
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Superior Universal Alignment (SUA)

This cult was/is located in Brazil.  It was created by Valentina de Andrade in 1981.  They have weird beliefs and committed a bunch of crimes.  There was trial because of these crimes.  Valentina wasn't convicted, but everyone else was.  It may still exist today.  
Valentina de Andrade
Her psychic powers took off in 1981.  She became a fortune teller in a town in the Amazon.  This was the time she created SUA.  She believed aliens gave her message.  The messages were God didn't exist and Jesus was an extraterrestrial.  She authored 2 books, one of them was about god being unreal.  She was 82 years old in Argentina on 2009.  I assume she dead now.             
Weird Beliefs
They believed boys born after 1981 were evil.  They also believed world was going to end 1986.  Valentina de Andrade was believed to have incarnated on Earth to spread light, love, and truth.  Aliens were going come and save them b4 the world ended.  The people that joined had to abandon their children.  Those beliefs are so insane!!!!!

19 boys were kidnapped by members of the cult.  Police discovered 5 corpses of them.  Some of the boys escaped, the ones that didn't were tortured and raped.  They were also castrated and stabbed to death.  There organs harvested and sold on the black market.  Members of the cult believed Valentina had nothing to with the crimes.       
A nine year old boy escaped and told the cops what happened.  He said a policemen, 2 doctors, a son of a land owner, and Valentina kidnapped him.  4 of them were quickly arrested and Valentina left the country.  In 2003 they all they were all put on trial; 4 of them got life sentences.  The cult leader didn't get charged because she had a alibi.       

Valentina was crazy as hell!!!!  She was mentally ill and her followers were even more mentally ill.  They had several strange beliefs.  They committed many heinous crimes and they were punished 4 it.  Don't become a mental slave to anyone.  Always be a critical thinker.  If you have any beliefs that is harmful to innocent people let them go immediately.  We need to put human life b4 any religion.    


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