
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

13th Sign

The 13th sign is Ophiuchus(serpent bearer); its constellation is Draco.  The serpent is a symbol of wisdom and immortality.  This sign has traits of Scorpio and Sagittarius.  This sign has great feminine energy. Ophiuchus is associated with Imhotep and Asclepius.  Imhotep was a polymath, magician, philosopher, doctor, and architect.  He is the father of modern medicine.  Asclepius is a Greek God of healing based on Imhotep.  People of this sign have great healing energy.  The element of this sign is ether, which is the spirit.

Planets in Ophiuchus
Sun (11/30-12/17)-You is a very determined person and unique.  Some people may see you as crazy because you are a nonconformist.  You don't care for labels.  You are beyond definition.            
Moon-It is life and death.  It has great feminine power and mind control power.  Sexually liberal.     

Venus-This is a person that is very inverted or everted.  They shift between the 2.  They are very manipulative.

Mercury-It wants anarchy because it hates authority.  Thinking is very non-linear.  

Mars-Annihilate enemies.  Don't get on this Mars bad side.  Very sexually liberal.  

Jupiter-You can predict the future.  You can control people's mind by showing them a reality of your own choosing.

Saturn (2/86-12/87)-Strong psychic powers.  You may experience persecution because society may fear you.  

Uranus (3/83-12/87)-Great magical power.  Will transform society.  May get persecuted for the same reasons as Saturn.

Neptune (10/74-10/83)-You will bring in a newer consciousness.  You are a great transformer.  

Pluto (2/98-12/06)-The death and resurrection of feminine energy.
This sign is amazing!  It is very maternal and magical.  I love women, so feminine energy is sweet.  I will be a greater lady lover! 
13th Sign
NASA Update 
Healing Lady
Story of the Great Serpent  

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