
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Nigerian Campus Cults

Wole Soyinka and 6 of his friends started the first confraternity in Nigeria in 1952.  After while some of the members didn't like it and left.  Other confraternities were created after the first one.  They expanded beyond college.  Some of the activities of the confraternities are illegal.      
Pyrate was the name of the first confraternity; it was created by the Magnificat 7.  This confraternity was open to students that got good grades.  Skull and bones is the logo of this organization.  Most other confraternities came into being 20 years after this one.  There have been ova 25,000 members of Pyrates.  They became political in 1997.  They disrupted an election @ that time.  It changed its name to National Association of Seadogs.
List of Cults
Black Axe:  Students @ the University of Benin were attacked by students from other campus; so it was created in 1976 for protection.  The creators of this cult may have come Neo-black Movement of Africa.  "They fought apartheid in South Africa."  B4 they came to Nigeria.      
Buccaneers: It was created by people kicked out of the Pyrate Confraternity.  Some students that couldn't join because there grades weren't good enough, so they created confraternities.   
Supreme Viking: It was created by ex-members of the Buccaneers.  It was founded 1982, 5 years b4 my birth.  Members call themselves adventures and they have 4 phrases: Blood on the high sea, Songs of hojas, neva hang a leg, and even in the face of death.  
De Norseman Kclub: It is open to students of any background.  You must have a high GPA to join and you can't have a criminal record.  This confraternity was founded in 1985 and it's a social charity.    
Air Lords: The focus of this cult is improving its members physical, mental, political, and cultural aspects of being.  "There are no enemies, there are no friends; just a confraternity, and discipline."  That's there motto, I like it.   
Deby Na debt: It is based on a a cult in California, maybe it's Bohemian Grove.  Members (Klansmen) of this confraternity worship a demon named Ogor.  It looks like a human skull.  They see themselves as superior to all other cults.         

Family Fraternity: It was created in 1980 in the holy city Ile-Ife.  It is based on the Italian Mafia.  They have secret parties, gamble, womanize, and crush their enemies.  
Kegite club: This is a sociocultural movement that is close to nature.  It is very positive, unlike the other confraternities.  It sees all tribes as equal.  It's logo is a green palm.
Daughters of Jezebel: It is one of the most popular lady confraternity.  They are very secretive and have coded language.     
There are many more, but this will suffice.

These cults have several international chapters.  Some of these confraternities help humanity, while others are criminal.  The chapters exist in most continents.  They have been around ova a decade.         

The Pyrates have several international chapters.  Those chapters are in Japan, Australia, and Great Britain.  It may be one of the best of the confraternities.  They donated 2 Food Bank of Australia.  They also created a anti-knife campaign in London.

The Buccaneers have a chapter in Great Britain.  They participated a 10k run to support children.  There are several U.S. chapters in major cities.  The chapter in Dallas Texas is called Alpha-Beta Galleon.  There are also chapters in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Canada.
Members of the confraternities have been in Europe 4 ova 20 years.   They supported charities in Asia and Africa and helped with food collection.  They're against slavery in Libya.  They support human rights in Nigeria.         
Unsavory Behavior
Sometimes confraternities terrorize people in Nigeria.  The rob, rape, and murder people.  These cults battle each other @ times and innocent could get hurt.  There was a recent battle between gangs in Benin City.
Black Axe is raising hell Italy.  Some of the members got arrested.  They forced a Nigerian woman into prostitution, so she told the cops.  B4 she was brought to Europe after a juju ritual was done on her.   African migrants are exploited by the confraternities.  Some of the women are forced into prosecution, while others are enslaved. 
These campus cults been around for 70 years.  It started off good, but became corrupted.  There are many of them and they have international chapters.  A lot of these gangs engage in criminal activity.  They also help people around the world.  Confraternities are a cult, gang, and charity put together.      

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