
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Knights Templar

The Knights Templar protected Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem.  They were created during the crusades and were around for several centuries.  They learned a lot from the Hashshashins.  Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of the Templars.  They were persecuted by King Philip and the Catholic Church.  The knights that escaped persecution became the Order of Christ.  It may have a connection to the Freemasonry.  
There full name is Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of Solomon Temple.  They were a Catholic order of soldiers.  It was founded in 1119 in Jerusalem.  Recognized decades later by the Catholic Church.  It lasted until 1312. The Knights Templar was created to protect Christendom in the (un)Holy Land.  They created a form of banking that stretched from Europe to the Middle East.         
They were started in Iran in 1090 and some of them moved to Syria.  They had its kingdom and lasted until 1275.   They assassinated over 100 of their enemies using a dagger.  The Mongols wiped them out.  They believed they had the true teaching of Islam.  Many Muslims saw they has hertics, others admired them.  Their doctrine was a mix of Greek philosophy, Kabbalistic ideas, and Abrahamic ideas. 

They used hashish for mind control purposes and maybe to commune with Allah.  Hashish was used to get a man high and/or cause him to faint and take to a cave with beautiful women.  He was told this was paradise.  So, by joining them he get to live in paradise after he dies.  Then they would knock them out and take they to where first gave them drug.   

The Hashashins murdered a Frankish politician in Tripoli in 1151.  In response the Knights Templar raided Hashashin territory and made them pay tribute.  The Hashashins assassinated someone else years later and then they were made to pay tribute again.  

Some members of Knights Templar may have been initiated into Hashashin order.  The structure of the Hashashin was copied by Knights Templar.  The structure had 3 levels: teachers, spiritual followers, and killers.  The Templars changed the 3 levels into progressive steps.            
Jacques de Molay
He was the last grandmaster of the Knights Templar.  He was born in the Holy Roman Empire in about 1244.  He joined the Knights Templar when he was 21 and his family was nobility.  Palestine was conquered by the Mamelukes.  In response to that, the Kingdom of Jerusalem moved to Cyprus.  There he became the grandmaster of the order.  There was talks of merging the order with Knights Hospitaller.  Neither grandmaster wanted that.  He went in to Europe to gather allies to reconquer Palestine, but no one was feeling that, at first.  Other Christian forces helped him attack the Mamelukes.  The Mongols were suppose to help, but never did.  Molay was put to death on 3/11/1314.  He was tortured into confessing to crimes he didn't commit.  There is a Freemasonic cult called Demolay International.  Its named are Jacques de Molay.  Bill Clinton joined when he was a teen.  
They loaned the French king (Philip) some money.  He didn't want to to pay them back; so he persecuted them.  The Catholic Church aided him in the persecution.  Also they wanted their own country in southern France.  King Philip was against that.  The knights was tortured into confessing crimes they didn't commit.  They were 'accused of denying Christ, spitting and urinating on the cross, and devil worship.'  Many people believed these accusations.  Some of the knights survived the persecutions.
Order of Christ
The knights that survived joined this order.  It was created on 1319.  The king of Portugal loved the Knights Templar, because they helped Portugal free itself from a Islamic grip.  Queen Maria I made the order secular in 1786.  The order has five grades.         
Knights Templar Relationship to Freemasonry
The blue degrees of the Freemasonry are almost the same as the 3 degrees of Knights Templar.  The last degree of York Rite is Knights Templar.  I read the Templars founded the Scottish Rite.  A freemasonic organization for young men is named after the last grandmaster of Knights Templar.  But, masons may have just made it seem like they are related to Knights Templar.  They also made up stories about originating from architects of Solomon Temple, Ancient Egypt (Kemet), and Atlantis.     
The Knights Templar lasted for about 200 years.  They protected Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem.  They were frenemies with the Hashashins.  Their last grandmaster was Jacques de Molay.  A freemasonic organization is named after him.  They were persecuted by The French king and the Catholic Church, so many of them died.  The ones that survived became the Order of Christ in Portugal.

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