
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Kanem-Bornu Empire

Kanem-Bornu Empire has a millennia-long history!  It had 2 phases and it had diplomatic relationships with other nations.  This empire was influenced by various people.  It became Islamic about centuries after its creation.
Members of Zaghawa founded the kingdom that would become an empire.  They started out nomadic, then they became sedentary.  They lived in Sudan, then some of them moved to Chad.  They are Nilo -Saharan people.  President Obama dad was part Nilo-Saharan.

Phase I: Kanem started around 300 BCE.  The kings were called Mai.  There was another civilization in Chad called Sao.  They fought citizens of the Kanem-Bornu.

The Duguwa dynasty came into being in 700 BCE.  They may have been from Assyria.  Humai Ibn Salamna founded the Sef dynasty.  It lasted for 771 years!   He may have come from Yemen.  Once the Humai tookover, Islam became the state religion.  Even though this happened there may have been some Amen worshippers in the empire.  Most people at this point followed traditional religions.

Mai Dunama Dabbalemi developed diplomatic relationships with the sultans in North Africa.  He jihad the non-Muslim tribes and expanded the empire.  He captured Africans and sold them to Muslims in North Africa.  There was a religious statue called mune.  Mune may have been Amen.  Dunama destroyed it, so there was a civil war in the empire.      

Kanem fell into disarray in 1300's.  There were political issues and attacks from outside forces.  The Sao ruled Kanem for 1342-52.  A lot of people wanted to be Mai, so they killed each other.  Bulala tribe took over Kanem in 1388.

Phase II:  Some people left Kanem and founded Bornu.  They were related to the Sef dynasty. In Bornu, there was still problems with who should be Mai.  In the 1400's a Mai defeated the Bulala and reconquered Kanem.  

There was a great Mai named Idris Alooma.  He created a very strong military.  Many mosques were built during his reign.  He listened to advice from a council of elders.

They didn't have any gold to trade like the West African Empires.  Instead, they traded 'cotton, kola nuts, ivory, ostrich feathers, perfume, wax, hides, and slaves.'   'They imported salt, horses, silks, glass, silk, muskets, and copper.'

The empire fell off again in the 1800's.  It was attacked by the Fulanis in 1808.  Then it was attacked by another empire later on.  There were governmental problems as well.

Today it is known as Borno Emirate.  It is in Nigeria.  How far have the mighty fallen!  In its hey-day, the Kanem-Bornu Empire was in parts of Chad, Libya, Niger, and Nigeria.
The Kanem-Bornu Empire is amazing!  It lasted for over a millennia!  I like the fact there was a council of elders.  The military was tough and women were safe enough to walk around without being hassled.   I give this empire an A.              

Kanem-Bornu History

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