
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Chronology of Egypt

0. Ancient Egypt was a highly advanced African civilization.  They had many technological innovations and many religious beliefs; most of which became the basis of other religions.  They believed in the trinity, virgin birth, resurrection, a second death, judgment day, chakras, Tao, yin-yang, and many other beliefs.  The Egyptian priests meditated, did yoga and magick.  Most of Greek philosophy came from Egypt. You can read about it in a book called Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James.  They had a solar calendar that had 365 days and 12 months.  They created this calendar 6000 years ago!!!!!  They had makeup in 4000 B.C.E.  They also had breath mints, wigs, water clocks, and sundials.   The Egyptians turned papyrus into paper.
1.  Anu (Nubian) people created the Ancient Egyptian Civilization.  The Retu (Oromo) inherited from them.  The Retu became the dominant group during dynastic times (the country was ruled by one government).  The Anu had more sway during predynastic times (the country had more than one government).  The Ancient Egyptians were composed of 42 tribes.  They each created their own nome (county/district).
2.  Those nomes came together and formed 4 kingdoms.  They each had their own national symbol.  The symbols are as followed:  the kingdom in the north had the bee, the kingdom in the middle had the reed,  and 2 kingdoms in the south had the hawk.  3 of those kingdoms combined and went to war with the bee kingdom.
3.  Narmer was the king of the south and he defeated the king of the north ( Scorpion King).  This happened 3100 B.C.E or millennia before.  Egyptian history has been down-dated so it can match Biblical history.
4. The Old Kingdom started around 2700 B.C.E.  This is the time pyramids were built.  Imhotep designed the first pyramid.  It was called the Step Pyramid.  He was an architect, doctor, magician, priest, etc.  He is the father of medicine.  He was worshiped by Egyptians and he was the Greek god of medicine.  The Giza pyramids were built during the reign of Khufu.  The last male Pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty was Pepi II.  He ruled for 94 years.
5. The First Intermediate Period was caused by governors not respecting the authority of the Pharaoh.  The Libyans took over Lower Egypt and created the 9th and 10th dynasties.  Theban royalty took over Upper Egypt.  They created the eleventh and twelfth dynasties.  Mentuhotep II defeated the Libyan kings and established the Middle Kingdom.
6.  The Middle Kingdom lasted for 400 years.  Egypt conquered Nubia and Canaan during this period.  During this time the Egyptians learned a lot about math and science.  This is evident in the papyri that written were during this period.
7.  The 2nd Intermediate Period was caused by the Hyksos invasion.  They were Semitic people from the Middle East.  They were very war-like and they had powerful weapons.  They ruled lower Egypt for a century or 2.  Josephus believed the Hyksos were Hebrews.  Ahmose I kicked the Hyksos out of Egypt and started the New Kingdom.
8.  Egypt had its biggest empire during the New Kingdom.  During the 18th dynasty, there was a queen that ruled Egypt named Hatshepsut.  She sent soldiers to Punt for trading.  After her death, someone defaced her monuments, so people would forget her.  Thutmose III was her step-son and nephew.  He ruled after her. He conquered 350 cities.  He created the biggest Egyptian empire ever!!!!!!!!  Akhenaten was the great great grandson of Thutmose III.  He promoted the worship of one god.  He created his own cult called the Aten cult and had his own capital created.  He wrote hymns to Aten; some Psalms in the Bible are based on them.  He had temples to other deities shut down.  During his reign, art became very realistic.  His wife was Nefertiti.  His son was king Tutankhaten.  He changed his name to Tutankhamen because he went back to the old religion.  Egyptians were mad at Akhenaten for closing their temples so they destroyed his monuments.  The Aten cult may be the ancestor of Judaism.  Some scholars believed Moses was a priest of the Aten cult.  Other scholars believe he was Akhenaten.  Sigmund Freud wrote a book called Moses and Monotheism, which addresses this.  Akhenaten had a daughter called Scota.  Scotland is named after her.  Ramses the Great had 100 kids, and many buildings were built during his reign.  Ramses III defeated the sea people and Libyans when they invaded.  These battles sunk the economy.  After his reign, the Amen priesthood took over.
9.  Third Intermediate Period was caused by the pharaohs losing power, protest, corruption, and famine.  During this time, Egypt was ruled by people of other nations, mostly Libyans.

10.  The 25th Dynasty was created by the Nubians.  They created the last Golden Age in Egypt.  Taharqa was the most famous Pharaoh of this dynasty.  A lot of buildings were constructed during his reign.  The Egyptians helped Judah fight Assyria, but Assyria was still able to defeat Judah.  Assyria conquered Egypt and they had a puppet king in Lower Egypt.  Necho I was the name of the puppet king.
11.  Persia conquered Egypt on 525 B.C.E.  They were cruel to the Egyptians.  Later on, the Greeks took over Egypt.  The ruling dynasty was called Ptolemies. Cleopatra was the most famous person of this dynasty.  The Greeks created Alexandria in Lower Egypt.  It was a city of great learning.  There was a library there that had over 100,000 books on many diverse topics.  Egyptian priests, Greek philosophers, Magi, Buddhist Monks, Brahmins, Jews, and people of other ethnic/religious groups were in Alexandria.  They exchanged ideas and debated.  The old testament was translated into Greek in Alexandria.  Different cults were created during this time.  Such as Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Neopythagorean, Isis Cult, and others.
12.  The Romans conquered Egypt in 30 B.C.E.  Egypt had a surplus of grain that fed the whole Roman Empire.  Christianity became the main religion in Egypt during Roman rule.  Egypt has its own style of Christianity called the Coptic Church. Legend has it that St. Mark brought Christianity to Egypt.  Many Egyptians embraced Christianity because it contained beliefs they already had.  Byzantine took over after Rome and Coptic priests had religious and/or political issues with the rulers of Byzantine.
13.  Arabs invaded Egypt sometime in the 7th century C.E.  They were full of Islamic zeal, the invasion was a Jihad.  They murdered a lot of Coptics.  They had Turkish slaves known as the Mameluke.  Eventually, Mamelukes took over Egypt and ruled it for 400 years.  After that Egypt became apart of the Ottoman Empire.
14.  The French ruled Egypt for a few years and then the British took over.  Egypt later won its independence from Britain.  The country is now called the Arab Republic of Egypt.  The word Egypt comes from Aegyptos; this is what the Greeks called Het-Ka-Ptah.  It was a city.

15.  The natives of Egypt called it Kemet (Black Land), and Ta Ma Ra (land, water, sun) and Land of the Sun Hawk.  Some ancient Egyptians stayed in Kemet and still can be seen today on the internet.  A lot of Egyptians left Kemet when it was invaded. They became many different African tribes.  They are as followed: Ancient Nubian, Beja, Afar, Oromo, Maasai, Yoruba, Igbo, Serer, Dogon, Ijaw, Wolof, Akan, Dagomba, and many more.  Ancient Kemet is still alive in heart of those tribes.

16.  Freemasonry is based on the Egyptian Mystery School.  The symbols, signs, poses, and ideas all came from Kemet.  There were many mystery schools around the world.  They were spiritual colleges.  People learned liberal arts, science, history, etc.  Christian emperors shut down the mystery schools because they were seen as a threat to Christianity.    

Albert Churchward

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