harry Potter, Get Hard, etc.  Wesley Snipes does Capoeira.

Comics: Batman, Death Note, One Piece, The Incredible Hulk, etc.

Video Games: Street Fighter, The King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, etc.

MMA Fighters that use Capoeira
Antony Pettis:  He is in UFC; he knocked people out using Capoeira.

Anderson Silva: He trained in Capoeira.  He was the greatest fighter of all time.

Conor McGregor:  A great fighter in UFC.

Rafael Natal:  The first martial art he learned was Capoeira.  Now he's in the UFC.

There are other MMA fighters that use Capoeira, but I couldn't find information on them.

I love Capoeira!  It's so sweet!  It keeps the opponent guessing.  This martial art has a lot of knockout power.  It reminds me of a force field.  Used defensively, it seems like it will keep the opponent from getting close to you.  I love the fact that it's African because I'm African.  Holla at me!
Capoeira Mother
Capoeira Knockout
Capoeira Exercises 
Capoeria Disarm
Capoeira vs Karate 
Muay Thai vs Capoeira
Capoeira Music

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