
Friday, July 15, 2016

Sitting Bull

The people known as Native American I call American because they been in Americas for over 10,000 years. 

Sitting Bull is the most famous American Chief in the US!  
He fought to keep his land from being taken from settlers and the US government. 
He was a great warrior and shaman.  
Many people looked up to him because of his wisdom. My grandma looks like Sitting Bull.  That's why I became interested in him.   

Early Life
He was born in the 1830's.  
His birth name was Jumping Badger.  
He was a member of the Hunkpapa clan.  
He was nicknamed Slow because he would think b4 he acts.  
He killed a buffalo when he was 10.  When he was 14 he joined a war party.  He was the first to attack a Crow warrior.  His father gave Slow the name Sitting Bull for his bravery and a crown of feathers.  
His father name became Jumping Bull because he gave his Slow his own name.  
Some American people killed white settlers because they moved into their territory.  The US army attacked American villages in retaliation.  Sitting Bull protected those villages after they were attacked.  

A lot of time he would wear a feather on his head like Ma'at.    
Ma’at is a Kemetic deity and concept.  She is justice, balance, truth, righteousness, and order. 

He named his son after Crowfoot because he was inspired by him.  Crowfoot was the leader of the
Blackfoot.  His daughter name was Standing Holy.

Sitting Bull was able to communicate with animals.  A bird told him to play dead when a grizzly bear stood over him.  He did and the bear left him alone.  A woodpecker warned him of a grizzly bear attack.  He killed the bear with his bow and arrow.


Red Cloud and Sitting Bull attacked the US Army because they were on their land.  Some American leaders made treaties with the US government.  Sitting Bull didn't make any treaties.  He wasn't willing to
give up his land.  He later became the King of the Sioux Nation.  The first in history.  

Gold was discovered in the Black Hills.  Many colonists went to the Black Hills for the gold.  Sitting Bull didn't like this because his people lived nearby.  

The government created a reservation for the Sioux.  A reservation is a place the US government set aside for American people to live after their land was stolen.  Any Sioux outside the reservation was considered enemy combatants.  

The buffalo was wiped out by colonists so Plains Americans would starve.   A lot Plains Americans went to reservations because they were hungry.  

Americans that were attacked by the Army went to Sitting Bull camp for protection.
At the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876, the Army was defeated by Plains American warriors.  Sitting Bull had a vision that his warriors would be victorious.  He also thought his people will be punished if they took anything from the dead US soldiers.  His warriors did and the Sioux people went downhill from there.  The US government sent a lot more troops to fight Sitting Bull freedom fighters.   A lot of the freedom fighters surrendered.   Freedom fighters are people fighting to be free.  

Sitting Bull took his tribe to Canada, so they could find food.  
He made peace with Crowfoot in Canada, prior to that, they were enemies because the Blackfoot didn’t get along with the Lakota.  Sitting Bull gave Crowfoot a peace pipe.  

Sitting Bull people were starving there, so they came back to the US and moved to a reservation. 

Late Life
Later in life, he joined a circus, that had performances in the US and Canada.  He met a white woman named Annie Oakley.  
She was a sharpshooter in the circus.  He saw her as his daughter.  He called her Little Sure Shot.

In 1885 he joined a Wild West Show.  He became a celebrity and made good $.  

Sitting Bull joined the Ghost Dance.  The Ghost Dance was a religious movement. People that followed this movement believed that dancing would cause their ancestors and buffalo to live again.  They also believed the colonists would disappear.

Sitting Bull agent was afraid he would leave the reservation with the Ghost Dancers.  The government believed the Ghost Dance movement would lead to war.   
Cops came to arrest him.  Sitting Bull followers tried to stop them.  There was a shootout.  Sitting Bull got shot and died.  The cop that killed him was Lakota.  He predicted years ago he would be killed by someone in his own tribe.

He is my Hero!  I am inspired by his bravery and wisdom.  We can learn much from him.  It's sweet my grandma looks like him.

Who was Sittin Bull by Stephanie Spinner

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