
Friday, May 27, 2016


The Igbo live in south eastern Nigeria.  They are one of the biggest tribes in Africa!!!!  They speak their own language.  The Igbo people became a tribe after they came in contact with Europeans.  Prior to contact with Europeans, they were a nation.  Meaning they were composed of several tribes.  A lot of them were brought to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade.  The Igbos have been around over 4,000 years!!!!! Some of them were even Kamau!!!!  The Igbo had a kingdom that lasted a millennium.  That kingdom never went to war.  They had a republican form of government and their own banking system.  They were ruled by a council of elders. They had their own lunar calendar and they are great mathematicians.
There is Igbo artwork that dates back to 2500 B.C.E.  They may have been involved in the creation of martial arts in Kemet.  The Nri Kingdom was founded in 900 C.E.  It is one of the oldest kingdoms of Nigeria.  It was the center of education, religion, and commerce.  The kingdom was very peaceful and the kings had great Juju.  The kingdom was started by Eri.  Cowrie shells were used for currency.  They had their own system of law.  Disputes were handled by mediators.  The Igbos tried to succeed from Nigeria in the 70's.  There was a civil war and a lot Igbos got killed.  They were treated unfairly by the government.
The Igbo language contains many words from Metu Neter.  It is a Volta-Niger language.  Volta-Niger languages are a part of the Niger-Congo language family.  Igbo has many dialects.  People that speak this language say many proverbs.  The Igbos used Nsibidi to write; then it became a language used by secret societies.
Their religion is called Odinani.  Chukwu is the creator god.  Everyone has chi.  It is the life force (your spirit) and it is like a guardian angel.  It determines your destiny.  It is similar to Ori.  Fate is what you make. You determine your own destiny.  There are 3 worlds.  The world of the dying, the world of the ancestors, and the world of the unborn.  The deities of this religion are called Alusi.  Ala is mother earth.  She is also the alusi of fertility, creativity, and morality.  The ancestors live in her womb.  It reminds me of Sheol and Abraham's Blossom.  Ala husband is Amadioha.  He is the sky alusi.  His animal is the ram and his color is red.  He is alusi of love, peace, justice, unity, etc.  He created humans when he threw a lightening bolt at cotton tree.  The first man and woman came out of there.  Children are held in high esteem.
They always had a republican form of government.  A common phrase among the Igbos is "the Igbo recognize no king.  They have a strong belief that everyone is sovereign.  To be a leader in the community you can't have any vices.

The like to play music on special occasions.  They have different drums, gongs, and the udu.  They have their own form of rap and highlife.  They are great musicians!!!!
They make masks, statues, doors, etc.  They are very artistic.  They have been making art for over a millennium!!!!  They may be the descendants of the Nok tribe.
Women carry their baby on their back.  This is good for the baby because of physical contact.  They wear colorful clothes.  People wear masks and dance to music.  They also act.
They have a sweet religion, music, art, customs, and politics.  They see everyone as sovereign.  They have a secret language.  They are the best tribe I wrote about so far.                          


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