
Wednesday, July 26, 2023


What is cloning and long has it been around?  I know of 2 main versions, duplication and replication.  Sum animals have been cloned and sum people are getting their pets cloned.  There are 4 different kinds of clones.  What about cloning centers?  Ever heard of Donald Marshall or Clonaid?  Baby factories have been and/or will be created.  There's a lot of clones in popular media and Hollywood. 
Cloning is the process of creating a genetic copy of a organism.  Cells do it all the time.  Some scientists take a cell and put the nucleus of it into an egg and fertilize it or simply copy a zygote.  The first clone was a salamander embryo in 1900.  Other animals were cloned after that.            
There's duplication and replication cloning.  Duplication cloning is creating a clone of someone and the clone starts off as a baby.  Replication cloning is creating a clone that is the same age as the person being cloned. The duplication clone lives longer than the replicated clone.
Cloned Animals
Many animals have been cloned.  Sum were endangered, others 4 food, and sum for experiments.  The first time an animal was cloned was in 1958.  Many different countries have cloned animals.  I assume clone animals behave in the same manner as natural animals.  

In 1958 a frog was cloned @ Oxford University.

A Asian Crap clone was created in 1963 by a Chinese embryologist.  

A sheep was cloned in 1984 by a Danish biologist.

In 1986 a mouse was cloned in the Soviet Union.

Dolly was created in 1996 and lived for 7 years.  She was made in Scotland.  

A cow was cloned in U.S. in 1997.  Then 3 more the following year.  
Horses, dogs, cats, cattle, monkeys, wolves, and many other animals have been cloned by China, U.S., South Korea, France, Turkey, India, and other countries.  Spain cloned an extinct animal, but it died because of lung problems.  China clone pigs 4 experiments and sum of the meat sold in U.S. grocery stores is from cloned animals.  
Pets Cloned
Some people get their pets cloned, which is stupid.  They should just buy a new pet.  The cloned pet is not the same as the original pet, even though its similar.  It's pure insanity!!!!!!!!  There are companies that clone pets.  

ViaGen- It was founded in 2002.  They cloned an endangered Mongolian horse.  It take 4 month 4 them to clone someone's pet.  This company is based in the U.S.    
BioVenic- This company is based in the U.S.  They operated around the globe.  Chicken, livestock, pets, insects, fishes, shellfish, and shrimp are the areas of research.  They improve animal breeding, medicine and food.    
Sinogene- They clone cats, dogs and horses.  The cloned pet lived as long as the original pet and they can breed.  It cost $50,000 to clone a dog or cat.  It cost $85,000 to get your horse cloned.   
Gemini Genetics- This is a British company that was founded 2018.  They clone dogs, cats and horses.  ViaGen is their partner; it's like their big sister.  They keep genetic material in containers of liquid nitrogen.   
PerPETuate, Inc- It started in 1998 and 30+ countries gave them animal cells.  70+ cloned puppies have been created by them in the U.S. and South Korea.  This company is in the U.S.  The first pet kittens were cloned by this company. 
Those were only a few companies.  Cloning pets is big bizzness!!!!

Cloning Centers
China: There was going to be a huge animal cloning building in 2016, but they didn't make it.  Crispr is a gene editing technique.  It uses RNA to add or subtract DNA in a organism.  China was the first country to use it on humans.  A scientist made sum babies resistant to HIV, which made them smarter.  Those girls are now toddlers, if they have kids their edited genome will be down.        
United States: Many clones are created in this country.  But it's classified, it happens in DUMBs.  There have been clones of several presidents and celebrities.  Human cloning is banned in 5 states and legal in 45 states.
Australia: The ban on cloning was lifted in 2005.  Scientists can clone 4 therapeutic purposes.  Embryos can now be cloned, hooray!  They clone them to get the stem cells.  Stem cells can be used to cure diseases.  
Africa: The first cloned animal there was a cow.  But most Africans are against human cloning; because death is a big deal and they feel no one who died should be cloned.  Cows in Kenya were cloned to resistant to disease.  A African Wildcat was cloned in Louisiana.    
Japan: In 2000 a law was passed against cloning.  But in 2004 they changed there mind.  The deal was scientists can experiment with cloned cells, but not use them on people.  They cloned sum animals years later, but they died early.  
Antarctica: There is an animal there that lives underwater that can perpetually clone itself.  So if it neva gets eaten or a disease, it will live 4ever!!!!  Legend has it, that there was a Nazi base there and aliens.  What do you think?
Types of Human Clones
Regular: They are made by in vitro fertilization or are grown in large vats.    
Organic Robotoid: They are similar to regulars, but they have a biological computers 4 a brains.  
Synthetics: Similar to regulars, but they are made out of pig tissue.  
Doubles: They aren't clones @ all.  They just look like certain famous people.  I heard corpse of Hitler found in Germany was his double.  
European scientists started working on cloning in 1885.  A sea urchin was the first animal to be cloned.  The next animal to be cloned was salamander.  George Green said human cloning been around since 1938.  He said presidents have been cloned. 
Donald Marshall
His parents brought him to a cloning center when he was 5.  He was tortured and abused there. They stopped abusing him because he sung great songs.  Music artists copied his songs and he didn't get any credit 4 it.  He was put on the cover of a Megadeath album.  Many politicians and celebrities go there.  Consciousness transfer technology is used to transfer people to their clone bodies.  Lauryn Hill didn't like being there, so wrote a song called Get Out.  Many people are tortured in the center and the Vril is there.
It's a cloning company that was created in 1997.  It's apart of Raelism, which is a crazy UFO cult.  The leader of the cult believe immorality an achieved via cloning.  They have said they have created human clones ova the years, but they may have been lying.  
Baby Factory
Someone came up with this concept.  He said 30,000 babies can be made a year in a factory.  Music can be played to babies in artificial wombs.  These factories don't exist yet, @ least not publicly.  Designer babies already exist.  You can choose your baby's sex and physical features, if you got deep pockets.  
Cloned Celebrity
Dave Chapelle: He was cloned years ago.  The clone is very funny and the real Dave may still be alive.  
Gucci Mane: I heard the real Gucci Mane was stabbed to death in jail.  The one we see today is a clone or Hopsin in a bodysuit.    
Kodak Black: He have been cloned twice or someone else is playing the character. 
Rock: He have been cloned several time.  
Kevin Hart: He got in a bad car accident.  That may have killed him.  If so he was cloned.  He said he has 4 clones.  Was that a joke?
Jamie Foxx: A lot of people saying he have been cloned.  I believe them, because he look different.  I think the jab killed him and then he was cloned.  His last movie was about a clone.    
Eminem: He was cloned ova a decade ago.  
Joe Biden: He has several clones.  
Jimmy Carter: He was cloned last century.  I think there were @ least 3 clones of him.  I think his hair grew from the left and one of the clone's hair grew from the right.  His clones were organic robotiods.    
Sum of them maybe people wearing masks.  
Poplar Culture
Star Wars(clone war): In Episode II there was a clone army.  They were clones of a bounty hunter named  Jango Fett.  They were duplication clones.  One clone was a replication clone, his name is Boba Fett.  Boba was raised by his father Jango until Mace Windu decapitated him.  The clones were suited for different duties.  
6th Day: Arnold Schwarzenegger was cloned and the clone took ova his life.  He ended up killing the guy that created the clone.  
Naruto: Sum ninjas have techniques that allow them to create clones.  These clones are used for combat and training.  If they are hit they disappear.  The clones maybe made out of wood, water, chakra, etc.
Cloning is making a genetic copy of an organism.  There are 2 types of human clones.  Many animals and pets have been cloned.  There are many cloning companies.  There are cloning centers worldwide, most of them are in DUMBs.  There are different versions of human clones.  Cloning been going on since last century.  Clonaid is a cloning company of a UFO cult.  Donald Marshall was victimized @ a cloning center.  Many celebs have been cloned and sum people wear masks.  There are many clones in popular technology.   

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