
Wednesday, January 5, 2022


This language family has have been in North America 4 ova 7,000 years!!!!!!  It has 44 languages, it is one of the biggest language families in North America and it has 1 subfamily and 2 other languages.  It has its own unique structure.  Europeans created a writing system Algonquian languages.  There are several Algonquian words in English.  Algic people are amazing!!!!  So I will write about them.      
Subfamily and 2 Other Languages
Algonquian Subfamily: This subfamily is divided into 3 groups.  They are as follows: Eastern, Central, and Plains.  The eastern branch has @ least 17 languages and they share a common ancestor.  They are spoken on the east coast of United States and Canada.  They are the least diverse of the groups, which implies they are the youngest.  Languages in the central branch are grouped together because they are in close proximity.  They may not have a common ancestor.  The plains branch is like the central branch.       
Wiyot:  This language was spoken in Northern California.  The last native speaker died in 1962.  Members of the Wiyot tribe are trying to revive it.   
Yurok: This language is only spoken by a few elders.  
"Most Algonquian languages have 4 to 7 vowels." The constants have stops, fricatives, and affricates.  There are different stresses and tones throughout the language.  These languages are polysynthetic, which means a word in a Algonquian language is a sentence in English.  Nouns have 2 classes: animate and inanimate.  Verbs can be adjectives and verbs come b4 or after subject or object.  The premise come b4 the verb and the rest of the sentence comes after.      
The first bible printed in the U.S. were in the Massachusett language.  The script was created by Europeans to translate the bible.  That script had some problems.  Tribal names and places were spelled differently by various people.  All Algonquian languages have script now, it uses the Roman alphabet.     
Algonquian English 
Powwow: It comes from powwaw.   It means to divine, shamans were called this.  It is a Narragansett word.  

Totem: It comes from odoodem.  It is a Ojibwa word that means kin group.  

Wampum: Massachusett word that means white string of beads.  The original word is wampumpeag.

Tomahawk: Powhatan word that means cutting tool.  The original word is tamahaac.

Moccasin: Word for shoe. (makasin)    

Moose: Eastern Abenaki word. (Moz)

 Pecan: Illinois word (pakani).    

There are other words, but this will suffice.  
Algic People
There are many Algonquian tribes.  I will write about some of them.  

Cheyenne: They are the combination of 2 tribes: Suhtai and Tsiitsistas.  The Great Plains was their home.  B4 they got there, they lived in the Great Lakes region.  They were friends with the Arapaho and Lakota.  The Crow and U.S. military were their enemies.  Sweet Medicine was a Cheyenne prophet that predicted the coming of cows, horses, and pale faces.  His real name was Motes'eonotse, it means sweetgrass. Southern Cheyenne tribe live in Oklahoma and Northern Cheyenne live in Montana.  800 people in Oklahoma speak Cheyenne and the alphabet have 14 letters.            
Ojibwa: They lived in the Great Lakes region.  They were sedentary, expect 4 the ones in the Great Plains.  Their huts was made out of tree bark.  Their modes of production was hunting and gathering, fishing, rice harvesting, and they ate maple syrup.  Nature was very important 2 them; so they were close to spirits.  They had sweat lodges and the dreamcatcher comes their spider web charm.  Ojibwa had there own form of herbalism.  3 Fire Alliance consisted of the Odawa, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi.  They defeated the Iroquois and fought the Sioux.  Some of them were in Midewiwin.  It was a secret society that had members of other tribes as while.  This Grand Medicine Society had its own written language.  They wrote on birch scrolls.  There are 14 bands of Ojibwa.       
Peoria: They lived in the Midwest.  Their ancestors built pyramids in Cahokia, Illinois.  Jesuits converted some of the members of the tribe to Catholicism.  They lost some land after they signed a treaty with U.S. government.           
Cree: Most of them live in Canada and Montana.  There are ova 100 sub-tribes, which are called bands.  In some of the bands they married people from other tribes, often.  They used herbs to heal themselves.       
Kickapoo: They lived in the Great Lakes region, until the Iroquois kicked them out.  So they moved to Indiana.  Now they live in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.  They signed 10 treaties with U.S. government, which caused them to lose land.  Their written language was created in 1974.         
Pequot: They lived in Connecticut and they have common ancestors with the Mohegan.  They were bitter enemies of the Narragansett.  Some of them became slaves after they killed a Englishmen.  This is what caused the Pequot War.  They are the richest American tribe in the states.  
Shinnecock: They lived in Long Island, New York.  Shell bead threads were used 4 currency and record keeping.  The Shinnecock were big on the fur trade.  A lot of them got smallpox from Europeans, so they died.  Many other American people died on Long Island as well.  Old Dirty Bastard grandfather or great grandfather was the chief of the Shinnecock. 
Now you can read about the 2 other tribes.

Wiyot: They ate acorns and calms.  They were good @ making canoes.  The shamans of the tribe were women and they got initiated on the top of mountains.  There are 450 members of this tribe in California.     
Yurok: The mode of productions where fishing, hunting and gathering.  They're great @ basket weaving and woodcarving.  Their villages was ruled by rich men that were trained by the elders.  They provided food and shelter with 4 the villagers.  Most of the shamans were women.  Husbands gave a dowry to their wife's family.  There are 6,357 people in this tribe.
If you want to learn more about American tribes click here.

There is a subfamily and 2 languages that make up Algic language family.  The subfamily (Algonquian) have 42 languages.  It seems like Eastern Algonquian is true Algonquian.  Central and Plains Algonquian don't seem like it is; it seems like grouping of languages because they're near by.  The other 2 languages are spoken in California.  These languages have a unique structure; one word in these languages is a sentence in English.  Europeans created all the Algonquian scripts.  There are many words from the subfamily in English.  There are a lot of sweet tribes that speak these languages.  

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