Palo Mayombe was created by Bakongo people. It was influenced by foreign elements and has several types of spirits. It has cosmograms, rituals, and herbs. There are other Palos too. Palo Mayombe shares differences and similarities to Lucumi.
People from Central West Africa were brought to Cuba during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Most of these peoples came from the Kongo Kingdom and surrounding areas. Bakongo people hold their ancestors in higher regard than deities. You find this in Palo Mayombe as well. The creators of Palo Mayombe were influenced by the Spanish. This was because the Spanish controlled Cuba.

Nzambi: Supreme Being
Elemental Spirits: Spirits of trees, rivers, winds, mountains, rocks, animal spirits, etc.
Mfume: Ancestral Spirits and spirits of the deceased.
Nikisi: Deities.
Most Important Nikisi
Lucero: God of the crossroads. He connects heaven to earth. He is a trickster.
Mama Wanga: Goddess of the wind, graves, magic, and marketplace.
Zarabanda: God of technology and war. He is the strongest deity.
Siete Rays: God lighting, sex, blades, palm trees, and fire.
Watariamba: God of law and defensive magick.
Tata Nfumbe: God of healing and magic.
Brazo Fuerte: God of natural disasters.
Tiembla Tierra: God of fathers, mountains, wisdom, and mystics. Father of the Nikisi.
Ngurufinda: God of plants and natural magic.
These symbols have various meanings. They remind me of veves. The cosmogram that is a cross in a circle may mean male and female. It also means the 4 seasons and physical & spiritual worlds. Some cosmograms may offer protection to a person that carries them.
There is a ritual to get in the Palo Mayombe current. It is called initiation. Paleros make spirits of the deceased do their bidding. Prayer is important in Palo Mayombe. Different Nikisi has different rituals. Bones are used in the rituals. Rituals are sometimes conducted at a nganga (altar). Animal sacrifice is popular too.
Paleros are master herbalists.
Bay Laurel: This herb is good 4 the eye and helps you see into the spirit world, cures poison ivy, and helps cure hangovers.
Garlic: Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Blocks negative energy.
Saffron: This herb cures many diseases. It promotes love.
The word palo means stick. There are several palos. There is a Jewish Palo. There is a Christian Palo. There is also a Freemasonry Palo.
Compare & Contrast
Palo Mayombe was created by Bakongo people. Lucumi was created by Yoruba people. Lucumi was influenced by Catholicism. Palo Mayombe wasn't. They both were created in Cuba. The deities of both religions are very similar. Nzambi=Olodumare, Lurcero=Esu, Zarabanda=Ogun, Siete Rays=Shango, Watariamba=Ochosi, Mama Chola=Oshun, Tiembla Tierra=Obatala, Madre Agua=Yemaya, and Ngurufinda=Osain.
I love this religion because I'm black as hell!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning I'm very African. Palo Mayombe was created by the great Bakongo people. I'm Bakongo I think. It has its own spirits, cosmograms, rituals, and herbs. There are different kinds of Palos. It has shares traits with Lucumi, but the also have many differences.
Palo Mayombe
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