

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Super Soldier

What are they?  How are are they created?  There are different types.  Different organizations in the U.S. create them.  Other countries make them as well.  Generations of super soldiers have been created.  There are many super soldiers in comic books and movies.
Super soldiers are warriors that have special abilities.  They are more efficient @ killing than regular soldiers.  Some of them have great psychic and/or physical prowess.  A lot of the have dissociative identity disorder (DID) because they experienced Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).
The idea of super soldiers have been around 4 centuries, if not millennia.  The Vikings had a drug that made the soldiers go berserk.  Their combat skills greatly improved.  A king in Prussia made his soldiers breed with tall women.  So, all his warriors were tall.  Zulu soldiers ate THC to become more fierce.  They had an herb they blocked out pain.  During WWII the Allies and Axis soldiers used drugs to improve their fighting ability.  Super soldiers today are lot better then they used to be.  This is because of advanced technology.  Some of which is extraterrestrial.
Different Types
Delta: This is a physical assassin; they can kill someone with their bare hands.  They're taught various forms of combat and martial arts.  They may have special abilities such as incredible strength, quick reflexes, enhanced speed, high pain tolerance, super stamina, and/or accelerated healing.  A spoon would be deadly in their hands!!!                                     
Theta: This is a psychic assassin; they kill with there mind.  They can also have remote viewing, weather control, great memory, telepathy and/or telekinesis.  They're like Jean Gray and Professor Xavier mixed together.  They are long distance killers.      
Sum super soldiers can have traits of delta and theta.  Dave Marrow is good example of this because he has super strength and psychic abilities.  As well as other super powers.  Super soldiers are like real life comic book characters!!!!!! 

DARPA: They working on body amour, brain and strength enhancement, pain reduction, and making soldiers able to fight without having to sleep.  
Marine: There program is called Project Mannequin.  4 this super soldier program children are kidnapped when they are in bed @ night.  The are made into obedient Marines.  They will destroy anything that threatens their territory and they wear robotic amour.  These Marines protect the 5 Marian colonies.  
CIA: One of their super soldier projects went rouge.  They requested funding to end to it.  The people that volunteered for this program were from Special Forces.  These super soldiers were similar to animals; because lion, bear and wolf DNA was put into their genome.  These super soldiers are killing machines!!!  There vitals were monitored and they were dropped off in various countries.  The CIA wanted to see how the how they would behave.  This program was created in 1980 and Hillary Clinton taught them witchcraft.  17 of these beasts were released in the U.S.  The CIA lost track of them and they may have multiplied.  Some people went missing in national park.  They may have been eaten by these beasts.          
China: Soldiers will be genetically enhanced by CRISPR.  They will also give them a drug to improve brain function.  18 genetically enhanced embryos have already been created in China.  The U.S. military discovered China is creating super soldiers and they worried about that.          
Russia: Rumor has it the Soviets created soldiers that were half ape and half human. Colonel Nikolai Porsokov wrote the Russian military has combat psychics.  They are able to do distance healing, find hidden items, control dolphins, intercept signal intelligence, and hack computers.  Wow, that's amazing!!!!!!       
Ukraine: Russian sources say the Ukrainian soldiers have been enhanced.  Strange pathogens have been discovered in their blood.  Those pathogens make them cruel killing machines.  They were made in the U.S. bio-labs in Ukraine.    
Germany: Ahnenerbe was the think tank of the SS.  They did experiments on people in the hope it would help them create super soldiers.  They went on expeditions around the world to find magical artifacts.  Nazi soldiers were on Meth as well and it made them more aggressive.  Lesbenborn was a breeding program to help create more 'Aryans'.  The idea was to create more blue eyed and blond haired babies.  I heard the program is still going on underground.        
France: In the near future French soldiers will be cyborgs that don't feel pain.  A panel decided bionics can be created to enhance the soldiers.  Bionics are robotic body parts.  This decision was made in response to China super soldier program.  The French military should be be more proactive.      

Each new generation of super soldiers is better than the one b4 it.  I heard through the grapevine Pleiadians told the government not 2 make super soldiers; because they can become unstoppable when they aren't under control.

1: They had 5 alters and they were on psychotropic drugs.  Altars were switched by posthypnotic suggestion.  "They were all military."

2: These soldiers had muscle enhancements, so they would be stronger and faster.  They were given more advanced training.  May have had 7 altars.
3: They got a lot surgery to enhance them.  Brain implants and electromagnetic frequencies were used to switch alters.  Those implants were also used for tracking.  They may had ova 20 alters.
4a: Cyborgs with artificial organs.  They have many implants.

4b: They harvest people body parts when they lose theirs.

5: Completely or mostly robotic.  Think of the terminator.  They can life tons with 1 hand.
6: They are 7 feet tall.  May have telepathy and telekinesis.

7: Similar to the T-1000 on Terminator 2.  They have the ability to shapeshift.  
Max Spiers: He was a lecturer and he spoke on many different subjects.  He was a remote viewer, which means he could see far in space and time.  There is a 4th Reich and they own the moon, Max believed.  Canterbury, UK maybe full of demons.  Spiers knew Michael Aquino was evil and spoke about it.  His family practiced Wicca and he used magick to protect himself from spirits trying to harm him.  Aliens created clones of him; his girlfriend seen sum of them and he encountered one of them.  Certain underground bases have technology to manipulate the minds of the surface dwellers.  He may have had 2 hearts, an alien implant in his throat, many prominent people are reptoid, and he was a victim of the IBIS project .  The IBIS project aim was to create genetically superior humans.  The Nazis brainwashed him in a underground base, but he escaped when he was 31.  He died mysteriously in 2016.  He vomited a black liquid b4 he died.  It may have been a exorcism gone wrong.   
James Casbolt: He may work for the 4th Reich.  He said Max Spiers stalked and almost killed him.  He also said he was tortured at Bohemian Grove; they crucified him upside down and ate a part of his liver.  Years ago he claimed there was super solider civil war.  That reminds me of the movie Mr. Glass. 
James Rink: He is a super soldier, researcher, and author.  He created Super Soldier Talk, which a web site they deals with far out topics.  He believes everything is a part of ALL THAT IS.  Prior to him believing that he was under the curse of Christ-insanity.      
Penny L.A. Shepard: 11 in Stranger Things on Netflix is based on her.  She was a psychic super soldier, singer, writer, researcher, and entrepreneur.  She was a victim of MK Ultra and had very rough childhood.  The CIA used her to kill people psychically, create storms and talk to aliens.        
Dave Marrow:  His mom was retarded, so she couldn't take care of him and he doesn't know his dad.   He lived in a foster home on Orkney Island in Scotland.  Children were tortured there, often.  Men tried 2 crucify him when he was 5.  When he was 7 someone sacrificed a goat in front of him and made him drink the blood.  The trauma he experienced caused him to develop DID.  He was adopted by an occult incest family.  Thomas Crow was like Wolverine; he was his handler.  He 4got a lot of his memories, then he regained them when he was 20.  Some of our genes has switched off, if they were switched on we would be like the X-Men.  There is classified life extension technology.  There are Nazi and MI6 involvement in whichever super soldier program he's in.  Marrow is not totally human, he has alien DNA.  His eyes can change colors: green, orange, and blue.  He's a powerful psychic that can remote view, telepathy, electromagnetic power, gives off energy that knocks people down when he's in danger, and can instantly heal.  He can Hulk out, his body gets bigger and stronger.  The cabal uses him 4 missions while he's unconscious.  Various forms of combat training was taught to him by SAS soldiers.  Dr. Craus work with radiation and uses it on Dave.  Soldiers kidnapped him and put him under hypnosis.  He was taken to a military base and implants were put in his body.  Alien creatures was put in his back as well.  There was small aliens @ the base.  He met a alien from Sirius that looked human, that had super powers.  Dark energy is used by aliens; it is something that's similar to the Venom symbiote from Spiderman comics.  He has spoken to James Casbolt and they had similar experiences.  To stop the NWO we need more love. Mathematics are the language of the universe.  
Kimberly Lusanna: She became a super solider when she was 5.  She was abducted by the CIA and experimented on.  She's a victim of the Monarch Project, so she has alters.  She participated Project Witchblade, Project Seagate, and Project Looking Glass.  She is also a participant in the secret space program.   

Aaron McCollum: He was put in Project Talent @ 3 years old.  At 5 he got DID from MK-Ultra.  A catholic church was the place he experienced Satanic rituals.  He was sent on missions throughout the world.  He was a part Project Seagate, Operation Spyglass, MSST-Bravo, and Noble Eagle.  Scientists on the base he worked in experimented with time travel, interstellar travel and human hybrids.  
Olivia James: She was born into a family of drug traffickers and a victim of the Monarch Project.  Demons were put inside of her body.  Later she became a corporate spy.  She was a Marine on Mars, until she was sent back in time.  
Randy Cramer: He's a marine and he been in outer space.  He became a super solider @ 4 years old under Project Moon Shadow.  That project consisted of 300 children.  80% were boys & 20% were girls.  Cramer protected humans on Mars for 17 years.  There is a Reptoid and Insectoid species.  They lived underground in hives and nests.  When humans first came to Mars they got along with the species as long as they didn't bother their home.  Sometimes the humans and navies would fight each, so they signed a treaty.  Humans would not invade their homes and they would fight the invading Draconians together.  Randy has spent 3 years on a Moon base as a pilot.  Cramer have seen various spaceships on the Moon.  Arcturians gave the military med-beds; then they reversed engineered it.  Med-beds heal the body in every way.          
Super Soldier Serum: It was created in WWII and given to Steve Rodgers.  Then he became Captain America.  The serum made him almost super human.  He later was "frozen in time like Walt Disney" for 50 years.  Then he was reanimated and now works 4 the government.  His side kick Bucky Barnes was given the serum by Hydra after he was captured.  Cap recused him and they defeated the Nazis.  Bucky fell off a mountain and lost his left arm.  The army thought he was dead, but he was captured by the Soviets.  They turned him into a assassin named Winter Soldier.        
Weapon X: It was a super soldier program created in Canada.  Mutants were kidnapped and experimented on.  The idea was to make them into assassins for the government.  Wolverine was kidnapped and adamantium was infused into his body and coated his skeleton.  He also has super senses, healing factor, retractable bone claws, super strength, and enhanced reflexes.  Those are his mutant powers, which he had them b4 Weapon X.  Clayton Cortez was a mercenary for Eaglestar.  On one of the missions he was suppose to kill some villagers.  He killed his crew instead.  Because of that he was kidnapped and experimented on.  He was injected with DNA of various mutants of Weapon X and the Hulk .  He is known as Weapon H.  His super powers are as follows: "immense strength, durability, and speed, as well as retractable bone claws, regeneration, enhanced senses, and probability field generation." 
Soviet Super-Soldiers were a team of super powered people that worked for the Soviet Union.  They were reaction to the Fantastic 4 and the Avengers.  One of the members of the team could turn into a bear.  Another member was KGB agent.  There was a lady on the team that could manipulate the darkforce.  
Black Widow Ops Program was about creating super spies.  It used false memories, biochemical enhancement and combat training.  That was done to 28 orphan girls.  The Wolf Spider Ops Program was the male version of this, but it was ineffective.     
Project Cadmus objective was to create a countermeasure to juice league in case they go rogue.  They created Golden Guardian, Auron, Superboy, DNAliens, and DNAngels.  Golden Guardian is the clone of Guardian.  His abilities are similar to Captain America.  He also has super strength and healing factor.  Auron was also a clone of Guardian and he doesn't need to breathe, eat, nor sleep.  He has a jet pack and a computer connected to his brain.  Super Boy is a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor.  He has Superman's powers and Lex Luthor intelligence.  DNAliens are hybrid clones of humans and other species.  DNAngels are 3 lady clones that have the DNA of Flash, Wonder Woman, and Superboy.  
Captain Atom was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War.  He was accused of a crime he didn't commit.  His choices were execution or be a lab rat.  He chose to be part of an experiment.  The experiment was a nuclear blast outside a alien chamber Cap was in.  The blast caused him to merge with the alien metal and it sent him 20 years to future.  After that he became a government agent.  His super powers are super strength, flight, energy blasts, atomic manipulation, energy absorption, invulnerability, time travel, super stamina, and quantum field manipulation.       
Green Lantern Corps are like the police force of the universe.  They all have green rings which are powered by they user will.  It can create anything the user can imagine and gives them the ability to fly.  Hal Jordan is the greatest green lantern of all time.  Jon Steward is the best flyer in corps.  Most green lanterns are aliens of various species.  There are many other lanterns that have rings that are powered by various emotions.    
Spawn was an assassin 4 the CIA named Al Simmons.  He was betrayed by his friend and was killed.  He ended up in hell because he killed innocent people.  A deal was made between him and a ruler in hell.  His name was Malebolgia.  The deal was his soul, so he could see his wife again.  Malebolgia sent Al back to Earth with his memories wiped and as a hellspawn.  Hellspawns wear suits that have special abilities.   Later on Al got his memory back and became an enemy of Malebolgia and the rest of hell.  Heaven is his enemy as well.  His powers are as follows: super strength, creates chains and spikes, cape can be used as a weapon, power of 6,000 souls, combat training, super senses, danger sense, teleportation, pyrokinesis, healing factor, time control, flight, energy blasts, hypnosis, telepathy, empathy, shapeshifting, matter manipulation, precognition, telekinesis, etc.  He's awesome, it seems like no one can defeat him.  
John Quincy Armstrong was a soldier in WWII.  He was captured by the Nazis and experimented on.  The experiment caused him to develop super powers.  He destroyed the base and became a superhero.  Decades later he got arm rip off by a supervillain.  Some scientists found him and turned into a cyborg.  His superpowers are as follows: strength, vision, healing factor, slow aging, flight, combat training, and cybernetic enhancements.  
Halo is about super soldiers that fight aliens on various planets in outer space.  Those soldiers are called Spartans.  The first Spartans were chemically enhanced soldiers.  The 2nd group of them were kidnapped children.  They were raised to be soldiers were enhanced genetically, cybernetically, and surgically.  The were the greatest warriors in human history.  Later on they were given an exoskeleton called MJOLNIR.  It enhanced their strength, speed, reflexes, agility, and durability.  The 3rd group of Spartans were children from orphanages.  They volunteered so they can get revenge on the aliens that killed their parents.  They were given inferior weaponry than the Spartan 2s.  The the last group of Spartans were consenting adults.  
Star Wars has super soldiers; they are as follows: Clone Troopers and Yuuzhan Vong.  Clone Troopers were created 4 the Republic to fight the Separatist.  They were clones of Jango Fett.  They were genetically enhanced to complete various missions.  There were several different types of clones: cold assault, blaze, covert ops, Scuba, Lancer, etc.  After they defeated the Separatist they were used by Darth Sidious to wipe out the Jedi and create a galactic empire.  
Yuuzhan Vong have a warrior caste.  They were genetically enhanced and use biology instead of machinery.  They are trained from birth to be aggressive and fearless.  The sacrificed their body parts to the god of war.  They invaded Andromeda and killed 100's of trillions of people. 
Jason Bourne in the movie Bourne Identity was a super soldier 4 the CIA.  In the beginning of the movie he lost his memories.  Later on CIA agents try to kill him.  He remembered he was suppose to kill a African dictator, but he couldn't because his kids was around.  
Gemini Man is about clones that are super soldiers.  Will Smith is an assassin and he gets attacked by his clone.  Later they join forces and help each other.  Near the end of the movie they fight a clone that didn't have emotions.  
Universal Soldier is a movie about soldiers that was killed during the Vietnam War.  They were reanimated in the future, memory repressed, and were obedient.  They were created by a company.  Two of them got their memories back and fought each other.  
Super soldiers are warriors with super human abilities.  They have been around for centuries, if not longer.  There are 2 types: physical and psychic.  Several organization in the U.S. created super soldiers.  Other countries created super soldiers as well.  There are many of them alive today; they're popular in comics and movies.  

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