
Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Uber Driver: I took an uber downtown to the foodtrucks.  Me and the uber diver talked about covid, war in Ukraine, Biden, Trump, racism, and China surrounding Taiwan.  Trump is the face of racism, that helped him beat Hilary in the 2016 election.  Even though I think Hilary Clinton is a bigger racist than Trump.  I told him about the Buffalo shooter manifesto, California shooting and Mali kicking France out of the country.  I should've gave him the URL to my blog.     
Detroit Original Seafood Truck: This was the first food truck I went too.  I got a bunch of grief, but I got a free meal.  I just wanted a sample.  The cooks thought I was illegit, so I showed them my blog.  One of the cooks made fun of my clothes, because he thought bloggers wear suits and carry cameras.  10 minutes went by, I wasn't sure if I was going to get a sample.  So I was going to tell the cook I'll pay 4 it.  But when I got his attention the name caller said I was hungry.  Then my food was ready.  The catfish nuggets were good, but the fries were lackluster.  I give it a B-.   
Smoking BBQ Ring: I ask for a small sample and he gave me brisket.  I ate it with ghost pepper sauce.  He was the only one that followed my instructions.  The brisket and ghost pepper sauce was good.  I give it a B.  
Rolling Stoves: I ask for a sample; I was told they don't give samples.   A young white woman took my order.  She was very pleasant.  From my experience young white women tend to be very pleasant.  That's because they don't have many hardships in their life.  They may become unpleasant as they get older because of future hardships.  I bought a Smash Cheeseburger and garlic fries.  The burger and fries were good, but I didn't like the garlic taste.  They had the best food.  I give it an A-.     
Los Dos Amigos: They didn't give samples either.  So I bought a chorizo taco instead.  The chorizo was good but I didn't like the soft shell.  I thought the shell was going to hard.  But I think that's more of a U.S. thing.  I give it a C.  I should have bought the Quesadillas.
Impasto:  I bought a Caesar Steak Wrap and bottled water.  The wrap was ok, I guess it was better than the taco.  I give it a C+.  
Starbucks:  I bought a Cookie Crumple Frappuccino.  It was delicious, I set next to the window.  
I met a college student working 4 ACLU.  He liked my shirt.  He told about voter suppression and wanted me to join a group that's against that.  I told him democracy wasn't good 4 the U.S. because most of the population is unintelligent and uneducated, he agreed.  I said democracy is good 4 an intelligent and educated population.  I also told him I'm a libertarian.  I gave if my blog URL and showed him the government section, he clicked libertarianism.  Then his friend came by and asked if I was a left or right libertarian.  I said I don't know, maybe moderate.               
I met a man I thought was homeless and mentally ill.  But maybe he wasn't.  He also liked my shirt.  It got prominent Black and African people on it.  We talked about time, space, subject, object, Jesuits and Freemasons.  I told him time is in the mind.  He feels space is the origin of existence.   I said space could another form of matter.  We would have no conception of spaces without objects in it.  He talked about the duality of knowing.  We came to the conclusion that the subject and object are the same.  Subject is self-awareness and and object is what the subject is aware of.  I guess you can say the subject is an object of its own awareness.  Every subject is an object to a non-subject.  Reality is subjective consensus or so it seems.  He said the Jesuits control the Freemasonry.  We got on the subject because I told I went to Loyola High School.  Which is ran by Jesuits.  The previous Sovereign General of the Jesuits came to my high school when I was in college.  This wise man I was talking to seemed delusional because he said the leader of the Jesuits is named Frank and lives in downtown Detroit.  He also said the Illuminati wanted him to sell his soul, but he wouldn't.  I doubt the Illuminati would contact him.  He was fun to talk too.  
I took the bus home.  There was lady on the bus that needed help to her destination, so I helped her.  I helped her discover the side street she was going too.  She used my phone to call the guy 4 directions.  
That's was my adventure.                    

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