
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Vegas Massacre

The official story is someone shoot up ova 400 people from a 2 hotel bedrooms.  Who is Stephen Paddock?  How did he get the guns in the room? There were eyewitness accounts of multiple shooters.  Those eyewitnesses are all dead now.  OJ Simpson got out of jail the same day this happened, what a coincidence!!!!  
Official Story
Ova 400 people were shot @ the Route 91 Harvest music festival by Stephen Paddock.  He was shooting from 2 hotel rooms in Mandalay Bay.  He committed suicide after he got the concert wet.  It was the deadest mass shooting in U.S. history by an individual.  The shooting lasted for 10 minutes on 10/7/2017.  1,000 rifle rounds were shot by Stephen.  8 bullets were shot @ a jet fuel tank.  One of them hit the tank, but it didn't explode.  300 people from the concert ran to the airport 4 safety.  MGM gave $800 million in a settlement to the victims because they let the guns into the hotel.  Military and law enforcement folk saved lives during the shooting, so they got bravery awards.        

Stephan Paddock
His father was a bank robber, who was on the FBI most wanted list.  Paddock worked for the defense department and Lockheed Martin in the 80's.  He worked for IRS prior to that.  Eric and Stephan owned a real estate business together.  Stephan owned apartments, which he sold 2012.  He sold the real estate business for $2 million.  Gambling was his vice; he loved video poker.  

He married and divorced twice.  He lived in Texas and California.  Then he moved to Florida, then finally Nevada.  He was an atheist and his Filipino girlfriend was Catholic.  He went on 20 cruises and his girlfriend was with him for 9 of them.  Several different countries were visited during the cruises.  Months b4 the massacre he drunk a lot of alcohol.  He was on Valium for several years as well.  Depression set in after he lost a lot of $ and he was sickly.  His girlfriend was sent to the Philippines and he wired her $100,000 to buy a house.  Once she left, he had sex with ladies of the night.        

Paddock searched for weapons online and scoped out the hotel and surrounding area b4 the shooting.  He also went to other large events in other cities prior to the shooting.  He had hidden cameras @ the hotel, but they weren't on record mode.  Stephen was planning on escaping the shooting with the help of a accomplice.  There was a bulletproof vest and gas mask in his room.  Paddock bought amour-piercing rounds from Douglas Haig.  He brought in 24 guns and 2400 rounds of ammo into the hotel.       
Eminem wrote a song about Stephan thought process b4 he got to cappin in Vegas.  It's called Darkness, there's a video too.  Sometimes he get nervous b4 he goes on stage.  The song is a metaphor 4 that.
Gun Blitz in Hotel Lobby
When Stephen bought gunz he passed background checks.  He didn't seem insane @ the time of the purchase.  He purchased the rooms @ the hotel 3 days b4 the shooting.  The gunz were brought in little by little, not all @ once.  It was eazy for him to get gunz into a hotel room because they don't have metal detectors.    
Eyewitness Accounts
People thought it was fireworks @ first.  But then they figured out it gun shots.  People started screaming and running.  Some people hid in a tent.  People in the crowd didn't know where the shots was coming from.  Several eyewitnesses said their were multiple shooters.  They are all dead now.     
Dennis and Lorraine Carver: When the shooting started Dennis hid Lorraine in a locker.  Lorraine wrote on Facebook "I believe the shooters are gone," after the smoke cleared.  Dennis phone was in the FBI possession and they erased it.   

Danny Contreras: On Twitter he wrote 2 men stalked him with guns @ the concert.

Kymberly Suchomel: On Facebook she said there were multiple gunmen.  Some of them chased people down.  

Orville Almon: He was an entertainment lawyer.  He was a lawyer 4 a singer performing @ the concert.  The meeting he had with the FBI was "strange and complex."  He said the FBI closed the case and will no longer do press conferences.  

Chad Nishimura: He was valet @ Mandalay Bay hotel.  He parked Stephen's car; he said he was a normal guy with a few bags.  He explained this on the radio in Hawaii.              
Deaths of Eyewitness
Dennis and Lorraine Carver car crashed and it exploded.

Danny Contreras got capped up @ home, maybe gang-related.  

Kymberly Suchomel may have died of stress of the shooting and medical issues.  

Orville Almon died of seizure in his sleep.  

Chad Nishimura after that interview disappeared and his social accounts were deleted.  His interview was also deleted.  No knows what happened to Chad.

OJ Out of the Slammer
OJ Simpson is ex-NFL player.  He's one of the greatest run backs of all time.  He became an actor after he retired from the NFL.  White people where the only people he hung around: he became an honorary white person.  So, when he was accused of killing his ex-wife and her boyfriend in 1995 they felt betrayed.  He went to black churches for sympathy while he was on trial.  Johnny Cochran was his lawyer and said if the glove don't fit you must acquit.  Robert Kardashian was his lawyer too.  The verdict may have been revenge for the Rodney King verdict.  Black people celebrated when he was acquitted and white people cried.  He was seen as innocent by my people and guilty by white people.  A year later he lost a civil case and a ghostwriter wrote a book about how OJ would've killed his ex-wife in 2007.  
He got arrested in 2007 for robbing people of his memorabilia.  It was 3 days after that book was published.  The next year he was sent to prison.  The person he stole his stuff from had tape recorder as well as one of his accomplices, so it seems like it was a setup.  The audio tape by Ricco was doctored ova.  He got immunity in the trial and sold the tape to TMZ.  So, maybe its make believe.  One of his accomplices pointed a gun @ someone and less time then OJ.
Legend has it that OJ is Khloe Kardashian dad.  They have similar face structure. 
The official story is a lie and Stephen Paddock may or may not have been a shooter.  Stephen use to work 4 the DoD.  That's something to look @.  He bought a bunch of gunz in the hotel and set up hidden cameras, or so it seem.  Eyewitnesses that publicly stated there were multiple shooters died soon after, suspiciously.  FBI is hiding something about the massacre.  OJ Simpson got out of jail the same day as the Vegas massacre.  He has a twisted history as well.          

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