

Saturday, May 7, 2022


What are DUMBs?   How are they constructed?  How long have they been around?  How many of them and where @?  Who operates them?  What activities go on there?  Do aliens work there as well?  Do abductees get taken there sometime?  Who is Philip Schneider?
DUMBs means deep underground military bases.  They been around for decades.  Machines are used to build them.  They are deep underground and some of these bases contain missiles.  A lot of those missiles are ICBMs.  Experiments are done in some of the bases and they also contain classified technology.        
Boring machines was used to create the space underground for the base.  They are also used to create underground tunnels.  Lasers are used as well when creating underground military bases.  That what Philip Schneider said.  The space is then cleared of debris so the base can be built.    

The Nazis built weapons underground using slaves.  Many missile silos were created during the Cold War.  North Korea have missile silos as well.  They went nuclear sometime after 2000.  China also have dumbs that was first built in 70's or later.        
List and Location
I read there are ova 10,000 dumbs.  So, I wrote about a few of them.  Most of them is in the U.S.  the other bases are in Australia, U.K., Russia, China, Albania, Canada, and India is building one.  
La Coupole: Nazi base for V-2 rocket.  It was the first missile silo.  
Dulce: This dumb is ran by Department of Energy and it has tunnels that connect it to other bases.  There 7 human levels in this base.  The first 2 levels are for trash.  The 3rd level is for Check in.  Everyone is scanned nude, then they but on a uniform.  The 4th level is for psychic research and exotic weapons.  People on this level know how to take the soul out of someone's body and replace it with another soul.  That's called a walk-in.  5th level is where non-humans live and it is very secured.  6th level is known as Nightmare Hall; humans and chimeras are kept in cages there.  There are 7 ft tall bat-humans in cages on this level.  They drug these creatures as they cry out for help.  The final level humans and chimeras in different stages of development are kept in storage.  If a human go beyond this level they may find it hard to breathe. 
Area 51: Similar activities to ones done in the Dulce base are occurring there, but it has less levels.  Workers are brought there on planes and buses with blacked out windows.  There are signs around the base that warn people from getting to close.  If an unauthorized person gets past all the signs deadly force will be used.  Radioactive waste is or was burned there.  One of the workers got sick from it.  Doctors couldn't help him because they didn't know what poisoned him.  They couldn't find out because it was classified.  Then his skin got scaly and he died.  His wife sued the federal government and won.  Even though they denied the existence of Area 51.  The F-117 Stealth Fighter  and B-2 Spirit was made there.  Legend has it stealth technology comes from reverse engineered alien tech.  This is most famous dumb!!!!!!      
China Lake: A Navy base for development and research.  It is bigger than Rhode Island!!!!!!  Several weapons were developed there.  There may non-humans on the base and chimeras may have been created there.  
Cheyenne Mountain: NORAD and USNORTHCOM run the base, but the Space Force is there too.  It is a "self-sustaining city" that have tunnels to other dumbs.  It has a missile defense system, early warning system and space tracking.  John Conner and Sarah Burster went there in Terminator 3 after Skynet tookover he internet.      
Denver International Airport: This base is under the airport and I assume it ran by the Air Force.  It has tunnels to other dumbs.  There maybe technology that cause sickness and headaches there.  Inside the airport there's a painting of children dying and Nazi holding a sword.  Locals were against the building of the airport.  The local government didn't have access to much of the information regarding the construction of the airport.     
Montauk: This dumb has 9 levels.  The Montauk Project was done here.  It was experiments in mind control and space travel.  The Nazis were involved and non-humans intelligences.  Young white males that had blue eyes and blond hair were kidnapped.  These boys were very psychic.  They were sent to the future and but in a manifestation chair.  Whatever they thought materialized.  One of them thought of a monster and it destroyed the base.  One of the montauk boys is named Steward Stradlow.  He is now a man and has a YouTube channel.       
Carthage Base: Food storage facility 4 the Navy.  Reptoids live below that and they aren't so friendly.  

Blue Mountain Ridge Base: A city with 46 nukes.  It is ran by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).   

War Department Experimental Ground: Biological and chemical weapon creation and experimentation.  

Pine Gap: This base is used 4 spying.  It is apart of the ECHELON program.  Ran by the NSA, CIA and NRO.    
Kapustin Yar: A Soviet missile test site.  It was created in 1946.  Nazi helped them create rockets.   
Svalbard Global Seed Vault: It holds seeds for all the plants in world.  It is ran by the government of Norway.    
Gjader Air Base: Albanian air force base in a mountain.  It has been used by the CIA and the U.S. Army.
Yulin Naval Base: Navel base for nuclear subs.  It is ran by the Chinese navy.   
CFB North Bay: Canadian and U.S. air force base.  NORAD has an underground complex there.  It is as big as a shopping mall.  They scan the skies to make sure North America is safe.     
Varsha Base: Future Indian navel base.   
Some dumbs are ruled by aliens.  On others humans and aliens work together.  Sometimes different species of aliens clash with each other and humans get caught in the middle.  Some aliens use mind control on humans @ the base, so they would carry out their agenda.  There are no humans beyond level 7 on the Dulce base.  
Philip was in that base with some soldiers.  The soldiers got into a firefight with aliens; they probably went below level 7.  Philip got shot and lost 2 of his fingers.  He had to stay in vast for 438 days because of radiation poisoning.  Aliens were involved in the Montauk Project.  Draconians got drunk on Drano on the base.              
Sometimes when humans get abducted they are taken to a dumb.  Some alien abductions aren't alien @ all.  They're military personnel wearing alien costumes and they give the abductees hallucinogens.  This is known as Military Mind Control Alien Abduction (MILAB).  Sometimes black helicopters come to the scene of abductions and cattle mutilations.  They are on an information gathering mission.  The Men in Black also try to persuade people that seen UFOs and abductees not to talk about it.  I heard they are a part of the CIA, somewhat alien and sometimes murder people.     
Philip Schneider
He was a geologist for NATO after that he worked for the U.S. government.  His father was a Nazi on a U-boat.  He was captured and became a turncoat.  Phil got caught in a firefight between soldiers and aliens in the Dulce base.  He gave lectures around the country about his experiences; he even showed an alien metal to the audience.  The government suicided him.  They killed him and make it look like a suicide.  He was a brave patriot.       
DUMBs are deep underground military bases that are built with boring machines.  They have been around for almost a century.  The U.S. has many dumbs, but other countries do as well.  There maybe ova 10,000 dumbs worldwide.  Some dumbs have aliens in them and some abductees are taken to them.  Philip Schneider talked about them in his lectures, he was killed because of it.

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