
Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism.  It has been around for over 500 years!  It originated in Kemet. There are 4 worlds in the Kabbalah.  The tree of life has 10 Sephiroth.  They are 10 different principles.  There are at least 5 types of Kabbalah.  It had a big effect on Western magic.  It is a popular system now, because of Hollywood.
Jewish people believe Abraham created the Kabbalah.  The truth is it comes from Kemet.  You will see Kabbalistic ideas in Alexandria during the Ptomly Dynasty.  Sefer Yetzirah is the oldest book of the Kabbalah.  It explains how Abraham received revelation from Yahweh.  Some people think Abraham wrote it.  Sefer Yetzirah is a short book full of coded language.  Rav Shimon Bar Yochai got revelations from Moses and Elijah.  He had his student write down the information he received.  The book he wrote is called the Zohar. The Zohar has a lot of radical ideas.  There a Kabbalahist called Ari, he was amazing!  He would meditate on a verse of the Zohar until he knew its hidden meaning.  His teaching is called Lurianic Kabbalah. Issac Newton and Leibniz studied the Kabbalah and got ideas from it.  A Kabbalahist named Rav Abraham Azuli predicted that Kabbalah will be spread around the world in the year 2000.  Some Kabbalists in the 20th century told gentiles about it.
4 Worlds
The first world is the world of emanation.  This where Ein Sof is.  That's limitless light.  The second world is
the world of creation.  Consciousness originates here.  The third world is the world of formation. Consciousness begins to solidify.  Subtle bodies are being created here.  The final world is the world of action.  It is the physical universe.  The 4 worlds correspond to the 10 Sephiroth.   Adam Kadmon is the perfect man because he is one with Ein Sof.  
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is a map of the soul(God).  It has 10 Sephiroth.  Here's a list below.

1. Keter: This is the unknowable indescribable part of you.  It is unconscious Non-Being.  It is Nun and Wu Chi.

2. Chokhmach: This represents wisdom and corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain.  It is the creator(man) and yang(masculine energy).

3. Binah: It understanding and receptive.  It is the creatress(woman) and yin(feminine energy).

0. Da'at: It is not sephirot, but a combination of all of them.  It represents intelligence.

4. Chesed (Mercy): It is action, love, and kindness.  It makes you want to embrace the universe and all creation.

5. Geburah (Severity): It represents strength.  It is restrictive like Saturn.

6. Tiferet(Beauty):  It connects the spiritual to the physical.  It is connected to all Sephiroth, expect Malkuth.  It reminds me of Maat because it balances.

7. Netzach: It represents victory.  It gives you the power to be triumphant and overcome all obstacles.

8. Hod: It is perseverance and diversity.  It gives you the energy to keep going.

9.  Yod (Foundation): It is the imagination (pre-manifestation).  It corresponds to the moon and genitals.

10. Malkuth (Kingdom): The physical universe.  Everything we perceive.  It corresponds to the element earth. The Hindus call it maya.  It is what most people call reality.

All of the sephiroth are multidimensional.  They correspond to numbers, Hebrew letters, chakras, planets, etc.

Different kinds of Kabbalah
The most famous Kabbalah is the Jewish one.  That's the one I've been writing about.  The ones that follow are based on this one.  The Christian Cabala has a tree of life too.  The left side is Lucifer, which is completely spiritual.  The right side is Satan, which is completely physical.  The middle is Christ, that's where you want to be.  Christ is both physical and spiritual.  The Hermetic Qabbalah was created by European magicians.  It is used for magic.  There is at least 2 modern day Kemetic Kabbalahs.  Its trees of life sephiroth are composed of neteru and concpects.  They are easiest for me to understand and they are my favorite.  I think they were created by Muata Ashby and Ra Un Nefer Amen.  They are both great authors. One of them a yogi and the other created his own religion, sort of.
Kabbalah is a wonderful system created by Kemetians and popularized by Jews.  I like it spin offs.  It has much to teach.  It maybe able to help us have hotep.  


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