
Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is the most important intelligence agency in the United States.  It has been around a while and it has a universities.   It has 5 divisions and a military and political action group.  They have done many operations and projects.  They have toppled many governments.  Sometimes the CIA interrogate suspects @ black sites.  I had a experience with a CIA recruiter in college.  There are several movies and shows about the CIA.    
The CIA is the premier intelligence gathering organization in U.S.  They mostly get HUMINT, which is intelligence from human sources.  This could be from conversations, interrogation, and/or spying.  MI6 mainly use HUMINT as well.
It started off as the OSS during WWII.  There job was to spy on the enemy 4 all the branches of the U.S. military.  They did propaganda and sabotage too.  A month after the war it was dissolved.  The Research and Analysis of the OSS became the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.  They are part of the State Department.  They find out how the public feels about U.S. diplomats in other countries. 
The CIA is the replacement of OSS.  It was created in 1947.  The director of the CIA was ova the whole intelligence community and advisor to the president.  After 9/11 the Office of the Director of National Intelligence was created.  The CIA director is now only ova the CIA.  He bows to the director of national intelligence.  The national intelligence director is now and 4ever the presidents advisor on intelligence matters.  That use to the CIA director job.  
The CIA created Area 51 to build and test the U2 Spy Plane and other technology.  Then the Air Force took ova, because Congress gave them control.  JFK was going to get rid of the CIA.  He may have said he wanted to "splinter the CIA into 1,000 pieces and cast it to the wind."  His assassination may have been caused by those spooks (spies).  I saw a documentary about the CIA on the History Channel.  It said the CIA spies on the FBI.                
CIA University
It was founded in Virginia on 2002 .  People learn "various intelligence-related subjects" there.  There is about 250 different courses to choose from.  Most courses last for 2 weeks.  Language courses last about 33 weeks.  They work with the National Intelligence University and the Sherman Kent School for Intelligence.  NIU is 4 people in the military and Sherman Kent is 4 CIA analysts. 
Directorate of Operations: They control HUMINT collected by intelligence officers and convert actions approved by the president.          
Directorate of Analyst: They get HUMINT and make sense of it.  Then they write out a report and give it to policymakers.   
Directorate of Digital Innovation: They a bunch of computer geeks.  They do information technology, data engineering, hacking, cyber security, and software creation.   
Directorate of Science and Technology: They create tech for the field agents and the paramilitary.  They help with surveillance too. 
Directorate of Support: These are all the regular jobs such as doctors, accountants, and mechanics.  "They are the skilled professionals."
Special Operations Group
This is the CIA's military; they are the best military in the U.S.  Most people in this army are from special forces, which means they're efficient killers.  The best of the best in wet work.  They helped kill Osama Bin Laden and capture Saddam Hussein.  If a member of SOG get caught they're on their own.  The U.S. government will pretend not to know them.  
Political Action Group
There job is to influence governments and populations.  They also engage in cyber and economic warfare.  They will help rebel groups oppose a government if that's in the U.S. best interest.  They are experts @ psychological warfare and hacking.  

Operations and Projects
The difference between the two is operations are short lived and projects last 4 years.  

Operation Paperclip: Nazi scientists were brought into the U.S. after WWII.  Scientists of various fields were brought to this sweet land of liberty.   NASA was aided by a Nazi scientist named Wernher von Braun.  The CIA wasn't involved because it was a baby @ the time.  
Operation Gladio: This was done by Western Union, NATO and the CIA.  They trained resistance groups in European nations in case the Soviets invaded.  Those resistance groups became terrorists.  They tortured and massacred people on the wrong side of the aisle.  
Operation Mockingbird: The CIA tookova U.S. media during the Cold War.  The CIA even infiltrated news outlet overseas.  Some that was discovered in 1973.  The Church committee was created in 1975 to look into those abuses and into FBI, NSA, and IRS spying on U.S. citizens.  
MKUltra: It was a mind control research program and it had 149 subprojects. The CIA experimented on prisoners, soldiers, civilians, and people in the crazy house (mental institution).  They used hypnosis. electroshock. drugs, sensory deprivation, different forms of abuse, chemicals, and torture.  LSD was the drug used the most.  It was created 4 mind control.   Celebrities seem to have been altered by MK.  Al Roker, Miley Cyrus, Brittany Spears, Anna Nichole, Beyonce, Nikki Minaj, Marilyn Monroe, Lady Gaga and many others seem to be mind controlled slaves.  Sometimes the mind control breaks down.  When this happens the victim does something unusual. An example of this is when Brittany Spears cut off her hair.  An another example is when Anna Nicole painted her face and behaved like a little kid.        
Monarch Project: Babies is put through trauma-based mind control.  The baby is traumatized so its mind will create alternative personalities (alters).  This coping mechanism is called DID. The altars are programmed to do certain tasks.  Alpha Program is the front altar: public face.  It as a great memory.  Beta Program (kitten) is the overly sexual alter.  When this is activated the person is very sexually uninhibited.  Theta Program is the psychic altar.  It can kill people with the mind.  Delta Program is the killer altar.  This altar is an assassin.  Omega Program is the suicidal altar.  It turns on when someone tries to deprogram them.  The altars are activated by different triggers.  Such as a whistle, a number, clicks, snapping of fingers, etc.         
She is a victim of abuse.  She developed alters because of it.  Something similar to that happens to victims of Project Monarch.    

MK Naomi: This project was done by the DOD and the CIA.  Biological weapons creation was the objective of this operation.  Chemical weapons were made too.  Rumor has it HIV was the end result of this operation.      
Phoenix Program: This was program to get information about the Viet Cong.  Many people were tortured, raped and killed in Vietnam because of this program.  All those people were innocent.  Studies show war created the most serial killers in the U.S.       
Stargate Project: It was DIA project that was transferred to the CIA.  It consisted of psychic spies.  They remote viewed the Soviet Union.  The CIA said it was ineffective so it was canceled and declassified.
Gateway Experience: The CIA discovered humans and transcend the space-time continuum by being in an altered state of consciousness.  They found away to harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which leads to greater intelligence.  This experience may have been connected to MKUltra.  You can do all things with your mind!!!  Because the universe is mental.  
Iran-Contra Scandal: The U.S. government was secretly selling weapons to Iran during the Iraq-Iran war.  The weapons were being sold through Israel.  The $ from the weapon sales was used to fund a terrorist group called Contra.  Congress eventually stopped that.  So the CIA supplied drugs to gangs in Los Angeles, California.  The $ they made was used to buy weapons 4 the terrorists.  
Drug Trafficking: They want to mange the drug trade.  After WWII the CIA helped a heroine dealing gang in France.  That was because they were anti-communists.  They were called Unione Corse.  Dope from from Southeast Asia was coming to the U.S. last century because of the CIA.  Manuel Noriega was the president of Panama and a drug trafficker.  He was on the spooks payroll.  The DEA tried to prosecute him, but the CIA blocked it.  In the 1980's there were people smuggling dope into Mena, Arkansas.  Barry Seal would fly guns to South America and drugs to Mena.  He was working 4 the CIA and Pablo Escobar.  Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas @ the time.  His brother Roger was a drug peddler.  He said Bill "has a nose like a vacuum cleaner."  
They gave machines to the Mujahideen that turned opium into heroine.  The Taliban put a end to it after they tookova Afghanistan.  After the U.S. military invaded, heroine was trafficked again.  The brother of the Afghan president was on their payroll and a dope pusher.  Some Mexican cartels work with those spooks.  The CIA was working with Guadalajara cartel.  A DEA agent was trying to stop them.  The spooks killed him.  They used money from the drug trade to fund Contra.  Years ago the CIA supported the Sinaloa cartel and worked against the Los Zetas.       

Human Trafficking: The Finders Cult was protected by the CIA and State Department.  There were CIA agents within the the cult.  It started of as a hippie cult, then it became satanic.   They trafficked children in the U.S. and other countries.  They could've killed Epstein in 2001, but were told not too.  Kids in war zone sometimes get trafficked by them.  They create slave auctions, because it's great profit.  They get kids out orphanages as well.  
The Shah of Iran was installed by the CIA and MI6; because he was friendly to U.S. and UK.  They tried to assassinate Fidel Castro ova 600 times.  They got rid of the president of Guatemala, because he was bad for bizzness.  They helped kill Patrice Lumumba.  He was the first prime minster of Zaire.  They didn't like him because he was friendly to the Soviets.  The CIA encouraged and funded the assassination of the South Vietnamese president in 1963.  Similar situations happened to other countries too.       
Black Sites
These were places the CIA did enhanced interrogation on terrorist suspects.  After that, they were taken to Guantanamo Bay.  Enhanced interrogation consisted of torture.  The people who were taken to theses black sites were kidnapped.  These areas was popular during the Bush administration, Obama shut them down.  Torturing suspects won't get you good intel.  Threats on love ones would work betta.  Make the threat seem realistic, but neva harm the innocent.  
My Experience
I met a CIA recruiter in college.  I wanted to join, until I found out they are evil as hell!!!!!!  I was told I would be an analyst.  I also founded out the CIA was able to get laser gun.  I asked the recruiter about it.  Earlier I asked the Marine recruiter if the Marines could get it.  He said they were unable too.  I wondered why the CIA could get it, but the Marines couldn't.  That's because the CIA has more resources than the Marines.     
Pop Culture
I was inspired to write about intelligence agencies because I watched Homeland.  It is a show about a CIA agent named Carrie.  She was a great agent, even though she was crazy as hell (bipolar)!!!!!  The show setting changes on sum of seasons.  There are many other shows about the CIA.  There are movies about them as well.     
The CIA is most important intelligence agency in the U.S.  It has been around 75 years.  It has its own school and 5 divisions.  It has its own wet team and psychological warriors.  It has done and will continue to do many operations and projects.  It's big drug and human trafficking.  It toppled many heads of state and operated black sites.  I had an interaction with a CIA recruiter when I was in college.  You can find many movies and shows about them.  Criminals In Action are threat to humanity!!!!!!!  

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