
Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Eukarya are cells with a nucleus, they evolved from prokarya.  There are 4 types: protist, fungi, plants, and animal.  The cells have organelles and even contain mitochondria and some have plastids!!!  Some of them reproduce asexually, while others reproduce sexually.  Cells are like people, which will be explained in detail. 
Eukaryotes may have came from different prokaryotes coming together and /or some prokaryotes developed organelles.  Mitochondria and plasmids are organelles that were prokaryotes.  Eukarya came into being 1.8 billion years ago.  It has dna like archaea and a plasma membrane like bacteria.   
4 Types
Protista: It is the ancestor of of fungi, plants, and animal kingdoms.  Protists are mostly unicellular and they like build families with each other.  Most of them have mitochondria.  Some of them eat sunlight, while others eat food.  There are 2 types of eaters.  Some them eat other organisms; others absorb nutrients from their environment.  There are a few of them that eat sunlight and organisms!!!!  They are mostly asexual, some of them are also sexual.  A few do both!!!             
Fungi: Some of them They have a cell wall made out of chitin.  They eat dead material, which reminds me of vultures.  I think most fungi are asexual, but some of them are sexual.  A mushroom is a fungus reproductive organ.  It looks like a penis and acts like an ovary.  Spores come out of it and they become other fungi.  Some fungi form symbiotic relationships from other organism.  Lichens are a combination of fungus and algae and/or cyanobacteria.  20% of fungi may be lichens!!!  Mycorrhiza are a combination of fungus and trees.  The fungus binds with the roots of trees.  Fungi absorb nutrients better than trees and the fungus gets sugar from the tree.  80% of plants may have fungi in there roots!!!! 
Plantae: Green Algae is the ancestor of plants.  Plants are multicellular and have a cell wall made out of  cellulose.  Most plants produce seeds, but many of them do not.  They use photosynthesis to feed themselves with the help of CO2 and water.  Some plants reproduce asexually, others sexually.  Plants have been used a lot by humans for healing.  It's called herbalism.         
Animalia: They come from choanoflagellates and they are the most motile multicellular organisms.  Most of them reproduce sexually.  They all get nutrients by eating.  Arthropods are the biggest group of animals.  There may be more than 7 million species of animals!!!  Humans are closer to animals more than any other type of organism.  It because it's the kingdom we have the most in common with.       
Plasma Membrane: It function is to separate the inside of the cell from it's environment.  There are holes in the membrane that allow nutrients in and waste out. 

Cell Wall: Their functions are protection from the environment, signals the cell when pathogens are present, and help create leaves in plants.  Plant and algae cell wall are made out of cellulose.  Fungi cell walls are made out of chitin.  Archaea and some protists have cell walls as well.   

Cytoplasm: It's the liquid inside the cells.  It is made out water, proteins, and salts.  All the organelles are inside of it, expect the plasma membrane.

Cytoskeleton: It gives shape to cell.  It helps cells ingest nutrients and get rid of waste.  It plays a big part in the movement of the cell. 

Vacuole: They are in plant and fungus cells.  They store nutrients and get rid of waste.

Centrioles: They are in animal cells.  They help microtubules come together during cell division. 

Lysosomes: They break down big molecules to small molecules.  They cause apoptosis by exploding. 

Peroxisomes: They break down fats, detoxify alcohol, and make bile acid. 

Nucleus: It contains the dna of the cell and the nucleolus.  'It controls growth and reproduction of cell.'

Ribosomes: They're made of RNA and they create production.  They are created in the nucleolus. 

Endoplasmic Reticulum: It is the place where ribosomes create proteins and membranes are create there as well.

Golgi Complex: It help create and send protein to different parts of the cell.

Mitochondria and plasmids use to be people (unicellular organisms) but now they're organelles.

It started out as bacteria.  That's why it has it's own dna and ribosomes.  Now it is a organelle in a animal, plant, fungi, and protist cells.  They create energy for the the cell it's called ATP.  When a cell does anything it uses ATP.  Most cell of the human body contain mitochondria.  Except red blood cells.     
There are several types of this organisms.  They have a double membrane.  Chloroplast is the most famous type of plastid.  These organelles are in plants, algae, fern, moss, and some sea slugs.   

Chloroplast: It has a similar story to mitochondria, but it's in plant cells, green algae, and cyanobacteria.  It contains chlorophyll, so it uses sunlight mixed with carbon dioxide for energy.  They live in leaf cells.  Green algae has a symbiotic relationship to cyanobacteria.  That's how it gets chloroplasts.  It's a type of plastid.           

Chromoplast: They give fruit, flowers and leaves their color.  They also attract animals 4 pollination.  Sometimes chloroplasts transform into them and back again.

Gerontoplast: This is chloroplast @ old age.

Leucoplast: They store nutrients for seeds and break down lipids and fat.  Some of them even store starch! 
Asexual Reproduction
This is the creation of offspring without egg and sperm.  The child is the clone of the parent.  There are several ways this takes place.  They are as followed: spores, fission, vegetative reproduction, budding and fragmentation.

Spores: Some protists, fungi, plants, and bacterium reproduce this way.  The organism produces spores and those spores are scattered by wind or water.  If these spores don't get eaten they will mature and later produce their own spores.

Fission:  Some prokaryotes and protists reproduce this way.  They create a whole new inside themselves than they split into 2 separate cells.

Vegetative Reproduction:  It is a way some plants reproduce without spores or seeds.  It helps them survive in harsh environments.     

Budding: A part of a organism becomes its own organism.

Fragmentation: Some animals reproduce this way, such as segmented worms and starfish.  A part of the body is broken off and the broken part becomes its own organism.   
Sexual Reproduction
This involves a sperm and egg.  This form of reproduction creates more genetic diversity than asexual reproduction.  Most if not all animals reproduce this way.  Many plants as well.  The sperm fertilizes the egg and it becomes a zygote.  In animals the zygote sticks to endometrium, so it can get blood.  Than it develops into a baby after a certain amount of time.     
Cell People
Cells have a lot in common with humans.  Organelles are cell organs.  Cytoplasm is like blood.  The nucleus is like the brain of the cell.  Lysosome is like the cell digestive system.  They have their own type of skeleton.  Their plasma membrane which is like skin.  The holes in it are like pores and they remind me of a month and anus.  The golgi complex is like the post office.  ATP is like money!  We have a lot in common with cells.   
The evolution and kingdom of eukarya is fascinating!!!  Organelles are amazing.  Asexual reproduction is sweet, but sexual reproduction is so much cooler.  Cells have a lot in common with humans.  These little people live inside you and me.  Oh yeah, we are made out them and they live on our skin.  The human body is made out of anywhere between 10-100 trillion cells.  For every one human cell there are 10 bacterium.  There is also fungi and protist in the body.  A lot of the bacterium in our gut digest certain foods we can't digest.  Some even produce Vitamin K!!!!!  They are our friends, so feed them well.  Keep on living and learning.  
Plants and fungi ancestor

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