
Thursday, November 11, 2021


This was a sex cult that started off as a pyramid scheme.  This cult is operating today.  It had legal trouble and there was key players.  They have strange rituals and subcults.  There were/are quite a few rich folk in this cult.  There were @ least 7 former members critical of it.  There were several whistleblowers.  
Consumer Buyline
This organization was created in 1990.  People joined so they would pay less on consumer goods.  The membership was $250 a year and Purchase Power was the company that created the discount.  C.B. had made a deal with Purchase Power 4 discounts.  C.B. gave P.P. $35 out of $250 they got from the members.  This company was pyramid scheme so New York State put them out of business.   The leader of this company had sex with a 12 year old.  
NXIVM was created in 1998 for personal development.  Members of the cult was taught techniques for self-improvement.  There was over 3,000 members in 2003.  Some of the members were millionaires.  Some of the members of cult tried to ruin the critics legally.  In 2010 the cult was seen as a pyramid scheme and a sexually deviant.      
Legal Problems
In 2017 it was discovered that there was a sisterhood in the cult.  The women in this sisterhood were sex slaves.  They were branded and nude photos were taken of them.  Nude photos were kept 4 blackmail.  A woman left the cult b4 she joined the sisterhood.  She talked about her experiences on 20/20.  Many women left the cult after that.  
The leader of the cult was arrested in 2018.  He was arrested because of the sisterhood.  Members close to leader were arrested as well.  There was a lawsuit from last year.  It deals with the experiments that abused people.  The leader got 120 years in prison and other members got much less.  He told his followers to get help from Alan Dershowitz.  Alan is the lawyer that got Jeffrey Epstein the sweetheart deal.      
Key Players
Keith Raniere: He is a terrible pedophile and he was influenced by Scientology.  He created Consumer Buyline and NXIVM with sum help.  He is in jail 4 the rest of his life.  NXIVM is still lead by him.  
Nancy Salzman: She help create NXIVM with Keith.  She was a nurse, hypnotist, and nlp practitioner.  The FBI seized $520,000, pesos, rubles, computers, camaras, and cell phones from her house.    
Allison Mack: She played on Smallville and Wilfred.  She became Keith right arm.  She may have created the sisterhood.  She blackmailed women into having sex with the leader.  She also branded them with her initials.  She got 3 years in prison and 3 years probation.    
Clare Bronfman: She is the daughter of a Edgar Bronfman Sr.  She help fund the cult with her sister.  Clare spent $150 million on the cult.  Her father joined the cult, until he founded out Clare gave Keith $2 million loan.  NXIVM were  able to spy on Edgar emails because Clare put a keylogger on his computer.  She hired private firms to investigate the enemies of the cult.     
There was 12 classes and they had different ranks within in them.  The classes costed $7,500.  There were different modules.  I will explain some of them.  Relationship Sourcing-What is the benefit of your spouse dying?  Dracula and Ghouls-Exposure to serial killers.  They had one called Best People, Best World.  There was another called The Heroic Struggle.  EM Sessions: Older members asked younger members about their childhood.     

Jness: This was the lady group.  It was suppose to give women a better understanding of what it means to be a woman.  But it just made them feel bad.  There were 11 day workshops that costed $5,000.   
Society of Protectors:  This was the men group.  It was suppose to build character.  It costed $1,500 to join.  There job was to protect the women and children.    

DOS: Theis group was composed of women who were sex slaves.  They were blackmailed into having sex with Keith.  They were also starved and branded.   
Prominent Members 
Pam Cafritz: She help create Jness.  She was Keith's main squeeze.  Now she's dead, 11/7/2016.  

Nicki Clyne: Actress on Battlestar Galactica.  Allison married her, so she wouldn't have to go to prison.  It didn't work; she was one of the people that danced outside the court after Keith's trial.    

Brandon Porter: He was a doctor that showed members violent videos.  There was outbreak of a virus on a retreat.  He failed to report it, so his license have been revoked.   

Danielle Roberts: She was a doctor that branded 17 women.  She danced outside the jail after Keith's trail.  She lost her medical license this year.   

Emiliano Salinas: Son of an ex-president of Mexico.  He is very wealthy.  

Edgar Boone: He is a rich Mexican man.  He introduced NXIVM to wealthy Mexicans.  He still believes in Keith.   

Sara Bronfman: Clare sister, she help finance the cult.  She got stiffed by the Dalai Lama gatekeeper.  She did that so the Dalai Lama could speak in Albany, NY.     
Critical Eye
Sarah Edmondson: She's an actress in Canada.  She got out of the cult b4 becoming a sex slave.  She was the first person to speak out about the evils of NXIVM.  
India Oxenberg: She was a sex slave and was starved.  Her mom wrote a book about her experience trying to save her daughter from a cult.   
Toni Natalie: She joined Consumer Buyline with her husband in 1991.  They broke up after she moved to be near Keith.  He helped her quite smoking and she became his girlfriend for 8 years.  He raped her multiple times.   
Kristin Keeffe: One of Keith's girlfriends.  She had his son in 2013.  She left the cult the following year.  She wanted to get her son away from them, because they were doing experiments on him.    
Rick Alan Ross: He is the leader of Cult Education Institute.  He published parts of the NXIVM training manual on his website.   
James Odato: He reported on Keith's history of pedophilia.  

Consumer Buyline was a pyramid scheme.  NXIVM been around ova 20 years.  It had a lot of legal problems.  There were several key players in the cult.  They had weird rituals and subcults.  There were many prominent members and critics.  There were quite a few whistleblowers.     

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