
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Kemetic Astrology

Amen is Aries.  This is the sign of persistence, it is ruled by Mars.

Het Heru is Taurus.  This is the sign of building, it is ruled by Venus.

Shu and Tefnut are Gemini.  They are the thinkers, it is ruled by Mercury.

Kheper is Cancer.  This the sign of emotion.  It is ruled by the Moon.

Sekhmet is Leo.  It is the executor.  It is ruled by the Sun.

Aset is Virgo.  It analyzes and is ruled by Mercury.

Maat is Libra.  It balances and is ruled by Venus.  

Serkhet is Scorpio.  It desires and is ruled by Mars.

Neith is Sagittarius.  It sees and is ruled by Jupiter.

Herishef is Capricorn.  It fertilizes and is ruled by Saturn.

Hapi is Aquarius.  It knows and is ruled by Saturn.

Hat Mehyt is Pisces. I believe and I'm ruled by Neptune.

If you want to know about the planets click here.    

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