
Saturday, December 18, 2021


This religion has a long history.  It has unique beliefs and rituals.  Herbalism is popular in this belief system. There are very powerful spirits in Brazil.  Magick is a big part of this religion and offerings are popular.  It has similarities and differences to Umbanda and Candomble.  
This religion was created in Brazil during the transatlantic slave trade.  A lot of Bakongo and West African people were brought there.  Quimbanda has beliefs from the 'Congo religion,  Ifa, other African Traditional Religions(ATRs), and religions of the indigenous peoples.'  There were European immigrants that were forced into semi-slavery.  They added witchcraft and Western magick to Quimbanda.  People that created this religion rebelled against the dominant society.  They had a great desire to be free.  The Portuguese tried to surpass the religion, but that only made it stronger.  
There are 7 Kingdoms: Crossroads, Cross, Fields, Cemetery, Souls, Harp, and Beach.  The  kingdoms represent different aspects of human life.  The kingdoms are ruled by a king and a queen.  Under them are generals.  The generals rule over "legions of spirits."  

Kingdom of the Crossroads:  This kingdom connects you to all other kingdoms, because it represents all intersections.  Spirits in this kingdom rule ova opportunity.  They can build or tear down relationships.  Exu Rei das Sete Encruzilhadas and Pomba Gira Rainha das Sete Encuzilhadas.       

Kingdom of the Cross: This kingdom represents transitioning from life to death.  Spirits in this kingdom can heal or harm.  It is ruled by Exu Rei dos Sete Cruzieros and Pomba Gira Rainha dos Sete Cruzieros. 

Kingdom of Fields: This is the wilderness.  'Bones, herbs, roots, and poison' can be found in this kingdom.  You can learn the knowledge of animals and plants in this kingdom.  Spirits of indigenous Brazilians and hunters are in this kingdom.  The king and queen of this kingdom is Exu Rei das Matas and Pomba Gira Rainha das Matas.  

Kingdom of Cemetery: This is where the spirits of the deceased reside.  Some of these spirits are restless and roam the graveyard.  Some of them look like skeletons.  They can cause divorces and decay.  Exu Rei das Sete Calungas and Pomba Gira Rainha das Sete Calungas rule this kingdom.  

Kingdom of Souls: The spirits in this kingdom guide the spirits of the deceased into the afterlife.  They remind me of Anpu!!!  They help people who are grieving after someone close to them dies.  Exu Rei das Almas and Pomba Gira Rainha das Almas rule this kingdom.                   

Kingdom of Harp: This kingdom represents city nightlife.  This kingdom is full of music, poetry, and danger.  The spirits of this kingdom can help you with sex, $, psychic powers, success, love, and art.  Exu Rei das Sete Liras and Pomba Gira Maria Padiha rule this kingdom.  

Kingdom of the Oceanshore: This kingdom represents the the ocean and land meeting each other.  It's the crossroads of land and water!!!  Spirits in this kingdom are very lunar and Venusian.  They can help with 'love, lust, attraction, purification and healing emotional wounds.'  Spirits of those that died @ sea can be found here.  

Type of Spirits
Exu Primordials: They came into being during the creation of the universe.  They are the kings of the kingdoms and they are African, American(native), and European.  The image of Devil symbolizes them, because he is the boogeyman of Christianity.  Which is the religion of the dominant society in Brazil.      

Exu Caticos: They are deified ancestors.  

Pomba Gira: She is known as the Devil Woman.  They are like Exus, but they are female.  

These spirits are similar to the Pedro Loa of Haitian Vodou and the anti-gods of the Order of 9 Angles.    

List of Exu
Exu Lucifer: God of wisdom and Satan (adversary) is the other side of him.  We gain wisdom from our personal experiences.  The wiser a person become the more they pull away from the world.  They see that reality is an illusion and become adverse to it, which causes them to become Satan.  The all seeing eye is the eye of Lucifer!!!!          

Exu Belzebuth: He is Baphomet, which is a symbol of duality.  He can open the mind up to the acausal realm.  This where the anti-gods live.  He can be used 4 healing, protection, wealth, and offense.  

Exu Rei das 7 Encruzilhadas: He rules ova the kingdom of crossroads.  You must go through his kingdom to get to any other.  He is the god of war and wisdom.  He opens doors to opportunities. 

Exu 7 Campas: He guides spirits of the deceased in the afterlife.  He can trap, free, and protect souls.  He can make your enemies ill and cause them to putrefy.  

Exu Lobo: Most people stay away from him.  He loves blood and meat.  He is the Great Beast in Book of Revelation.  Just playing, but he is very carnivorous.    

Exu 7 Cruzes: He works with spirits of people that committed suicide and people who committed terrible crimes while possessed.  He can cause your enemy to have a violent death.  He makes them suffer for 7 days b4 he kills them and the cross is his symbol.    

Exu da Morte: He looks like the Grim Reaper.  He rules ova alchemy; with his help you can become a greater magickian.  He kills obstacles too, as well as protects and heals.  Your enemies can become depressed and suicidal with his help.    

Exu Omulu: He opens up the underworld 4 spirits of the deceased.  He can heal, cause disease, and kill.  He is similar to Baron Samedi.  A person dies when he drains them of their life force.   

Exu Caveira: He rules the graveyard and looks like a skull.  He is a great warrior and can teach you how to kill those against you.  Exu Omulu is his close friend.      

Exu Tata Caveira: He teaches magic and alchemy.  He can give vices to your enemies.  

Exu Tranca Ruas: He is similar to Papa Legba, because he creates or destroys opportunity.  
Exu Mirim: A group of child-like spirits.  They are smart and mischievous; they help people's intellect and maturity.    

Pantera Negra: Leader of the indigenous spirits of Brazil.  He is a master magician, herbalist and knows a lot about nature.  His power is healing and protecting.  He will hunt the enemies of his children.  By children I mean anyone who works with him.           

Exu Chama Dinheiro: Master $ maker, he helps his children with 'business, prosperity, career success, and financial independence.'   

Exu Pimenta: He was a chief of a native Brazilian tribe and a shaman.  He creates and destroys disease.  

Exu Morcego: Great vampire god that can heal, protect, transform, and develop the mind.  He can make your enemies insane.   

Exu 7 Cranios: He is very destructive.  He can't be contacted directly.  Only other Exus can contact him.  

Exu Mare: He is in the oceanshore kingdom.  When ocean is calm he is calm.  When ocean is aggressive, so is he.  For blessing leaves his offering @ the beach when it's calm.  4 curses the opposite.   

Exu 7 Sombras: If his children asks, he will make someone so depressed they are suicidal.  He likes his offerings in the daytime.  Most Exus want their offerings @ night.    

Exu Cobra: He can work anywhere and can do many different things.  But most people call on him to give someone paralysis or cure it.  After mediums are possessed by him, they can't feel their legs and arms 4 two hours.   
Exu Vampiro: Vampire god that works closely with Exu Morcego and others.  He loves blood, so that is his offering.  

List of Pomba Gira
Pomba Rosa Caveira: She has 2 faces.  One of a beautiful woman the other is skull.  She is very serious and helps with revenge.  

Pomba Gira Alteza: She is the goddess of magick, the Moon, lust, crossroads, snakes, shadows, and owls.  She is similar to Lilith and Hecate.  She helps destroy the false self, so the true self emerge.       

Maria Padiha: She is the Queen of the Crossroads.  She protects, open roads to $ and spiritual evolution, she can help people pair bond and tear the bond apart, heals, removes obstacles, and gets revenge.  She reminds me of Erzulie Dantor.  She has 10 paths.  Paths are different versions of a deity.      

Maria Navalha: She is like Loki and Erzulie Freda, because she is a trickster, feminine, and likes perfume.  She has ova 7 paths.      

Maria Mulambo: She is a lover and protector.  Revenge is her middle name and she dresses very elegant.  She has ova 17 paths.  

Pomba Gira da Figueria: She is a native spirit of Brazil even though she doesn't look it.  She's great @ herbal magick.   

Ritual Magick
This religion is very magickal!!!!! The main way people create magick is by doing rituals.  Religious rituals are magickal by nature; but the practitioners of the religion may not know that.  Ceremonial magick is a very popular form of ritual magick.     

There is a way someone can cause their enemies to get attacked by spirits of the deceased.  It involves going to the graveyard with a doll with your enemy name on it and lighting candles.   Stab the doll with a dagger and put it into a black coffin and bury it.  This will cause the enemy to suffer and die.  

There is another ritual that will cause your enemy mental illness.  You write the name of the target on a photo.  Then you put it in ground beef, finally you put that in a wax head,  You take the head to the cemetery and light some black candles, etc.
Initiation:  This ritual connects the initiate with the spirits of Quimbanda.  Once the this is done they can work with the spirits and /or be mediums.  

Temple Erection: The newbie creates a temple for his spiritual work.  He/she appoints 7 people to help.  That person may put statues of Exus and/or Pomba Giras in their temple. 

Necklace Consecration: A necklace is consecrated by a priest for someone else.  The necklace has the power of a spirit, kingdom or line in it.  A line is a group of similar deities, like a family.  No one can use the necklace.  It is like an eleke.  The necklace can help you with mental clarity and bring more power to the rituals.

Assentamento Consecration: Assentamentos are physical objects that houses the power of a spirit.  It reminds me of a nkisi and a mojo bag.  A priest does a ritual that will turn a ordinary object into a place of power.  They can house the power of one or more spirits.  But it's usually one spirit.  Statues and altars become assentamentos quite often.         

Pontos Cantados: These are "sacred songs" that are "ceremonial invocations."  They help the practitioner get in contact with the spirits and invokes them.  They are mantras that are chanted to help them remain focus.  While they are doing that someone is beating conga drums.      

Pontos Riscados: These are scratched points that are inscribed on offerings.  It is like a phone number.  Each spirit has its own scratched point.  It connect the offering with that particular spirit.  These different points have a certain type of energy as well.  There are attack, protection, calling, and introduction points.  This reminds me of veves.   
Giving offerings increases the connection the practitioner has with the deity.  Offerings are given during rituals and they are placed on the altar.  The most common ones are as follows: water, alcohol, cigars, cigarettes, candles, and animals.  Offerings are disposed of in crossroads, graveyards, beaches, forests, and any other place the deities rule ova.  There are different offerings 4 different deities.   Animals are sacrificed as well.  The animals are as follows: pigeons, chickens, bulls, goats, and sheep.  Remember the offerings are portals for the energy of the deities to manifest in the physical world.     
Intro to Herbs
They are used for various purposes.  There 3 different types of herbs: warm, balanced, and cold.  Warm herbs are used for attacking the enemy.  Balanced herbs counteract the effects of warm herbs and it makes it easier to receive blessing.  Cold herbs are for prosperity and mediumship.     

List of Herbs
Rue: 4 protection and physical purification.  It has been used by women to cause abortion.    

Mulberry: It absorbs and transmits negative energy.  

Castor Bean: Used 4 altar cleansing.  

Tobacco: Used as an offering, increase psychic powers, and astral purification.  

Myrrh: Used during meditation to increase intuition.  

Wormwood: Used in bath for healing.

Almond: The branches are used to cleanse the environment.  

Rosemary: The oil improves the brain.   

Mint: Increase blood flow to the brain.  

There are many more, but this will suffice.

Umbanda-This religion is very Catholic.  African and American(native) religions were demonized by Catholic priests.  Africans used images of saints to represent their deities, This also happened in Haitian Vodou and Lucumi.  The religions of the Americans are foundational to Umbanda.  They invoked ancestral spirits 4 advice.  Shaman and chief spirits are worked with as well.  Some of them worship Orishas.  Spiritism had an impact on this religion as well.  There is great diversity within this religion.  They work with spirits of light and darkness.  It's like angels and demons.  Some people see this religion as the light side and Quimbanda as the dark side.  I look @ it like Star Wars.  "May the force be with you."          
Candomble: It is a mixture of Ifa, other ATRs, and Catholicism.  They worship the Orishas and the equate them with saints.  There are 12 major Orishas that people work with.  Everyone has their own personal Orisha.  It can discovered by divination.  Olodumare is the creator in this religion.  The exu and exuas are male and female spirits that work for the Orishas.  They can be made to be bend to the will of the practitioner.  Caboclos are American male spirits within this religion.  Priests and priestesses heal and divine for people.        
All 3 religions are a derivatives of Macumba.  

This religion is very necromantic, that's one of the reasons why it's so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!  It has a sweet history and great kingdoms.  There are many fiery deities that have many paths.  It is very magickal and have many rituals.  The offerings they get help forge a greater connection with there children.  This religion has a lot of herbal knowledge.  It has 2 relatives Umbanda and Candomble.    

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