
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

7 Keys 2 Life!!!!!!!!!!

1. Do good avoid evil.  Good is helping people(humans, animals, plants) and improving the environment.  Evil is hurting people or polluting.  Good unites and evil separates. 
2. Be yourself @ all times.  There is no one else you can be.  The more you don't give a fuck.  The more you will be yourself.  Be unconcerned with how to people see you.  The funny thing is people will like you more when you care less.  That's because you are being yourself, which encourages them to be themselves.  You are unique, special, blessed, wonderful, and so amazing!!!!!!  You are significant part of the universe or else you wouldn't be.
3. Follow your highest joy.  Your passion is your purpose.  You are suppose to be happy.  Happiness is not a destination.  It is apart of the journey.  Being yourself makes this eazy.      
4. Build as many positive relationships as possible.  Our greatest amount of happiness comes from our relationships with one another.  Improves all the relationships you can.  If you have negative relationships that can't be fixed, leave that person alone.  Life is short, no need 4 added stress.  
5. Moderation is paramount.  Find balance in all the activities you do,  Don't do to much or to little of anything.  The golden mean is important.  It is the middle way.    
6. Consistency is also paramount.  Practice makes perfect.  If you do something for 21 days it becomes a habits.  So, develop good habits that will help you better yourself and others.  
7. Do you.  Once you get all of this down.  Do what you want, where you want, when you want, and with whom you want.       

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