
Sunday, July 24, 2016


Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties.  The mother of chemistry is alchemy.  Chemistry has been around for over a millennium!  There are many types of chemistry.  Chemistry picks up where physics leave off.  It's the bridge to biology.  
Alchemy means The Black.  It originated in Kemet.  Alchemy needs 3 things for transformation.  A fuel, a substance, and a container.  The container is your body, the fuel is your spiritual practices, and the substance is your soul.  You purify your consciousness by purifying your desires.  Alchemy was used in other parts of Africa to heal people and make crops grow.    
In China, alchemy was associated with Taoism.  A emperor made it popular.  He wanted to be immortal.  He sent people out to find divine beings.  He had his scholars make an elixir.  They mixed mercury and gold together and gave it to him to drink.  It made him retarded and he died prematurely.  A lot of Chinese ideas about alchemy spread to Korea and Japan.  Indians were adept at alchemy.  They learned it from Greeks in Alexandria.  They created a school of medicine based on alchemy. It was very scientific.
Alchemists in Europe tried to turn lead into gold.  Lead represent the physical body or the lower self.  Gold represented the soul or the higher self.  The alchemists looked for the philosopher stone.  The stone was suppose to give someone eternal youth.  They thought the world was made out of 4 elements.  They are as followed: fire, air, earth, and water.  They also thought salt, sulfur, and mercury were important.
Muslims created chemistry out alchemy.  Then they brought it to Europe.  Muslim scholars looked down on alchemy and favored chemistry.  The laboratory, scientific method, and experimentation were created by Muslims.  Geber was the first chemist in the world!
History of Chemistry
Robert Boyle wrote a book on chemistry.  He studied gas and believed in atoms.  Joseph Priestly discovered air was made out of different gasses.  Amedo Avogadro discovered the difference between atoms and molecules.  John Dalton discovered water vapor was in the atmosphere.  Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table.  Neils Bohr invented the atomic model.
Branches of Chemistry
Astrochemistry- The chemistry of space and celestial objects.
Biochemistry- Chemistry of organisms.
Chemical Engineering- Making chemicals for various purposes.
Theoretical Chemistry- Assumptions on how chemicals react.
They are many more branches of chemistry.
Chemistry is a rewarding subject to study.  It started off spiritual , then it became physical.  It has a rich history and it's diverse.  This is the breakdown of sciences.  They are as followed:  physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, then sociology.  They all fit into each other.  It goes from micro to macro.  It starts at the tiniest particle to the most intelligent life forms on earth!  So we think.  Could there be lifeforms smarter than us on earth or in the heavens?  Stay tuned.  

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